blob: d78f8ab207223fa2b8470af0fd11f7e3ae774f1a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils
import org.apache.nlpcraft.common._
import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.version.NCVersion
// Parsed command line argument.
private [cmdline] case class Argument(
parameter: Parameter, // Formal parameter this argument refers to.
value: Option[String]
) {
* Gets the original argument string.
* @return
def origString(): String = value match {
case Some(s) => s"${parameter.names.head}=$s"
case None => parameter.names.head
// Single CLI command.
private [cmdline] case class Command(
name: String,
group: String,
synopsis: String,
desc: Option[String] = None,
params: Seq[Parameter] = Seq.empty,
examples: Seq[Example] = Seq.empty,
body: (Command, Seq[Argument], Boolean) => Unit
) {
* @param name
* @return
def findParameterByNameOpt(name: String): Option[Parameter] =
* @param id
* @return
def findParameterByIdOpt(id: String): Option[Parameter] =
params.find( == id)
* @param id
* @return
def findParameterById(id: String): Parameter =
// Single command's example.
private [cmdline] case class Example(
usage: Seq[String],
desc: String
// Single command's parameter.
private [cmdline] case class Parameter(
id: String,
names: Seq[String],
value: Option[String] = None,
optional: Boolean = false, // Mandatory by default.
synthetic: Boolean = false,
desc: String
) {
lazy val expandedNames: Seq[String] = (names ++
private [cmdline] object NCCliCommands {
private final lazy val SCRIPT_NAME = U.sysEnv("NLPCRAFT_CLI_SCRIPT").getOrElse(s"nlpcraft.${if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_UNIX) "sh" else "cmd"}")
private final lazy val PROMPT = if (SCRIPT_NAME.endsWith("cmd")) ">" else "$"
private final lazy val VER = NCVersion.getCurrent
//noinspection DuplicatedCode
// All supported commands.
private [cmdline] final val CMDS = Seq(
name = "rest",
group = "2. REST Commands",
synopsis = s"REST call in a convenient way for command line mode.",
desc = Some(
s"When using this command you supply all call parameters as a single ${c("'--json'")} parameter with a JSON string. " +
s"In REPL mode, you can hit ${rv(" Tab ")} to see auto-suggestion and auto-completion candidates for " +
s"commonly used paths. However, ${y("'call'")} command provides more convenient way to issue REST " +
s"calls when in REPL mode."
body = NCCli.cmdRest,
params = Seq(
id = "path",
names = Seq("--path", "-p"),
value = Some("path"),
desc =
s"REST path, e.g. ${y("'signin'")} or ${y("'ask/sync'")}. " +
s"Note that you don't need supply '/' at the beginning. " +
s"See more details at " +
s"In REPL mode, hit ${rv(" Tab ")} to see auto-suggestion for possible REST paths."
id = "json",
names = Seq("--json", "-j"),
value = Some("'json'"),
desc =
s"REST call parameters as JSON object. Since standard JSON only supports double " +
s"quotes the entire JSON string should be enclosed in single quotes. Note that on Windows you " +
s"need to escape double quotes. You can find full OpenAPI specification for NLPCraft REST API at " +
examples = Seq(
usage = Seq(
s"$$ rest ",
" -p=signin",
" -j='{\"email\": \"\", \"passwd\": \"admin\"}'"
desc = s"${bo("Unix/Linux:")} issues ${y("'signin'")} REST call with given JSON payload."
usage = Seq(
s"> nlpcraft.cmd rest ",
" --path=signin",
" --json='{\\\"email\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"passwd\\\": \\\"admin\\\"}'"
desc =
s"${bo("Windows:")} issues ${y("'signin'")} REST call with given JSON payload. " +
s"Note the necessary escaping of double quotes."
name = "signin",
group = "2. REST Commands",
synopsis = s"Wrapper for ${y("'/signin'")} REST call.",
desc = Some(
s"If no arguments provided, it signs in with the " +
s"default '' user account. NOTE: please make sure to remove this account when " +
s"running in production."
body = NCCli.cmdSignIn,
params = Seq(
id = "email",
names = Seq("--email", "-e"),
value = Some("email"),
optional = true,
desc =
s"Email of the user. If not provided, default ${y("''")} email will be used."
