blob: e40376ee99cb5e7aaf87210030137b78ec7ca770 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.nlpcraft.common.util
import java.math.RoundingMode
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import java.nio.file._
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes
import java.sql.Timestamp
import java.text.{DecimalFormat, DecimalFormatSymbols}
import java.time.{Instant, ZoneId, ZonedDateTime}
import java.util.concurrent.{ExecutorService, TimeUnit}
import java.util.jar.JarFile
import{ZipInputStream, GZIPInputStream ⇒ GIS, GZIPOutputStream ⇒ GOS}
import java.util.{Locale, Properties, Random, Timer, TimerTask, Calendar ⇒ C}
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.{LazyLogging, Logger}
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils
import org.apache.nlpcraft.common._
import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.blowfish.NCBlowfishHasher
import resource._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.language.{implicitConversions, postfixOps}
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
import scala.sys.SystemProperties
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
import scala.util.control.Exception.ignoring
* Project-wide, global utilities ans miscellaneous functions.
object NCUtils extends LazyLogging {
final val REGEX_FIX = "//"
final val DSL_FIX = "^^"
final val DFLT_PROBE_TOKEN = "3141592653589793"
private val idGen = new NCIdGenerator(NCBlowfishHasher.salt(), 8)
// Various decimal formats.
private final val DEC_FMT0 = mkDecimalFormat("#0")
private final val DEC_FMT1 = mkDecimalFormat("#0.0")
private final val DEC_FMT2 = mkDecimalFormat("#0.00")
private final lazy val DEC_FMT_SYMS = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US)
private final lazy val GSON = new Gson()
private def mkDecimalFormat(ptrn: String) = {
val df = new DecimalFormat(ptrn, DEC_FMT_SYMS)
// OS kinds.
private var win95 = false
private var win98 = false
private var winNt = false
private var winVista = false
private var win7 = false
private var win8 = false
private var unknownWin = false
private var win2k = false
private var winXp = false
private var win2003 = false
private var win2008 = false
private var unix = false
private var solaris = false
private var linux = false
private var netware = false
private var mac = false
// Unix suffixes.
private final val UNIX_SFX = Seq("ix", "inux", "olaris", "un", "ux", "sco", "bsd", "att")
// Detects current OS.
private def detectOs() {
val os = sys.props("").toLowerCase
if (os.contains("win"))
if (os.contains("95")) win95 = true
else if (os.contains("98")) win98 = true
else if (os.contains("nt")) winNt = true
else if (os.contains("2000")) win2k = true
else if (os.contains("vista")) winVista = true
else if (os.contains("xp")) winXp = true
else if (os.contains("2003")) win2003 = true
else if (os.contains("2008")) win2008 = true
else if (os.contains("7")) win7 = true
else if (os.contains("8")) win8 = true
else unknownWin = true
else if (os.contains("netware")) netware = true
else if (os.contains("mac os")) mac = true
else {
unix = UNIX_SFX.exists(os.contains(_))
if (os.contains("olaris")) solaris = true
else if (os.contains("inux")) linux = true
// OS kinds.
lazy val isWindow95: Boolean = win95
lazy val isWindow98: Boolean = win98
lazy val isWindowNt: Boolean = winNt
lazy val isWindowsVista: Boolean = winVista
lazy val isWindows7: Boolean = win7
lazy val isWindows8: Boolean = win8
lazy val isUnknownWindows: Boolean = unknownWin
lazy val isWindows2k: Boolean = win2k
lazy val isWindowsXp: Boolean = winXp
lazy val isWindows2003: Boolean = win2003
lazy val isWindows2008: Boolean = win2008
lazy val isUnix: Boolean = unix
lazy val isSolaris: Boolean = solaris
lazy val isLinux: Boolean = linux
lazy val isNetware: Boolean = netware
lazy val isMac: Boolean = mac
lazy val isNix: Boolean = mac || linux || solaris || unix
lazy val isWindows: Boolean = win95 || win98 || winNt || winVista || win7 || win8 || win2k || winXp || win2003 || win2008
private final val UTC = ZoneId.of("UTC")
private final val RND = new Random()
private val sysProps = new SystemProperties
* Gets now in UTC timezone.
def nowUtc(): ZonedDateTime =
* Gets now in UTC timezone in milliseconds representation.
def nowUtcMs(): Long =
* Gets now in UTC timezone in SQL Timestamp representation.
def nowUtcTs(): Timestamp = new Timestamp(
* Escapes given string for JSON according to RFC 4627
* @param s String to escape.
