blob: 9d7a5492265ad9a97f7d7267021090864df3db2b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import io.opencensus.trace.Span
import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.config.NCConfigurable
import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.nlp.{NCNlpSentence => Sentence, NCNlpSentenceNote => Note, NCNlpSentenceToken => Token}
import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.pool.NCThreadPoolManager
import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.{NCService, _}
import org.apache.nlpcraft.server.nlp.enrichers.NCServerEnricher
import java.util
import java.util.{Calendar => C, List => JList}
import scala.collection.immutable.Iterable
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.ListHasAsScala
* Date enricher.
object NCDateEnricher extends NCServerEnricher {
private object Config extends NCConfigurable {
def style: NCDateFormatType = getObject("nlpcraft.server.datesFormatStyle", NCDateFormatType.withName)
private implicit final val ec: ExecutionContext = NCThreadPoolManager.getSystemContext
// Correctness is not checked (double spaces etc).
private[date] val prepsFrom = mkPrepositions(FROM)
private[date] val prepsTo = mkPrepositions(TO)
private[date] val prepsOn = mkPrepositions(ON)
private[date] val prepsBtwIncl = mkBetweenPrepositions(BETWEEN_INCLUSIVE)
private[date] val prepsBtwExcl = mkBetweenPrepositions(BETWEEN_EXCLUSIVE)
private val cacheFull = new util.HashMap[String, String]()
private val cacheParts = new util.HashMap[String, String]()
// Preposition data holder.
case class P(text: String) {
val words: Seq[String] = U.splitTrimFilter(text," ")
val length: Int = words.length
// Function's data holder.
case class F(
tokens: Seq[Token],
body: String,
isFull: Boolean,
var isProcessed: Boolean = false) {
def words: Seq[String] =
// Date data holder.
case class D(
function: F,
length: Int // Preposition length.
// Simple range data holder.
case class R(
function: F,
length: Int, // Preposition length.
isFromType: Boolean,
inclusive: Boolean
// Complex range data holder.
case class CRD(
from: F,
to: F,
dash: Seq[Token]
case class CR(
from: F,
fromLength: Int, // Preposition length.
fromInclusive: Boolean,
to: F,
toLength: Int, // Preposition length.
toInclusive: Boolean
// Time holder.
case class T(
tokens: Seq[Token],
body: Option[String]
// Time period holder.
case class TP(
tokens: Seq[Token],
body: String
* @param parent Optional parent span.
override def stop(parent: Span = null): Unit = startScopedSpan("stop", parent) { _ =>
* @param parent Optional parent span.
* @return
override def start(parent: Span = null): NCService = startScopedSpan("start", parent) { span =>
val sep = '|'.asInstanceOf[Int]
def read(dest: util.Map[String, String], res: String): Unit =
U.readTextGzipResource(res, "UTF-8", logger).foreach(p => {
val idx = p.indexOf(sep)
// Data already trimmed.
dest.put(p.take(idx), p.drop(idx + 1))
def readCommon(dest: util.Map[String, String], res: String): Unit = {
startScopedSpan("read", span, "res" -> res) { _ =>
val m = new util.HashMap[String, String]()
read(m, res)
dest.synchronized {
val file = match {
case MDY => "parts_mdy.txt.gz"
case DMY => "parts_dmy.txt.gz"
case YMD => "parts_ymd.txt.gz"
case _ => throw new AssertionError(s"Unexpected format type: ${}")
() => read(cacheFull, "date/full.txt.gz"),
() => readCommon(cacheParts, "date/parts.txt.gz"),
() => readCommon(cacheParts, s"date/$file")
* @param ns NLP sentence to enrich.
* @param parent Optional parent span.
* @throws NCE
override def enrich(ns: Sentence, parent: Span = null): Unit = {
// This stage must not be 1st enrichment stage.
require(cacheFull != null)
require(cacheParts != null)
startScopedSpan("enrich", parent, "srvReqId" -> ns.srvReqId, "txt" -> ns.text) { _ =>
val base = U.nowUtcMs()
val dates = findDates(ns)
val partsDates = dates.filter(!_.isFull)
val fullDates = dates.filter(_.isFull)
def startWith(f: F, prepLen: Int, slice: Seq[String]): Boolean = {
val startIdx = f.tokens.head.index
val p1 = ns.take(startIdx).filter(!_.isStopWord).takeRight(prepLen)
val p2 = ns.drop(startIdx).filter(!_.isStopWord)
(p1 ++ p2).map(_.normText).startsWith(slice)
def findComplexes(ps: Seq[(P, P)], fromIncl: Boolean, toIncl: Boolean): Seq[CR] = {
val buf = mutable.Buffer.empty[CR]
for (pair <- partsDates.sliding(2) if !pair.exists(_.isProcessed)) {
val from = pair.head
val to = pair.last
ps.find(p => startWith(from, p._1.length, p._1.words ++ from.words ++ p._2.words ++ to.words)) match {
case Some(e) =>
buf += CR(from, e._1.length, fromIncl, to, e._2.length, toIncl)
mark(from, to)
case None => // No-op.
