blob: f30183642a69e4bad9716cc0738c9634eae903ba [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This is joint configuration file for both the server and the data probes. Note that
# server and probe configuration can be placed into separate files - each file containing only
# 'nlpcraft.server' or 'nlpcraft.probe' sub-sections. By default, the server looks for
# 'server.conf' and then 'nlpcraft.conf' file, while data probe looks for 'probe.conf' and
# then 'nlpcraft.conf' file.
# You can also provide configuration properties or override the default ones via environment variables.
# To use environment variables override:
# 1. Set probe or server JVM system property -Dconfig.override_with_env_vars=true
# 2. For each configuration 'x.y.z' set the environment variable CONFIG_FORCE_x_y_z=some_value
# Examples of environment variables:
# -- Overrides '' configuration property.
# CONFIG_FORCE_nlpcraft_server_rest_host="localhost"
# -- Overrides 'nlpcraft.sever.models' configuration property.
# CONFIG_FORCE_nlpcraft_server_models="com.models.MyModel"
# See for more details.
# Common server/probe configuration root.
nlpcraft {
# +----------------------------+
# | REST server configuration. |
# +----------------------------+
server {
# Comma-separated list of class names for server lifecycle components.
# Each class should implement 'NCServerLifecycle' interface/trait and provide an no-arg constructor.
# The following built-in OpenCensus exporters are supported as lifecycle components:
# - org.apache.nlpcraft.server.lifecycle.opencensus.NCJaegerExporter (traces)
# - org.apache.nlpcraft.server.lifecycle.opencensus.NCZipkinExporter (traces)
# - org.apache.nlpcraft.server.lifecycle.opencensus.NCPrometheusExporter (stats)
# - org.apache.nlpcraft.server.lifecycle.opencensus.NCStackdriverTraceExporter (traces)
# - org.apache.nlpcraft.server.lifecycle.opencensus.NCStackdriverStatsExporter (stats)
# NOTE: all built-in trace exporters use "always" sampling that is only suitable
# for demo or development purposes. For production usage you need to modify the
# sampling strategy:
lifecycle = ""
# Properties for various OpenCensus built-in exporters.
# All configuration properties are optional unless otherwise specified.
# opencensus {
# jaeger {
# thriftUrl = ""
# serviceName = "nlpcraft-server"
# }
# prometheus {
# hostPort = "localhost:8888"
# namespace = "nlpcraft-server"
# }
# stackdriver {
# # Mandatory Google project ID.
# googleProjectId = "your_google_project_id"
# metricsPrefix = ""
# }
# zipkin {
# v2Url = ""
# serviceName = "nlpcraft-server"
# }
# }
# Apache Ignite database, which is used by default, doesn't require configuration.
# MySql, Postgres and Oracle databases can be configured instead.
database {
# jdbc {
# # MySQL URL and driver.
# # Note that MySQL driver dependencies should be added to the project,
# # and scripts sql/mysql should be executed.
# # Tested under MySQL 5.7.17.
# url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/nlpcraft"
# driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
# username = <user>
# password = <password>
# }
# jdbc {
# # Postgres URL and driver.
# # Note that Postgres driver dependencies should be added to the project,
# # and scripts sql/postgres should be executed.
# # Tested under Postgres 9.6.9.
# url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/nlpcraft"
# driver = org.postgresql.Driver
# username = nlpcraft
# password = nlpcraft
# }
# jdbc {
# # Oracle URL and driver.
# # Note that Oracle driver dependencies should be added to the project,
# # and scripts sql/oracle should be executed.
# # Tested under Oracle 11G (XE).
# url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:XE"
# driver = oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
# username = nlpcraft
# password = nlpcraft
# }
# Apache Ignite In-Memory Computing Platform (persistence).
jdbc {
# Ignite JDBC URL and driver.
url = "jdbc:ignite:thin://"
