blob: 300db20c1e268e64c439fe3ebc111faef3c64e45 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.nlpcraft.model.intent.compiler
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils
import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.{NCE, U}
import org.apache.nlpcraft.model.NCToken
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.{ParserRuleContext ⇒PRC}
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.{TerminalNode ⇒ TN}
import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils
import org.apache.nlpcraft.model.intent.{NCIdlContext, NCIdlStack, NCIdlStackType, NCIdlStackItem ⇒ Z}
import java.lang.{ByteJByte, DoubleJDouble, FloatJFloat, IntegerJInt, LongJLong, ShortJShort}
import java.time.temporal.IsoFields
import java.time.{LocalDate, LocalTime}
import java.util
import java.util.{Calendar, Collections, CollectionJColl, ListJList, MapJMap}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
trait NCIdlCompilerBase {
type S = NCIdlStack
type ST = NCIdlStackType
type SI = (NCToken, S, NCIdlContext)Unit
def syntaxError(errMsg: String, srcName: String, line: Int, pos: Int): NCE
def runtimeError(errMsg: String, srcName: String, line: Int, pos: Int, cause: Exception = null): NCE
* @param errMsg
* @param ctx
* @return
def newSyntaxError(errMsg: String)(implicit ctx: PRC): NCE = {
val tok = ctx.start
syntaxError(errMsg, tok.getTokenSource.getSourceName, tok.getLine, tok.getCharPositionInLine)
* @param errMsg
* @param cause
* @param ctx
* @return
def newRuntimeError(errMsg: String, cause: Exception = null)(implicit ctx: PRC): NCE = {
val tok = ctx.start
runtimeError(errMsg, tok.getTokenSource.getSourceName, tok.getLine, tok.getCharPositionInLine, cause)
* Check if given object is mathematically an integer number.
* @param v
* @return
//noinspection ComparingUnrelatedTypes
def isInt(v: Object): Boolean = v.isInstanceOf[JLong] || v.isInstanceOf[JInt] || v.isInstanceOf[JByte] || v.isInstanceOf[JShort]
* Check if given object is mathematically an real number.
* @param v
* @return
//noinspection ComparingUnrelatedTypes
def isReal(v: Object): Boolean = v.isInstanceOf[JDouble] || v.isInstanceOf[JFloat]
* @param v
* @return
def asInt(v: Object): JLong = v match {
case l: JLong ⇒ l
case i: JInt ⇒ i.longValue()
case b: JByte ⇒ b.longValue()
case s: JShort ⇒ s.longValue()
case _ ⇒ throw new AssertionError(s"Unexpected int value: $v")
* @param v
* @return
def asReal(v: Object): JDouble = v match {
case d: JDouble ⇒ d
case f: JFloat ⇒ f.doubleValue()
case _ ⇒ throw new AssertionError(s"Unexpected real value: $v")
def box(v: Object): Object = {
if (v == null)
else if (isInt(v))
else if (isReal(v))
else if (isJList(v) || isJMap(v))
else if (isJColl(v)) // Convert any other Java collections to ArrayList.
new java.util.ArrayList(asJColl(v)).asInstanceOf[Object]
//noinspection ComparingUnrelatedTypes
def isBool(v: Object): Boolean = v.isInstanceOf[Boolean]
def isJList(v: Object): Boolean = v.isInstanceOf[JList[_]]
def isJColl(v: Object): Boolean = v.isInstanceOf[JColl[_]]
def isJMap(v: Object): Boolean = v.isInstanceOf[JMap[_, _]]
def isStr(v: Object): Boolean = v.isInstanceOf[String]
def isToken(v: Object): Boolean = v.isInstanceOf[NCToken]
def asJList(v: Object): JList[_] = v.asInstanceOf[JList[_]]
def asJColl(v: Object): JColl[_] = v.asInstanceOf[JColl[_]]
def asJMap(v: Object): JMap[_, _] = v.asInstanceOf[JMap[_, _]]
def asStr(v: Object): String = v.asInstanceOf[String]
def asToken(v: Object): NCToken = v.asInstanceOf[NCToken]
def asBool(v: Object): Boolean = v.asInstanceOf[Boolean]
// Runtime errors.
