diff --git a/_includes/left-side-menu.html b/_includes/left-side-menu.html
index 0ac7ba6..64e44c5 100644
--- a/_includes/left-side-menu.html
+++ b/_includes/left-side-menu.html
@@ -60,69 +60,12 @@
         {% endif %}
-        {% if page.id == "server_and_probe" %}
-        <a class="active" href="/server-and-probe.html">Server <span class="amp">&amp;</span> Probe</a>
-        {% else %}
-        <a href="/server-and-probe.html">Server <span class="amp">&amp;</span> Probe</a>
-        {% endif %}
-    </li>
-    <li>
-        {% if page.id == "metrics" %}
-        <a class="active" href="/metrics-and-tracing.html">Metrics <span class="amp">&amp;</span> Tracing</a>
-        {% else %}
-        <a href="/metrics-and-tracing.html">Metrics <span class="amp">&amp;</span> Tracing</a>
-        {% endif %}
-    </li>
-    <li>
         {% if page.id == "integrations" %}
         <a class="active" href="/integrations.html">Integrations</a>
         {% else %}
         <a href="/integrations.html">Integrations</a>
         {% endif %}
-    <li>
-        {% if page.id == "rest" %}
-        <a class="active" href="/using-rest.html">REST API</a>
-        {% else %}
-        <a href="/using-rest.html">REST API</a>
-        {% endif %}
-    </li>
-    <li class="side-nav-title">Tools</li>
-    <li>
-        {% if page.id == "script" %}
-        <a class="active" href="/tools/script.html"><code>nlpcraft.{sh|cmd}</code></a>
-        {% else %}
-        <a href="/tools/script.html"><code>nlpcraft.{sh|cmd}</code></a>
-        {% endif %}
-    </li>
-    <li>
-        {% if page.id == "test_framework" %}
-        <a class="active" href="/tools/test_framework.html">Test Framework</a>
-        {% else %}
-        <a href="/tools/test_framework.html">Test Framework</a>
-        {% endif %}
-    </li>
-    <li>
-        {% if page.id == "embedded_probe" %}
-        <a class="active" href="/tools/embedded_probe.html">Embedded Probe</a>
-        {% else %}
-        <a href="/tools/embedded_probe.html">Embedded Probe</a>
-        {% endif %}
-    </li>
-    <li>
-        {% if page.id == "sql_model_gen" %}
-        <a class="active" href="/tools/sql_model_gen.html">SQL Model Generator</a>
-        {% else %}
-        <a href="/tools/sql_model_gen.html">SQL Model Generator</a>
-        {% endif %}
-    </li>
-    <li>
-        {% if page.id == "syn_tool" %}
-        <a class="active" href="/tools/syn_tool.html">Synonyms Tool</a>
-        {% else %}
-        <a href="/tools/syn_tool.html">Synonyms Tool</a>
-        {% endif %}
-    </li>
     <li class="side-nav-title">Examples</li>
         {% if page.id == "calculator" %}
diff --git a/examples/alarm_clock.html b/examples/alarm_clock.html
deleted file mode 100644
index a85af49..0000000
--- a/examples/alarm_clock.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
-active_crumb: Alarm Clock <code><sub>ex</sub></code>
-layout: documentation
-id: alarm_clock
-fa_icon: fa-cube
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<div class="col-md-8 second-column example">
-    <section id="overview">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Overview <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            This simple example provides an "alarm clock" implementation where you can ask to set the timer
-            for a specific duration from now expressed in hours, minutes and/or seconds. You can say "ping me in 3 minutes",
-            "buzz me in an hour and 15 minutes", or "set my alarm for 30 secs". When the timer is up it will
-            simply print out "BEEP BEEP BEEP" in the data probe console.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            <b>Complexity:</b> <span class="complexity-one-star"><i class="fas fa-star"></i> <i class="far fa-star"></i> <i class="far fa-star"></i></span><br/>
-            <span class="ex-src">Source code: <a target="github" href="https://github.com/apache/incubator-nlpcraft/tree/master/nlpcraft-examples/alarm">GitHub <i class="fab fa-fw fa-github"></i></a><br/></span>
-            <span class="ex-review-all">Review: <a target="github" href="https://github.com/apache/incubator-nlpcraft/tree/master/nlpcraft-examples">All Examples at GitHub <i class="fab fa-fw fa-github"></i></a></span>
-        </p>
-    </section>
-    <section id="new_project">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Create New Project <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            You can create new Java project in many ways - we'll use <a href="/tools/script.html">NLPCraft CLI</a>
-            to accomplish this task:
-        </p>
-        <nav>
-            <div class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
-                <a class="nav-item nav-link active" data-toggle="tab" href="#nav-prj-cmd" role="tab">Command</a>
-                <a class="nav-item nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#nav-prj-out" role="tab">Output <i class="fa fa-desktop output"></i></a>
-            </div>
-        </nav>
-        <div class="tab-content">
-            <div class="tab-pane fade show active" id="nav-prj-cmd" role="tabpanel">
-                <pre class="brush: bash">
-                    $ bin/nlpcraft.sh gen-project --baseName=AlarmClock --outputDir=~ --pkgName=demo --mdlType=json
-                </pre>
-                <p>
-                    <b>NOTES:</b>
-                </p>
-                <ul>
-                    <li>
-                        New project created in <code>/home/AlarmClock</code> directory.
