blob: b538b92cb3f93fefc6d5c70f9f37fc1fec5e56ef [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.nlpcraft.common.ascii
import{IOException, PrintStream}
import java.util.{List => JList}
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger
import org.apache.nlpcraft.common._
import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.ascii.NCAsciiTable._
import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.ansi.NCAnsi._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.CollectionHasAsScala
import scala.util.Using
* `ASCII`-based table with minimal styling support.
class NCAsciiTable {
* Cell style.
private sealed case class Style(
var leftPad: Int = 1, // >= 0
var rightPad: Int = 1, // >= 0
var maxWidth: Int = Int.MaxValue, // > 0
var align: String = "center" // center, left, right
) {
/** Gets overall padding (left + right). */
def padding: Int = leftPad + rightPad
* Cell style.
private object Style {
* @param sty Style text.
def apply(sty: String): Style = {
val cs = new Style
if (sty.nonEmpty) {
for (e <- sty.split(',')) {
val a = e.split(":")
require(a.length == 2, s"Invalid cell style: ${e.trim}")
val a0 = a(0).trim
val a1 = a(1).trim
a0 match {
case "leftPad" => cs.leftPad = a1.toInt
case "rightPad" => cs.rightPad = a1.toInt
case "maxWidth" => cs.maxWidth = a1.toInt
case "align" => cs.align = a1.toLowerCase
case _ => assert(assertion = false, s"Invalid style: ${e.trim}")
require(cs.leftPad >= 0, "Style 'leftPad' must >= 0.")
require(cs.rightPad >= 0, "Style 'rightPad' must >= 0.")
require(cs.maxWidth > 0, "Style 'maxWidth' must > 0.")
require(cs.align == "center" || cs.align == "left" || cs.align == "right", "Style 'align' must be 'left', 'right' or 'center'.")
* Cell holder.
* @param style
* @param lines Lines that are already cut up per `style`, if required.
private sealed case class Cell(style: Style, lines: Seq[String]) {
// Cell's calculated width including padding.
lazy val width: Int = style.padding + (if (height > 0) else 0)
// Gets height of the cell.
lazy val height: Int = lines.length
* Margin holder.
private sealed case class Margin(
top: Int = 0,
right: Int = 0,
bottom: Int = 0,
left: Int = 0
// Table drawing symbols.
private val HDR_HOR = c("=")
private val HDR_VER = c("|")
private val HDR_CRS = bo(c("+"))
private val ROW_HOR = c("-")
private val ROW_VER = c("|")
private val ROW_CRS = bo(c("+"))
// Headers & rows.
private var hdr = IndexedSeq.empty[Cell]
private var rows = IndexedSeq.empty[IndexedSeq[Cell]]
// Current row, if any.
private var curRow: IndexedSeq[Cell] = _
// Table's margin, if any.
private var margin = Margin()
* Global flag indicating whether or not to draw inside horizontal lines
* between individual rows.
var insideBorder = false
* Global Flag indicating whether of not to automatically draw horizontal lines
* for multiline rows.
var autoBorder = true
* If lines exceeds the style's maximum width it will be broken up
* either by nearest space (by whole words) or mid-word.
var breakUpByWords = true
/** Default row style. */
var defaultRowStyle: String = DFLT_ROW_STYLE
/** Default header style. */
var defaultHeaderStyle: String = DFLT_HEADER_STYLE
// Dash drawing.
private def dash(ch: String, len: Int): String = ch * len
private def space(len: Int): String = " " * len
* Sets table's margin.
* @param top Top margin.
* @param right Right margin.
* @param bottom Bottom margin.
* @param left Left margin.
def margin(top: Int = 0, right: Int = 0, bottom: Int = 0, left: Int = 0): NCAsciiTable = {
margin = Margin(top, right, bottom, left)
* Starts data row.
def startRow(): Unit = {
curRow = IndexedSeq.empty[Cell]
* Ends data row.
def endRow(): Unit = {
rows :+= curRow
curRow = null
* Adds row (one or more row cells).
