blob: 78e62660bb4c3d857b4cb2be9d51b6d52be6c294 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.nlpcraft.model;
import java.util.*;
* Detected model element. A token is a detected model element and is a part of the
* parsed user input. Sequence of tokens represents a fully parsed (see {@link NCContext#getVariants()} method) user input. A single
* token corresponds to a one or more words, sequential or not, in the user sentence.
* <p>
* Note that tokens can be used to define other tokens (i.e. tokens are composable). Because of that tokens naturally
* form a tree hierarchy - see methods {@link #findPartTokens(String...)}, {@link #getAliases()}, {@link #isOfAlias(String)}
* and {@link #getPartTokens()}.
* Note also that detected model elements that tokens represent also form another hierarchy, namely a model element hierarchy that
* user can also access via {@link #getAncestors()}, {@link #getParentId()} methods. These two hierarchies should be not
* be confused.
* <p>
* <b>Configuring Token Providers</b><br>
* Token providers (built-in or 3rd party) have to be enabled in the REST server <a href="">configuration</a>.
* Data models also have to specify tokens they are expecting the REST server and probe to detect. This is done to
* limit the unnecessary processing since implicit enabling of all token providers and all tokens can lead to a
* significant slow down of processing. REST server <a href="">configuration</a>
* property <code>nlpcraft.server.tokenProvides</code> provides the list of enabled token providers.
* Data models provide their required tokens in {@link NCModel#getEnabledBuiltInTokens()} method.
* <p>
* Read full documentation in <a target=_ href="">Data Model</a> section and review
* <a target=_ href="">examples</a>.
* @see NCElement
* @see NCContext#getVariants()
public interface NCToken extends NCMetadata {
* Gets reference to the model this token belongs to.
* @return Model reference.
NCModelView getModel();
* Gets ID of the server request this token is part of.
* @return ID of the server request this token is part of.
String getServerRequestId();
* If this token represents user defined model element this method returns
* the ID of that element. Otherwise, it returns ID of the built-in system token.
* Note that a sentence can have multiple tokens with the same element ID.
* @return ID of the element (system or user defined).
* @see NCElement#getId()
String getId();
* Gets the optional parent ID of the model element this token represents. This only available
* for user-defined model elements - built-in tokens do not have parents and this will return {@code null}.
* @return ID of the token's element immediate parent or {@code null} if not available.
* @see NCElement#getParentId()
* @see #getAncestors()
String getParentId();
* Gets the list of all parent IDs from this token up to the root. This only available
* for user-defined model elements = built-in tokens do not have parents and will return an empty list.
* @return List, potentially empty but never {@code null}, of all parent IDs from this token up to the root.
* @see #getParentId()
List<String> getAncestors();
* Tests whether this token is a child of given token ID. It is equivalent to:
* <pre class="brush: java">
* return getAncestors().contains(tokId);
* </pre>
* @param tokId Ancestor token ID.
* @return <code>true</code> this token is a child of given token ID, <code>false</code> otherwise.
default boolean isChildOf(String tokId) {
return getAncestors().contains(tokId);
* Gets the list of tokens this tokens is composed of. This method returns only immediate part tokens.
* @return List of constituent tokens, potentially empty but never {@code null}, that this token is composed of.
* @see #findPartTokens(String...)
List<NCToken> getPartTokens();
* Gets the list of all part tokens with given IDs or aliases traversing entire part token graph.
* @param idOrAlias List of token IDs or aliases, potentially empty. If empty, the entire tree of part tokens
* is return as a list.
* @return List of all part tokens with given IDs or aliases. Potentially empty but never {@code null}.
* @see #getPartTokens()
default List<NCToken> findPartTokens(String... idOrAlias) {
List<NCToken> parts = getPartTokens();
List<NCToken> list = new ArrayList<>();
if (idOrAlias.length == 0) {
if (!parts.isEmpty()) {
parts.forEach(p -> list.addAll(p.findPartTokens(idOrAlias)));
else {
// NOTE: re-sorting is fast enough on small arrays.
for (NCToken part : parts) {
// Check ID first.
boolean found = Arrays.binarySearch(idOrAlias, part.getId()) >= 0;
if (!found)
// Check aliases if not found by ID.
for (String alias : part.getAliases()) {
found = Arrays.binarySearch(idOrAlias, alias) >= 0;
if (found)
if (found)
// Recursive call for the part.
return list;
* Gets optional set of aliases this token is known by. Token can get an alias if it is a part of
* other composed token and IDL expression that was used to match it specified an alias. Note
* that token can have zero, one or more aliases.
* @return List of aliases this token is known by. Can be empty, but never {@code null}.
Set<String> getAliases();
* Tests whether or not this token has given alias. It is equivalent to:
* <pre class="brush: java">
* return getAliases().contains(alias);
* </pre>
* @param alias Alias to test.
* @return <code>True</code> if this token has alias <code>alias</code>, {@code false} otherwise.
default boolean isOfAlias(String alias) {
return getAliases().contains(alias);
* Gets the value if this token was detected via element's value (or its synonyms). Otherwise
* returns {@code null}. Only applicable for user-defined model elements - built-in tokens
* do not have values and it will return {@code null}.