id = "passwd",
names = Seq("--passwd", "-p"),
value = Some("password"),
optional = true,
desc =
s"User password to sign in. If not provided, the default password will be used."
examples = Seq(
usage = Seq(
desc = s"Signs in with the default ${y("''")} user account."
name = "signout",
group = "2. REST Commands",
synopsis = s"Wrapper for ${y("'/signout'")} REST call in REPL mode.",
desc = Some(
s"Signs out currently signed in user. Note that this command makes sense only in REPL mode."
body = NCCli.cmdSignOut,
examples = Seq(
usage = Seq(
desc = s"Signs out currently signed in user, if any."
name = "call",
group = "2. REST Commands",
synopsis = s"REST call in a convenient way for REPL mode.",
desc = Some(
s"When using this command you supply all call parameters separately through their own parameters named " +
s"after their corresponding parameters in REST specification. " +
s"In REPL mode, hit ${rv(" Tab ")} to see auto-suggestion and " +
s"auto-completion candidates for commonly used paths and call parameters."
body = NCCli.cmdCall,
params = Seq(
id = "path",
names = Seq("--path", "-p"),
value = Some("path"),
desc =
s"REST path, e.g. ${y("'signin'")} or ${y("'ask/sync'")}. " +
s"Note that you don't need supply '/' at the beginning. " +
s"See more details at " +
s"In REPL mode, hit ${rv(" Tab ")} to see auto-suggestion for possible REST paths."
id = "xxx",
names = Seq("--xxx"),
value = Some("value"),
optional = true,
synthetic = true,
desc =
s"${y("'xxx'")} name corresponds to the REST call parameter that can be found at " +
s"The value of this parameter should be a valid JSON value using valid JSON syntax. Note that strings " +
s"don't have to be in double quotes. JSON objects and arrays should be specified as a JSON string in single quotes. You can have " +
s"as many ${y("'--xxx=value'")} parameters as requires by the ${y("'--path'")} parameter. Note that on Windows you need to escape double quotes. " +
s"In REPL mode, hit ${rv(" Tab ")} to see auto-suggestion for possible parameters and their values."
examples = Seq(
usage = Seq(
s"$PROMPT $SCRIPT_NAME call -p=signin",
" --passwd=admin"
desc =
s"Issues ${y("'signin'")} REST call with given JSON payload provided as a set of parameters. " +
s"Note that ${c("'--email'")} and ${c("'--passwd'")} parameters correspond to the REST call " +
s"specification for ${y("'/signin'")} path."
usage = Seq(
s"$$ call --path=ask/sync",
" --acsTok=qwerty123456",
" --txt=\"User request\"",
" --data='{\"data1\": true, \"data2\": 123, \"data3\": \"some text\"}'",
" --enableLog=false"
desc =
s"${bo("Unix/Linux:")} issues ${y("'ask/sync'")} REST call with given JSON payload provided as a set of parameters."
usage = Seq(
s"> nlpcraft.cmd call --path=ask/sync",
" --acsTok=qwerty123456",
" --txt=\"User request\"",
" --data='{\\\"data1\\\": true, \\\"data2\\\": 123, \\\"data3\\\": \\\"some text\\\"}'",
" --enableLog=false"
desc =
s"${bo("Windows:")} issues ${y("'ask/sync'")} REST call with given JSON payload provided " +
s"as a set of parameters. Note the necessary double quote escaping."
name = "ask",
group = "2. REST Commands",
synopsis = s"Wrapper for ${c("'/ask/sync'")} REST call.",
desc = Some(
s"Requires user to be already signed in. This command ${bo("only makes sense in the REPL mode")} as " +
s"it requires user to be signed in. REPL session keeps the currently active access " +
s"token after user signed in. For command line mode, use ${y("'rest'")} command with " +
s"corresponding parameters."
body = NCCli.cmdAsk,
params = Seq(
id = "mdlId",
names = Seq("--mdlId", "-m"),
value = Some(""),
optional = true,
desc =
s"ID of the data model to send the request to. Note that this is optional ONLY if there is only one " +
s"connected probe and it has only one model deployed - which will be used by default. In all other " +
s"cases - this parameter is mandatory." +
s"In REPL mode, hit ${rv(" Tab ")} to see auto-suggestion for possible model IDs."
