blob: 2163a757225379481a29789f25adfe7652ee1595 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.nlpcraft.examples.sql
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
import org.apache.nlpcraft.examples.sql.db._
import org.apache.nlpcraft.model._
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.{CollectionHasAsScala, ListHasAsScala, SeqHasAsJava}
import scala.language.implicitConversions
* Implementation for the SQL model from `northwind.sql`.
* <p>
* - File `sql_model_init.yaml` was generated from `northwind.sql` (see `model.png` for the visual
* representation of this SQL schema) using `NCSqlModelGenerator.scala` utility.
* - File `sql_model.yaml` is modified version of the `sql_model_init.yaml` file with additional model elements,
* metadata, etc. You can run a diff between these two files to see what changes were made.
class SqlModel extends NCModelFileAdapter("sql_model.yaml") with LazyLogging {
private final val GSON = new Gson()
private final val SCHEMA = NCSqlSchemaBuilder.makeSchema(this)
case class Condition(column: NCToken, condition: NCToken)
* Converts SQL execution result to JSON.
* @param res SQL result.
* @param sql SQL query.
* @param params SQL query parameters.
private def toJson(res: SqlResult, sql: String, params: Seq[Any]): String = {
val m = new java.util.HashMap[String, Any]()
m.put("columns", res.columns.asJava)
// Added to result for debug reasons.
m.put("sql", sql)
m.put("parameters", params.asJava)
* Converts execution error to JSON.
* @param err Error text.
private def toJson(err: String): String = {
val m = new java.util.HashMap[String, Any]()
m.put("error", err)
* Prepares condition based on token which contains column definition and condition token ID.
* @param colWrapperTok Token which contains column.
* @param condTokId Condition token ID.
private def extractColumnAndCondition(colWrapperTok: NCToken, condTokId: String): Condition = {
val parts = colWrapperTok.getPartTokens.asScala
require(parts.size == 2)
val condTok = parts.find(_.getId == condTokId).get
val pt = parts.filter(_ != condTok).head
val colTok = findAnyColumnTokenOpt(pt).getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException(s"No columns found for token: $pt"))
Condition(colTok, condTok)
* Tries to find a column definition for given token. It can be token itself or any constituent token of
* the given token. Returns empty result if column definition not found.
* Throws exception if found many column definitions in its parts.
* @param tok Token.
private def findAnyColumnTokenOpt(tok: NCToken): Option[NCToken] = {
val cols =
(Seq(tok) ++ tok.findPartTokens().asScala).
flatMap(p => if (p.getGroups.contains("column")) Some(p) else None)
cols.size match {
case 1 => Some(cols.head)
case 0 => None
case _ => throw new RuntimeException(s"Too many columns found for token: $tok")
* Find any first column token in the given token or its constituent tokens.
* @param tok Token.
* @return Column token or throws exception.
private def findAnyColumnToken(tok: NCToken): NCToken =
findAnyColumnTokenOpt(tok).getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException(s"No columns found for token: $tok"))
* Extracts numeric conditions. It creates conditions based on relations between column and numeric value.
* Single value conditions list returned for single relation like 'col > 2' or 'col <= 3'.
* Double values conditions list returned for range relation like 'col > 2 AND col <= 3'.
* @param ext SQL extractor.
* @param colTok Column token.
* @param numTok Numeric token.
private def extractNumConditions(ext: NCSqlExtractor, colTok: NCToken, numTok: NCToken): Seq[SqlSimpleCondition] = {
val col = ext.extractColumn(colTok)
val from: java.lang.Double = numTok.meta("nlpcraft:num:from")
val fromIncl: Boolean = numTok.meta("nlpcraft:num:fromincl")
val to: java.lang.Double = numTok.meta("nlpcraft:num:to")
val toIncl: Boolean = numTok.meta("nlpcraft:num:toincl")
val isRangeCondition: Boolean = numTok.meta("nlpcraft:num:israngecondition")
val isEqualCondition: Boolean = numTok.meta("nlpcraft:num:isequalcondition")
val isNotEqualCondition: Boolean = numTok.meta("nlpcraft:num:isnotequalcondition")
val isFromNegativeInfinity: Boolean = numTok.meta("nlpcraft:num:isfromnegativeinfinity")
val isToPositiveInfinity: Boolean = numTok.meta("nlpcraft:num:istopositiveinfinity")
if (isEqualCondition)
Seq(SqlSimpleCondition(col, "=", from))
else if (isNotEqualCondition)
Seq(SqlSimpleCondition(col, "<>", from))
else {
if (isFromNegativeInfinity)
Seq(SqlSimpleCondition(col, if (fromIncl) "<=" else "<", to))
else if (isToPositiveInfinity)
Seq(SqlSimpleCondition(col, if (fromIncl) ">=" else ">", from))
SqlSimpleCondition(col, if (fromIncl) ">=" else ">", from),
SqlSimpleCondition(col, if (toIncl) "<=" else "<", to)
* Extracts date range conditions. It creates conditions based on relations between column and date value.