def isDash(toks: Seq[Token]): Boolean = {
def isDashChar(t: Token): Boolean = t.origText.forall(ch => DASHES.contains(ch) || DASHES_LIKE.contains(ch))
toks.exists(isDashChar) && toks.forall(t => t.isStopWord || isDashChar(t))
def findComplexDash(): Seq[CRD] = {
val buf = mutable.Buffer.empty[CRD]
for (pair <- dates.sliding(2) if !pair.exists(_.isProcessed)) {
val from = pair.head
val to = pair.last
val between = ns.slice(from.tokens.last.index + 1, to.tokens.head.index)
if (between.nonEmpty && isDash(between)) {
mark(from, to)
buf += CRD(from, to, between)
def findSimples[T](ps: Seq[P], mkHolder: (F, P) => T): Seq[T] = {
val buf = mutable.Buffer.empty[T]
for (f <- partsDates.filter(!_.isProcessed))
ps.find(p => startWith(f, p.length, p.words ++ f.words)) match {
case Some(p) =>
buf += mkHolder(f, p)
case None => ()
def withBefore(tokens: Seq[Token], lenBefore: Int) =
ns.take(tokens.head.index).filter(!_.isStopWord).takeRight(lenBefore) ++ tokens
* Finds and adds ranges and dates (complex dates should be processed first).
// Between:and, from:to - complex ranges.
val complexRanges =
findComplexes(prepsBtwIncl, fromIncl = true, toIncl = true) ++
findComplexes(prepsBtwExcl, fromIncl = true, toIncl = false)
for (r <- complexRanges) {
val body = s"${r.from.body}:${}"
val toks = withBefore(r.from.tokens, r.fromLength) ++ withBefore(, r.toLength)
addNote(body, r.fromInclusive, r.toInclusive, toks, base)
// From, to - simple ranges.
val simpleRanges =
findSimples(prepsFrom, (f: F, p: P) => R(f, p.length, isFromType = true, inclusive = true)) ++
findSimples(prepsTo, (f: F, p: P) => R(f, p.length, isFromType = false, inclusive = true))
for (r <- simpleRanges) {
val b = r.function.body
val body = if (r.isFromType) s"$b:" else s":$b"
val toks = withBefore(r.function.tokens, r.length)
addNote(body, r.inclusive, r.inclusive, toks, base)
for (r <- findComplexDash()) {
val body = s"${r.from.body}:${}"
val toks = r.from.tokens ++ r.dash ++
addNote(body, fromIncl = true, toIncl = false, toks, base)
// On, in, for - concrete periods.
val simpleDates = findSimples(prepsOn, (f: F, p: P) => D(f, p.length))
for (d <- simpleDates) {
val body = d.function.body
val toks = withBefore(d.function.tokens, d.length)
addNote(body, fromIncl = true, toIncl = true, toks, base)
// Full cached dates and ranges.
for (f <- fullDates)
addNote(f.body, fromIncl = true, toIncl = true, f.tokens, base)
// Others - partially cached and without prepositions.
val unknowns = partsDates.filter(!_.isProcessed)
for (f <- unknowns)
addNote(f.body, fromIncl = true, toIncl = true, f.tokens, base)
private def mkPrepositions(seq: Seq[String]): Seq[P] =
private def mkBetweenPrepositions(seq: Seq[(String, String)]): Seq[(P, P)] = => P(t._1) -> P(t._2))
private def areSuitableTokens(buf: mutable.Buffer[Set[Token]], toks: Seq[Token]): Boolean =
toks.forall(t => !t.isQuoted && !t.isBracketed) && !buf.exists(_.exists(toks.contains))
private def findDates(ns: Sentence): Seq[F] = {
val buf = mutable.Buffer.empty[Set[Token]]
val res = mutable.Buffer.empty[F]
for (toks <- ns.tokenMixWithStopWords()) {
def process(toks: Seq[Token]): Unit = {
if (areSuitableTokens(buf, toks)) {
val s =" ")
def add(body: String, isFull: Boolean): Unit = {
res += F(toks, body, isFull)
buf += toks.toSet
cacheFull.get(s) match {
case null =>
cacheParts.get(s) match {
case null => // No-op.
