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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.nlpcraft.model.intent.idl.compiler.functions
import org.apache.nlpcraft.model.intent.compiler.{NCIdlCompiler, NCIdlCompilerGlobal}
import org.apache.nlpcraft.model.intent.{NCIdlContext, NCIdlFunction, NCIdlStackItem}
import org.apache.nlpcraft.model.{NCCompany, NCModel, NCModelView, NCRequest, NCToken, NCUser}
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach
import java.util
import java.util.{Collections, Optional}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
* Tests for IDL functions.
private[functions] trait NCIdlFunctions {
private final val MODEL_ID = ""
private final val MODEL: NCModel = new NCModel {
override val getId: String = MODEL_ID
override val getName: String = MODEL_ID
override val getVersion: String = "1.0.0"
override def getOrigin: String = "test"
def before(): Unit = NCIdlCompilerGlobal.clearCache(MODEL_ID)
import BoolFunc._
case class BoolFunc(
func: NCIdlFunction,
token: NCToken,
idlContext: NCIdlContext
) {
override def toString: String =
s"Boolean function [" +
s"token=${t2s(token)}, " +
s"function=$func" +
object BoolFunc {
private def t2s(t: NCToken) = s"${t.getOriginalText} (${t.getId})"
private def mkFunc(term: String): NCIdlFunction = {
val intents = NCIdlCompiler.compileIntents(s"intent=i term(t)={$term}", MODEL, MODEL_ID)
require(intents.size == 1)
val intent = intents.head
require(intent.terms.size == 1)
new NCIdlFunction() {
override def apply(v1: NCToken, v2: NCIdlContext): NCIdlStackItem = intent.terms.head.pred.apply(v1, v2)
override def toString(): String = s"Function, based on term: $term"
def apply(bool: String, tokenId: String): BoolFunc =
BoolFunc(func = mkFunc(bool), token = mkToken(tokenId), idlContext = mkIdlContext())
def apply(bool: String, token: NCToken): BoolFunc =
BoolFunc(func = mkFunc(bool), token, idlContext = mkIdlContext())
def apply(bool: String, idlContext: NCIdlContext): BoolFunc =
BoolFunc(func = mkFunc(bool), mkToken(), idlContext)
def apply(bool: String): BoolFunc =
BoolFunc(func = mkFunc(bool), mkToken(), idlContext = mkIdlContext())
protected def mkIdlContext(
usr: NCUser = null,
comp: NCCompany = null,
srvReqId: String = null,
normTxt: String = null,
recTimestamp: Long = 0,
remAddress: String = null,
clientAgent: String = null,
reqData: Map[String, AnyRef] = Map.empty[String, AnyRef]
): NCIdlContext = {
req =
new NCRequest() {
override def getUser: NCUser = usr
override def getCompany: NCCompany = comp
override def getServerRequestId: String = srvReqId
override def getNormalizedText: String = normTxt
override def getReceiveTimestamp: Long = recTimestamp
override def getRemoteAddress: Optional[String] = Optional.ofNullable(remAddress)
override def getClientAgent: Optional[String] = Optional.ofNullable(clientAgent)
override def getRequestData: util.Map[String, AnyRef] = reqData.asJava
protected def mkToken(
id: String = null,
srvReqId: String = null,
parentId: String = null,
value: String = null,
txt: String = null,
start: Int = 0,
end: Int = 0,
groups: Seq[String] = Seq.empty,
ancestors: Seq[String] = Seq.empty,
aliases: Set[String] = Set.empty,
partTokens: Seq[NCToken] = Seq.empty,
meta: Map[String, AnyRef] = Map.empty[String, AnyRef]
): NCToken = {
val map = new util.HashMap[String, AnyRef]
map.put("nlpcraft:nlp:origtext", txt)
map.put("nlpcraft:nlp:origtext", txt)
new NCToken {
override def getModel: NCModelView = MODEL
override def getServerRequestId: String = srvReqId
override def getId: String = id
override def getParentId: String = parentId
override def getAncestors: util.List[String] = ancestors.asJava
override def getPartTokens: util.List[NCToken] = partTokens.asJava
override def getAliases: util.Set[String] = aliases.asJava
override def getValue: String = value
override def getGroups: util.List[String] =
if (groups.isEmpty && id != null) Collections.singletonList(id) else groups.asJava
override def getStartCharIndex: Int = start
override def getEndCharIndex: Int = end
override def isAbstract: Boolean = false
override def getMetadata: util.Map[String, AnyRef] = map
protected def test(funcs: BoolFunc*): Unit =
for ((func, idx) ← funcs.zipWithIndex) {
val res =
func.func.apply(func.token, func.idlContext).value
catch {
case e: Exceptionthrow new Exception(s"Execution error [index=$idx, testFunc=$func]", e)
res match {
case b: java.lang.Boolean
s"Unexpected result [" +
s"index=$idx, " +
s"testFunc=$func, " +
s"result=$res" +
case _ ⇒
require(requirement = false,
s"Unexpected result type [" +
s"index=$idx, " +
s"testFunc=$func, " +
s"result=$res" +