id = "txt",
names = Seq("--txt", "-t"),
value = Some("txt"),
desc =
s"Text of the question."
id = "data",
names = Seq("--data", "-d"),
value = Some("'{}'"),
optional = true,
desc = s"Additional JSON data with maximum JSON length of 512000 bytes. Default is ${y("'null'")}."
id = "enableLog",
names = Seq("--enableLog", "-l"),
optional = true,
desc = s"Enable detailed processing log to be returned with the result."
examples = Seq(
usage = Seq(
s"""> ask --txt="User request"""",
s"""> ask --txt="User text""""
desc =
s"Issues ${y("'ask/sync'")} REST call with given text and model ID."
name = "gen-sql",
group = "3. Miscellaneous",
synopsis = s"Generates NLPCraft model stub from SQL databases.",
desc = Some(
s"You can choose database schema, set of tables and columns for which you want to generate NLPCraft " +
s"model. After the model is generated you can further configure and customize it for your specific needs. " +
s"Find more information at"
body = NCCli.cmdSqlGen,
params = Seq(
id = "url",
names = Seq("--url", "-r"),
value = Some("url"),
desc =
s"Database JDBC URL."
id = "driver",
names = Seq("--driver", "-d"),
value = Some("class"),
desc =
s"Mandatory JDBC driver class. Note that 'class' must be a fully qualified class name. " +
s"It should also be available on the classpath or provided additionally via ${c("'--cp'")} parameter."
id = "schema",
names = Seq("--schema", "-s"),
value = Some("schema"),
desc =
s"Database schema to scan."
id = "out",
names = Seq("--out", "-o"),
value = Some("filename"),
desc =
s"Name of the output JSON or YAML model file. " +
s"It should have one of the following extensions: ${y("'.js'")}, ${y("'.json'")}, ${y("'.yml'")}, or ${y("'.yaml'")}. " +
s"File extension determines the output file format."
id = "cp",
names = Seq("--cp", "-p"),
value = Some("path"),
optional = true,
desc =
s"Additional JVM classpath that will be appended to the default NLPCraft JVM classpath. " +
s"Although this configuration property is optional, in most cases you will need to provide an " +
s"additional classpath for JDBC driver that you use (see ${c("'--driver'")} parameter) unless " +
s"it is available in NLPCraft by default, i.e. Apache Ignite and H2. " +
s"Note also that you can use ${y("'~'")} at the beginning of the classpath component to specify user home directory."
id = "jvmopts",
names = Seq("--jvmOpts", "-j"),
value = Some("<jvm flags>"),
optional = true,
desc =
s"Space separated quoted string of JVM flags to use. If not provided, the " +
s"default ${y("'-ea -Xms1024m'")} flags will be used."
id = "user",
names = Seq("--user", "-u"),
value = Some("username"),
optional = true,
desc = s"Database user name."
id = "password",
names = Seq("--password", "-w"),
value = Some("password"),
optional = true,
desc = s"Database password."
id = "modelId",
names = Seq("--mdlId", "-m"),
value = Some("id"),
optional = true,
desc = s"Generated model ID. By default, the model ID is ${y("''")}."
id = "modelVer",
names = Seq("--mdlVer", "-v"),
value = Some("version"),
optional = true,
desc = s"Generated model version. By default, the model version is ${y("'1.0.0-timestamp'")}."
id = "modelName",
names = Seq("--mdlName", "-n"),
value = Some("name"),
optional = true,
desc = s"Generated model name. By default, the model name is ${y("'SQL-based-model'")}."
id = "exclude",
names = Seq("--exclude", "-e"),
value = Some("list"),
optional = true,
desc =
s"Semicolon-separate list of tables and/or columns to exclude. By default, none of the " +
s"tables and columns in the schema are excluded. See ${c("--help")} parameter to get more details."
id = "include",
names = Seq("--include", "-i"),
value = Some("list"),
optional = true,
desc =
s"Semicolon-separate list of tables and/or columns to include. By default, all of the " +
s"tables and columns in the schema are included. See ${c("--help")} parameter to get more details."
id = "prefix",
names = Seq("--prefix", "-f"),
value = Some("list"),
optional = true,
desc =
s"Comma-separate list of table or column name prefixes to remove. These prefixes will be " +
s"removed when name is used for model elements synonyms. By default, no prefixes will be removed."