* @param cells Row cells. For multi-line cells - use `Seq(...)`.
def +=(cells: Any*): NCAsciiTable = {
cells foreach {
case i: Iterable[_] => addRowCell(i.iterator.toSeq: _*)
case a => addRowCell(a)
* Adds row (one or more row cells).
* @param cells Row cells. For multi-line cells - use `Seq(...)`.
def +=(cells: mutable.Seq[Any]): NCAsciiTable =
+=(cells.toSeq: _*)
* Adds row (one or more row cells) with a given style.
* @param cells Row cells tuples (style, text). For multi-line cells - use `Seq(...)`.
def +/(cells: (String, Any)*): NCAsciiTable = {
cells foreach {
case i if i._2.isInstanceOf[Iterable[_]] =>
addStyledRowCell(i._1, i._2.asInstanceOf[Iterable[_]].iterator.toSeq: _*)
case a =>
addStyledRowCell(a._1, a._2)
* Adds row.
* @param cells Row cells.
def addRow(cells: JList[Any]): NCAsciiTable = {
cells.asScala.foreach(p => addRowCell(p))
* Adds header (one or more header cells).
* @param cells Header cells. For multi-line cells - use `Seq(...)`.
def #=(cells: Any*): NCAsciiTable = {
cells foreach {
case i: Iterable[_] => addHeaderCell(i.iterator.toSeq: _*)
case a => addHeaderCell(a)
* Adds header (one or more header cells).
* @param cells Header cells. For multi-line cells - use `Seq(...)`.
def #=(cells: mutable.Seq[Any]): NCAsciiTable =
#=(cells.toSeq: _*)
* Adds styled header (one or more header cells).
* @param cells Header cells tuples (style, text). For multi-line cells - use `Seq(...)`.
def #/(cells: (String, Any)*): NCAsciiTable = {
cells foreach {
case i if i._2.isInstanceOf[Iterable[_]] => addStyledHeaderCell(i._1, i._2.asInstanceOf[Iterable[_]].iterator.toSeq: _*)
case a => addStyledHeaderCell(a._1, a._2)
* Adds headers.
* @param cells Header cells.
def addHeaders(cells: JList[Any]): NCAsciiTable = {
* Adds headers with the given `style`.
* @param style Style top use.
* @param cells Header cells.
def addStyledHeaders(style: String, cells: JList[Any]): NCAsciiTable = {
cells.asScala.foreach(addHeaderCell(style, _))
// Handles the 'null' strings.
private def x(s: Any): String = s match {
case null => "<null>"
case _ => s.toString
* @param maxWidth
* @param lines
* @return
private def breakUpByNearestSpace(maxWidth: Int, lines: Seq[String]): Seq[String] =
lines.flatMap(line => {
if (line.isEmpty)
else {
val leader = line.indexWhere(_ != ' ') // Number of leading spaces.
val buf = mutable.Buffer.empty[String]
var start = 0
var lastSpace = -1
var curr = 0
val len = line.length
def addLine(s: String): Unit =
buf += (if (buf.isEmpty) s else space(leader) + s)
while (curr < len) {
if (curr - start > maxWidth) {
val end = if (lastSpace == -1) curr else lastSpace + 1 /* Keep space at the end of the line. */
addLine(line.substring(start, end))
start = end
if (line.charAt(curr) == ' ')
lastSpace = curr
curr += 1
if (start < len) {
val lastLine = line.substring(start)
if (lastLine.trim.nonEmpty) {
* @param hdr
* @param style
* @param lines
* @return
private def mkStyledCell(hdr: Boolean, style: String, lines: Any*): Cell = {
val st = Style(style)
var strLines =
if (hdr)
strLines = => s"$ansiBlueFg$s$ansiReset")
if (breakUpByWords)
breakUpByNearestSpace(st.maxWidth, strLines)
(for (str <- strLines) yield str.grouped(st.maxWidth)).flatten
* Adds single header cell with the default style..