def rtUnaryOpError(op: String, v: Object)(implicit ctx: PRC): NCE =
newRuntimeError(s"Unexpected '$op' IDL operation for value: $v")
def rtBinaryOpError(op: String, v1: Object, v2: Object)(implicit ctx: PRC): NCE =
newRuntimeError(s"Unexpected '$op' IDL operation for values: $v1, $v2")
def rtUnknownFunError(fun: String)(implicit ctx: PRC): NCE =
newRuntimeError(s"Unknown IDL function: $fun()")
def rtMinParamNumError(min: Int, fun: String)(implicit ctx: PRC): NCE =
newRuntimeError(s"Invalid number of parameters for function ($min is required): $fun()")
def rtParamNumError(fun: String)(implicit ctx: PRC): NCE =
newRuntimeError(s"Invalid number of parameters for IDL function: $fun()")
def rtParamTypeError(fun: String, invalid: Object, expectType: String)(implicit ctx: PRC): NCE =
newRuntimeError(s"Expected '$expectType' type of parameter for IDL function '$fun()', found: $invalid")
def rtListTypeError(fun: String, cause: Exception)(implicit ctx: PRC): NCE =
newRuntimeError(s"Expected uniform list type for IDL function '$fun()', found polymorphic list.", cause)
* @param stack
* @return
def pop1()(implicit stack: S, ctx: PRC): ST = {
require(stack.nonEmpty, ctx.getText)
* @param stack
* @return
def pop2()(implicit stack: S, ctx: PRC): (ST, ST) = {
require(stack.size >= 2, ctx.getText)
// Stack pops in reverse order of push...
val v2 = stack.pop()
val v1 = stack.pop()
(v1, v2)
* @param stack
* @return
def pop3()(implicit stack: S, ctx: PRC): (ST, ST, ST) = {
require(stack.size >= 3, ctx.getText)
// Stack pops in reverse order of push...
val v3 = stack.pop()
val v2 = stack.pop()
val v1 = stack.pop()
(v1, v2, v3)
* @param lt
* @param gt
* @param lteq
* @param gteq
def parseCompExpr(lt: TN, gt: TN, lteq: TN, gteq: TN)(implicit ctx: PRC): SI = (_, stack: S, _){
val (x1, x2) = pop2()(stack, ctx)
if (lt != null)
val Z(v1, n1) = x1()
val Z(v2, n2) = x2()
val f =
if (isInt(v1) && isInt(v2)) asInt(v1) < asInt(v2)
else if (isInt(v1) && isReal(v2)) asInt(v1) < asReal(v2)
else if (isReal(v1) && isInt(v2)) asReal(v1) < asInt(v2)
else if (isReal(v1) && isReal(v2)) asReal(v1) < asReal(v2)
throw rtBinaryOpError("<", v1, v2)
Z(f, n1 + n2)
else if (gt != null)
val Z(v1, n1) = x1()
val Z(v2, n2) = x2()
val f =
if (isInt(v1) && isInt(v2)) asInt(v1) > asInt(v2)
else if (isInt(v1) && isReal(v2)) asInt(v1) > asReal(v2)
else if (isReal(v1) && isInt(v2)) asReal(v1) > asInt(v2)
else if (isReal(v1) && isReal(v2)) asReal(v1) > asReal(v2)
throw rtBinaryOpError(">", v1, v2)
Z(f, n1 + n2)
else if (lteq != null)
val Z(v1, n1) = x1()
val Z(v2, n2) = x2()
val f =
if (isInt(v1) && isInt(v2)) asInt(v1) <= asInt(v2)
else if (isInt(v1) && isReal(v2)) asInt(v1) <= asReal(v2)
else if (isReal(v1) && isInt(v2)) asReal(v1) <= asInt(v2)
else if (isReal(v1) && isReal(v2)) asReal(v1) <= asReal(v2)
throw rtBinaryOpError("<=", v1, v2)
Z(f, n1 + n2)
else {
require(gteq != null)
val Z(v1, n1) = x1()
val Z(v2, n2) = x2()
val f =
if (isInt(v1) && isInt(v2)) asInt(v1) >= asInt(v2)
else if (isInt(v1) && isReal(v2)) asInt(v1) >= asReal(v2)
else if (isReal(v1) && isInt(v2)) asReal(v1) >= asInt(v2)
else if (isReal(v1) && isReal(v2)) asReal(v1) >= asReal(v2)
throw rtBinaryOpError(">=", v1, v2)
Z(f, n1 + n2)
* @param mult
* @param mod
* @param div
def parseMultDivModExpr(mult: TN, mod: TN, div: TN)(implicit ctx: PRC): SI = (_, stack: S, _){
val (x1, x2) = pop2()(stack, ctx)
if (mult != null)
val Z(v1, n1) = x1()
val Z(v2, n2) = x2()
if (isInt(v1) && isInt(v2)) Z(asInt(v1) * asInt(v2), n1 + n2)
else if (isInt(v1) && isReal(v2)) Z(asInt(v1) * asReal(v2), n1 + n2)
else if (isReal(v1) && isInt(v2)) Z(asReal(v1) * asInt(v2), n1 + n2)
else if (isReal(v1) && isReal(v2)) Z(asReal(v1) * asReal(v2), n1 + n2)
throw rtBinaryOpError("*", v1, v2)
else if (mod != null)
val Z(v1, n1) = x1()
val Z(v2, n2) = x2()
if (isInt(v1) && isInt(v2)) Z(asInt(v1) % asInt(v2), n1 + n2)
throw rtBinaryOpError("%", v1, v2)
else {
assert(div != null)
val Z(v1, n1) = x1()
val Z(v2, n2) = x2()
if (isInt(v1) && isInt(v2)) Z(asInt(v1) / asInt(v2), n1 + n2)
else if (isInt(v1) && isReal(v2)) Z(asInt(v1) / asReal(v2), n1 + n2)
else if (isReal(v1) && isInt(v2)) Z(asReal(v1) / asInt(v2), n1 + n2)
else if (isReal(v1) && isReal(v2)) Z(asReal(v1) / asReal(v2), n1 + n2)
throw rtBinaryOpError("/", v1, v2)
* @param and
* @param or
* @return
def parseAndOrExpr(and: TN, or: TN)(implicit ctx: PRC): SI = (_, stack: S, _){
val (x1, x2) = pop2()(stack, ctx)
val (op, flag) = if (and != null) ("&&", false) else ("||", true)
val Z(v1, n1) = x1()
if (!isBool(v1))
throw rtBinaryOpError(op, v1, x2().value)
// NOTE: check v1 first and only if it is {true|false} check the v2.