-                    </li>
-                    <li>
-                        <code>gen-project</code> command defaults to Java and  Maven as its built tool.
-                    </li>
-                    <li>
-                        Run <code class="script">bin/nlpcraft.sh help --cmd=gen-project</code> to get a full help on <code>gen-project</code> command.
-                    </li>
-                    <li>
-                        <a href="/tools/script.html">NLPCraft CLI</a> is available as <code>nlpcraft.sh</code> for
-                        <i class="fab fa-fw fa-linux"></i> and <code>nlpcraft.cmd</code>
-                        for <i class="fab fa-fw fa-windows"></i>.
-                    </li>
-                </ul>
-            </div>
-            <div class="tab-pane fade show" id="nav-prj-out" role="tabpanel">
-                <p></p>
-                <img alt="" class="img-fluid" src="/images/alarm_clock_fig1.png">
-            </div>
-        </div>
-    </section>
-    <section id="model">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Data Model <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            We are going to start with declaring the static part of our model using JSON which we will later load using
-            <code>NCModelFileAdapter</code> in our Java-based model implementation. Open <code>src/main/resources/<b>alarm_clock.json</b></code>
-            file and replace its content with this JSON:
-        </p>
-        <pre class="brush: js, highlight: [7, 11, 20]">
-    "id": "nlpcraft.alarm.ex",
-    "name": "Alarm Example Model",
-    "version": "1.0",
-    "description": "Alarm example model.",
-    "enabledBuiltInTokens": [
-        "nlpcraft:num"
-    ],
-    "elements": [
-        {
-            "id": "x:alarm",
-            "description": "Alarm token indicator.",
-            "synonyms": [
-                "{ping|buzz|wake|call|hit} {me|up|me up|_}",
-                "{set|_} {my|_} {wake|wake up|_} {alarm|timer|clock|buzzer|call} {up|_}"
-            ]
-        }
-    ],
-    "intents": [
-        "intent=alarm term~{# == 'x:alarm'} term(nums)~{# == 'nlpcraft:num' && meta_token('nlpcraft:num:unittype') == 'datetime' && meta_token('nlpcraft:num:isequalcondition') == true}[0,7]"
-    ]
-        </pre>
-        <p>There are number of important points here:</p>
-        <ul>
-            <li>
-                <code>Line 7</code> indicates that we'll be using built-in token <code>nlpcraft:num</code> (and therefore
-                it needs to be explicitly enabled).
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                <code>Line 11</code> defines the only custom model element we'll need. It's ID is <code>x:alarm</code> and
-                it is defined through synonyms. It basically means a verb to set up an alarm clock.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                On <code>line 20</code> we define an intent <code>alarm</code> that we are going to be looking for in the user input that
-                consists of two terms: one for <code>x:alarm</code> element (defined above) and another one for up to 7 numeric values
-                of unit type <code>datetime</code> (minutes, seconds, hours, etc.).
-            </li>
-        </ul>
-        <p>
-            Now that our model is ready let's create a Java class that would load this model and provide the actual
-            callback for when the intent <code>alarm</code> is detected in the user input.
-        </p>
-    </section>
-    <section id="code">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Model Class <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Open <code>src/main/java/demo/<b>AlarmClock.java</b></code> file and replace its content with the following code:
-        </p>
-        <pre class="brush: java, highlight: [10, 18, 22, 27], 82">
-package demo;
-import org.apache.nlpcraft.model.*;
-import java.time.*;
-import java.time.format.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import static java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.*;
-public class AlarmClock extends NCModelFileAdapter {
-    private static final DateTimeFormatter FMT =
-        DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("HH'h' mm'm' ss's'").withZone(ZoneId.systemDefault());
-    private final Timer timer = new Timer();
-    public AlarmClock() {
-        // Loading the model from the file in the classpath.