id = "suffix",
names = Seq("--suffix", "-q"),
value = Some("list"),
optional = true,
desc =
s"Comma-separate list of table or column name suffixes to remove. These suffixes will be " +
s"removed when name is used for model elements synonyms. By default, no suffixes will be removed."
id = "synonyms",
names = Seq("--synonyms", "-y"),
value = Some("true|false"),
optional = true,
desc = s"Flag on whether or not to generated auto synonyms for the model elements. Default is ${y("'true'")}."
id = "override",
names = Seq("--override", "-z"),
value = Some("true|false"),
optional = true,
desc =
s"Flag to determine whether or not to override output file if it already exist. " +
s"If override is disabled (default) and output file exists - a unique file name " +
s"will be used instead. Default is ${y("'false'")}."
id = "parent",
names = Seq("--parent", "-p"),
value = Some("true|false"),
optional = true,
desc =
s"Flag on whether or not to use element's parent relationship for defining " +
s"SQL columns and their containing (i.e. parent) tables. Default is ${y("'false'")}."
id = "help",
names = Seq("--help", "-h"),
optional = true,
desc =
s"Gets extended help and usage information for the ${y("'gen-sql'")} command. " +
s"Includes information on how to run this tool standalone in a separate process."
examples = Seq(
usage = Seq(
s"$PROMPT $SCRIPT_NAME gen-sql --help"
desc =
s"Shows full help and usage information for ${y("gen-sql")} command."
usage = Seq(
s"$PROMPT $SCRIPT_NAME gen-sql",
" --url=jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9093/nlp2sql",
" --org.h2.Driver",
" --schema=PUBLIC",
" --out=model.yaml"
desc =
s"Generates ${y("'model.yaml'")} model stub from given H2 SQL database connection."
usage = Seq(
s"$PROMPT $SCRIPT_NAME gen-sql",
" --url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/mydb",
" --driver=org.postgresql.Driver",
" --cp=/postgresql/libs",
""" --prefix="tbl_, col_"""",
""" --suffix="_tmp, _old, _unused"""",
" --schema=public",
""" --exclude="#_.+"""",
" --out=model.json"
desc =
s"Generates ${y("'model.json'")} model stub from given PostgeSQL database connection."
name = "sugsyn",
group = "2. REST Commands",
synopsis = s"Wrapper for ${y("'/model/sugsyn'")} REST call.",
desc = Some(
s"Requires user to be already signed in. This command ${bo("only makes sense in the REPL mode")} as " +
s"it requires user to be signed in. REPL session keeps the currently active access " +
s"token after user signed in. For command line mode, use ${y("'rest'")} command with " +
s"corresponding parameters. Note also that it requires a local probe running that hosts " +
s"the specified model as well as running ${y("'ctxword'")} server. Find more information about " +
s"this tool at"
body = NCCli.cmdSugSyn,
params = Seq(
id = "mdlId",
names = Seq("--mdlId", "-m"),
value = Some(""),
optional = true,
desc =
s"ID of the model to run synonym suggestion on. " +
s"In REPL mode, hit ${rv(" Tab ")} to see auto-suggestion for possible model IDs. Note that " +
s"this is optional ONLY if there is only one connected probe and it has only one model deployed - which will be " +
s"used by default. In all other cases - this parameter is mandatory."
id = "minScore",
names = Seq("--minScore", "-s"),
value = Some("0.5"),
optional = true,
desc = s"Minimal score to include into the result (from 0 to 1). Default is ${y("0.5")}."
examples = Seq(
usage = Seq(
s"""> sugsyn"""
desc =
s"Issues ${y("'model/sugsyn'")} REST call with default min score and given model ID."
name = "tail-server",
group = "1. Server & Probe Commands",
synopsis = s"Shows last N lines from the local server log.",
desc = Some(
s"Only works for the server started via this script."
body = NCCli.cmdTailServer,
params = Seq(
id = "lines",
names = Seq("--lines", "-l"),
value = Some("20"),
desc =
s"Number of the server log lines from the end to display. Default is 20."
examples = Seq(
usage = Seq(s"$PROMPT $SCRIPT_NAME tail-server --lines=20 "),
desc = s"Prints last 20 lines from the local server log."