* It always returns double values conditions list because date condition processed as a range.
* @param ext SQL extractor.
* @param colTok Column token.
* @param dateTok Date token.
def extractDateRangeConditions(ext: NCSqlExtractor, colTok: NCToken, dateTok: NCToken): Seq[SqlSimpleCondition] = {
val col = ext.extractColumn(colTok)
val range = ext.extractDateRange(dateTok)
Seq(SqlSimpleCondition(col, ">=", range.getFrom), SqlSimpleCondition(col, "<=", range.getTo))
* Extracts 'values' conditions. It creates conditions based on relations between token values which
* extracted from given tokens and their column. These conditions grouped by columns.
* @param ext SQL extractor.
* @param allValsToks Values tokens.
def extractValuesConditions(ext: NCSqlExtractor, allValsToks: Seq[NCToken]): Seq[SqlInCondition] = => {
val valToks = (Seq(tok) ++ tok.findPartTokens().asScala).filter(_.getValue != null)
val valTok =
valToks.size match {
case 1 => valToks.head
case 0 => throw new RuntimeException(s"Values column not found for token: $tok")
case _ => throw new RuntimeException(s"Too many values columns found token: $tok")
ext.extractColumn(valTok) -> valTok.getValue
groupBy { case (col, _) => col }.
map { case (col, seq) => SqlInCondition(col, { case (_, value) => value})}.toSeq
* Creates and executes SQL request by given parameters.
* @param ext SQL extractor.
* @param tabs Tables tokens.
* @param cols Columns tokens.
* @param condNums Numeric condition tokens.
* @param condVals Values conditions tokens.
* @param condDates Date range condition tokens.
* @param freeDateOpt Free date token. Optional.
* @param limitTokOpt Limit token. Optional.
* @param sorts Sorts tokens.
protected def select0(
ext: NCSqlExtractor,
tabs: Seq[NCToken],
cols: Seq[NCToken],
condNums: Seq[NCToken],
condVals: Seq[NCToken],
condDates: Seq[NCToken],
freeDateOpt: Option[NCToken],
limitTokOpt: Option[NCToken],
sorts: Seq[NCSqlSort]
): NCResult = {
var query: SqlQuery = null
try {
query =
withTables( _*).
withColumns( => ext.extractColumn(findAnyColumnToken(col))): _*).
withAndConditions(extractValuesConditions(ext, condVals): _*).
withAndConditions( => extractColumnAndCondition(t, "nlpcraft:date")).flatMap(h =>
extractDateRangeConditions(ext, h.column, h.condition)
): _*
withAndConditions( => extractColumnAndCondition(t, "nlpcraft:num")).flatMap(h =>
extractNumConditions(ext, h.column, h.condition)
): _*
withSorts(sorts: _*).
withLimit(limitTokOpt.flatMap(limitTok => Some(ext.extractLimit(limitTok))).orNull).
withFreeDateRange(freeDateOpt.flatMap(freeDate => Some(ext.extractDateRange(freeDate))).orNull).
NCResult.json(toJson(, logResult = true), query.sql, query.parameters))
catch {
case e: Exception =>
System.err.println(if (query == null) "Query cannot be prepared." else "Query execution error.")
NCResult.json(toJson("Question cannot be answered as is."))
* Main generic intent which allows to process set of common questions.
* It processes questions which contains tables and column names, column values and some conditions for table columns.
* @param ctx Intent matching context.
* @param tbls Tables tokens. Can be empty.
* @param cols Columns tokens. Can be empty.
* @param condNums Numeric condition tokens. Can be empty.
* @param condVals Values conditions tokens. Can be empty.
* @param condDates Date range condition tokens. Can be empty.
* @param freeDateOpt Free date token. Optional. Special case.
* Free date detected in sentence is not related to cny concrete table column and relation set programmatically
* based on model configuration.
* @param sortTokOpt Sort token. Optional.
* @param limitTokOpt Limit token. Optional.
"intent=commonReport " +
"term(tbls)~{has(tok_groups(), 'table')}[0,7] " +
"term(cols)~{has(list('col:date', 'col:num', 'col:varchar'), tok_id())}[0,7] " +
"term(condNums)~{tok_id() == 'condition:num'}[0,7] " +
"term(condVals)~{tok_id() == 'condition:value'}[0,7] " +
"term(condDates)~{tok_id() == 'condition:date'}[0,7] " +
"term(condFreeDate)~{tok_id() == 'nlpcraft:date'}? " +
"term(sort)~{tok_id() == 'nlpcraft:sort'}? " +
"term(limit)~{tok_id() == 'nlpcraft:limit'}?"