case body => add(body, isFull = false)
case body => add(body, isFull = true)
val nnToks = toks.filter(!_.isStopWord)
if (nnToks != toks)
res.sortBy(h => ns.indexOfSlice(h.tokens))
* @param range
* @param from
* @param to
* @param toks
* @return
private def mkNote(range: NCDateRange, from: Int, to: Int, toks: Seq[Token]): Note =
"from" -> range.from,
"to" ->,
"periods" -> range.periods
private def addNote(
body: String,
fromIncl: Boolean,
toIncl: Boolean,
tokens: Seq[Token],
base: Long): Unit = {
val note = mkNote(
NCDateParser.calculate(body, base, fromIncl, toIncl).mkInclusiveDateRange,
private def mark(processed: F*): Unit = processed.foreach(_.isProcessed = true)
private def collapse(ns: Sentence): Unit = {
private def isValidRange(n: Note): Boolean = n("from").asInstanceOf[Long] < n("to").asInstanceOf[Long]
private def collapsePeriods(ns: Sentence): Unit = {
// a) Months and years.
// 1. "m", "m"... "y, m" -> fix year for firsts; try to union all.
// Example: January, February of 2009.
// or "m", "m"... "m" -> fix year for firsts; try to union all.
// Example: January, February of previous year. (last month can be represented as Nm-x (x is 1 year))
// 2. "m", "m"... "y" -> fix year for firsts; try to union firsts - if success drop last.
// Example: January, February, 2009 year.
// 3. "y, m", "m"... "m" -> -> fix year for lasts; try to union all.
// Example: January of 2009 and February.
// 4. "y", "m"... "m" -> fix year for lasts; try to union lasts - if success drop first.
// Example: 2009, January and February.
// b) Days of week and week.
// 1. "dw", "dw"... "w, dw" -> fix week of year for firsts; try to union all.
// Example: Monday, Tuesday of this week.
// 2. "dw", "dw"... "w" -> fix week of year for firsts; try to union firsts - if success drop last.
// Example: Monday, Tuesday, this week.
// 3. "w, dw", "dw"... "dw" -> fix week of year for lasts; try to union all.
// Example: Monday of this week and Tuesday.
// 4. "w", "dw"... "dw" -> fix week of year for lasts; try to union lasts - if success drop first.
// Example: this week, Monday and Tuesday.
// c) Days of week.
// Try to union all.
// Example: Monday, Tuesday.
for (neighbours <- findNeighbours(ns, andSupport = true)) {
val buf = mutable.Buffer.empty[Seq[Note]]
// Creates all neighbours' sequences starting from longest.
val combs: Seq[Seq[Note]] = (2 to neighbours.length).reverse.flatMap(i => neighbours.sliding(i))
for (comb <- combs if !buf.exists(p => p.exists(p => comb.contains(p)))) {
val first = comb.head
val last = comb.last
val firsts = comb.take(comb.size - 1)
val lasts = comb.takeRight(comb.size - 1)
def fixField(
field: Int,
seq: Seq[Note],
base: Note,
isBefore: Boolean = false,
isAfter: Boolean = false) = {
val r = mkDateRange(base)
val baseDate = if (!r.isFromNegativeInfinity) r.from else
def setField(d: Long): Long = {
val c = mkCalendar(d)
c.set(field, getField(baseDate, field))
// We cannot set field for both from and to because they can have various values of this field.
def convertRange(range: NCDateRange): NCDateRange = {
val from1 = range.from
val from2 = setField(from1)
NCDateRange(from2, + from2 - from1)
seq.foreach(n => {
val r = convertRange(mkDateRange(n))
ns.fixNote(n, "from" -> r.from, "to" ->, "periods" -> new util.ArrayList[String]())
def optHolder(b: Boolean) = if (b) Some(base) else None
compressAndRemoveNotes(ns, seq, optHolder(isBefore), optHolder(isAfter))
buf += comb
// m m m,y
if (equalHolders(firsts, "m") && equalHolder(last, "m", "y"))
fixField(C.YEAR, firsts :+ last, last)
// m m y or y:y
else if (equalHolders(firsts, "m") && (equalHolder(last, "y") || equalHolder(last, "y", ":", "y")))
fixField(C.YEAR, firsts, last, isAfter = true)
// m,y m m
else if (equalHolder(first, "m", "y") && equalHolders(lasts, "m"))
fixField(C.YEAR, Seq(first) ++ lasts, first)
// y or y:y m m
else if ((equalHolder(first, "y") || equalHolder(first, "y", ":", "y")) && equalHolders(lasts, "m"))
fixField(C.YEAR, lasts, first, isBefore = true)
// dw dw dw,w
else if (equalHolders(firsts, "dw") && equalHolder(last, "w", "dw"))
fixField(C.WEEK_OF_YEAR, firsts :+ last, last)
// dw dw w or w:w
else if (equalHolders(firsts, "dw") && (equalHolder(last, "w") || equalHolder(last, "w", ":", "w")))
fixField(C.WEEK_OF_YEAR, firsts, last, isAfter = true)
// dw,w dw dw
else if (equalHolder(first, "w", "dw") && equalHolders(lasts, "dw"))
fixField(C.WEEK_OF_YEAR, Seq(first) ++ lasts, first)
// w or w:w dw dw
else if ((equalHolder(first, "w") || equalHolder(first, "w", ":", "w")) && equalHolders(lasts, "dw"))
fixField(C.WEEK_OF_YEAR, lasts, first, isBefore = true)
private def compressNotes(
ns: Sentence,
notes: Seq[Note],
before: Option[Note] = None,
after: Option[Note] = None): Boolean = {
if (nearRanges(notes)) {
def getSeq(optH: Option[Note]): Seq[Note] =
optH match {
case Some(h) => Seq(h)
case None => Seq.empty
val s = getSeq(before) ++ notes ++ getSeq(after)
val from = s.head.tokenFrom
val to = s.last.tokenTo
val note = mkNote(mkSumRange(notes), from, to, ns.filter(t => t.index >= from && t.index <= to))
if (isValidRange(note)) {
filter(t => t.index >= from && t.index <= to).