if (asBool(v1) == flag)
Z(flag, n1)
else {
val Z(v2, n2) = x2()
if (!isBool(v2))
throw rtBinaryOpError(op, v2, v1)
Z(asBool(v2), n1 + n2)
* @param eq
* @param neq
* @return
def parseEqNeqExpr(eq: TN, neq: TN)(implicit ctx: PRC): SI = (_, stack: S, _){
val (x1, x2) = pop2()(stack, ctx)
def doEq(op: String, v1: Object, v2: Object): Boolean = {
if (v1 == null && v2 == null) true
else if ((v1 == null && v2 != null) || (v1 != null && v2 == null)) false
else if (isInt(v1) && isInt(v2)) asInt(v1) == asInt(v2)
else if (isReal(v1) && isReal(v2)) asReal(v1) == asReal(v2)
else if (isBool(v1) && isBool(v2)) asBool(v1) == asBool(v2)
else if (isStr(v1) && isStr(v2)) asStr(v1) == asStr(v2)
else if (isJList(v1) && isJList(v2)) CollectionUtils.isEqualCollection(asJList(v1), asJList(v2))
else if ((isInt(v1) && isReal(v2)) || (isReal(v1) && isInt(v2))) false
throw rtBinaryOpError(op, v1, v2)
val Z(v1, n1) = x1()
val Z(v2, n2) = x2()
val f =
if (eq != null)
doEq("==", v1, v2)
else {
assert(neq != null)
!doEq("!='", v1, v2)
Z(f, n1 + n2)
* @param plus
* @param minus
def parsePlusMinusExpr(plus: TN, minus: TN)(implicit ctx: PRC): SI = (_, stack: S, _){
val (x1, x2) = pop2()(stack, ctx)
def extract(): (Object, Object, Int) = {
val Z(v1, n1) = x1()
val Z(v2, n2) = x2()
(v1, v2, n1 + n2)
if (plus != null)
val (v1, v2, n) = extract()
if (isStr(v1) && isStr(v2)) Z(asStr(v1) + asStr(v2), n)
else if (isInt(v1) && isInt(v2)) Z(asInt(v1) + asInt(v2), n)
else if (isInt(v1) && isReal(v2)) Z(asInt(v1) + asReal(v2), n)
else if (isReal(v1) && isInt(v2)) Z(asReal(v1) + asInt(v2), n)
else if (isReal(v1) && isReal(v2)) Z(asReal(v1) + asReal(v2), n)
throw rtBinaryOpError("+", v1, v2)
else {
assert(minus != null)
val (v1, v2, n) = extract()
if (isInt(v1) && isInt(v2)) Z(asInt(v1) - asInt(v2), n)
else if (isInt(v1) && isReal(v2)) Z(asInt(v1) - asReal(v2), n)
else if (isReal(v1) && isInt(v2)) Z(asReal(v1) - asInt(v2), n)
else if (isReal(v1) && isReal(v2)) Z(asReal(v1) - asReal(v2), n)
throw rtBinaryOpError("-", v1, v2)
* @param minus
* @param not
* @return
def parseUnaryExpr(minus: TN, not: TN)(implicit ctx: PRC): SI = (_, stack: S, _){
val x = pop1()(stack, ctx)
if (minus != null)
val Z(v, n) = x()
if (isReal(v)) Z(-asReal(v), n)
else if (isInt(v)) Z(-asInt(v), n)
throw rtUnaryOpError("-", v)
else {
assert(not != null)
val Z(v, n) = x()
if (isBool(v)) Z(!asBool(v), n)
throw rtUnaryOpError("!", v)
* @param txt
* @return
def parseAtom(txt: String)(implicit ctx: PRC): SI = {
val atom =
if (txt == "null") null // Try 'null'.
else if (txt == "true") // Try 'boolean'.
else if (txt == "false") // Try 'boolean'.