* @return Escaped string.
def escapeJson(s: String): String = {
val len = s.length
if (len == 0)
else {
val sb = new StringBuilder
for (ch ← s.toCharArray)
ch match {
case '\\' | '"' ⇒ sb += '\\' += ch
case '/' ⇒ sb += '\\' += ch
case '\b' ⇒ sb ++= "\\b"
case '\t' ⇒ sb ++= "\\t"
case '\n' ⇒ sb ++= "\\n"
case '\f' ⇒ sb ++= "\\f"
case '\r' ⇒ sb ++= "\\r"
case _ ⇒
if (ch < ' ') {
val t = "000" + Integer.toHexString(ch)
sb ++= "\\u" ++= t.substring(t.length - 4)
sb += ch
* Converts closure to a runnable.
* @param f Closure to convert.
implicit def toRun(f:Unit): Runnable = ()try {
catch {
case _: InterruptedExceptionThread.currentThread().interrupt()
case e: Throwable ⇒ logger.error("Unhandled exception caught.", e)
* Destroys given process (using proper waiting algorithm).
* @param proc Process to destroy. No-op if `null`.
def destroyProcess(proc: Process): Unit = {
if (proc != null) {
while (!proc.waitFor(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) {
* Type case with option.
def as[T: Manifest](any: Any): Option[T] = any match {
case _: T ⇒ Some(any.asInstanceOf[T])
case _ ⇒ None
* @param body Expression that can produce [[InterruptedException]].
def ignoreInterrupt(body:Unit): Unit =
try {
catch {
case _: InterruptedException()
* Converts object's package name into path.
def toPath(a: Any): String = toPath(a.getClass)
* Converts class into path.
def toPath(`class`: Class[_]): String = `class`.getPackage.getName.replaceAll("\\.", "/")
* Reads lines from given file.
* @param path File path to read from.
* @param enc Encoding.
* @param log Logger to use.
def readPath(path: String, enc: String, log: Logger = logger): Iterator[String] =
readFile(new File(path), enc, log)
* Reads lines from given resource.
* @param res Resource path to read from.
* @param enc Encoding.
* @param log Logger to use.
def readResource(res: String, enc: String, log: Logger = logger): Iterator[String] =
readStream(getStream(res), enc, log)
* Reads lines from given file.
* @param path Zipped file path to read from.
* @param enc Encoding.
* @param log Logger to use.
def readGzipPath(path: String, enc: String, log: Logger = logger): Iterator[String] =
readGzipFile(new File(path), enc, log)
* Reads lines from given file.
* @param f File to read from.
* @param enc Encoding.
* @param log Logger to use.
def readFile(f: File, enc: String, log: Logger = logger): Iterator[String] = {
var src: Source = null
try {
src = Source.fromFile(f, enc)
val data = src.getLines().map(p ⇒ p)
log.trace(s"Loaded file: ${f.getAbsolutePath}")
catch {
case e: IOExceptionthrow new NCE(s"Failed to read file: ${f.getAbsolutePath}", e)
finally {
if (src != null)
* Reads lines from given stream.
* @param in Stream to read from.
* @param enc Encoding.
* @param log Logger to use.
def readStream(in: InputStream, enc: String, log: Logger = logger): Iterator[String] =
Source.fromInputStream(in, enc).getLines().map(p ⇒ p)
catch {
case e: IOExceptionthrow new NCE(s"Failed to read stream", e)
* Reads lines from given file converting to lower case, trimming, and filtering
* out empty lines and comments (starting with '#').
* @param f File to read from.
* @param enc Encoding.
* @param log Logger to use.
def readTextFile(f: File, enc: String, log: Logger = logger): Iterator[String] = {
var src: Source = null
try {
src = Source.fromFile(f, enc)
val data = src.getLines().map(_.toLowerCase.trim). filter(s ⇒ !s.isEmpty && !s.startsWith("#"))
log.trace(s"Loaded file: ${f.getAbsolutePath}")
catch {
case e: IOExceptionthrow new NCE(s"Failed to read file: ${f.getAbsolutePath}", e)
finally {
if (src != null)
* Reads lines from given stream converting to lower case, trimming, and filtering
* out empty lines and comments (starting with '#').
* @param in Stream to read from.
* @param enc Encoding.