foreach(_.add(note)) // Replaces.
private def compressAndRemoveNotes(
ns: Sentence,
seq: Seq[Note],
before: Option[Note] = None,
after: Option[Note] = None): Unit = {
if (!compressNotes(ns, seq, before, after)) {
def remove(nOpt: Option[Note]): Unit =
nOpt match {
case Some(h) => ns.removeNote(h)
case None => // No-op.
private def findNeighbours(ns: Sentence, andSupport: Boolean): Seq[Seq[Note]] = {
val hs = ns.getNotes("nlpcraft:date").sortBy(_.tokenFrom)
case class Wrapper(holder: Note, var group: Int)
val wrappers =, 0))
val grouped = => {
val grp =
if (w.holder == hs.head)
else {
val prevW = getPrevious(w, wrappers)
val prevH = prevW.holder
val h = w.holder
val g =
val toksBetween = ns.filter(t => t.index > prevH.tokenTo && t.index < h.tokenFrom)
if (toksBetween.isEmpty || toksBetween.forall(p => p.isStopWord || (andSupport && p.origText == "and")))
g + 1
} = grp
}).map(w => w.holder ->
hs.groupBy(grouped(_)).toSeq.sortBy(_._1).map(_._2).filter(_.size > 1)
private def removeDuplicates(ns: Sentence): Unit = {
val notes = findNeighbours(ns, andSupport = false).flatMap(g => {
case class H(from: Long, to: Long) {
override def equals(obj: scala.Any): Boolean = obj match {
case v: H => v.from == from && == to
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int = (from + to).hashCode()
// Neighbours grouped by equal date ranges.
val grouped: Map[H, Seq[Note]] = g.groupBy(h => H(h("from").asInstanceOf[Long], h("to").asInstanceOf[Long]))
// Groups ordered to keep node with maximum information (max periods count in date).
val hs: Iterable[Seq[Note]] = => -h("periods").asInstanceOf[JList[String]].asScala.length))
// First holder will be kept in group, others (tail) should be deleted.
private def mkCalendar(d: Long) = {
val c = C.getInstance()
private def mkSumRange(notes: Seq[Note]): NCDateRange =
notes.size match {
case 0 => throw new AssertionError("Unexpected empty notes")
case 1 => mkDateRange(notes.head)
case _ =>
val ranges =
val maxRange = ranges.last
if (ranges.take(ranges.size - 1).forall(maxRange.include))
mkDateRange(notes.head) // By the least.
mkDateRange(notes.head, notes.last) // Summary.
private def mkDateRange(n1: Note, n2: Note): NCDateRange = NCDateRange(n1("from").asInstanceOf[Long], n2("to").asInstanceOf[Long])
private def mkDateRange(n: Note): NCDateRange = mkDateRange(n, n)
private def getField(d: Long, field: Int): Int = mkCalendar(d).get(field)
private def equalHolder(h: Note, ps: String*): Boolean = h("periods").asInstanceOf[JList[String]].asScala.sorted == ps.sorted
private def equalHolders(hs: Seq[Note], ps: String*): Boolean = hs.forall(equalHolder(_, ps: _*))
private def getPrevious[T](s: T, seq: Seq[T]): T = seq(seq.indexOf(s) - 1)
private def nearRanges(ns: Seq[Note]): Boolean =
n => if (n == ns.head) true else getPrevious(n, ns)("to").asInstanceOf[Long] == n("from").asInstanceOf[Long]