-        super("alarm_model.json");
-    }
-    @NCIntentRef("alarm")
-    @NCIntentSample({
-        "Ping me in 3 minutes",
-        "Buzz me in an hour and 15mins",
-        "Set my alarm for 30s"
-    })
-    private NCResult onMatch(
-        NCIntentMatch ctx,
-        @NCIntentTerm("nums") List&lt;NCToken&gt; numToks
-    ) {
-        if (ctx.isAmbiguous())
-            throw new NCRejection("Not exact match.");
-        long unitsCnt = numToks.stream().map(tok -> (String)tok.meta("num:unit")).distinct().count();
-        if (unitsCnt != numToks.size())
-            throw new NCRejection("Ambiguous time units.");
-        LocalDateTime now = LocalDateTime.now();
-        LocalDateTime dt = now;
-        for (NCToken num : numToks) {
-            String unit = num.meta("nlpcraft:num:unit");
-            // Skip possible fractional to simplify.
-            long v = ((Double)num.meta("nlpcraft:num:from")).longValue();
-            if (v <= 0)
-                throw new NCRejection("Value must be positive: " + unit);
-            switch (unit) {
-                case "second": { dt = dt.plusSeconds(v); break; }
-                case "minute": { dt = dt.plusMinutes(v); break; }
-                case "hour": { dt = dt.plusHours(v); break; }
-                case "day": { dt = dt.plusDays(v); break; }
-                case "week": { dt = dt.plusWeeks(v); break; }
-                case "month": { dt = dt.plusMonths(v); break; }
-                case "year": { dt = dt.plusYears(v); break; }
-                default:
-                    // It shouldn't be assert, because 'datetime' unit can be extended.
-                    throw new NCRejection("Unsupported time unit: " + unit);
-            }
-        }
-        long ms = now.until(dt, MILLIS);
-        assert ms >= 0;
-        timer.schedule(
-            new TimerTask() {
-                @Override
-                public void run() {
-                    System.out.println(
-                        "BEEP BEEP BEEP for: " + ctx.getContext().getRequest().getNormalizedText() + ""
-                    );
-                }
-            },
-            ms
-        );
-        return NCResult.text("Timer set for: " + FMT.format(dt));
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void onDiscard() {
-        // Clean up when model gets discarded (e.g. during testing).
-        timer.cancel();
-    }
-        </pre>
-        <p>
-            There's a bit of a logic here that deals mostly with taking multiple numeric values and converting them into
-            a single number of milliseconds that the alarm clock needs to be set up for. Let's review it step by step:
-        </p>
-        <ul>
-            <li>
-                On <code>line 10</code> our class extends <code>NCModelFileAdapter</code> that allows us to load most
-                of the model declaration from the external JSON or YAML file (line 18) and only provide functionality that we
-                couldn't express in declarative portion in JSON.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                <code>Line 27</code> defines method <code>onMatch</code> as a callback for intent <code>alarm</code>
-                when it is detected in the user input. Method parameter <code>numToks</code> will get up to 7 tokens
-                of type <code>nlpcraft:num</code> (see intent definition above).
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                Note the <code>line 22</code> where we use <a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCIntentSample.html">@NCIntentSample</a>
-                annotation to provide samples of the user input that this intent should match. Apart from documentation
-                purpose these samples will be used when we will be <a href="#testing">testing out model below.</a>
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                The rest of the method <code>onMatch</code> implementation is a relatively straight forward Java code
-                that calculates timer delay from multiple numeric units and their types. In the end (line 68)
-                it schedules a timer to print "BEEP BEEP BEEP" at calculated time. For simplicity, this message will
-                be printed right in the data probe console.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                On the <code>line 82</code> the intent callback simply returns a confirmation message telling
-                for what actual time the alarm clock was set.
-            </li>
-        </ul>
-    </section>
-    <section id="build_project">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Build Project <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Once we have our model ready let's go to <code>~/AlarmClock</code> directory and run the Maven build:
-        </p>
-        <pre class="brush: bash">
-            $ cd ~/AlarmClock
-            $ mvn clean package
-        </pre>
-        <p>
-            At this stage we have our project built and we are ready to start testing.
