blob: f232a7cb5dbbfea03da56424d387a9d86247c6b0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.nlpcraft.model.intent.idl.compiler.functions
import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.{NCE, ScalaMeta}
import org.apache.nlpcraft.model.impl.NCMetadataAdapter
import org.apache.nlpcraft.model.intent.compiler.{NCIdlCompiler, NCIdlCompilerGlobal}
import org.apache.nlpcraft.model.intent.{NCIdlContext, NCIdlTerm}
import org.apache.nlpcraft.model.{NCCompany, NCModel, NCModelView, NCRequest, NCToken, NCTokenPredicateContext, NCTokenPredicateResult, NCUser}
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach
import java.util
import java.util.{Collections, Optional}
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.{MapHasAsJava, SeqHasAsJava, SetHasAsJava}
import scala.language.implicitConversions
* Tests for IDL functions.
private[functions] trait NCIdlFunctions {
private final val MODEL_ID = ""
// It shouldn't be anonymous class because we need access to 'trueAlwaysCustomToken' method via reflection.
class TestModel extends NCModel {
override val getId: String = MODEL_ID
override val getName: String = MODEL_ID
override val getVersion: String = "1.0.0"
override def getOrigin: String = "test"
def trueAlwaysCustomToken(ctx: NCTokenPredicateContext): NCTokenPredicateResult =
new NCTokenPredicateResult(true, 1)
final val MODEL: NCModel = new TestModel()
def before(): Unit = NCIdlCompilerGlobal.clearCache(MODEL_ID)
case class TestDesc(
truth: String,
token: Option[NCToken] = None,
idlCtx: NCIdlContext,
isCustom: Boolean = false,
expectedRes: Boolean = true,
tokensUsed: Option[Int] = None
) {
// It should be lazy for errors verification methods.
lazy val term: NCIdlTerm = {
val (s1, s2) = if (isCustom) ('/', '/') else ('{', '}')
val intents = NCIdlCompiler.compileIntents(s"intent=i term(t)=$s1$truth$s2", MODEL, MODEL_ID)
require(intents.size == 1)
require(intents.head.terms.size == 1)
override def toString: String =
token match {
case Some(t) => s"Predicate [body='$truth', token=${t2s(t)}]"
case None => s"Predicate '$truth'"
object TestDesc {
def apply(truth: String): TestDesc =
new TestDesc(truth = truth, idlCtx = mkIdlContext())
def apply(truth: String, token: NCToken, idlCtx: NCIdlContext): TestDesc =
new TestDesc(truth = truth, token = Some(token), idlCtx = idlCtx)
def apply(truth: String, token: NCToken): TestDesc =
new TestDesc(truth = truth, token = Some(token), idlCtx = mkIdlContext(toks = Seq(token)))
private def t2s(t: NCToken): String = {
def nvl(s: String, name: String): String = if (s != null) s else s"$name (not set)"
s"text=${nvl(t.getOriginalText, "text")} [${nvl(t.getId, "id")}]"
protected def mkIdlContext(
toks: Seq[NCToken] = Seq.empty,
reqUsr: NCUser = null,
reqComp: NCCompany = null,
reqSrvReqId: String = null,
reqNormText: String = null,
reqTstamp: Long = 0,
reqAddr: String = null,
reqAgent: String = null,
reqData: ScalaMeta = Map.empty[String, AnyRef],
intentMeta: ScalaMeta = Map.empty[String, AnyRef],
convMeta: ScalaMeta = Map.empty[String, AnyRef],
fragMeta: ScalaMeta = Map.empty[String, AnyRef]
): NCIdlContext =
toks = toks,
intentMeta = intentMeta,
convMeta = convMeta,
fragMeta = fragMeta,
req = new NCMetadataAdapter with NCRequest {
override def getUser: NCUser = reqUsr
override def getCompany: NCCompany = reqComp
override def getServerRequestId: String = reqSrvReqId
override def getNormalizedText: String = reqNormText
override def getReceiveTimestamp: Long = reqTstamp
override def getRemoteAddress: Optional[String] = Optional.ofNullable(reqAddr)
override def getClientAgent: Optional[String] = Optional.ofNullable(reqAgent)
override def getRequestData: util.Map[String, AnyRef] = reqData.asJava
protected def mkToken(
id: String = null,
srvReqId: String = null,
parentId: String = null,
value: String = null,
txt: String = null,
start: Int = 0,
end: Int = 0,
groups: Seq[String] = Seq.empty,
ancestors: Seq[String] = Seq.empty,
aliases: Set[String] = Set.empty,
partTokens: Seq[NCToken] = Seq.empty,
`abstract`: Boolean = false,
meta: Map[String, AnyRef] = Map.empty[String, AnyRef]
): NCToken = {
val map = new util.HashMap[String, AnyRef]
map.put("nlpcraft:nlp:origtext", txt)
new NCToken {
override def getModel: NCModelView = MODEL
override def getServerRequestId: String = srvReqId
override def getId: String = id
override def getParentId: String = parentId
override def getAncestors: util.List[String] = ancestors.asJava
override def getPartTokens: util.List[NCToken] = partTokens.asJava
override def getAliases: util.Set[String] = aliases.asJava
override def getValue: String = value
override def getGroups: util.List[String] = if (groups.isEmpty && id != null) Collections.singletonList(id) else groups.asJava
override def getStartCharIndex: Int = start
override def getEndCharIndex: Int = end
override def isAbstract: Boolean = `abstract`
override def getMetadata: util.Map[String, AnyRef] = map
protected def test(funcs: TestDesc*): Unit =
for (f <- funcs) {
val item =
try {
// Process declarations.
f.idlCtx.vars ++= f.term.decls
// Execute term's predicate.
f.term.pred.apply(f.token.getOrElse(mkToken()), f.idlCtx)
catch {
case e: NCE => throw e
case e: Exception => throw new Exception(s"Execution error processing: $f", e)
item.value match {
case b: java.lang.Boolean => require(if (f.expectedRes) b else !b, s"Unexpected '$b' result for: $f")
case _ =>
requirement = false,
s"Unexpected result type [" +
s"resType=${if (item.value == null) "null" else item.value.getClass.getName}, " +
s"resValue=${item.value}, " +
s"function=$f" +
f.tokensUsed match {
case Some(exp) =>
exp == item.tokUse,
s"Unexpected tokens used [" +
s"expectedTokensUsed=$exp, " +
s"resultTokensUsed=${item.tokUse}, " +
s"function=$f" +
case None => // No-op.
protected def expectError(funcs: TestDesc*): Unit =
for (f <- funcs)
try {
catch {
case e: Exception =>
println(s"Expected error: ${e.getLocalizedMessage}")
var cause = e.getCause
while (cause != null) {
println(s" Cause: ${cause.getLocalizedMessage} (${cause.getClass.getName})")
cause = cause.getCause
protected implicit def convert(pred: String): TestDesc = TestDesc(truth = pred, idlCtx = mkIdlContext())