blob: fbf4f01348e531fa168254436187e5a6f6c87b03 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.nlpcraft.common.nlp
import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.U
import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.ascii._
import{Serializable => JSerializable}
import java.util.{List => JList}
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.{CollectionHasAsScala, SeqHasAsJava}
* Sentence token note is a typed map of KV pairs.
class NCNlpSentenceNote(private val values: Map[String, JSerializable]) extends JSerializable with NCAsciiLike {
import NCNlpSentenceNote._
private lazy val dataWithoutIndexes = this.filter(p => !SKIP_CLONE.contains(p._1))
private lazy val skipNlp = dataWithoutIndexes.filter { case (key, _) => key != "noteType" }
private lazy val hash = values.hashCode()
// Shortcuts for mandatory fields. (Immutable fields)
lazy val noteType: String = values("noteType").asInstanceOf[String]
lazy val tokenFrom: Int = values("tokMinIndex").asInstanceOf[Int] // First index.
lazy val tokenTo: Int = values("tokMaxIndex").asInstanceOf[Int] // Last index.
lazy val tokenIndexes: Seq[Int] = values("tokWordIndexes").asInstanceOf[JList[Int]].asScala.toSeq // Includes 1st and last indices too.
lazy val wordIndexes: Seq[Int] = values("wordIndexes").asInstanceOf[JList[Int]].asScala.toSeq // Includes 1st and last indices too.
lazy val wordIndexesSet: Set[Int] = wordIndexes.toSet
lazy val sparsity: Int = values("sparsity").asInstanceOf[Int]
lazy val isDirect: Boolean = values("direct").asInstanceOf[Boolean]
lazy val isUser: Boolean = {
val i = noteType.indexOf(":")
if (i > 0) !TOK_PREFIXES.contains(noteType.take(i)) else true
lazy val isSystem: Boolean = !isUser
lazy val isNlp: Boolean = noteType == "nlpcraft:nlp"
// Typed getter.
def data[T](key: String): T = values(key).asInstanceOf[T]
def dataOpt[T](key: String): Option[T] = values.get(key).asInstanceOf[Option[T]]
override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = obj match {
case h: NCNlpSentenceNote => h.hashCode() == hashCode() && h.values == values
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int = hash
* Clones this note.
def clone(indexes: Seq[Int], wordIndexes: Seq[Int], params: (String, JSerializable)*): NCNlpSentenceNote =
dataWithoutIndexes ++ params.toMap
override def clone(): NCNlpSentenceNote = new NCNlpSentenceNote(values)
* @param n
def equalsWithoutIndexes(n: NCNlpSentenceNote): Boolean =
this.noteType == n.noteType &&
this.wordIndexes.size == n.wordIndexes.size && => p._1 - p._2).distinct.size == 1 &&
this.dataWithoutIndexes == n.dataWithoutIndexes
* @return
override def toAscii: String =
values.iterator.toSeq.sortBy(_._1).foldLeft(NCAsciiTable("Key", "Value"))((t, p) => t += p).toString
* @return
def asMetadata(): Map[String, JSerializable] =
if (isUser)
values.get("meta") match {
case Some(meta) => meta.asInstanceOf[Map[String, JSerializable]]
case None => Map.empty[String, JSerializable]
else {
val md = mutable.Map.empty[String, JSerializable]
val m = if (noteType != "nlpcraft:nlp") skipNlp else values
m.foreach { case (name, value) => md += (name.toLowerCase() -> value)}
* @param kvs
def clone(kvs : (String, JSerializable)*): NCNlpSentenceNote =
new NCNlpSentenceNote(values ++ kvs)
* @param withIndexes
* @param withReferences
* @return
def getKey(withIndexes: Boolean = true, withReferences: Boolean = true): Seq[Any] = {
val seq1 = if (withIndexes) Seq(wordIndexes, noteType) else Seq(noteType)
val seq2 = if (isUser)
getBuiltProperties(noteType, withReferences).map(name => this.getOrElse(name, null))
seq1 ++ seq2
* @return
override def toString: String =
values.toSeq.sortBy(t => { // Don't show internal ID.
val typeSort = t._1 match {
case "noteType" => 0
case "origText" => 1
case "wordIndexes" => 2
case "direct" => 3
case "sparsity" => 4
case "parts" => 5
case _ => 100
(typeSort, t._1)
}).map(p => s"${p._1}=${p._2}").mkString("NLP note [", ", ", "]")
object NCNlpSentenceNote {
// These properties should be cloned as they are auto-set when new clone
// is created.
private final val SKIP_CLONE: Set[String] = Set(
private final val TOK_PREFIXES = Set("nlpcraft", "google", "opennlp", "stanford", "spacy")
* To immutable map.
implicit def values(note: NCNlpSentenceNote): Map[String, JSerializable] = note.values
* Creates new note with given parameters.