* @param log Logger to use.
def readTextStream(in: InputStream, enc: String, log: Logger = logger): Iterator[String] =
try {
Source.fromInputStream(in, enc).getLines().map(_.toLowerCase.trim).
filter(s ⇒ !s.isEmpty && !s.startsWith("#"))
catch {
case e: IOExceptionthrow new NCE(s"Failed to read stream", e)
* Reads lines from given file converting to lower case, trimming, and filtering
* out empty lines and comments (starting with '#').
* @param f Zipped file to read from.
* @param enc Encoding.
* @param log Logger to use.
def readTextGzipFile(f: File, enc: String, log: Logger = logger): Iterator[String] =
try {
val data = Source.fromInputStream(new GIS(new FileInputStream(f)), enc).getLines().map(_.toLowerCase.trim).
filter(s ⇒ !s.isEmpty && !s.startsWith("#"))
log.trace(s"Loaded file: ${f.getAbsolutePath}")
catch {
case e: IOExceptionthrow new NCE(s"Failed to read file: ${f.getAbsolutePath}", e)
* Reads lines from given stream converting to lower case, trimming, and filtering
* out empty lines and comments (starting with '#').
* @param res Zipped resource to read from.
* @param enc Encoding.
* @param log Logger to use.
def readTextGzipResource(res: String, enc: String, log: Logger = logger): Iterator[String] =
Source.fromInputStream(new GIS(getStream(res)), enc).getLines().map(_.toLowerCase.trim).
filter(s ⇒ !s.isEmpty && !s.startsWith("#"))
catch {
case e: IOExceptionthrow new NCE(s"Failed to read stream", e)
* Reads lines from given file converting to lower case, trimming, and filtering
* out empty lines and comments (starting with '#').
* @param path File path to read from.
* @param enc Encoding.
* @param log Logger to use.
def readTextPath(path: String, enc: String, log: Logger = logger): Iterator[String] =
readTextFile(new File(path), enc, log)
* Reads lines from given resource converting to lower case, trimming, and filtering
* out empty lines and comments (starting with '#').
* @param res Resource to read from.
* @param enc Encoding.
* @param log Logger to use.
def readTextResource(res: String, enc: String, log: Logger = logger): Iterator[String] =
readTextStream(getStream(res), enc, log)
* Reads lines from given file converting to lower case, trimming, and filtering
* out empty lines and comments (starting with '#').
* @param path Zipped file path to read from.
* @param enc Encoding.
* @param log Logger to use.
def readTextGzipPath(path: String, enc: String, log: Logger = logger): Iterator[String] =
readTextGzipFile(new File(path), enc, log)
* @param path Folder path to read from.
* @param enc Encoding.
* @param log Logger to use.
def readTextFolder(path: String, enc: String, log: Logger = logger): Iterator[String] =
(for (file ← new File(path).listFiles()) yield
readTextFile(file, enc, logger)).toIterator.flatten
* Converts given name into properly capitalized first and last name.
* @param name Full name.
def toFirstLastName(name: String): (String, String) = {
val parts = name.trim.split(' ')
val firstName = formatName(parts.head)
val lastName = formatName(parts.tail.mkString(" "))
(firstName, lastName)
* Properly capitalizes name (first name or last name).
* @param name First or last name.
def formatName(name: String): String = {
* Makes daily timer.
* @param name Timer name.
* @param body Body function.
* @param hour Hours of start.
* @param mins Minutes of start. Optional.
* @param secs Seconds of start. Optional.
def mkDailyTimer(name: String, body: UnitUnit, hour: Int, mins: Int = 0, secs: Int = 0): Timer = {
val timer = new Timer()
val cal = C.getInstance()
val now = cal.getTime
cal.set(C.HOUR_OF_DAY, hour)
cal.set(C.MINUTE, mins)
cal.set(C.SECOND, secs)
if (cal.getTime.before(now))
cal.add(C.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1)
val firstTime = cal.getTime
val period = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
new TimerTask {
override def run(): Unit = {
val now = System.currentTimeMillis()
try {
logger.debug(s"Timer task executed [name=$name, execution-time=${System.currentTimeMillis() - now}]")
catch {
case e: Throwable ⇒ logger.error(s"Error executing daily timer [name=$name]", e)
logger.trace(s"Timer started [name=$name, first-execution-time=$firstTime, period=$period]")
* Reads lines from given file.
* @param f Zipped file to read from.
* @param enc Encoding.