name = "tail-probe",
group = "1. Server & Probe Commands",
synopsis = s"Shows last N lines from the local probe log.",
desc = Some(
s"Only works for the probe started via this script."
body = NCCli.cmdTailProbe,
params = Seq(
id = "lines",
names = Seq("--lines", "-l"),
value = Some("20"),
desc =
s"Number of the probe log lines from the end to display. Default is 20."
examples = Seq(
usage = Seq(s"$PROMPT $SCRIPT_NAME tail-probe --lines=20 "),
desc = s"Prints last 20 lines from the local probe log."
name = "start-server",
group = "1. Server & Probe Commands",
synopsis = s"Starts local server.",
desc = Some(
s"Server is started in the external JVM process with both stdout and stderr piped out into log file. " +
s"Command will block until the server is started unless ${c("'--noWait'")} parameter is used or timeout is expired."
body = NCCli.cmdStartServer,
params = Seq(
id = "config",
names = Seq("--cfg", "-c"),
value = Some("path"),
optional = true,
desc =
s"Configuration file path. Server will automatically look for ${y("'server.conf'")} " +
s"configuration file in ${y("'resources'")} folder or on the classpath. If the configuration file has " +
s"different name or in different location use this parameter to provide an alternative path. " +
s"Note that the server and the probe can use the same file for their configuration. " +
s"Note also that you can use ${y("'~'")} at the beginning of the path to specify user home directory."
id = "igniteConfig",
names = Seq("--igniteCfg", "-i"),
value = Some("path"),
optional = true,
desc =
s"Apache Ignite configuration file path. Note that Apache Ignite is used as a cluster " +
s"computing plane and a default distributed storage. Server will automatically look for " +
s"${y("'ignite.xml'")} configuration file in the same directory as NLPCraft JAR file. If the " +
s"configuration file has different name or in different location use this parameter to " +
s"provide an alternative path. " +
s"Note also that you can use ${y("'~'")} at the beginning of the path to specify user home directory."
id = "jvmopts",
names = Seq("--jvmOpts", "-j"),
value = Some("<jvm flags>"),
optional = true,
desc =
s"Space separated quoted string of JVM flags to use. If not provided, the " +
s"default ${y("'-ea -Xms2048m -XX:+UseG1GC'")} flags will be used."
id = "noWait",
names = Seq("--noWait", "-w"),
optional = true,
desc =
s"Instructs command not to wait for the server startup and return immediately."
id = "timeoutMins",
names = Seq("--timeoutMins", "-t"),
optional = true,
value = Some("3"),
desc =
s"Timeout in minutes to wait until server is started. If not specified the default is 2 minutes."
examples = Seq(
usage = Seq(s"$PROMPT $SCRIPT_NAME start-server"),
desc = "Starts local server with default configuration."
usage = Seq(s"$PROMPT $SCRIPT_NAME start-server -c=~/myapp/my_cofig.conf -t=5"),
desc = "Starts local server with alternative configuration file and timeout of 5 mins."
name = "start-probe",
group = "1. Server & Probe Commands",
synopsis = s"Starts local probe.",
desc = Some(
s"Probe is started in the external JVM process with both stdout and stderr piped out into log file. " +
s"Command will block until the probe is started unless ${c("'--noWait'")} parameter is used or timeout is expired."
body = NCCli.cmdStartProbe,
params = Seq(
id = "cp",
names = Seq("--cp", "-p"),
value = Some("path"),
desc =
s"Additional JVM classpath that will be appended to the default NLPCraft JVM classpath. " +
s"When starting a probe with your own models you must " +
s"provide this additional classpath for the models and their dependencies this probe will be hosting. " +
s"Note that you can use ${y("'~'")} at the beginning of the classpath component to specify user home directory."
id = "config",
names = Seq("--cfg", "-c"),
value = Some("path"),
optional = true,
desc =
s"Configuration file path. Probe will automatically look for ${y("'probe.conf'")} " +
s"in ${y("'resources'")} folder or on the classpath. If the configuration file has " +
s"different name or in different location use this parameter to provide an alternative path. " +
s"Note that the server and the probe can use the same file for their configuration. " +
s"Note also that you can use ${y("'~'")} at the beginning of the path to specify user home directory."
