blob: 100334fe19adf55636856b4c650ebe7cf59917f5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.nlpcraft.probe.mgrs.nlp.enrichers.sort
import org.apache.nlpcraft.model.NCElement
import org.apache.nlpcraft.probe.mgrs.nlp.enrichers.NCTestSortTokenType._
import org.apache.nlpcraft.probe.mgrs.nlp.enrichers.{NCDefaultTestModel, NCEnricherBaseSpec, NCTestNlpToken => nlp, NCTestSortToken => srt, NCTestUserToken => usr}
import org.apache.nlpcraft.{NCTestElement, NCTestEnvironment}
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import java.util
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.{SetHasAsJava, SetHasAsScala}
class NCDefaultSpecTestModel extends NCDefaultTestModel {
override def getElements: util.Set[NCElement] = {
super.getElements.asScala ++
Set(NCTestElement("wrapperA", "^^{tok_id() == 'A'}^^ ^^{tok_id() == 'A'}^^ ^^{tok_id() == 'A'}^^"))
override def isPermutateSynonyms: Boolean = true
override def isSparse: Boolean = true
* Sort enricher test.
@NCTestEnvironment(model = classOf[NCDefaultSpecTestModel], startClient = true)
class NCEnricherSortSpec extends NCEnricherBaseSpec {
* @throws Exception
def test(): Unit =
_ => checkExists(
"sort A",
srt(text = "sort", typ = SUBJ_ONLY, note = "A", index = 1),
usr("A", "A")
_ => checkExists(
"sort A by A",
srt(text = "sort", subjNote = "A", subjIndex = 1, byNote = "A", byIndex = 3),
usr(text = "A", id = "A"),
nlp(text = "by", isStop = true),
usr(text = "A", id = "A")
_ => checkExists(
"sort A, C by A, C",
srt(text = "sort", subjNotes = Seq("A", "C"), subjIndexes = Seq(1, 3), byNotes = Seq("A", "C"), byIndexes = Seq(5, 7)),
usr(text = "A", id = "A"),
nlp(text = ",", isStop = true),
usr(text = "C", id = "C"),
nlp(text = "by", isStop = true),
usr(text = "A", id = "A"),
nlp(text = ",", isStop = true),
usr(text = "C", id = "C")
_ => checkExists(
"sort A C by A C",
srt(text = "sort", subjNotes = Seq("A", "C"), subjIndexes = Seq(1, 2), byNotes = Seq("A", "C"), byIndexes = Seq(4, 5)),
usr(text = "A", id = "A"),
usr(text = "C", id = "C"),
nlp(text = "by", isStop = true),
usr(text = "A", id = "A"),
usr(text = "C", id = "C")
_ => checkExists(
"sort A B by A B",
srt(text = "sort", subjNotes = Seq("A", "B"), subjIndexes = Seq(1, 2), byNotes = Seq("A", "B"), byIndexes = Seq(4, 5)),
usr(text = "A", id = "A"),
usr(text = "B", id = "B"),
nlp(text = "by", isStop = true),
usr(text = "A", id = "A"),
usr(text = "B", id = "B")
_ => checkExists(
"sort A B by A B",
srt(text = "sort", subjNote = "AB", subjIndex = 1, byNote = "AB", byIndex = 3),
usr(text = "A B", id = "AB"),
nlp(text = "by", isStop = true),
usr(text = "A B", id = "AB")
_ => checkExists(
"A classify",
usr(text = "A", id = "A"),
srt(text = "classify", typ = SUBJ_ONLY, note = "A", index = 0)
_ => checkExists(
"the A the classify",
nlp(text = "the", isStop = true),
usr(text = "A", id = "A"),
nlp(text = "the", isStop = true),
srt(text = "classify", typ = SUBJ_ONLY, note = "A", index = 1)
_ => checkExists(
"segment A by top down",
srt(text = "segment", typ = SUBJ_ONLY, note = "A", index = 1, asc = false),
usr(text = "A", id = "A"),
nlp(text = "by top down", isStop = true)
