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<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<description>An open source API to convert natural language into actions.</description>
<name>Aaron Radzinski</name>
<name>Apache License, Version 2.0</name>
<comments>A business-friendly OSS license</comments>
<!-- Major Scala version. -->
<!-- Versions. -->
<c3p0.ver></c3p0.ver> <!-- Upgraded to due security vulnerability. -->
Following libraries versions are compatible:
- google.protobuf.ver 3.9.1
- google-cloud-language 1.76.0
- opencensus 0.23.0
If you update versions - please ensure that they are compatible too.
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NOTE: this library is NOT included in binary build and is optional
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<!-- Ignite contains 13 version but it contains 12. -->
Due to GNU licensing - Stanford NLP dependencies should be excluded from build zip.
<!-- Suppress warnings on release versions of Scala. -->
<!-- Skips all tests on phase `test`. -->
<!-- All tests are defined as integration. -->
<!-- Mandatory part. -->
You are trying to compile NLPCraft with inappropriate JDK version!
Detected JDK Version: ${java.runtime.version}
JDK version should be 1.8
<!-- Required as of JDK 8u121 -->
<additionalparam>--allow-script-in-comments, -Xdoclint:none</additionalparam>
<span style="font-size: larger">Copyright &#169; {currentYear} Apache Software Foundation</span>
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<title>Data Model APIs</title>
<title>Embedded Probe</title>
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<!--reference.conf - akka configuration file.-->
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<!--Stanford NLP dependencies should be excluded from build zip.-->
<!-- org.apache.tika contains javax.activation. -->