* @return Value for the user-defined model element or {@code null}, if not available.
* @see NCElement#getValues()
String getValue();
* Gets the list of groups this token belongs to. Note that, by default, if not specified explicitly,
* token always belongs to one group with ID equal to token ID.
* @return Token groups list. Never {@code null} - but can be empty.
* @see NCElement#getGroups()
List<String> getGroups();
* Tests whether or not this token belongs to the given group. It is equivalent to:
* <pre class="brush: java">
* return getGroups().contains(grp);
* </pre>
* @param grp Group to test.
* @return <code>True</code> if this token belongs to the group <code>grp</code>, {@code false} otherwise.
default boolean isMemberOf(String grp) {
return getGroups().contains(grp);
* Gets start character index of this token in the original text.
* @return Start character index of this token.
int getStartCharIndex();
* Gets end character index of this token in the original text.
* @return End character index of this token.
int getEndCharIndex();
* A shortcut method checking whether or not this token is a stopword. Stopwords are some extremely common
* words which add little value in helping understanding user input and are excluded from the
* processing entirely. For example, words like a, the, can, of, about, over, etc. are
* typical stopwords in English. NLPCraft has built-in set of stopwords.
* <p>
* This method is equivalent to:
* <pre class="brush: java">
* return meta("nlpcraft:nlp:stopword");
* </pre>
* See more information on token metadata <a target=_ href="">here</a>.
* @return Whether or not this token is a stopword.
* @see NCModelView#getAdditionalStopWords()
* @see NCModelView#getExcludedStopWords()
default boolean isStopWord() {
return meta("nlpcraft:nlp:stopword");
* A shortcut method checking whether or not this token represents a free word. A free word is a
* token that was detected neither as a part of user defined or system tokens.
* <p>
* This method is equivalent to:
* <pre class="brush: java">
* return meta("nlpcraft:nlp:freeword");
* </pre>
* See more information on token metadata <a target=_ href="">here</a>.
* @return Whether or not this token is a freeword.
default boolean isFreeWord() {
return meta("nlpcraft:nlp:freeword");
* A shortcut method that gets original user input text for this token.
* <p>
* This method is equivalent to:
* <pre class="brush: java">
* return meta("nlpcraft:nlp:origtext");
* </pre>
* See more information on token metadata <a target=_ href="">here</a>.
* @return Original user input text for this token.
default String getOriginalText() {
return meta("nlpcraft:nlp:origtext");
* A shortcut method that gets index of this token in the sentence.
* <p>
* This method is equivalent to:
* <pre class="brush: java">
* return meta("nlpcraft:nlp:index");
* </pre>
* See more information on token metadata <a target=_ href="">here</a>.
* @return Index of this token in the sentence.
default int getIndex() {
return meta("nlpcraft:nlp:index");
* A shortcut method that gets normalized user input text for this token.
* <p>
* This method is equivalent to:
* <pre class="brush: java">
* return meta("nlpcraft:nlp:normtext");
* </pre>
* See more information on token metadata <a target=_ href="">here</a>.
* @return Normalized user input text for this token.
default String getNormalizedText() { return meta("nlpcraft:nlp:normtext"); }
* A shortcut method on whether or not this token was matched on direct (not permutated) synonym.
* <p>
* This method is equivalent to:
* <pre class="brush: java">
* return meta("nlpcraft:nlp:direct");
* </pre>
* See more information on token metadata <a target=_ href="">here</a>.
* @return Whether or not this token was matched on direct (not permutated) synonym.
default boolean isDirect() { return meta("nlpcraft:nlp:direct"); }
* A shortcut method on whether or not this token was matched on permutated (not direct) synonym.
* <p>
* This method is equivalent to:
* <pre class="brush: java">
* return !meta("nlpcraft:nlp:direct");
* </pre>
* See more information on token metadata <a target=_ href="">here</a>.
* @return Whether or not this token was matched on permutated (not direct) synonym.
default boolean isPermutated() { return !isDirect(); }
* A shortcut method on whether this token represents an English word. Note that this only
* checks that token's text consists of characters of English alphabet, i.e. the text
* doesn't have to be necessary a known valid English word.
* <p>
* This method is equivalent to:
* <pre class="brush: java">
* return meta("nlpcraft:nlp:english");
* </pre>
* See more information on token metadata <a target=_ href="">here</a>.
* @return Whether this token represents an English word.
default boolean isEnglish() { return meta("nlpcraft:nlp:english"); }
* A shortcut method on whether or not this token is a swear word. NLPCraft has built-in list of
* common English swear words.
* <p>
* This method is equivalent to:
* <pre class="brush: java">
* return meta("nlpcraft:nlp:swear");
* </pre>
* See more information on token metadata <a target=_ href="">here</a>.