_ => checkExists(
"segment A in bottom up order",
srt(text = "segment", typ = SUBJ_ONLY, note = "A", index = 1, asc = true),
usr(text = "A", id = "A"),
nlp(text = "in bottom up order", isStop = true)
// `by` is redundant word here
_ => checkExists(
"segment A by in bottom up order",
srt(text = "segment", typ = SUBJ_ONLY, note = "A", index = 1),
usr(text = "A", id = "A"),
nlp(text = "by"),
nlp(text = "in"),
nlp(text = "bottom"),
nlp(text = "up"),
nlp(text = "order")
_ => checkExists(
"the segment the A the in bottom up the order the",
nlp(text = "the", isStop = true),
srt(text = "segment", typ = SUBJ_ONLY, note = "A", index = 3, asc = true),
nlp(text = "the", isStop = true),
usr(text = "A", id = "A"),
nlp(text = "the in bottom up the order the", isStop = true)
_ => checkExists(
"the segment the A the by bottom up the order the",
nlp(text = "the", isStop = true),
srt(text = "segment", typ = SUBJ_ONLY, note = "A", index = 3, asc = true),
nlp(text = "the", isStop = true),
usr(text = "A", id = "A"),
nlp(text = "the by bottom up the order the", isStop = true)
_ => checkExists(
"A classify",
usr(text = "A", id = "A"),
srt(text = "classify", typ = SUBJ_ONLY, note = "A", index = 0)
_ => checkAll(
"A B classify",
usr(text = "A B", id = "AB"),
srt(text = "classify", typ = SUBJ_ONLY, note = "AB", index = 0)
usr(text = "A", id = "A"),
usr(text = "B", id = "B"),
srt(text = "classify", subjNotes = Seq("A", "B"), subjIndexes = Seq(0, 1))
usr(text = "A", id = "A"),
usr(text = "B", id = "B"),
srt(text = "classify", subjNotes = Seq("B"), subjIndexes = Seq(1))
_ => checkAll(
"D classify",
usr(text = "D", id = "D1"),
srt(text = "classify", typ = SUBJ_ONLY, note = "D1", index = 0)
usr(text = "D", id = "D2"),
srt(text = "classify", typ = SUBJ_ONLY, note = "D2", index = 0)
_ => checkAll(
"sort by A",
srt(text = "sort by", typ = BY_ONLY, note = "A", index = 1),
usr(text = "A", id = "A")
_ => checkExists(
"organize by A, B top down",
srt(text = "organize by", byNotes = Seq("A", "B"), byIndexes = Seq(1, 3), asc = Some(false)),
usr(text = "A", id = "A"),
nlp(text = ",", isStop = true),
usr(text = "B", id = "B"),
nlp(text = "top down", isStop = true)
_ => checkExists(
"organize by A, B from bottom up order",
srt(text = "organize by", byNotes = Seq("A", "B"), byIndexes = Seq(1, 3), asc = Some(true)),
usr(text = "A", id = "A"),
nlp(text = ",", isStop = true),
usr(text = "B", id = "B"),
nlp(text = "from bottom up order", isStop = true)
_ => checkExists(
"organize by A, B the descending",
srt(text = "organize by", byNotes = Seq("A", "B"), byIndexes = Seq(1, 3), asc = Some(false)),
usr(text = "A", id = "A"),
nlp(text = ",", isStop = true),
usr(text = "B", id = "B"),
nlp(text = "the descending", isStop = true)
_ => checkExists(
"organize by A, B, asc",
srt(text = "organize by", byNotes = Seq("A", "B"), byIndexes = Seq(1, 3), asc = Some(true)),
usr(text = "A", id = "A"),
nlp(text = ",", isStop = true),
usr(text = "B", id = "B"),
nlp(text = ", asc", isStop = true)
_ => checkExists(
"sort A the A the A",
srt(text = "sort", typ = SUBJ_ONLY, note = "wrapperA", index = 1),
usr("A A A", "wrapperA"),
nlp("the the", isStop = true)