* @param log Logger to use.
def readGzipFile(f: File, enc: String, log: Logger = logger): Iterator[String] =
try {
val data = Source.fromInputStream(new GIS(new FileInputStream(f)), enc).getLines().map(p ⇒ p)
log.trace(s"Loaded file: ${f.getAbsolutePath}")
catch {
case e: IOExceptionthrow new NCE(s"Failed to read file: ${f.getAbsolutePath}", e)
* @param in Zipped stream to read from.
* @param enc Encoding.
* @param log Logger to use.
* @return
def readGzipResource(in: InputStream, enc: String, log: Logger = logger): Iterator[String] =
Source.fromInputStream(new GIS(in), enc).getLines().map(p ⇒ p)
catch {
case e: IOExceptionthrow new NCE(s"Failed to read stream", e)
* Reads bytes from given file.
* @param path File path.
* @param log Logger.
def readPathBytes(path: String, log: Logger = logger): Array[Byte] =
readFileBytes(new File(path), log)
* Reads bytes from given file.
* @param f File.
* @param log Logger.
def readFileBytes(f: File, log: Logger = logger): Array[Byte] = {
try {
val arr = new Array[Byte](f.length().toInt)
managed(new FileInputStream(f)) acquireAndGet { in ⇒
logger.trace(s"File read: $f")
catch {
case e: IOExceptionthrow new NCE(s"Error reading file: $f", e)
* Reads bytes from given file.
* @param f File to read from.
* @param log Logger to use.
def readBinaryFile(f: File, log: Logger = logger): Array[Byte] = {
var src: Source = null
try {
src = Source.fromFile(f, "ISO-8859-1")
val data =
log.trace(s"Loaded file: ${f.getAbsolutePath}")
catch {
case e: IOExceptionthrow new NCE(s"Failed to read file: ${f.getAbsolutePath}", e)
finally {
if (src != null)
* Reads bytes from given file.
* @param path File path to read from.
* @param log Logger to use.
def readBinaryPath(path: String, log: Logger = logger): Array[Byte] =
readBinaryFile(new File(path), log)
* Gzip file.
* @param f File.
* @param log Logger.
def gzipFile(f: File, log: Logger = logger): Unit = {
val gz = s"${f.getAbsolutePath}.gz"
// Do not user BOS here - it makes files corrupted.
managed(new GOS(new FileOutputStream(gz))) acquireAndGet { stream ⇒
catch {
case e: IOExceptionthrow new NCE(s"Error gzip file: $f", e)
if (!f.delete())
throw new NCE(s"Error while deleting file: $f")
logger.trace(s"File gzipped [source=$f, destination=$gz]")
* Gzip file.
* @param path File path.
* @param log Logger.
def gzipPath(path: String, log: Logger = logger): Unit = gzipFile(new File(path), log)
* Generates read-only text file with given path and strings.
* Used by text files auto-generators.
* @param path Path of the output file.
* @param lines Text data.
* @param sort Whether to sort output or not.
def mkTextFile(path: String, lines: Traversable[Any], sort: Boolean = true) {
val file = new File(path)
managed(new PrintStream(file)) acquireAndGet {
ps ⇒
import java.util._
// Could be long for large sequences...
val seq =
if (sort)
ps.println(s"# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more")
ps.println(s"# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with")
ps.println(s"# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.")
ps.println(s"# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0")
ps.println(s"# (the 'License'); you may not use this file except in compliance with")
ps.println(s"# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at")
ps.println(s"# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software")
ps.println(s"# distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,")
ps.println(s"# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.")
ps.println(s"# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and")
ps.println(s"# limitations under the License.")
ps.println(s"# Auto-generated on: ${new Date()}")
ps.println(s"# Total lines: ${seq.size}")
ps.println(s"# +-------------------------+")
ps.println(s"# | DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE |")
ps.println(s"# +-------------------------+")
// Make the file as read-only.
file.setWritable(false, false)
// Ack.
println(s"File generated: $path")
* Gets resource stream from classpath.
* @param res Resource.
def getStream(res: String): InputStream = {
val in = getClass.getClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(res)
if (in == null)
throw new NCE(s"Resource not found: $res")
* Gets resource existing flag.
* @param res Resource.
def hasResource(res: String): Boolean =
getClass.getClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(res) != null
* Serializes data from file.
