blob: 7b5d058db3c751d7944f58975e58fe387f18ba48 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.nlpcraft.common.nlp
import org.apache.nlpcraft.common._
import org.apache.nlpcraft.server.mdo.NCCtxWordCategoriesConfigMdo
import{Serializable => JSerializable}
import java.util.{Collections, List => JList}
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.CollectionHasAsScala
import scala.language.implicitConversions
object NCNlpSentence {
case class NoteKey(start: Int, end: Int)
case class TokenKey(id: String, start: Int, end: Int)
case class NoteLink(note: String, indexes: Seq[Int])
import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.nlp.NCNlpSentence._
* Parsed NLP sentence is a collection of tokens. Each token is a collection of notes and
* each note is a collection of KV pairs.
* @param srvReqId Server request ID.
* @param text Normalized text.
* @param enabledBuiltInToks Enabled built-in tokens.
* @param ctxWordConfig Machine learning configuration. Optional.
* @param tokens Initial buffer.
* @param firstProbePhase Processing phase flag.
* @param deletedNotes Deleted overridden notes with their tokens.
* @param initNlpNotes Initial NLP tokens.
* @param nlpTokens NLP tokens.
class NCNlpSentence(
val srvReqId: String,
val text: String,
val enabledBuiltInToks: Set[String],
val ctxWordConfig: Option[NCCtxWordCategoriesConfigMdo] = None,
var ctxWordCategories: Map[/** Token index*/Int, Map[/** Elements ID*/String, /** Confidence*/Double]] = Map.empty,
override val tokens: mutable.ArrayBuffer[NCNlpSentenceToken] = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[NCNlpSentenceToken](32),
var firstProbePhase: Boolean = true,
private val deletedNotes: mutable.HashMap[NCNlpSentenceNote, Seq[NCNlpSentenceToken]] = mutable.HashMap.empty,
private var initNlpNotes: Map[NoteKey, NCNlpSentenceNote] = null,
private val nlpTokens: mutable.HashMap[TokenKey, NCNlpSentenceToken] = mutable.HashMap.empty
) extends NCNlpSentenceTokenBuffer(tokens) with JSerializable {
private var hash: java.lang.Integer = _
private def calcHash(): Int = U.mkJavaHash(srvReqId, text, enabledBuiltInToks, tokens)
// Deep copy.
override def clone(): NCNlpSentence =
new NCNlpSentence(
srvReqId = srvReqId,
text = text,
enabledBuiltInToks = enabledBuiltInToks,
ctxWordConfig = ctxWordConfig,
tokens =,
deletedNotes = => p._1.clone() ->,
initNlpNotes = initNlpNotes,
nlpTokens = nlpTokens,
firstProbePhase = firstProbePhase
* Utility method that gets set of notes for given note type collected from
* tokens in this sentence. Notes are sorted in the same order they appear
* in this sentence.
* @param noteType Note type.
def getNotes(noteType: String): Seq[NCNlpSentenceNote] = this.flatMap(_.getNotes(noteType)).toSeq.distinct
* Utility method that removes note with given ID from all tokens in this sentence.
* No-op if such note wasn't found.
* @param note Note.
def removeNote(note: NCNlpSentenceNote): Unit = this.foreach(_.remove(note))
//noinspection HashCodeUsesVar
override def hashCode(): Int = {
if (hash == null)
hash = calcHash()
override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = obj match {
case x: NCNlpSentence =>
tokens == x.tokens &&
srvReqId == x.srvReqId &&
text == x.text &&
enabledBuiltInToks == x.enabledBuiltInToks
case _ => false
* @param note
* @param kvs
def fixNote(note: NCNlpSentenceNote, kvs: (String, JSerializable)*): Unit = {
val fixed = note.clone(kvs: _*)
this.filter(t => t.index >= fixed.tokenIndexes.head && t.index <= fixed.tokenIndexes.last).foreach(t => {
hash = null
* Returns flag are note notes equal (or similar) or not. Reason of ignored difference can be stopwords tokens.
* @param n1 First note.