// Only numeric or string values below...
else {
// Strip '_' from numeric values.
val num = txt.replaceAll("_", "")
try // Try 'long'.
catch {
case _: NumberFormatException
try // Try 'double'.
catch {
case _: NumberFormatException ⇒ U.trimEscapesQuotes(txt) // String in the end.
(_, stack, _) ⇒ stack.push(() ⇒ Z(atom, 0))
* @param id
* @return
def parseCallExpr(id: TN)(implicit ctx: PRC): SI = (tok, stack: S, termCtx){
implicit val evidence: S = stack
val fun = id.getText
def ensureStack(min: Int): Unit = if (stack.size < min) throw rtMinParamNumError(min, fun)
def popMarker(): Unit = require(pop1() == stack.PLIST_MARKER)
def arg[X](min: Int, f: () ⇒ X): X = {
ensureStack(min + 1) // +1 for the frame marker.
val x = f()
// Make sure to pop up the parameter list stack frame marker.
def arg1(): ST = arg(1, pop1)
def arg2(): (ST, ST) = arg(2, pop2)
def arg3(): (ST, ST, ST) = arg(3, pop3)
def arg1Tok(): ST =
if (stack.nonEmpty && == stack.PLIST_MARKER) {
() ⇒ Z(tok, 1)
def toX[T](typ: String, v: Object, is: ObjectBoolean, as: Object ⇒ T): T = {
if (!is(v))
throw rtParamTypeError(fun, v, typ)
def toStr(v: Object): String = toX("string", v, isStr, asStr)
def toJDouble(v: Object): JDouble = toX("double", v, isReal, asReal)
// TODO: check - is it int only?
def toInt(v: Object): JInt = toX("int", v, isInt, asInt).toInt
def toJList(v: Object): JList[_] = toX("list", v, isJList, asJList)
def toJMap(v: Object): JMap[_, _] = toX("map", v, isJMap, asJMap)
def toToken(v: Object): NCToken = toX("token", v, isToken, asToken)
def toBool(v: Object): Boolean = toX("boolean", v, isBool, asBool)
def toJDoubleSafe(v: Object): JDouble = {
if (isReal(v))
else if (isInt(v))
throw rtParamTypeError(fun, v, "double")
def doSplit(): Unit = {
val (x1, x2) = arg2()
val Z(v1, n1) = x1()
val Z(v2, n2) = x2()
Z(util.Arrays.asList(toStr(v1).split(toStr(v2))), n1 + n2)
def doSplitTrim(): Unit = {
val (x1, x2) = arg2()
val Z(v1, n1) = x1()
val Z(v2, n2) = x2()
Z(util.Arrays.asList(toStr(v1).split(toStr(v2)), n1 + n2)
def doStartWith(): Unit = {
val (x1, x2) = arg2()
val Z(v1, n1) = x1()
val Z(v2, n2) = x2()
Z(toStr(v1).startsWith(toStr(v2)), n1 + n2)
def doEndWith(): Unit = {
val (x1, x2) = arg2()
val Z(v1, n1) = x1()
val Z(v2, n2) = x2()
Z(toStr(v1).endsWith(toStr(v2)), n1 + n2)
def doContains(): Unit = {
val (x1, x2) = arg2()
val Z(v1, n1) = x1()
val Z(v2, n2) = x2()
Z(toStr(v1).contains(toStr(v2)), n1 + n2)
def doIndexOf(): Unit = {
val (x1, x2) = arg2()
val Z(v1, n1) = x1()
val Z(v2, n2) = x2()
Z(toStr(v1).indexOf(toStr(v2)), n1 + n2)
def doSubstr(): Unit = {
val (x1, x2, x3) = arg3()
val Z(v1, n1) = x1()
val Z(v2, n2) = x2()
val Z(v3, n3) = x3()
Z(toStr(v1).substring(toInt(v2), toInt(v3)), n1 + n2 + n3)
def doReplace(): Unit = {
val (x1, x2, x3) = arg3()
val Z(v1, n1) = x1()
val Z(v2, n2) = x2()
val Z(v3, n3) = x3()
Z(toStr(v1).replaceAll(toStr(v2), toStr(v3)), n1 + n2)
def doList(): Unit = {
val dump = new S() // Empty list is allowed.
while (stack.nonEmpty && != stack.PLIST_MARKER)
dump += stack.pop()
val jl = new util.ArrayList[Object]()
var z = 0
dump.foreach { x ⇒
val Z(v, n) = x()
z += n
Z(jl, z)
def doReverse(): Unit = {
val x = arg1()
val Z(v, n) = x()
val jl = toJList(v)
Z(jl, n)
def doMin(): Unit = {
val x = arg1()
val Z(v, n) = x()
val lst = toJList(v).asInstanceOf[util.List[Object]]
if (lst.isEmpty)
throw newRuntimeError(s"Unexpected empty list in IDL function '$fun()'.")