-        </p>
-    </section>
-    <section id="start_server">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Start Server <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Run the following command to start local REST server, if it hasn't been started already, from the NLPCraft installation directory:
-        </p>
-        <nav>
-            <div class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
-                <a class="nav-item nav-link active" data-toggle="tab" href="#nav-srv-cmd" role="tab">Command</a>
-                <a class="nav-item nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#nav-srv-out" role="tab">Output <i class="fa fa-desktop output"></i></a>
-            </div>
-        </nav>
-        <div class="tab-content">
-            <div class="tab-pane fade show active" id="nav-srv-cmd" role="tabpanel">
-                <pre class="brush: bash">
-                    $ bin/nlpcraft.sh start-server
-                </pre>
-            </div>
-            <div class="tab-pane fade show" id="nav-srv-out" role="tabpanel">
-                <p></p>
-                <p>
-                    <img class="img-fluid" alt="" src="/images/server-fig1.png">
-                </p>
-            </div>
-        </div>
-        <p>
-            <b>NOTES:</b>
-        </p>
-        <ul>
-            <li>
-                <i style="color: #F39C12" class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i> REST server is a "fire-and-forget" component that you generally needs to start only once for this and any other
-                examples.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                Run <code class="script">bin/nlpcraft.sh help --cmd=start-server</code> to get a full help on this command.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                <a href="/tools/script.html">NLPCraft CLI</a> is available as <code>nlpcraft.sh</code> for
-                <i class="fab fa-fw fa-linux"></i> and <code>nlpcraft.cmd</code>
-                for <i class="fab fa-fw fa-windows"></i>.
-            </li>
-        </ul>
-    </section>
-    <section id="testing">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Testing <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Remember the <a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCIntentSample.html">@NCIntentSample</a>
-            annotation we have used in our model code next to intent definition?
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            Part of the <a href="/tools/test_framework.html">test framework</a>, the auto-validator class <a
-                target="javadoc"
-                href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/tools/test/NCTestAutoModelValidator.html">NCTestAutoModelValidator</a> takes one or more model IDs
-            (or class names) and performs validation. Validation consists of starting an  <a href="/tools/embedded_probe.html">embedded probe</a> with a given model,
-            scanning for <a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCIntentSample.html">@NCIntentSample</a> and
-            <a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCIntentSampleRef.html">@NCIntentSampleRef</a> annotations
-            and their corresponding callback methods, submitting each sample input
-            sentences from these annotations and checking that resulting intent matches the intent the sample was attached to.
-            Note that auto-testing does not require any additional code to be written - the class gathers all required information from the model
-            itself.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            As always, you can launch model auto-validator as any other Java class but we'll use NLPCraft CLI
-            to do it more conveniently:
-        </p>
-        <pre class="brush: bash">
-            $ bin/nlpcraft.sh test-model --cp=~/AlarmClock/target/classes --mdls=demo.AlarmClock
-        </pre>
-        <p>
-            <b>NOTES:</b>
-        </p>
-        <ul>
-            <li>
-                Run <code class="script">bin/nlpcraft.sh help --cmd=test-model</code> to get a full help on this command.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                Note that you can use <code>retest-model</code> command in REPL mode to re-run the last model test
-                avoiding the retyping of all required parameters.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                <a href="/tools/script.html">NLPCraft CLI</a> is available as <code>nlpcraft.sh</code> for
-                <i class="fab fa-fw fa-linux"></i> and <code>nlpcraft.cmd</code>
-                for <i class="fab fa-fw fa-windows"></i>.
-            </li>
-        </ul>
-        <p>
-            Look at the output of this command and you will see the test results for all our sample utterances:
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            <img style="max-width: 667px !important;" class="img-fluid" alt="" src="/images/alarm-clock-test.png">
-        </p>
-    </section>
-    <section id="rinse">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Rinse <span class="amp">&amp;</span> Repeat <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Typical development cycle consists of:
-        </p>
-        <ul>
-            <li>
-                <a href="#model">Modifying the model</a>
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                <a href="#build_project">Re-building the project</a>
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                <a href="#testing">Re-running the test</a>
-            </li>
-        </ul>
-        <p>
-            All of these operations can be performed from <a href="/tools/script.html">NLPCraft CLI</a> in REPL mode or from any IDE.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            NOTE: you don't need to restart REST server every time - it only needs to be started once.
-        </p>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-        <h2 class="section-title">Done! 👌 <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            You've created alarm clock data model, started the REST server and tested this model using the built-in test framework.