id = "models",
names = Seq("--mdls", "-m"),
value = Some("<model list>"),
optional = true,
desc =
s"Comma separated list of fully qualified class names for models to deploy. This will override " +
s"${y("'nlpcraft.probe.models'")} configuration property from either default configuration file " +
s"or the one provided by ${c("--cfg")} parameter. Note that you also must provide the additional " +
s"classpath in this case via ${c("--cp")} parameter."
id = "jvmopts",
names = Seq("--jvmOpts", "-j"),
value = Some("<jvm flags>"),
optional = true,
desc =
s"Space separated quoted string of JVM flags to use. If not provided, the " +
s"default ${y("'-ea -Xms1024m'")} flags will be used."
id = "noWait",
names = Seq("--noWait", "-w"),
optional = true,
desc =
s"Instructs command not to wait for the probe startup and return immediately."
id = "timeoutMins",
names = Seq("--timeoutMins", "-t"),
optional = true,
value = Some("3"),
desc =
s"Timeout to wait until probe is started. If not specified the default is 1 minute."
examples = Seq(
usage = Seq(s"$PROMPT $SCRIPT_NAME start-probe"),
desc = "Starts local probe with default configuration and parameters."
usage = Seq(
s"$PROMPT $SCRIPT_NAME start-probe ",
" --cp=~/myapp/target/classes ",
" --cfg=~/myapp/my_probe_config.conf ",
" --mdls=my.package.Model ",
" --jmvOpts=\"-ea -Xms2048m\" ",
" --timeoutMins=5"
desc =
s"Starts local probe for ${y("'my.package.Model'")} model with alternative configuration " +
s"file and additional parameters."
name = "test-model",
group = "3. Miscellaneous",
synopsis = s"Runs ${y("'NCTestAutoModelValidator'")} model auto-validator.",
desc = Some(
s"Validation consists " +
s"of starting an embedded probe, scanning all deployed models for ${y("'NCIntentSample'")} annotations and their corresponding " +
s"callback methods, submitting each sample input sentences from ${y("'NCIntentSample'")} annotation and " +
s"checking that resulting intent matches the intent the sample was attached to. " +
s"See more details at"
body = NCCli.cmdTestModel,
params = Seq(
id = "cp",
names = Seq("--cp", "-p"),
value = Some("path"),
desc =
s"Additional JVM classpath that will be appended to the default NLPCraft JVM classpath. " +
s"Although this configuration property is optional, when testing your own models you must " +
s"provide this additional classpath for the models and their dependencies. " +
s"Note that this is only optional if you are testing example models shipped with NLPCraft. " +
s"Note also that you can use ${y("'~'")} at the beginning of the classpath component to specify user home directory."
id = "config",
names = Seq("--cfg", "-c"),
value = Some("path"),
optional = true,
desc =
s"Configuration file path. By default, the embedded probe will automatically look for ${y("'probe.conf'")} " +
s"in ${y("'resources'")} folder or on the classpath. If the configuration file has " +
s"different name or in different location use this parameter to provide an alternative path. " +
s"Note also that you can use ${y("'~'")} at the beginning of the path to specify user home directory."
id = "models",
names = Seq("--mdls", "-m"),
value = Some("<model list>"),
optional = true,
desc =
s"Comma separated list of fully qualified class names for models to deploy and test. Note that you also " +
s"must provide the additional classpath via ${c("--cp")} parameter. If not provided, the models " +
s"specified in configuration file (${c("--cfg")} parameter) will be used instead."
id = "jvmopts",
names = Seq("--jvmOpts", "-j"),
value = Some("<jvm flags>"),
optional = true,
desc =
s"Space separated quoted string of JVM flags to use. If not provided, the " +
s"default ${y("'-ea -Xms1024m'")} flags will be used."
examples = Seq(
usage = Seq(
s"$PROMPT $SCRIPT_NAME test-model ",
" --mdls=my.package.Model ",
" --cp=~/myapp/target/classes ",
" --jmvOpts=\"-ea -Xms2048m\""
desc =
s"Runs model auto-validator for ${y("'my.package.Model'")} model."
