Page fixes.
diff --git a/intent-matching.html b/intent-matching.html
index 04f7cf0..8dbd75d 100644
--- a/intent-matching.html
+++ b/intent-matching.html
@@ -1145,7 +1145,8 @@
         <h2 class="section-title">Intent Matching Logic <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
                 {% scaladoc NCPipeline NCPipeline %} processing result is collection of {% scaladoc NCVariant NCVariant %} instances.
-                As example let's consider the input text <code>'A B C D'</code> and the following elements defined in our model:
+                {% scaladoc nlp/parsers/NCSemanticEntityParser NCSemanticEntityParser %} is used for following example configured via <i>JSON</i> file.
+                Let's consider the input text <code>'A B C D'</code> and the following elements defined in our model:
             <pre class="brush: js">
             "elements": [