-        </p>
-    </section>
-<div class="col-md-2 third-column">
-    <ul class="side-nav">
-        <li class="side-nav-title">On This Page</li>
-        <li><a href="#overview">Overview</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#new_project">New Project</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#model">Data Model</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#code">Model Class</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#build_project">Build Project</li>
-        <li><a href="#start_server">Start Server</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#testing">Testing</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#rinse">Rinse <span class="amp">&amp;</span> Repeat</a></li>
-        {% include quick-links.html %}
-    </ul>
diff --git a/examples/sql_model.html b/examples/sql_model.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 90eb96d..0000000
--- a/examples/sql_model.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-active_crumb: SQL Model <code><sub>ex</sub></code>
-layout: documentation
-id: sql_model
-fa_icon: fa-cube
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<div class="col-md-8 second-column example">
-    <section id="overview">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Overview <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            This example demonstrates a relatively complete implementation of natural language interface to a
-            SQL database. This is a non-trivial example, spanning over a  thousand lines of code, and it can
-            act as a basis for production-ready implementation.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            Note that a significant part of the implementation is not directly related to NLPCraft but rather deals
-            with SQL statement construction. We specifically decided not to use any 3rd party libraries for it to
-            show what can be done "from scratch".
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            <b>Complexity:</b> <span class="complexity-three-star"><i class="fas fa-gem"></i> <i class="fas fa-gem"></i> <i class="fas fa-gem"></i></span><br/>
-            <span class="ex-src">Source code: <a target="github" href="https://github.com/apache/incubator-nlpcraft/tree/master/nlpcraft-examples/sql">GitHub <i class="fab fa-fw fa-github"></i></a><br/></span>
-            <span class="ex-review-all">Review: <a target="github" href="https://github.com/apache/incubator-nlpcraft/tree/master/nlpcraft-examples">All Examples at GitHub <i class="fab fa-fw fa-github"></i></a></span>
-        </p>
-    </section>
-    <section id="background">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Background <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Many of modern existing natural language-to-SQL implementations use variations of
-            deep learning approach where you first train the neural network on a pre-created training set and
-            then get to use the trained network to provide (infer) probabilistic answers for the new input sentences. Although the latest
-            natural language-to-SQL attempts to implement this approach are getting into 90% percentile of accuracy - they remain largely
-            unusable for the vast swath of enterprise applications where non-deterministic nature of such systems
-            renders them practically useless. The apparent problem with non-deterministic systems like that is that the user
-            never knows whether a given answer is correct or incorrect. In these use cases users can't tolerate the fact that
-            in 5-10% of the cases the answer will be invalid. Try that for your HR or revenue reporting system,
-            prescriptive analytics systems, and so on...
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            It's important to note, however, that for many non-mission-critical systems such non-determinism does
-            not pose a significant problem. We happily accept such imprecision when asking for direction on our
-            mobile devices, unlock our phones using face or fingerprint recognition, when performing sentiment
-            analysis or trying to detect faces of our friends across thousands of photographs. Cost of retries,
-            as well as the cost of initial errors, is insignificant in these cases. The same cost, however, in many business
-            applications can be too significant to tolerate.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            As you may have learned by now, NLPCraft uses a <i>fully deterministic approach</i> in an attempt to
-            match the user input against a defined set of intents. If it finds the matching intent - it guarantees that
-            match for a given intent. If no matching intent can be found - it returns the negative
-            result without any ambiguity. In other words, if the answer is given, it is deterministically guaranteed to be correct.
-            Another positive side-effect of this approach is the fact that such matching logic is traceable, i.e.
-            the user can see why given user input was matched against a certain intent (and not any other). Such
-            traceability of the comprehension logic (or explainability vs "black box" approach from deep
-            learning techniques) is often critical for many real-life business applications.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            On the flip side, one of the downsides of such an approach in general is the need to have a detailed,
-            domain-specific model
-            for each SQL database (when dealing with SQL databases). Building such a
-            model can be a non-trivial and time consuming experience. That is where NLPCraft brings a lot of built-in tooling
-            to simplify this task dramatically.
-        </p>
-        <div class="bq info">
-            <b>Source Code</b>
-            <p>
-                Due to size of this example the entire source code for it can be found on <a target="github" href="https://github.com/apache/incubator-nlpcraft/tree/master/nlpcraft-examples/sql">GitHub</a>.