Z(Collections.min(lst, null), n)
catch {
case e: Exceptionthrow rtListTypeError(fun, e)
def doAvg(): Unit = {
val x = arg1()
val Z(v, n) = x()
val lst = toJList(v).asInstanceOf[util.List[Object]]
if (lst.isEmpty)
throw newRuntimeError(s"Unexpected empty list in IDL function '$fun()'.")
else {
val seq: Seq[Double] = ⇒ JDouble.valueOf(p.toString).doubleValue())
Z(seq.sum / seq.size, n)
catch {
case e: Exceptionthrow rtListTypeError(fun, e)
def doStdev(): Unit = {
val x = arg1()
val Z(v, n) = x()
val lst = toJList(v).asInstanceOf[util.List[Object]]
if (lst.isEmpty)
throw newRuntimeError(s"Unexpected empty list in IDL function '$fun()'.")
else {
val seq: Seq[Double] = ⇒ JDouble.valueOf(p.toString).doubleValue())
val mean = seq.sum / seq.length
val stdDev = Math.sqrt( _ - mean).map(t ⇒ t * t).sum /seq.length)
Z(stdDev, n)
catch {
case e: Exceptionthrow rtListTypeError(fun, e)
def doToString(): Unit = {
val x = arg1()
val Z(v, n) = x()
if (isJList(v))
Z(toJList(v), n)
Z(v.toString, n)
def doMax(): Unit = {
val x = arg1()
val Z(v, n) = x()
val lst = toJList(v).asInstanceOf[util.List[Object]]
if (lst.isEmpty)
throw newRuntimeError(s"Unexpected empty list in IDL function '$fun()'.")
Z(Collections.max(lst, null), n)
catch {
case e: Exceptionthrow rtListTypeError(fun, e)
def doSort(): Unit = {
val x = arg1()
val Z(v, n) = x()
val jl = toJList(v)
jl.sort(null) // Use natural order.
Z(jl, n)
def doDistinct(): Unit = {
val x = arg1()
val Z(v, n) = x()
val jl = toJList(v).asScala.distinct.asJava
Z(jl, n)
def doConcat(): Unit = {
val (x1, x2) = arg2()
val Z(lst1, n1) = x1()
val Z(lst2, n2) = x2()
Z((toJList(lst1).asScala ++ toJList(lst2).asScala).asJava, n1 + n2)
def doHas(): Unit = {
val (x1, x2) = arg2()
val Z(lst, n1) = x1()
val Z(obj, n2) = x2()
Z(toJList(lst).contains(box(obj)), n1 + n2)
def doHasAll(): Unit = {
val (x1, x2) = arg2()
val Z(lst1, n1) = x1()
val Z(lst2, n2) = x2()
Z(toJList(lst1).containsAll(toJList(lst2)), n1 + n2)
def doHasAny(): Unit = {
val (x1, x2) = arg2()
val Z(lst1, n1) = x1()
val Z(lst2, n2) = x2()
Z(CollectionUtils.containsAny(toJList(lst1), toJList(lst2)), n1 + n2)
def doGet(): Unit = {
val (x1, x2) = arg2()
val Z(col, n1) = x1()
val Z(key, n2) = x2()
val n = n1 + n2
if (isJList(col)) {
if (isInt(key))
Z(asJList(col).get(asInt(key).intValue()).asInstanceOf[Object], n)
throw rtParamTypeError(fun, key, "numeric")
else if (isJMap(col))
Z(asJMap(col).get(box(key)).asInstanceOf[Object], n)
throw rtParamTypeError(fun, col, "list or map")
def doAbs(): Unit = arg1() match {
case x ⇒ stack.push((){
val Z(v, n) = x()
v match {
case a: JLong ⇒ Z(Math.abs(a), n)
case a: JDouble ⇒ Z(Math.abs(a), n)
case _ ⇒ throw rtParamTypeError(fun, v, "numeric")
def doSquare(): Unit = arg1() match {
case x ⇒ stack.push((){
val Z(v, n) = x()
v match {
case a: JLong ⇒ Z(a * a, n)
case a: JDouble ⇒ Z(a * a, n)
case _ ⇒ throw rtParamTypeError(fun, v, "numeric")
def doIf(): Unit = {
val (x1, x2, x3) = arg3()
val Z(v1, n1) = x1()
if (toBool(v1)) {
val Z(v2, n2) = x2()
Z(v2, n1 + n2)
else {
val Z(v3, n3) = x3()
Z(v3, n1 + n3)
* @param whole
* @param aliasId
* @return
def findPart(whole: NCToken, aliasId: String): NCToken = {
val parts = whole.findPartTokens(aliasId)
if (parts.isEmpty)
throw newRuntimeError(s"Cannot find part for token [" +
s"tokenId=${whole.getId}, " +
s"partId=$aliasId" +
else if (parts.size() > 1)
throw newRuntimeError(s"Too many parts found for token (use 'parts' function instead) [" +
s"tokenId=${whole.getId}, " +
s"partId=$aliasId" +
//noinspection DuplicatedCode
def doFindPart(): Unit = {
val (x1, x2) = arg2()
val Z(tok, n1) = x1()
val Z(aliasId, n2) = x2() // Token alias or token ID.