driver = org.apache.ignite.IgniteJdbcThinDriver
# username =
# password =
# Only used when Apache Ignite is configured as persistence provider.
# Allows to reset Ignite DB.
igniteDbInitialize = false
# Common JDBC connection pool for any supported database.
c3p0 {
maxStatements = 180
pool {
initSize = 10
minSize = 1
maxSize = 50
acquireIncrement = 2
# REST server configuration.
rest {
# NOTE: 'localhost' or '' don't work from Docker container.
host = ""
port = 8081
apiImpl = ""
# User manager configuration.
user {
pwdPoolBlowup = 3
timeoutScannerFreqMins = 1
accessTokenExpireTimeoutMins = 60
# Probe manager configuration.
probe {
links {
# Default endpoints.
# ------
# (1) If changed - they need to be changed on both server and probes.
# (2) Don't use 'localhost' if server and probe(s) are on different hosts.
# (3) Use "" IP address when running server in a docker container.
# This property can be overridden with system property.
upLink = "" # Server to probe data pipe.
# This property can be overridden with system property.
downLink = "" # Probe to server data pipe.
pingTimeoutMs = 2000
soTimeoutMs = 5000
reconnectTimeoutMs = 5000
# Default date formatting for 'nlpcraft:date' token detection only.
# Supported formats: MDY, DMY, YMD.
datesFormatStyle = MDY
# Comma-separated list of enabled built-in token providers (each token represents a named entity).
# User models can only use built-in tokens from the token providers configured here.
# Supported values:
# * 'nlpcraft' - Built-in NLPCraft tokens. Token IDs start with 'nlpcraft:'.
# * 'opennlp' - Apache OpenNLP ( Token IDs start with 'opennlp:'.
# * 'stanford' - Stanford CoreNLP ( Token IDs start with 'stanford:'.
# * 'google' - Google Natural Language ( Token IDs start with 'google:'.
# * 'spacy' - Python NLP Library ( Token IDs start with 'spacy:'.
# DO NOT confuse these token providers with underlying NLP engine ('opnenlp' or 'stanford').
# NLP engine is used only for the basic NLP processing such as tokenization, lemmatization, etc.
# NLP engines and supported token providers can be mixed and matched, i.e. 'stanford' NLP engine
# can be used with 'google' and 'opennlp' token providers.
# See Integrations section ( for details on how to
# configure 3rd party token providers.
# By default - only NLPCraft tokens are enabled and can be used by the user data models.
tokenProviders = "nlpcraft"
# If Spacy is enabled as a token provider (value 'spacy') - defines Spacy proxy URL.
# spacy.proxy.url="http://localhost:5002"
# 'ctxword' server endpoint URL.
# Basic NLP toolkit to use on both server and probes. Possible values:
# - 'opennlp'
# - 'stanford'
# NOTE: Stanford CoreNLP requires special installation due to its licensing.
# See for more details.
nlpEngine = "opennlp"
# External configuration resources.
# ----
# Due to licensing restrictions of the official ASF release policy some of the
# configuration for NLPCraft cannot be shipped with the official Apache release.
# Instead, NLPCraft will attempt to download these configuration files from the
# external URL upon the first start.
# NLPCraft will attempt to download the missing configuration files from URL defined
# in 'nlpcraft.extConfig.extUrl' property and place them into 'nlpcraft.extConfig.locDir'
# folder on the local file system. On subsequent starts, NLPCraft will check if the required
# file is already present locally and skip the download in such case. If 'nlpcraft.extConfig.checkMd5'
# property is set to 'true' then on each start NLPCraft will check the checksum of each file
# locally and remote and will re-download such file if the MD5 checksums don't match.
# By default, the external configuration is stored in the main Git repository for NLPCraft
# project from where it will be downloaded ('/external' folder). See this folder in the Git
# repository for more information:
extConfig {
# Mandatory.
extUrl = ""
# Optional.
# Default value is $USER_HOME/.nlpcraft/extcfg
# locDir = ...
# If 'true', on each start NLPCraft will check the MD5 checksum of the each local and remote
# external configuration file and will re-download such file if the checksum doesn't match.
# Set it to 'false' to speed up the bootstrap of the NLPCraft server and the data probe if you
# are certain that all external configuration files are properly downloaded and available
# in 'nlpcraft.extConfig.locDir' local folder.
checkMd5 = true