-            </p>
-        </div>
-    </section>
-    <section id="sql">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Sample Database <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            We are going to be building natural language interface against slightly modified "Northwind" sample database
-            from <a target="_" href="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/data/adonet/sql/linq/downloading-sample-databases#get-the-northwind-sample-database-for-sql-server">Microsoft SQL Server</a>:
-        </p>
-        <figure>
-            <img class="img-fluid" src="/images/sql_example_model.png" alt="">
-            <figcaption><b>Fig 1.</b> SQL Schema</figcaption>
-        </figure>
-        <p>
-            You can find SQL script creating this database and populating it with the sample data at
-            <a href="https://github.com/apache/incubator-nlpcraft/blob/master/nlpcraft-examples/sql/src/main/resources/northwind.sql" target="github"><code>db/northwind.sql</code></a>
-            file in the root of the example.
-        </p>
-    </section>
-    <section id="h2">
-        <h2 class="section-title">H2 Database <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            In our example we are using H2 database instance. For convenience, example provides a command line application
-            <a href="https://github.com/apache/incubator-nlpcraft/blob/master/nlpcraft-examples/sql/src/main/java/org/apache/nlpcraft/examples/sql/db/SqlServer.scala" target="github"><code>db/SqlServer.scala</code></a>
-            that automatically starts local H2 database instance with default configuration (localhost on port 9092) and initializes it
-            using <a href="https://github.com/apache/incubator-nlpcraft/blob/master/nlpcraft-examples/sql/src/main/resources/northwind.sql" target="github"><code>db/northwind.sql</code></a> script.
-        </p>
-    </section>
-    <section id="model">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Data Model <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Creating data model manually for the existing SQL schema can be a daunting task. NLPCraft provides the tool
-            that can scan SQL schema and create working stub of such model automatically. All you have to do then is to
-            add any necessary modifications to it.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            <a href="/tools/sql_model_gen.html">SQL Model Generation</a> is a Java-based utility that takes
-            JDBC configuration, reads database schema using it and creates initial JSON or YAML stub for the
-            data model. This stub then can be used as is or be extended further.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            Examples specifically comes with two pre-generated files:
-        </p>
-        <ul>
-            <li>
-                <a href="https://github.com/apache/incubator-nlpcraft/blob/master/nlpcraft-examples/sql/src/main/resources/sql_model_init.yaml" target="github"><code>sql_model_init.yaml</code></a> - the initial file that was generated straight out of
-                SQL Model Generator (see above for the instructions).
-            </li>
-        </ul>
-    </section>
-    <section id="impl">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Implementation <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Implementation mainly consists of these files:
-        </p>
-        <ul>
-            <li>
-                <a href="https://github.com/apache/incubator-nlpcraft/blob/master/nlpcraft-examples/sql/src/main/java/org/apache/nlpcraft/examples/sql/SqlModel.scala" target="github"><code>SqlModel.scala</code></a> - the code behind the data model that loads YAML-defined model and
-                defines all intents.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                <a href="https://github.com/apache/incubator-nlpcraft/blob/master/nlpcraft-examples/sql/src/main/java/org/apache/nlpcraft/examples/sql/db/SqlBuilder.scala" target="github"><code>db/SqlBuilder.scala</code></a> - the main utility that takes object model provided by
-                <a href="/tools/sql_model_gen.html">SQL Model Generation</a>
-                and builds a SQL query to execute. Note that we elected to build this functionality
-                from scratch to illustrate how it can be done. You are free, of course, to use many
-                of the existing libraries to help achieve this goal.
-            </li>
-        </ul>
-    </section>
-    <section id="build_project">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Build Project <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Assuming that project is located in <code>~/SqlModel</code> folder - let's go to into this directory and
-            run the Maven build:
-        </p>
-        <pre class="brush: bash">
-            $ cd ~/SqlModel
-            $ mvn clean package
-        </pre>
-        <p>
-            At this stage we have our project built and we are ready to start testing.