* @param indexes Indexes in the sentence.
* @param wordIndexesOpt Word indexes. Optional.
* @param typ Type of the node.
* @param params Parameters.
def apply(
indexes: Seq[Int],
wordIndexesOpt: Option[Seq[Int]],
typ: String,
params: Map[String, Any]
): NCNlpSentenceNote = {
def calc(seq: Seq[Int]): (Int, Int, Int, JList[Int], Int) =
(U.calcSparsity(seq), seq.min, seq.max, seq.asJava, seq.length)
val (sparsity, tokMinIndex, tokMaxIndex, tokWordIndexes, len) = calc(wordIndexesOpt.getOrElse(indexes))
new NCNlpSentenceNote(
params.filter(_._2 != null).map(p => p._1 -> p._2.asInstanceOf[JSerializable]) ++
Map[String, JSerializable](
"noteType" -> typ,
"tokMinIndex" -> indexes.min,
"tokMaxIndex" -> indexes.max,
"tokWordIndexes" -> indexes.asJava.asInstanceOf[JSerializable],
"minIndex" -> tokMinIndex,
"maxIndex" -> tokMaxIndex,
"wordIndexes" -> tokWordIndexes.asInstanceOf[JSerializable],
"wordLength" -> len,
"sparsity" -> sparsity
* Creates new note with given parameters.
* @param indexes Indexes in the sentence.
* @param typ Type of the node.
* @param params Parameters.
def apply(indexes: Seq[Int], typ: String, params: (String, Any)*): NCNlpSentenceNote =
apply(indexes, None, typ, params.toMap)
* Creates new note with given parameters.
* @param indexes Indexes in the sentence.
* @param typ Type of the node.
* @param params Parameters.
def apply(indexes: mutable.Seq[Int], typ: String, params: (String, Any)*): NCNlpSentenceNote =
apply(indexes.toSeq, None, typ, params.toMap)
* Creates new note with given parameters.
* @param indexes Indexes in the sentence.
* @param wordIndexes Word indexes in the sentence.
* @param typ Type of the node.
* @param params Parameters.
def apply(indexes: Seq[Int], wordIndexes: Seq[Int], typ: String, params: (String, Any)*): NCNlpSentenceNote =
apply(indexes, Some(wordIndexes), typ, params.toMap)
* Creates new note with given parameters.
* @param indexes Indexes in the sentence.
* @param wordIndexes Word indexes in the sentence.
* @param typ Type of the node.
* @param params Parameters.
def apply(indexes: mutable.Seq[Int], wordIndexes: mutable.Seq[Int], typ: String, params: (String, Any)*): NCNlpSentenceNote =
apply(indexes.toSeq, Some(wordIndexes.toSeq), typ, params.toMap)
* @param noteType
* @param withReferences
def getBuiltProperties(noteType: String, withReferences: Boolean = true): Seq[String] = {
def addRefs(names: String*): Seq[String] = if (withReferences) names else Seq.empty
noteType match {
case "nlpcraft:nlp" => Seq.empty
case "nlpcraft:continent" => Seq("continent")
case "nlpcraft:subcontinent" => Seq("continent", "subcontinent")
case "nlpcraft:country" => Seq("continent", "subcontinent", "country")
case "nlpcraft:region" => Seq("continent", "subcontinent", "country", "region")
case "nlpcraft:city" => Seq("continent", "subcontinent", "country", "region", "city")
case "nlpcraft:metro" => Seq("metro")
case "nlpcraft:date" => Seq("from", "to")
case "nlpcraft:relation" => Seq("type", "note") ++ addRefs("indexes")
case "nlpcraft:sort" => Seq("asc", "subjnotes", "bynotes") ++ addRefs("subjindexes", "byindexes")
case "nlpcraft:limit" => Seq("limit", "note") ++ addRefs("indexes", "asc") // Asc flag has sense only with references for limit.
case "nlpcraft:coordinate" => Seq("latitude", "longitude")
case "nlpcraft:num" => Seq("from", "to", "unit", "unitType")
case x if x.startsWith("google:") => Seq("meta", "mentionsBeginOffsets", "mentionsContents", "mentionsTypes")
case x if x.startsWith("stanford:") => Seq("nne")
case x if x.startsWith("opennlp:") => Seq.empty
case x if x.startsWith("spacy:") => Seq("vector")
case _ => throw new AssertionError(s"Unexpected note type: $noteType")