* @param path File path.
def serializePath(path: String, obj: Any): Unit = {
try {
managed(new ObjectOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(path)))) acquireAndGet { out ⇒
}"File $path is written.")
catch {
case e: IOExceptionthrow new NCE(s"Error writing file: $path", e)
* Serializes data.
* @param obj Data.
def serialize(obj: Any): Array[Byte] = {
try {
managed(new ByteArrayOutputStream()) acquireAndGet { baos ⇒
managed(new ObjectOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(baos))) acquireAndGet { out ⇒
catch {
case e: IOExceptionthrow new NCE(s"Error serialization data: $obj", e)
* Serializes data from file.
* @param file File.
def serialize(file: File, obj: Any): Unit = {
try {
managed(new ObjectOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)))) acquireAndGet { out ⇒
}"File $file is written.")
catch {
case e: IOExceptionthrow new NCE(s"Error writing file: $file", e)
* Deserializes data from file.
* @param path File path.
def deserializePath[T](path: String, log: Logger = logger): T =
try {
val res = managed(new ObjectInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(path)))) acquireAndGet { in ⇒
log.trace(s"Read file: $path")
catch {
case e: IOExceptionthrow new NCE(s"Error reading file: $path", e)
* Deserializes data.
* @param arr File path.
def deserialize[T](arr: Array[Byte]): T =
try {
managed(new ObjectInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(arr)))) acquireAndGet { in ⇒
catch {
case e: IOExceptionthrow new NCE(s"Error deserialization data", e)
* Deserializes data from file.
* @param f File.
* @param log Logger.
def deserialize[T](f: File, log: Logger = logger): T =
try {
val res = managed(new ObjectInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(f)))) acquireAndGet { in ⇒
log.trace(s"Read file: ${f.getAbsolutePath}")
catch {
case e: IOExceptionthrow new NCE(s"Error reading file: $f", e)
* Wrap string value.
* @param s String value.
def wrapQuotes(s: String): String =
* Recursively removes all files and nested directories in a given folder.
* Provided root folder itself is not removed.
* @param rootDir Folder to remove all nested files and directories in it.
def clearFolder(rootDir: String) {
val rootPath = Paths.get(rootDir)
Files.walkFileTree(rootPath, new SimpleFileVisitor[Path] {
private def delete(path: Path) = {
override def postVisitDirectory(dir: Path, e: IOException): FileVisitResult =
if (e == null)
if (!dir.equals(rootPath))
throw e
override def visitFile(file: Path, attrs: BasicFileAttributes): FileVisitResult = delete(file)
* Convenient utility to create future with given body and optional callbacks and execution context.
* @param body Body.
* @param onFailure On error optional callback. No-op if not provided.
* @param onSuccess On success optional callback. No-op if not provided.
* @param ec Optional execution context. If not provided - the default Scala execution context will be used.
def asFuture[T](
body: Unit ⇒ T,
onFailure: ThrowableUnit = _ ⇒ Unit,
onSuccess: T ⇒ Unit = (_: T)())(implicit ec: ExecutionContext = global): Future[T] = {
val fut = Future { body(()) }(ec)
fut.onComplete {
case Success(ok) ⇒ onSuccess(ok)
case Failure(err) ⇒ onFailure(err)
* Makes thread.
* @param name Name.
* @param body Thread body.
def mkThread(name: String)(body: ThreadUnit): Thread =
new Thread(name) {
@volatile private var stopped = false
override def isInterrupted: Boolean = super.isInterrupted || stopped
override def interrupt(): Unit = {
stopped = true
override def run(): Unit = {
logger.trace(s"Thread started: $name")
try {
logger.trace(s"Thread exited: $name")
catch {
case _: InterruptedException ⇒ logger.trace(s"Thread interrupted: $name")
case e: Throwable ⇒ logger.error(s"Unexpected error during thread execution: $name", e)
stopped = true
* System-wide process of normalizing emails (trim & lower case).
* @param email Email to normalize.
def normalizeEmail(email: String): String = email.trim.toLowerCase
* Makes size restricted synchronized map.
def mkLRUMap[K, V](name: String, maxSize: Int): java.util.Map[K, V] =
new java.util.LinkedHashMap[K, V]() {
override def removeEldestEntry(eldest: java.util.Map.Entry[K, V]): Boolean = {
val b = size() > maxSize
if (b)
logger.warn(s"Map is too big (removing LRU item) [" +
s"name=$name, " +
s"max-size=$maxSize" +
* Gets system property, or environment variable (in that order), or `None` if none exists.