-        </p>
-    </section>
-    <section id="start_server">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Start Server <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Run the following command to start local REST server, if it hasn't been started already, from the NLPCraft installation directory:
-        </p>
-        <nav>
-            <div class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
-                <a class="nav-item nav-link active" data-toggle="tab" href="#nav-srv-cmd" role="tab">Command</a>
-                <a class="nav-item nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#nav-srv-out" role="tab">Output <i class="fa fa-desktop output"></i></a>
-            </div>
-        </nav>
-        <div class="tab-content">
-            <div class="tab-pane fade show active" id="nav-srv-cmd" role="tabpanel">
-                <pre class="brush: bash">
-                    $ bin/nlpcraft.sh start-server
-                </pre>
-            </div>
-            <div class="tab-pane fade show" id="nav-srv-out" role="tabpanel">
-                <p></p>
-                <p>
-                    <img class="img-fluid" alt="" src="/images/server-fig1.png">
-                </p>
-            </div>
-        </div>
-        <p>
-            <b>NOTES:</b>
-        </p>
-        <ul>
-            <li>
-                <i style="color: #F39C12" class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i> REST server is a "fire-and-forget" component
-                that you generally need to start it only once for this and any other examples.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                Run <code class="script">bin/nlpcraft.sh help --cmd=start-server</code> to get a full help on this command.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                <a href="/tools/script.html">NLPCraft CLI</a> is available as <code>nlpcraft.sh</code> for
-                <i class="fab fa-fw fa-linux"></i> and <code>nlpcraft.cmd</code>
-                for <i class="fab fa-fw fa-windows"></i>.
-            </li>
-        </ul>
-    </section>
-    <section id="testing">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Testing <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Part of the <a href="/tools/test_framework.html">test framework</a>, the auto-validator class <a
-                target="javadoc"
-                href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/tools/test/NCTestAutoModelValidator.html">NCTestAutoModelValidator</a> takes one or more model IDs
-            (or class names) and performs validation. Validation consists of starting an  <a href="/tools/embedded_probe.html">embedded probe</a> with a given model,
-            scanning for <a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCIntentSample.html">@NCIntentSample</a> and
-            <a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCIntentSampleRef.html">@NCIntentSampleRef</a> annotations
-            and their corresponding callback methods, submitting each sample input
-            sentences from these annotations and checking that resulting intent matches the intent the sample was attached to.
-            Note that auto-testing does not require any additional code to be written - the class gathers all required information from the model
-            itself.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            As always, you can launch model auto-validator as any other Java class but we'll use NLPCraft CLI
-            to do it more conveniently:
-        </p>
-        <pre class="brush: bash">
-            $ bin/nlpcraft.sh test-model --cp=~/sql/target/classes --mdls=demo.SqlModel
-        </pre>
-        <p>
-            <b>NOTES:</b>
-        </p>
-        <ul>
-            <li>
-                Run <code class="script">bin/nlpcraft.sh help --cmd=test-model</code> to get a full help on this command.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                Note that you can use <code>retest-model</code> command in REPL mode to re-run the last model test
-                avoiding the retyping of all required parameters.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                <a href="/tools/script.html">NLPCraft CLI</a> is available as <code>nlpcraft.sh</code> for
-                <i class="fab fa-fw fa-linux"></i> and <code>nlpcraft.cmd</code>
-                for <i class="fab fa-fw fa-windows"></i>.
-            </li>
-        </ul>
-    </section>
-    <section id="rinse">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Rinse <span class="amp">&amp;</span> Repeat <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Typical development cycle consists of:
-        </p>
-        <ul>
-            <li>
-                <a href="#model">Modifying the model</a>
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                <a href="#build_project">Re-building the project</a>
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                <a href="#testing">Re-running the test</a>
-            </li>
-        </ul>
-        <p>
-            All of these operations can be performed from <a href="/tools/script.html">NLPCraft CLI</a> in REPL mode or from any IDE.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            NOTE: you don't need to restart REST server every time - it only needs to be started once.
-        </p>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-        <h2 class="section-title">Done! 👌 <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            You've created SQL model, started the REST server and tested this model using the built-in test framework.
-        </p>
-    </section>
-<div class="col-md-2 third-column">
-    <ul class="side-nav">
-        <li class="side-nav-title">On This Page</li>
-        <li><a href="#overview">Overview</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#background">Background</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#sql">Sample Database</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#model">Data Model</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#impl">Implementation</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#build_project">Build Project</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#start_server">Start Server</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#testing">Testing</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#rinse">Rinse <span class="amp">&amp;</span> Repeat</a></li>
-        {% include quick-links.html %}
-    </ul>
diff --git a/examples/weather_bot.html b/examples/weather_bot.html
deleted file mode 100644
index f188701..0000000
--- a/examples/weather_bot.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,582 +0,0 @@
-active_crumb: Weather Bot <code><sub>ex</sub></code>
-layout: documentation
-id: weather_bot
-fa_icon: fa-cube
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<div class="col-md-8 second-column example">
-    <section id="overview">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Overview <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            This example demonstrates relatively complete NLI-based weather service with JSON output and a non-trivial
-            intent matching logic. It uses <a target="new" href="https://openweathermap.org/api/one-call-api">OpenWeather</a>
-            REST service for the actual weather information.