* @param lines One or more cell lines.
def addHeaderCell(lines: Any*): NCAsciiTable = {
hdr :+= mkStyledCell(
lines: _*
* Adds single row cell with the default style.
* @param lines One or more row cells. Multiple lines will be printed on separate lines.
def addRowCell(lines: Any*): NCAsciiTable = {
curRow :+= mkStyledCell(
lines: _*
* Adds single header cell with the default style..
* @param style Style to use.
* @param lines One or more cell lines.
def addStyledHeaderCell(style: String, lines: Any*): NCAsciiTable = {
hdr :+= mkStyledCell(
hdr = true,
if (style.trim.isEmpty) defaultHeaderStyle else style,
lines: _*
* Adds single row cell with the default style.
* @param style Style to use.
* @param lines One or more row cells. Multiple lines will be printed on separate lines.
def addStyledRowCell(style: String, lines: Any*): NCAsciiTable = {
curRow :+= mkStyledCell(
if (style.trim.isEmpty) defaultRowStyle else style,
lines: _*
* @param txt Text to align.
* @param width Width already accounts for padding.
* @param sty Style.
private def aligned(txt: String, width: Int, sty: Style): String = {
val d = width - U.stripAnsi(txt).length
sty.align match {
case "center" => space(d / 2) + txt + space(d / 2 + d % 2)
case "left" => space(sty.leftPad) + txt + space(d - sty.leftPad)
case "right" => space(d - sty.rightPad) + txt + space(sty.rightPad)
case _ => throw new AssertionError(s"Invalid align option: $sty")
override def toString: String = mkString
* Prepares output string.
private def mkString: String = {
// Make sure table is not empty.
if (hdr.isEmpty && rows.isEmpty)
return ""
var colsNum = -1
val isHdr = hdr.nonEmpty
if (isHdr)
colsNum = hdr.size
// Calc number of columns and make sure all rows are even.
for (r <- rows)
if (colsNum == -1)
colsNum = r.size
else if (colsNum != r.size)
assert(assertion = false, "Table with uneven rows.")
assert(colsNum > 0, "No columns found.")
// At this point all rows in the table have the
// the same number of columns.
val colWs = new Array[Int](colsNum) // Column widths.
val rowHs = new Array[Int](rows.length) // Row heights.
// Header height.
var hdrH = 0
// Initialize column widths with header row (if any).
for (i <- hdr.indices) {
val c = hdr(i)
colWs(i) = c.width
hdrH = math.max(hdrH, c.height)
// Calculate row heights and column widths.
for (i <- rows.indices; j <- 0 until colsNum) {
val c = rows(i)(j)
rowHs(i) = math.max(rowHs(i), c.height)
colWs(j) = math.max(colWs(j), c.width)
// Table width without the border.
val tableW = colWs.sum + colsNum - 1
val tbl = new StringBuilder
// Top margin.
for (_ <- 0 until
tbl ++= " \n"
* @param crs
* @param cor
* @return
def mkAsciiLine(crs: String, cor: String): String =
s"${space(margin.left)}$crs${dash(cor, tableW)}$crs${space(margin.right)}\n"
// Print header, if any.
if (isHdr) {
tbl ++= mkAsciiLine(HDR_CRS, HDR_HOR)
for (i <- 0 until hdrH) {
// Left margin and '|'.
tbl ++= s"${space(margin.left)}$HDR_VER"
for (j <- hdr.indices) {
val c = hdr(j)
if (i >= 0 && i < c.height)
tbl ++= aligned(c.lines(i), colWs(j),
tbl ++= space(colWs(j))
tbl ++= s"$HDR_VER" // '|'
// Right margin.
tbl ++= s"${space(margin.right)}\n"
tbl ++= mkAsciiLine(HDR_CRS, HDR_HOR)
tbl ++= mkAsciiLine(ROW_CRS, ROW_HOR)
// Print rows, if any.