* @param s Name of the system property or environment variable.
def sysEnv(s: String): Option[String] =
* Returns `true` if given system property, or environment variable is provided and has value
* 'true'. In all other cases returns `false`.
* @param s Name of the system property or environment variable.
def isSysEnvTrue(s: String): Boolean =
sysEnv(s) match {
case Nonefalse
case Some(v) ⇒ java.lang.Boolean.valueOf(v) == java.lang.Boolean.TRUE
* Gets random value from given sequence.
* @param seq Sequence.
def getRandom[T](seq: Seq[T]): T = seq(RND.nextInt(seq.size))
* Makes random filled sequence with given length from initial.
* @param seq Initial sequence.
* @param n Required sequence length.
def getRandomSeq[T](seq: Seq[T], n: Int): Seq[T] = {
require(seq.lengthCompare(n) >= 0)
val src = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[T] ++ seq
val dest = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[T]
(0 until n).foreach(_ ⇒ dest += src.remove(RND.nextInt(src.size)))
* Gets system property, or environment variable (in that order), or throws exception if none exists.
* @param s Name of the system property or environment variable.
def mandatorySysEnv(s: String): String =
sysEnv(s) match {
case Some(v) ⇒ v
case Nonethrow new NCE(s"Cannot find environment variable or system property: $s")
* Compresses given string.
* @param rawStr String to compress.
* @return Compressed Base64-encoded string.
def compress(rawStr: String): String = {
val arr = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024)
managed(new GOS(arr)) acquireAndGet { zip ⇒
* Uncompresses given Base64-encoded previously compressed string.
* @param zipStr Compressed string.
* @return Uncompressed string.
def uncompress(zipStr: String): String =
IOUtils.toString(new GIS(new ByteArrayInputStream(Base64.decodeBase64(zipStr))), Charset.defaultCharset())
* Pimps integers with KB, MB, GB units of measure.
* @param v Integer value.
implicit class IntMemoryUnits(v: Int) {
def TB: Int = v * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
def GB: Int = v * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
def MB: Int = v * 1024 * 1024
def KB: Int = v * 1024
def tb: Int = TB
def gb: Int = GB
def mb: Int = MB
def kb: Int = KB
* Pimps longs with KB, MB, GB units of measure.
* @param v Long value.
implicit class LongMemoryUnits(v: Long) {
def TB: Long = v * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
def GB: Long = v * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
def MB: Long = v * 1024 * 1024
def KB: Long = v * 1024
def tb: Long = TB
def gb: Long = GB
def mb: Long = MB
def kb: Long = KB
* Pimps integers with time units.
* @param v Integer value.
implicit class IntTimeUnits(v: Int) {
def MSECS: Int = v
def MS: Int = v
def SECS: Int = v * 1000
def MINS: Int = v * 1000 * 60
def HOURS: Int = v * 1000 * 60 * 60
def DAYS: Int = v * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24
def msecs: Int = MSECS
def ms: Int = MS
def secs: Int = SECS
def mins: Int = MINS
def hours: Int = HOURS
def days: Int = DAYS
* Pimps long with time units.
* @param v Long value.
implicit class LongTimeUnits(v: Long) {
def MSECS: Long = v
def MS: Long = v
def SECS: Long = v * 1000
def MINS: Long = v * 1000 * 60
def HOURS: Long = v * 1000 * 60 * 60
def DAYS: Long = v * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24
def msecs: Long = MSECS
def ms: Long = MS
def secs: Long = SECS
def mins: Long = MINS
def hours: Long = HOURS
def days: Long = DAYS
* Sleeps number of msec properly handling exceptions.
* @param delay Number of msec to sleep.
def sleep(delay: Long): Unit =
catch {
case _: InterruptedExceptionThread.currentThread().interrupt()
case e: Throwable ⇒ logger.error("Unhandled exception caught during sleep.", e)
* Interrupts thread and waits for its finish.
* @param t Thread.
def stopThread(t: Thread): Unit =
if (t != null) {
catch {
case _: InterruptedException ⇒ logger.trace("Thread joining was interrupted (ignoring).")
* Shuts down executor services and waits for their finish.
* @param ess Executor services.
def shutdownPools(ess: ExecutorService*): Unit = {
val seq = ess.filter(_ != null)
seq.foreach(es ⇒
es.awaitTermination(Long.MaxValue, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
catch {
case _: InterruptedException() // Safely ignore.