Z(box(findPart(toToken(tok), toStr(aliasId))), n1 + n2)
def doPartMeta(): Unit = {
val (x1, x2) = arg2()
val Z(aliasId, n1) = x1() // Token alias or token ID.
val Z(key, n2) = x2()
Z(box(findPart(tok, toStr(aliasId)).meta[Object](toStr(key))), n1 + n2)
//noinspection DuplicatedCode
def doFindParts(): Unit = {
val (x1, x2) = arg2()
val Z(t, n1) = x1()
val Z(a, n2) = x2()
val tok = toToken(t)
val aliasId = toStr(a)
Z(tok.findPartTokens(aliasId), n1 + n2)
def z[Y](args: () ⇒ Y, body: Y ⇒ Z): Unit = { val x = args(); stack.push(() ⇒ body(x)) }
def z0(body: () ⇒ Z): Unit = { popMarker(); stack.push(() ⇒ body()) }
fun match {
// Metadata access.
case "meta_part" ⇒ doPartMeta()
case "meta_token" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, _) = x(); Z(box(tok.meta[Object](toStr(v))), 1) })
case "meta_model" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, _) = x(); Z(box(tok.getModel.meta[Object](toStr(v))), 0) })
case "meta_req" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, _) = x(); Z(box(termCtx.req.getRequestData.get(toStr(v))), 0) })
case "meta_user" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, _) = x(); Z(box(termCtx.req.getUser.meta(toStr(v))), 0) })
case "meta_company" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, _) = x(); Z(box(termCtx.req.getCompany.meta(toStr(v))), 0) })
case "meta_intent" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, _) = x(); Z(box(termCtx.intentMeta.get(toStr(v)).orNull), 0) })
case "meta_conv" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, _) = x(); Z(box(termCtx.convMeta.get(toStr(v)).orNull), 0) })
case "meta_frag" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(box(termCtx.fragMeta.get(toStr(v)).orNull), f) })
case "meta_sys" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, _) = x(); Z(box(U.sysEnv(toStr(v)).orNull), 0) })
// Converts JSON to map.
case "json" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(U.jsonToJavaMap(asStr(v)), f) })
// Inline if-statement.
case "if" ⇒ doIf()
// Token functions.
case "tok_id" ⇒ arg1Tok() match { case x ⇒ stack.push((){ Z(toToken(x().value).getId, 1) }) }
case "tok_lemma" ⇒ arg1Tok() match { case x ⇒ stack.push((){ Z(toToken(x().value).getLemma, 1) }) }
case "tok_stem" ⇒ arg1Tok() match { case x ⇒ stack.push((){ Z(toToken(x().value).getStem, 1) }) }
case "tok_pos" ⇒ arg1Tok() match { case x ⇒ stack.push((){ Z(toToken(x().value).getPos, 1) }) }
case "tok_sparsity" ⇒ arg1Tok() match { case x ⇒ stack.push((){ Z(toToken(x().value).getSparsity, 1) }) }
case "tok_unid" ⇒ arg1Tok() match { case x ⇒ stack.push((){ Z(toToken(x().value).getUnid, 1) }) }
case "tok_is_abstract" ⇒ arg1Tok() match { case x ⇒ stack.push((){ Z(toToken(x().value).isAbstract, 1) }) }
case "tok_is_bracketed" ⇒ arg1Tok() match { case x ⇒ stack.push((){ Z(toToken(x().value).isBracketed, 1) }) }
case "tok_is_direct" ⇒ arg1Tok() match { case x ⇒ stack.push((){ Z(toToken(x().value).isDirect, 1) }) }
case "tok_is_english" ⇒ arg1Tok() match { case x ⇒ stack.push((){ Z(toToken(x().value).isEnglish, 1) }) }
case "tok_is_freeWord" ⇒ arg1Tok() match { case x ⇒ stack.push((){ Z(toToken(x().value).isFreeWord, 1) }) }
case "tok_is_quoted" ⇒ arg1Tok() match { case x ⇒ stack.push((){ Z(toToken(x().value).isQuoted, 1) }) }
case "tok_is_stopword" ⇒ arg1Tok() match { case x ⇒ stack.push((){ Z(toToken(x().value).isStopWord, 1) }) }
case "tok_is_swear" ⇒ arg1Tok() match { case x ⇒ stack.push((){ Z(toToken(x().value).isSwear, 1) }) }
case "tok_is_user" ⇒ arg1Tok() match { case x ⇒ stack.push((){ Z(toToken(x().value).isUserDefined, 1) }) }
case "tok_is_wordnet" ⇒ arg1Tok() match { case x ⇒ stack.push((){ Z(toToken(x().value).isWordnet, 1) }) }
case "tok_ancestors" ⇒ arg1Tok() match { case x ⇒ stack.push((){ Z(toToken(x().value).getAncestors, 1) }) }
case "tok_parent" ⇒ arg1Tok() match { case x ⇒ stack.push((){ Z(toToken(x().value).getParentId, 1) }) }
case "tok_groups" ⇒ arg1Tok() match { case x ⇒ stack.push((){ Z(toToken(x().value).getGroups, 1) }) }
case "tok_value" ⇒ arg1Tok() match { case x ⇒ stack.push((){ Z(toToken(x().value).getValue, 1) }) }