* @param n2 Second note.
def notesEqualOrSimilar(n1: NCNlpSentenceNote, n2: NCNlpSentenceNote): Boolean =
if (n1.noteType != n2.noteType)
else {
val stopIdxs = this.filter(_.isStopWord).map(_.index)
// One possible difference - stopwords indexes.
def wordsEqualOrSimilar0(n1: NCNlpSentenceNote, n2: NCNlpSentenceNote): Boolean = {
val set1 = n1.wordIndexes.toSet
val set2 = n2.wordIndexes.toSet
set1 == set2 || set1.subsetOf(set2) && set2.diff(set1).forall(stopIdxs.contains)
def wordsEqualOrSimilar(n1: NCNlpSentenceNote, n2: NCNlpSentenceNote): Boolean =
wordsEqualOrSimilar0(n1, n2) || wordsEqualOrSimilar0(n2, n1)
def tokensEqualOrSimilar0(set1: Set[NCNlpSentenceToken], set2: Set[NCNlpSentenceToken]): Boolean =
set1 == set2 || set1.subsetOf(set2) && set2.diff(set1).forall(_.isStopWord)
def tokensEqualOrSimilar(set1: Set[NCNlpSentenceToken], set2: Set[NCNlpSentenceToken]): Boolean =
tokensEqualOrSimilar0(set1, set2) || tokensEqualOrSimilar0(set2, set1)
def getList(n: NCNlpSentenceNote, refIdxName: String): Set[NCNlpSentenceToken] =
n.getOrElse(refIdxName, Collections.emptyList).asInstanceOf[JList[Int]].asScala.
map(this (_)).toSet
def getListList(n: NCNlpSentenceNote, refIdxName: String): Set[NCNlpSentenceToken] =
n.getOrElse(refIdxName, Collections.emptyList).asInstanceOf[JList[JList[Int]]].asScala.
flatMap( (_))).toSet
def referencesEqualOrSimilar0(n1: NCNlpSentenceNote, n2: NCNlpSentenceNote): Boolean = {
require(n1.noteType == n2.noteType)
n1.noteType match {
case "nlpcraft:sort" =>
tokensEqualOrSimilar(getListList(n1, "subjindexes"), getListList(n2, "subjindexes")) &&
tokensEqualOrSimilar(getListList(n1, "byindexes"), getListList(n2, "byindexes"))
case "nlpcraft:limit" =>
tokensEqualOrSimilar(getList(n1, "indexes"), getList(n2, "indexes"))
case "nlpcraft:reference" =>
tokensEqualOrSimilar(getList(n1, "indexes"), getList(n2, "indexes"))
case _ => true
def referencesEqualOrSimilar(n1: NCNlpSentenceNote, n2: NCNlpSentenceNote): Boolean =
referencesEqualOrSimilar0(n1, n2) || referencesEqualOrSimilar0(n2, n1)
def getUniqueKey0(n: NCNlpSentenceNote): Seq[Any] = n.getKey(withIndexes = false, withReferences = false)
getUniqueKey0(n1) == getUniqueKey0(n2) && wordsEqualOrSimilar(n1, n2) && referencesEqualOrSimilar(n1, n2)
def saveNlpNotes(): Unit =
initNlpNotes = => NoteKey(t.startCharIndex, t.endCharIndex) -> t.getNlpNote).toMap
* @return
def getInitialNlpNote(startCharIndex: Int, endCharIndex: Int): Option[NCNlpSentenceNote] =
initNlpNotes.get(NoteKey(startCharIndex, endCharIndex))
* @param nlp
def addNlpToken(nlp: NCNlpSentenceToken): Unit = {
require(nlp.size <= 2)
nlp.foreach(n => nlpTokens += TokenKey(n.noteType, nlp.startCharIndex, nlp.endCharIndex) -> nlp)
* @param noteType
* @param startCharIndex
* @param endCharIndex
* @return
def getNlpToken(noteType: String, startCharIndex: Int, endCharIndex: Int): Option[NCNlpSentenceToken] =
nlpTokens.get(TokenKey(noteType, startCharIndex, endCharIndex))
def getDeletedNotes: Predef.Map[NCNlpSentenceNote, Seq[NCNlpSentenceToken]] = deletedNotes.toMap
* @param deletedNotes
def addDeletedNotes(deletedNotes: Map[NCNlpSentenceNote, Seq[NCNlpSentenceToken]]): Unit =
this.deletedNotes ++= deletedNotes