* Gets full path for given file name in user's home folder.
* @param file File name.
def homeFileName(file: String): String = new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), file).getAbsolutePath
* Non Empty Or Null (NEON).
* @param s String to check.
def neon(s: String): Boolean = s != null && !s.isEmpty
* Generates (relatively) unique ID good for a short-term usage.
def genGuid(): String = idGen.encrypt(System.currentTimeMillis(), System.nanoTime())
* Converts non-empty sequence of '\n' and '\s' into one ' '.
* @param s Object to remove spaces from.
def zipSpaces(s: AnyRef): String = s.toString.replaceAll( """[\n\s]+""", " ")
* Pimps `Option[T]` with `getOrFail` function that improves on standard
* `get` by adding user-defined descriptive error message in case of `None`.
* @param opt Option to pimp.
implicit class GetOrFail[T](val opt: Option[T]) extends AnyVal {
def getOrFail(errMsg: String): T = if (opt.isDefined) opt.get else throw new NCE(errMsg)
* Checks duplicated elements in collection.
* @param seq Collection.
* @param seen Checked elements.
* @see #getDups
def containsDups[T](seq: Seq[T], seen: Set[T] = Set.empty[T]): Boolean =
seq match {
case x :: xs ⇒ if (seen.contains(x)) true else containsDups(xs, seen + x)
case _ ⇒ false
* Gets set of duplicate values from given sequence (potentially empty).
* @param seq Sequence to check for dups from.
* @tparam T
* @return
* @see #containsDups
def getDups[T](seq: Seq[T]): Set[T] =
* Gets a sequence without dups. It works by checking for dups first, before creating a new
* sequence if dups are found. It's more efficient when dups are rare.
* @param seq Sequence with potential dups.
def distinct[T](seq: List[T]): List[T] =
if (containsDups(seq))
* Safely and silently closes the client socket.
* @param sock Client socket to close.
def close(sock: Socket): Unit =
if (sock != null)
ignoring(classOf[IOException]) {
* @param e
* @return
def getOriginCause(e: Throwable): Throwable =
if (e == null)
e.getCause match {
case null ⇒ e // Original cause (bottom of the stack trace).
case t ⇒ getOriginCause(t)
* Safely and silently closes the server socket.
* @param sock Server socket to close.
def close(sock: ServerSocket): Unit =
if (sock != null)
ignoring(classOf[IOException]) {
* @param in Stream.
def close(in: InputStream): Unit =
if (in != null)
ignoring(classOf[IOException]) {
* @param out Stream.
def close(out: OutputStream): Unit =
if (out != null)
ignoring(classOf[IOException]) {
* Closes auto-closeable ignoring any exceptions.
* @param a Resource to close.
def close(a: AutoCloseable): Unit =
if (a != null)
ignoring(classOf[Exception]) {
* Formats given double number with provided precision.
* @param num Number to format.
* @param precision Number of digits after decimal point.
def format(num: Double, precision: Int): String = precision match {
case 0 ⇒ DEC_FMT0.format(num)
case 1 ⇒ DEC_FMT1.format(num)
case _ ⇒ DEC_FMT2.format(num)
* Unzips file.
* @param zipFile Zip file.
* @param outDir Output folder.
def unzip(zipFile: String, outDir: String): Unit = {
def mkDir(dir: File): Unit =
if (dir != null && !dir.exists()) {
if (!dir.mkdirs())
throw new NCE(s"Folder cannot be created: ${dir.getAbsolutePath}")
mkDir(new File(outDir))
managed(new ZipInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(zipFile)))) acquireAndGet { in ⇒
var entry = in.getNextEntry
while (entry != null) {
val f = new File(outDir, entry.getName)
if (!entry.isDirectory) {
try {
if (!f.createNewFile())
throw new NCE(s"File cannot be created: ${f.getAbsolutePath}")
managed(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(f))) acquireAndGet { out ⇒
IOUtils.copy(in, out)
catch {
case e: IOExceptionthrow new NCE(s"IO error processing file: ${f.getAbsolutePath}.", e)
entry = in.getNextEntry
* Tokenize string splitting by space.
* @param s String for tokenization.
def tokenizeSpace(s: String): Seq[String] = s.split(" ")
* Makes SHA256 hash.
* @param s String.
def mkSha256Hash(s: String): String = DigestUtils.sha256Hex(s)
* Makes properties file based on input string.