case "tok_aliases" ⇒ arg1Tok() match { case x ⇒ stack.push((){ Z(toToken(x().value).getAliases, 1) }) }
case "tok_start_idx" ⇒ arg1Tok() match { case x ⇒ stack.push((){ Z(toToken(x().value).getStartCharIndex, 1) }) }
case "tok_end_idx" ⇒ arg1Tok() match { case x ⇒ stack.push((){ Z(toToken(x().value).getEndCharIndex, 1) }) }
case "tok_this" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(tok, 1))
case "tok_find_part" ⇒ doFindPart()
case "tok_find_parts" ⇒ doFindParts()
// Request data.
case "req_id" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(termCtx.req.getServerRequestId, 0))
case "req_normtext" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(termCtx.req.getNormalizedText, 0))
case "req_tstamp" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(termCtx.req.getReceiveTimestamp, 0))
case "req_addr" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(termCtx.req.getRemoteAddress.orElse(null), 0))
case "req_agent" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(termCtx.req.getClientAgent.orElse(null), 0))
// User data.
case "user_id" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(termCtx.req.getUser.getId, 0))
case "user_fname" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(termCtx.req.getUser.getFirstName.orElse(null), 0))
case "user_lname" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(termCtx.req.getUser.getLastName.orElse(null), 0))
case "user_email" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(termCtx.req.getUser.getEmail.orElse(null), 0))
case "user_admin" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(termCtx.req.getUser.isAdmin, 0))
case "user_signup_tstamp" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(termCtx.req.getUser.getSignupTimestamp, 0))
// Company data.
case "comp_id" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(termCtx.req.getCompany.getId, 0))
case "comp_name" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(termCtx.req.getCompany.getName, 0))
case "comp_website" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(termCtx.req.getCompany.getWebsite.orElse(null), 0))
case "comp_country" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(termCtx.req.getCompany.getCountry.orElse(null), 0))
case "comp_region" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(termCtx.req.getCompany.getRegion.orElse(null), 0))
case "comp_city" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(termCtx.req.getCompany.getCity.orElse(null), 0))
case "comp_addr" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(termCtx.req.getCompany.getAddress.orElse(null), 0))
case "comp_postcode" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(termCtx.req.getCompany.getPostalCode.orElse(null), 0))
// String functions.
case "trim" | "strip" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(toStr(v).trim, f) })
case "uppercase" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(toStr(v).toUpperCase, f) })
case "lowercase" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(toStr(v).toLowerCase, f) })
case "is_alpha" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(StringUtils.isAlpha(toStr(v)), f) })
case "is_alphanum" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(toStr(v)), f) })
case "is_whitespace" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(StringUtils.isWhitespace(toStr(v)), f) })
case "is_num" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(StringUtils.isNumeric(toStr(v)), f) })
case "is_numspace" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(StringUtils.isNumericSpace(toStr(v)), f) })
case "is_alphaspace" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(StringUtils.isAlphaSpace(toStr(v)), f) })
case "is_alphanumspace" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(StringUtils.isAlphanumericSpace(toStr(v)), f) })
case "split" ⇒ doSplit()
case "split_trim" ⇒ doSplitTrim()
case "start_with" ⇒ doStartWith()
case "end_with" ⇒ doEndWith()
case "contains" ⇒ doContains()
case "index_of" ⇒ doIndexOf()
case "substr" ⇒ doSubstr()
case "replace" ⇒ doReplace()
// Math functions.