"order date, please!",
"show me the order dates",
"list dates of orders"
def onCommonReport(
ctx: NCIntentMatch,
@NCIntentTerm("tbls") tbls: Seq[NCToken],
@NCIntentTerm("cols") cols: Seq[NCToken],
@NCIntentTerm("condNums") condNums: Seq[NCToken],
@NCIntentTerm("condVals") condVals: Seq[NCToken],
@NCIntentTerm("condDates") condDates: Seq[NCToken],
@NCIntentTerm("condFreeDate") freeDateOpt: Option[NCToken],
@NCIntentTerm("sort") sortTokOpt: Option[NCToken],
@NCIntentTerm("limit") limitTokOpt: Option[NCToken]
): NCResult = {
val ext: NCSqlExtractor =, ctx.getVariant)
select0(, ctx.getVariant),
sortTokOpt match {
case Some(sortTok) => ext.extractSort(sortTok).asScala.toSeq
case None => Seq.empty
* Modified version of main generic intent, which uses implicit sort element definition.
* It is developed as an example of way by which this model can be extended to support more
* complicated questions comparing to a generic case.
* @param ctx Intent matching context.
* @param sortTok Sort token. Mandatory. it is defined via user elements 'sort:best' or 'sort:worst'.
* @param tbls Tables tokens. Can be empty.
* @param cols Columns tokens. Can be empty.
* @param condNums Numeric condition tokens. Can be empty.
* @param condVals Values conditions tokens. Can be empty.
* @param condDates Date range condition tokens. Can be empty.
* @param freeDateOpt Free date token. Optional. Special case.
* Free date detected in sentence is not related to cny concrete table column and relation set programmatically
* based on model configuration.
* @param limitTokOpt Limit token. Optional.
"intent=customSortReport " +
"term(sort)~{tok_id() == 'sort:best' || tok_id() == 'sort:worst'} " +
"term(tbls)~{has(tok_groups(), 'table')}[0,7] " +
"term(cols)~{has(list('col:date', 'col:num', 'col:varchar'), tok_id())}[0,7] " +
"term(condNums)~{tok_id() == 'condition:num'}[0,7] " +
"term(condVals)~{tok_id() == 'condition:value'}[0,7] " +
"term(condDates)~{tok_id() == 'condition:date'}[0,7] " +
"term(condFreeDate)~{tok_id() == 'nlpcraft:date'}? " +
"term(limit)~{tok_id() == 'nlpcraft:limit'}?"
"What are the least performing categories for the last quarter?"
def onCustomSortReport(
ctx: NCIntentMatch,
@NCIntentTerm("sort") sortTok: NCToken,
@NCIntentTerm("tbls") tbls: Seq[NCToken],
@NCIntentTerm("cols") cols: Seq[NCToken],
@NCIntentTerm("condNums") condNums: Seq[NCToken],
@NCIntentTerm("condVals") condVals: Seq[NCToken],
@NCIntentTerm("condDates") condDates: Seq[NCToken],
@NCIntentTerm("condFreeDate") freeDateOpt: Option[NCToken],
@NCIntentTerm("limit") limitTokOpt: Option[NCToken]
): NCResult = {
val ordersFreightColSort: NCSqlSort =
new NCSqlSort {
override def getColumn: NCSqlColumn = SCHEMA.getTables.asScala.find(_.getTable == "orders").
getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException(s"Table `orders` not found.")).
getColumns.asScala.find(_.getColumn == "freight").
getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException(s"Column `orders.freight` not found."))
override def isAscending: Boolean =
sortTok.getId match {
case "sort:best" => false
case "sort:worst" => true
case _ => throw new AssertionError(s"Unexpected ID: ${sortTok.getId}")
if (sortTok.getId == "sort:best") false else true
select0(, ctx.getVariant),
* Custom callback implementation. See `NCModel.onMatchedIntent` method documentation for more details.
* <p>
* This callback allows to clear conversation context. In this implementation the conversation context is always
* cleared between user questions, except for the obvious clarifying questions. We assume that question is being
* clarified if its tokens satisfy one of criteria:
* - all these tokens are values (What about 'Exotic Liquids')
* - new token is single date token (What about 'tomorrow')
* <p>
* If new sentence tokens satisfied any of these criteria,
* conversation context between this and previous questions will not be cleared.
override def onMatchedIntent(m: NCIntentMatch): Boolean = {
val toks = m.getVariant.getMatchedTokens.asScala.toSet
val intentConvToks = m.getIntentTokens.asScala.flatMap(_.asScala).filterNot(toks.contains)
// Variant doesn't use tokens from the conversation context (STM).
if (intentConvToks.isEmpty)
else {
def isValue(t: NCToken): Boolean = findAnyColumnTokenOpt(t) match {
case Some(col) => col.getValue != null
case None => false
def isDate(t: NCToken): Boolean = t.getId == "nlpcraft:date"
val ok = toks.forall(isValue) || toks.size == 1 && isDate(toks.head)
if (!ok) {
m.getContext.getConversation.clearStm(_ => true)"Conversation reset, trying without conversation.")