if (rows.nonEmpty) {
val horLine = (i: Int) => {
// Left margin and '+'
tbl ++= s"${space(margin.left)}$ROW_CRS"
for (k <- rows(i).indices)
tbl ++= s"${dash(ROW_HOR, colWs(k))}$ROW_CRS"
// Right margin.
tbl ++= s"${space(margin.right)}\n"
for (i <- rows.indices) {
val r = rows(i)
val rowH = rowHs(i)
if (i > 0 && ((rowH > 1 && autoBorder) || insideBorder) && rowHs(i - 1) == 1)
for (j <- 0 until rowH) {
// Left margin and '|'
tbl ++= s"${space(margin.left)}$ROW_VER"
for (k <- r.indices) {
val c = r(k)
val w = colWs(k)
if (j < c.height)
tbl ++= aligned(c.lines(j), w,
tbl ++= space(w)
tbl ++= s"$ROW_VER" // '|'
// Right margin.
tbl ++= s"${space(margin.right)}\n"
if (i < rows.size - 1 && ((rowH > 1 && autoBorder) || insideBorder))
tbl ++= s"${space(margin.left)}$ROW_CRS${dash(ROW_HOR, tableW)}$ROW_CRS${space(margin.right)}\n"
// Bottom margin.
for (_ <- 1 to margin.bottom)
tbl ++= s" \n"
val res = tbl.toString
res.substring(0, res.length - 1)
* Prepares table string representation for logger.
* @param header Optional header.
private def mkLogString(header: Option[String] = None): String = s"${header.getOrElse("")}\n$mkString"
* Renders this table to log as debug.
* @param log Logger.
* @param header Optional header.
def debug(log: Logger, header: Option[String] = None): Unit = log.debug(mkLogString(header))
* Renders this table to log as info.
* @param log Logger.
* @param header Optional header.
def info(log: Logger, header: Option[String] = None): Unit =
* Renders this table to log as warn.
* @param log Logger.
* @param header Optional header.
def warn(log: Logger, header: Option[String] = None): Unit = log.warn(mkLogString(header))
* Renders this table to log as error.
* @param log Logger.
* @param header Optional header.
def error(log: Logger, header: Option[String] = None): Unit = log.error(mkLogString(header))
* Renders this table to log as trace.
* @param log Logger.
* @param header Optional header.
def trace(log: Logger, header: Option[String] = None): Unit = log.trace(mkLogString(header))
* Renders this table to output stream.
* @param ps Output stream.
def render(ps: PrintStream = System.out): Unit = ps.println(mkString)
* Renders this table to file.
* @param path File path.
def render(path: String): Unit = renderPrintStream(new PrintStream(path), path)
* Renders this table to file.
* @param file File.
def render(file: Unit = renderPrintStream(new PrintStream(file), file.getAbsolutePath)
private def renderPrintStream(f: => PrintStream, file: String): Unit =
Using.resource(f) { ps =>
catch {
case e: IOException => throw new NCE(s"Error outputting table into file: $file", e)
* Static context.
object NCAsciiTable {
// Default styles.
private final val DFLT_ROW_STYLE = "align:left"
private final val DFLT_HEADER_STYLE = "align:center"
* Creates new ASCII text table with all defaults.
* @return Newly created ASCII table.
def apply() = new NCAsciiTable
* Creates new ASCII table with given header cells.
* @param hdrs Header.
* @return Newly created ASCII table.
def apply(hdrs: Any*): NCAsciiTable = new NCAsciiTable #= (hdrs: _*)
* Creates new ASCII table with given header cells.
* @param hdrs Header.
* @return Newly created ASCII table.
def apply(hdrs: mutable.Seq[_]): NCAsciiTable = new NCAsciiTable #= (hdrs.toSeq: _*)
* Creates new ASCII table with given headers and data.
* @param hdrs Headers.
* @param data Table data (sequence of rows).
* @return Newly created ASCII table.
def of(hdrs: Seq[Any], data: Seq[Seq[Any]]): NCAsciiTable = {
val tbl = new NCAsciiTable #= (hdrs: _*)
data.foreach(tbl += (_: _*))