case "abs" ⇒ doAbs()
case "ceil" ⇒ arg1() match { case item ⇒ stack.push((){
val Z(v, f) = item()
Z(Math.ceil(toJDouble(v)), f)
}) }
case "floor" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(Math.floor(toJDoubleSafe(v)), f) })
case "rint" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(Math.rint(toJDoubleSafe(v)), f) })
case "round" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(Math.round(toJDoubleSafe(v)), f) })
case "signum" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(Math.signum(toJDoubleSafe(v)), f) })
case "sqrt" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(Math.sqrt(toJDoubleSafe(v)), f) })
case "cbrt" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(Math.cbrt(toJDoubleSafe(v)), f) })
case "acos" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(Math.acos(toJDoubleSafe(v)), f) })
case "asin" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(Math.asin(toJDoubleSafe(v)), f) })
case "atan" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z( Math.atan(toJDoubleSafe(v)), f) })
case "cos" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(Math.cos(toJDoubleSafe(v)), f) })
case "sin" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(Math.sin(toJDoubleSafe(v)), f) })
case "tan" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(Math.tan(toJDoubleSafe(v)), f) })
case "cosh" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(Math.cosh(toJDoubleSafe(v)), f) })
case "sinh" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(Math.sinh(toJDoubleSafe(v)), f) })
case "tanh" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(Math.tanh(toJDoubleSafe(v)), f) })
case "atn2" ⇒ z[(ST, ST)](arg2, { x ⇒ val Z(v1, n1) = x._1(); val Z(v2, n2) = x._2(); Z(Math.atan2(toJDoubleSafe(v1), toJDoubleSafe(v2)), n1 + n2) })
case "degrees" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(Math.toDegrees(toJDoubleSafe(v)), f) })
case "radians" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z( Math.toRadians(toJDoubleSafe(v)), f) })
case "exp" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(Math.exp(toJDoubleSafe(v)), f) })
case "expm1" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(Math.expm1(toJDoubleSafe(v)), f) })
case "hypot" ⇒ z[(ST, ST)](arg2, { x ⇒ val Z(v1, n1) = x._1(); val Z(v2, n2) = x._2(); Z(Math.hypot(toJDoubleSafe(v1), toJDoubleSafe(v2)), n1 + n2) })
case "log" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(Math.log(toJDoubleSafe(v)), f) })
case "log10" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(Math.log10(toJDoubleSafe(v)), f) })
case "log1p" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(Math.log1p(toJDoubleSafe(v)), f) })
case "pow" ⇒ z[(ST, ST)](arg2, { x ⇒ val Z(v1, f1) = x._1(); val Z(v2, f2) = x._2(); Z(Math.pow(toJDoubleSafe(v1), toJDoubleSafe(v2)), f1 + f2 + 1) })
case "square" ⇒ doSquare()
case "pi" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(Math.PI, 0))
case "euler" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(Math.E, 0))
case "rand" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(Math.random, 0))
case "to_double" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, f) = x(); Z(toJDoubleSafe(v).toDouble, f) })
// Collection functions.
case "list" ⇒ doList()
case "get" ⇒ doGet() // Works for both lists (int index) and maps (object key).
case "has" ⇒ doHas() // Only works for lists.
case "has_any" ⇒ doHasAny()
case "has_all" ⇒ doHasAll()
case "first" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, n) = x(); val lst = toJList(v); Z(if (lst.isEmpty) null else lst.get(0).asInstanceOf[Object], n)})
case "last" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, n) = x(); val lst = toJList(v); Z(if (lst.isEmpty) null else lst.get(lst.size() - 1).asInstanceOf[Object], n)})
case "keys" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, n) = x(); Z(new util.ArrayList(toJMap(v).keySet()), n) })
case "values" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, n) = x(); Z(new util.ArrayList(toJMap(v).values()), n) })
case "size" | "count" | "length" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, n) = x(); Z(toJList(v).size(), n)})
case "reverse" ⇒ doReverse()
case "sort" ⇒ doSort()
case "is_empty" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, n) = x(); Z(toJList(v).isEmpty, n) })
case "non_empty" ⇒ z[ST](arg1, { x ⇒ val Z(v, n) = x(); Z(!toJList(v).isEmpty, n) })
case "distinct" ⇒ doDistinct()
case "concat" ⇒ doConcat()
// Misc.
case "to_string" ⇒ doToString()
// Statistical operations on lists.
case "max" ⇒ doMax()
case "min" ⇒ doMin()
case "avg" ⇒ doAvg()
case "stdev" ⇒ doStdev()
// Date-time functions.
case "year" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(, 0)) // 2021.
case "month" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(, 0)) // 1 ... 12.
case "day_of_month" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(, 0)) // 1 ... 31.
case "day_of_week" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(, 0))
case "day_of_year" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(, 0))
case "hour" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(, 0))
case "minute" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(, 0))
case "second" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(, 0))
case "week_of_month" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_MONTH), 0))
case "week_of_year" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR), 0))
case "quarter" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(, 0))
case "now" ⇒ z0(() ⇒ Z(System.currentTimeMillis(), 0)) // Epoc time.
case _ ⇒ throw rtUnknownFunError(fun) // Assertion.