name = "info-server",
group = "1. Server & Probe Commands",
synopsis = s"Info about local server.",
body = NCCli.cmdInfoServer
name = "info-probe",
group = "1. Server & Probe Commands",
synopsis = s"Info about local probe.",
body = NCCli.cmdInfoProbe
name = "info",
group = "1. Server & Probe Commands",
synopsis = s"Info about local probe & server.",
body = NCCli.cmdInfo
name = "clear",
group = "3. Miscellaneous",
synopsis = s"Clears terminal screen.",
body = NCCli.cmdClear
name = "no-ansi",
group = "3. Miscellaneous",
synopsis = s"Disables ANSI escape codes for terminal colors & controls.",
desc = Some(
s"This is a special command that can be combined with any other commands."
body = NCCli.cmdNoAnsi,
examples = Seq(
usage = Seq(s"$PROMPT $SCRIPT_NAME help -c=rest no-ansi"),
desc = s"Displays help for ${y("'rest'")} commands without using ANSI color and escape sequences."
name = "no-logo",
group = "3. Miscellaneous",
synopsis = s"Disables showing NLPCraft logo at the start.",
desc = Some(
s"This is a special command that can be combined with any other command in a command line mode."
body = NCCli.cmdNoLogo,
examples = Seq(
usage = Seq(s"$PROMPT $SCRIPT_NAME version -s no-logo"),
desc =
s"Displays just the version information without any additional logo output. " +
s"This command makes sense only in command lime mode (NOT in REPL mode)."
name = "ansi",
group = "3. Miscellaneous",
synopsis = s"Enables ANSI escape codes for terminal colors & controls.",
desc = Some(
s"This is a special command that can be combined with any other commands."
body = NCCli.cmdAnsi,
examples = Seq(
usage = Seq(s"$PROMPT $SCRIPT_NAME help -c=rest ansi"),
desc = s"Displays help for ${y("'rest'")} commands with ANSI color and escape sequences."
name = "ping-server",
group = "1. Server & Probe Commands",
synopsis = s"Pings local server.",
desc = Some(
s"Server is pinged using ${y("'/health'")} REST call to check its online status."
body = NCCli.cmdPingServer,
params = Seq(
id = "number",
names = Seq("--number", "-n"),
value = Some("1"),
optional = true,
desc =
"Number of pings to perform. Must be a number > 0. Default is 1."
examples = Seq(
usage = Seq(
s"$PROMPT $SCRIPT_NAME ping-server -n=10"
desc = "Pings local server 10 times."
name = "stop-server",
group = "1. Server & Probe Commands",
synopsis = s"Stops local server.",
desc = Some(
s"Local server must be started via ${y(s"'$SCRIPT_NAME'")} or other compatible way."
body = NCCli.cmdStopServer
name = "stop-probe",
group = "1. Server & Probe Commands",
synopsis = s"Stops local probe.",
desc = Some(
s"Local probe must be started via ${y(s"'$SCRIPT_NAME'")} or other compatible way."
body = NCCli.cmdStopProbe
name = "stop",
group = "1. Server & Probe Commands",
synopsis = s"Stops both local server & probe.",
desc = Some(
s"Both local server & probe must be started via ${y(s"'$SCRIPT_NAME'")} or other compatible way."
body = NCCli.cmdStop
name = "quit",
group = "3. Miscellaneous",
synopsis = s"Quits REPL mode.",
desc = Some(
s" Note that started server and probe, if any, will remain running."
body = NCCli.cmdQuit
name = "help",
group = "3. Miscellaneous",
synopsis = s"Displays help for ${y(s"'$SCRIPT_NAME'")}.",
desc = Some(
s"By default, without ${c("'--all'")} or ${c("'--cmd'")} parameters, displays the abbreviated form of manual " +
s"only listing the commands without parameters or examples."
body = NCCli.cmdHelp,
params = Seq(
id = "cmd",
names = Seq("--cmd", "-c"),
value = Some("cmd"),
optional = true,
desc = "Set of commands to show the manual for. Can be used multiple times."
id = "all",
names = Seq("--all", "-a"),
optional = true,
desc = "Flag to show full manual for all commands."
examples = Seq(
usage = Seq(s"$PROMPT $SCRIPT_NAME help -c=rest --cmd=version"),
desc = s"Displays help for ${y("'rest'")} and ${y("'version'")} commands."
usage = Seq(s"$PROMPT $SCRIPT_NAME help -all"),
desc = "Displays help for all commands."