* @param s String.
def mkProperties(s: String): Properties = {
val p = new Properties()
p.load(new StringReader(s))
catch {
case e: IOExceptionthrow new NCE(s"Error reading properties: $s", e)
* Converts error with its trace to string.
* @param t Error.
def toString(t: Throwable): String =
managed(new ByteArrayOutputStream()) acquireAndGet { out ⇒
managed(new PrintStream(out)) acquireAndGet { ps ⇒
new String(out.toByteArray, "UTF8")
* Makes absolute path starting from working directory.
* @param path Path.
def mkPath(path: String): String = new File(s"${new File("").getAbsolutePath}/$path").getAbsolutePath
* Gets either environment variable or system property based path with given name.
* @param s Environment variable or system property name.
def getSysEnvPath(s: String): String = {
// NOTE: system property overrides environment variable.
val v = U.mandatorySysEnv(s)
if (!new File(v).exists())
throw new NCE(s"Path '$v' does not exist.")
* Gets resources from resources folder.
* based on
* @param resDir Folder.
def getFilesResources(resDir: String): Seq[String] = {
val clazz = getClass
val url = {
val x = clazz.getClassLoader.getResource(resDir)
if (x != null) x else clazz.getClassLoader.getResource(clazz.getName.replace(".", "/") + ".class")
url.getProtocol match {
case "file"
managed(new InputStreamReader(getStream(resDir))) acquireAndGet { reader ⇒
managed(new BufferedReader(reader)) acquireAndGet { bReader ⇒
bReader.lines().collect(Collectors.toList[String]) ⇒ s"$resDir/$p")
case "jar"
val jar = new JarFile(URLDecoder.decode(url.getPath.substring(5, url.getPath.indexOf("!")), "UTF-8"))
val entries = jar.entries
val res = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[String]
while (entries.hasMoreElements) {
val name = entries.nextElement.getName
if (name.startsWith(resDir) && name != s"$resDir/")
res += name
case _ ⇒ throw new NCE(s"Cannot list files for: $resDir")
* Gets external IP.
def getExternalIp: String =
managed(new URL("").openStream()) acquireAndGet { is ⇒
managed(new InputStreamReader(is)) acquireAndGet { reader ⇒
managed(new BufferedReader(reader)) acquireAndGet { bufReader ⇒
* Gets internal IP.
def getInternalAddress: InetAddress = {
var res: Option[InetAddress] = None
val en = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces
while (en.hasMoreElements && res.isEmpty) {
val nic = en.nextElement
if (nic != null && nic.isUp) {
val as = nic.getInetAddresses
while (as.hasMoreElements && res.isEmpty) {
val addr = as.nextElement
if (
!addr.isLoopbackAddress && !addr.isLinkLocalAddress && addr.isInstanceOf[Inet4Address]
res = Some(addr)
* Creates object from JSON string.
* @param js JSON string.
def js2Obj(js: String): AnyRef =
GSON.fromJson(js, classOf[Object])
catch {
case e: Exceptionthrow new NCE(s"Failed to convert JSON string to map: $js", e)
* @param bodies
* @param ec
def executeParallel(bodies: (()Any)*)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext = global): Unit = ⇒ { Future { body() }(ec) } ).foreach(f ⇒ Await.result(f, Duration.Inf))
* @param clsName Fully qualified class name to create object of.
* @tparam T Type of the object to create.
* @return New instance of the specified type.
def mkObject[T](clsName: String): T = {
// Try Java reflection first.
catch {
case _: Throwable
// Try Scala reflection second.
val mirror = runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)
catch {
case e: Throwablethrow new NCE(s"Error initializing object of type: $clsName", e)
* Gets simple class name of the caller removing '$' for Scala classes.
* @param clazz Class object.
* @return Simple class name.
def cleanClassName(clazz: Class[_]): String = {
val cls = clazz.getSimpleName
if (cls.endsWith("$"))
cls.substring(0, cls.length - 1)
* @param srvReqId Server request ID.
* @return
def mkLogHolderKey(srvReqId: String): String = s"__NC_LOG_HOLDER_$srvReqId"
* Sparsity depth (or rank) as sum of all gaps in indexes. Gap is a non-consecutive index.
* @param idx Sequence of indexes.
* @return
def calcSparsity(idx: Seq[Int]): Int = { case (v, i)Math.abs(v - idx(i - 1)) }.sum - idx.length + 1