* @return Whether or not this token is a swear word.
default boolean isSwear() { return meta("nlpcraft:nlp:swear"); }
* A shortcut method on whether or not this token is surrounded by single or double quotes.
* <p>
* This method is equivalent to:
* <pre class="brush: java">
* return meta("nlpcraft:nlp:quoted");
* </pre>
* See more information on token metadata <a target=_ href="">here</a>.
* @return Whether or not this token is surrounded by single or double quotes.
default boolean isQuoted() { return meta("nlpcraft:nlp:quoted"); }
* A shortcut method on whether or not this token is surrounded by any of '[', ']', '{', '}', '(', ')' brackets.
* <p>
* This method is equivalent to:
* <pre class="brush: java">
* return meta("nlpcraft:nlp:bracketed");
* </pre>
* See more information on token metadata <a target=_ href="">here</a>.
* @return Whether or not this token is surrounded by any of '[', ']', '{', '}', '(', ')' brackets.
default boolean isBracketed() { return meta("nlpcraft:nlp:bracketed"); }
* A shortcut method on whether or not this token is found in Princeton WordNet database.
* <p>
* This method is equivalent to:
* <pre class="brush: java">
* return meta("nlpcraft:nlp:dict");
* </pre>
* See more information on token metadata <a target=_ href="">here</a>.
* @return Whether or not this token is found in Princeton WordNet database.
default boolean isWordnet() { return meta("nlpcraft:nlp:dict"); }
* A shortcut method to get lemma of this token, i.e. a canonical form of this word. Note that
* stemming and lemmatization allow to reduce inflectional forms and sometimes derivationally related
* forms of a word to a common base form. Lemmatization refers to the use of a vocabulary and
* morphological analysis of words, normally aiming to remove inflectional endings only and to
* return the base or dictionary form of a word, which is known as the lemma.
* <p>
* This method is equivalent to:
* <pre class="brush: java">
* return meta("nlpcraft:nlp:lemma");
* </pre>
* See more information on token metadata <a target=_ href="">here</a>.
* @return Lemma of this token, i.e. a canonical form of this word.
default String getLemma() { return meta("nlpcraft:nlp:lemma"); }
* A shortcut method to get stem of this token. Note that stemming and lemmatization allow to reduce
* inflectional forms and sometimes derivationally related forms of a word to a common base form.
* Unlike lemma, stemming is a basic heuristic process that chops off the ends of words in the
* hope of achieving this goal correctly most of the time, and often includes the removal of derivational affixes.
* <p>
* This method is equivalent to:
* <pre class="brush: java">
* return meta("nlpcraft:nlp:stem");
* </pre>
* See more information on token metadata <a target=_ href="">here</a>.
* @return Stem of this token.
default String getStem() { return meta("nlpcraft:nlp:stem"); }
* A shortcut method to get numeric value of how sparse the token is. Sparsity zero means that all
* individual words in the token follow each other (regardless of the order).
* <p>
* This method is equivalent to:
* <pre class="brush: java">
* return meta("nlpcraft:nlp:sparsity");
* </pre>
* See more information on token metadata <a target=_ href="">here</a>.
* @return Numeric value of how sparse the token is.
default int getSparsity() { return meta("nlpcraft:nlp:sparsity"); }
* A shortcut method to get Penn Treebank POS tag for this token. Note that additionally to standard Penn
* Treebank POS tags NLPCraft introduced '---' synthetic tag to indicate a POS tag for multiword tokens.
* <p>
* This method is equivalent to:
* <pre class="brush: java">
* return meta("nlpcraft:nlp:pos");
* </pre>
* See more information on token metadata <a target=_ href="">here</a>.
* @return Penn Treebank POS tag for this token.
default String getPos() { return meta("nlpcraft:nlp:pos"); }
* A shortcut method that gets internal globally unique system ID of the token.
* <p>
* This method is equivalent to:
* <pre class="brush: java">
* return meta("nlpcraft:nlp:unid");
* </pre>
* @return Internal globally unique system ID of the token.
default String getUnid() {
return meta("nlpcraft:nlp:unid");
* Tests whether or not this token is for a user-defined model element.
* @return {@code True} if this token is defined by the user model element, {@code false} otherwise.
default boolean isUserDefined() {
String id = getId();
int i = id.indexOf(':');
return i <= 0 || !"nlpcraft google opennlp spacy stanford".contains(id.substring(0, i));
* Whether or not this token is abstract.
* <p>
* An abstract token is only detected when it is either a constituent part of some other non-abstract token
* or referenced by built-in tokens. In other words, an abstract token will not be detected in a standalone
* unreferenced position. By default (unless returned by this method), all named entities considered to be
* non-abstract.
* <p>
* Declaring tokens as abstract is important to minimize number of parsing variants automatically
* generated as permutation of all possible parsing compositions. For example, if it is known that a particular
* named entity will only be used as a constituent part of some other token - declaring such named entity as
* abstract can significantly reduce the number of parsing variants leading to a better performance,
* and often simpler corresponding intent definition and callback logic.
* @return Whether or not this token is abstract.
boolean isAbstract();