name = "version",
group = "3. Miscellaneous",
synopsis = s"Displays full version of ${y(s"'$SCRIPT_NAME'")} script.",
desc = Some(
"Depending on the additional parameters can display only the semantic version or the release date."
body = NCCli.cmdVersion,
params = Seq(
id = "semver",
names = Seq("--semVer", "-s"),
optional = true,
desc = s"Display only the semantic version value, e.g. ${VER.version}."
id = "reldate",
names = Seq("--relDate", "-d"),
optional = true,
desc = s"Display only the release date, e.g. ${}."
name = "gen-project",
group = "3. Miscellaneous",
synopsis = s"Generates project stub with default configuration.",
desc = Some(
"This command supports Java, Scala, and Kotlin languages with either Maven, Gradle or SBT " +
"as a build tool. Generated projects compiles and runs and can be used as a quick development sandbox."
body = NCCli.cmdGenProject,
params = Seq(
id = "baseName",
names = Seq("--baseName", "-n"),
value = Some("name"),
desc =
s"Base name for the generated files. For example, if base name is ${y("'MyApp'")}, " +
s"then generated Java file will be named as ${y("''")} and model file as ${y("'my_app_model.yaml'")}."
id = "outputDir",
names = Seq("--outputDir", "-d"),
value = Some("path"),
optional = true,
desc =
s"Output directory. Default value is the current working directory. " +
s"Note that you can use ${y("'~'")} at the beginning of the path to specify user home directory."
id = "lang",
names = Seq("--lang", "-l"),
value = Some("name"),
optional = true,
desc =
s"Language to generate source files in. Supported value are ${y("'java'")}, ${y("'scala'")}, ${y("'kotlin'")}. " +
s"Default value is ${y("'java'")}."
id = "buildTool",
names = Seq("--buildTool", "-b"),
value = Some("name"),
optional = true,
desc =
s"Build tool name to use. Supported values are ${y("'mvn'")} and ${y("'gradle'")} for ${y("'java'")}, " +
s"${y("'scala'")}, ${y("'kotlin'")}, and ${y("'sbt'")} for ${y("'scala'")} language. Default value is ${y("'mvn'")}."
id = "packageName",
names = Seq("--pkgName", "-p"),
value = Some("name"),
optional = true,
desc = s"JVM package name to use in generated source code. Default value is ${y("'org.apache.nlpcraft.demo'")}."
id = "modelType",
names = Seq("--mdlType", "-m"),
value = Some("type"),
optional = true,
desc = s"Type of generated model file. Supported value are ${y("'yaml'")} or ${y("'json'")}. Default value is ${y("'yaml'")}."
id = "override",
names = Seq("--override", "-o"),
optional = true,
desc = s"Overrides existing output directory, if any."
examples = Seq(
usage = Seq("> gen-project -n=MyProject -l=scala -b=sbt"),
desc = s"Generates Scala SBT project."
usage = Seq("> gen-project -n=MyProject -l=kotlin -p=com.mycompany.nlp -o"),
desc = s"Generates Kotlin Maven project."
name = "gen-model",
group = "3. Miscellaneous",
synopsis = s"Generates data model file stub.",
desc = Some(
"Generated model stub will have all default configuration. Model file can be either YAML or JSON."
body = NCCli.cmdGenModel,
params = Seq(
id = "filePath",
names = Seq("--filePath", "-f"),
value = Some("path"),
desc =
s"File path for the model stub. File path can either be an absolute path, relative path or " +
s"just a file name in which case the current folder will be used. File must have one of the " +
s"following extensions: ${y("'.json'")}, ${y("'.js'")}, ${y("'.yaml'")}, or ${y("'.yml'")}. " +
s"Note that you can use ${y("'~'")} at the beginning of the path to specify user home directory."
id = "modelId",
names = Seq("--mdlId", "-m"),
value = Some("id"),
desc = "Model ID."
id = "override",
names = Seq("--override", "-o"),
optional = true,
desc = s"Overrides output file, if any."
examples = Seq(
usage = Seq("> gen-model --filePath=~/myapp/myModel.json"),
desc = s"Generates JSON model file stub in the current folder."
usage = Seq("> gen-model -f=c:/tmp/myModel.yaml -o"),
desc = s"Generates YAML model file stub in ${y("'c:/temp'")} folder overriding existing file, if any."
"Dup commands."