blob: a83f6972518701db3fe9b831d830e571ae4b4329 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.nlpcraft.model.`abstract`
import org.apache.nlpcraft.model.{NCContext, NCResult, NCToken}
import org.apache.nlpcraft.{NCTestContext, NCTestEnvironment}
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import java.util
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.CollectionHasAsScala
class NCAbstractTokensModelVariants extends NCAbstractTokensModel {
private def checkId(t: NCToken, id: String): Unit =
require(t.getId == id, s"Expected ID: $id, token: $t")
private def checkText(t: NCToken, txt: String): Unit =
require(t.getOriginalText == txt, s"Expected text: $txt, token: $t")
private def checkToken(t: NCToken, id: String, txt: String): Unit = {
checkId(t, id)
checkText(t, txt)
override def onContext(ctx: NCContext): NCResult = {
val variants = ctx.getVariants.asScala
def checkLimit(limitPart: NCToken): Unit = {
require(limitPart.getIndex == -1, s"Unexpected limit token index: ${limitPart.getIndex}, token: $limitPart, meta: ${limitPart.getMetadata}")
checkId(limitPart, "nlpcraft:limit")
val limNote = limitPart.getMetadata.get("nlpcraft:limit:note").asInstanceOf[String]
require(limNote == "wrapAnyWord", s"Unexpected limit token note: '$limNote', token: $limitPart, meta: ${limitPart.getMetadata}")
val limIdxs = limitPart.getMetadata.get("nlpcraft:limit:indexes").asInstanceOf[util.List[Integer]].asScala
limIdxs.size == 1 && limIdxs.head == -1,
s"Unexpected limit token ref indexes: [${limIdxs.mkString(",")}], token: $limitPart, meta: ${limitPart.getMetadata}"
def checkWrapAnyWord(t: NCToken, any: String): Unit = {
val parts = t.getPartTokens.asScala
require(parts.size == 2)
checkToken(parts.head, "nlpcraft:nlp", "the")
checkToken(parts.last, "anyWord", any)
require(parts.last.isAbstract, s"Unexpected abstract token: ${parts.last}")
ctx.getRequest.getNormalizedText match {
case "word the word" =>
require(variants.size == 1)
val toks = variants.head.asScala
require(toks.size == 2)
checkToken(toks.head, "nlpcraft:nlp", "word")
checkToken(toks.last, "wrapAnyWord", "the word")
checkWrapAnyWord(toks.last, "word")
case "10 w1 10 w2" =>
val vars = variants.
map(p => p.asScala).
filter(v => v.size == 2 && v.head.getId == "nlpcraft:nlp" && v.last.getId == "wrapNum")
require(vars.size == 1)
val toks = vars.head
require(toks.size == 2)
checkToken(toks.head, "nlpcraft:nlp", "10")
checkToken(toks.last,"wrapNum", "w1 10 w2")
val t2Parts = toks.last.getPartTokens.asScala.toSeq
require(t2Parts.size == 3)
checkToken(t2Parts.head,"nlpcraft:nlp", "w1")
checkToken(t2Parts(1),"nlpcraft:num", "10")
checkToken(t2Parts.last,"nlpcraft:nlp", "w2")
case "before limit top 6 the any" =>
val vars = variants.
map(p => p.asScala).
filter(v => v.size == 2 && v.head.getId == "wrapLimit" && v.last.getId == "wrapAnyWord")
require(vars.size == 1)
val toks = vars.head
require(toks.size == 2)
checkToken(toks.head, "wrapLimit", "before limit top 6")
checkToken(toks.last, "wrapAnyWord", "the any")
val wrap = toks.head.getPartTokens.asScala
require(wrap.size == 3)
checkWrapAnyWord(toks.last, "any")
case "a wrap before limit top 6 the any" =>
val vars = variants.
map(p => p.asScala.toSeq).
filter(v => v.size == 3 && v(1).getId == "wrapWrapLimit" && v.last.getId == "wrapAnyWord")
require(vars.size == 1)
val toks = vars.head
require(toks.size == 3)
checkToken(toks.head, "nlpcraft:nlp", "a")
checkToken(toks(1), "wrapWrapLimit", "wrap before limit top 6")
checkToken(toks.last, "wrapAnyWord", "the any")
val wrap = toks(1).getPartTokens.asScala
require(wrap.size == 2)
val wrapLimit = wrap.last
require(wrapLimit.getIndex == -1, s"Unexpected limit token: $wrapLimit, meta: ${wrapLimit.getMetadata}")
require(wrapLimit.getPartTokens.size == 3, s"Parts count: ${wrapLimit.getPartTokens.size()}")
checkWrapAnyWord(toks.last, "any")
case _ => throw new AssertionError(s"Unexpected request: ${ctx.getRequest.getNormalizedText}")
@NCTestEnvironment(model = classOf[NCAbstractTokensModelVariants], startClient = true)
class NCAbstractTokensVariantsSpec extends NCTestContext {
def test(): Unit = {
checkResult("word the word", "OK")
checkResult("10 w1 10 w2", "OK")
checkResult("before limit top 6 the any", "OK")
checkResult("a wrap before limit top 6 the any", "OK")