-        </p>
-        <div class="bq info">
-            <p>
-                <b>NOTE:</b> you must provide OpenWeather API key in <code>OWM_API_KEY</code> system property when running
-                the data probe. See <a target=_ href="https://openweathermap.org/api">https://openweathermap.org/api</a> for more information.
-            </p>
-        </div>
-        <p>
-            <b>Complexity:</b> <span class="complexity-two-star"><i class="fas fa-square"></i> <i class="fas fa-square"></i> <i class="far fa-square"></i></span><br/>
-            <span class="ex-src">Source code: <a target="github" href="https://github.com/apache/incubator-nlpcraft/tree/master/nlpcraft-examples/weather">GitHub <i class="fab fa-fw fa-github"></i></a><br/></span>
-            <span class="ex-review-all">Review: <a target="github" href="https://github.com/apache/incubator-nlpcraft/tree/master/nlpcraft-examples">All Examples at GitHub <i class="fab fa-fw fa-github"></i></a></span>
-        </p>
-    </section>
-    <section id="new_project">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Create New Project <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            You can create new Java project in many ways - we'll use <a href="/tools/script.html">NLPCraft CLI</a>
-            to accomplish this task:
-        </p>
-        <nav>
-            <div class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
-                <a class="nav-item nav-link active" data-toggle="tab" href="#nav-prj-cmd" role="tab">Command</a>
-                <a class="nav-item nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#nav-prj-out" role="tab">Output <i class="fa fa-desktop output"></i></a>
-            </div>
-        </nav>
-        <div class="tab-content">
-            <div class="tab-pane fade show active" id="nav-prj-cmd" role="tabpanel">
-                <pre class="brush: bash">
-                    $ bin/nlpcraft.sh gen-project --baseName=Weather --outputDir=~ --pkgName=demo --mdlType=json
-                </pre>
-                <p>
-                    <b>NOTES:</b>
-                </p>
-                <ul>
-                    <li>
-                        New project created in <code>/home/Weather</code> directory.
-                    </li>
-                    <li>
-                        <code>gen-project</code> command defaults to Java and  Maven as its built tool.
-                    </li>
-                    <li>
-                        Run <code class="script">bin/nlpcraft.sh help --cmd=gen-project</code> to get a full help on <code>gen-project</code> command.
-                    </li>
-                    <li>
-                        <a href="/tools/script.html">NLPCraft CLI</a> is available as <code>nlpcraft.sh</code> for
-                        <i class="fab fa-fw fa-linux"></i> and <code>nlpcraft.cmd</code>
-                        for <i class="fab fa-fw fa-windows"></i>.
-                    </li>
-                </ul>
-            </div>
-            <div class="tab-pane fade show" id="nav-prj-out" role="tabpanel">
-                <p></p>
-                <img alt="" class="img-fluid" src="/images/weather_bot_fig1.png">
-            </div>
-        </div>
-    </section>
-    <section id="model">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Data Model <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            We are going to start with declaring the static part of our model using JSON which we will later load using
-            <code>NCModelFileAdapter</code> in our Java-based model implementation. Open <code>src/main/resources/<b>weather.json</b></code>
-            and replace its content with the following JSON:
-        </p>
-        <pre class="brush: js, highlight: [10, 18, 28, 38]">
-  "id": "nlpcraft.weather.ex",
-  "name": "Weather Example Model",
-  "version": "1.0",
-  "description": "Weather example model.",
-  "macros": [
-  ],
-  "elements": [
-    {
-      "id": "wt:phen",
-      "description": "Weather phenomenon.",
-      "synonyms": [
-        "{high sea|severe weather|hail|heat wave|cold wave|derecho|supercell|avalanche|cyclone|wildfire|landslide|firestorm|dust storm|thunder snow|winter storm|cloudburst|shower|condensation|precipitation|drizzle|rainstorm|rain storm|rainfall|rain|storm|sun|sunshine|cloud|hot|cold|dry|wet|wind|hurricane|typhoon|sand-storm|sand storm|tornado|humid|fog|snow|smog|black ice|haze|thundershower|thundersnow|sleet|drought|wildfire|blizzard|avalanche|mist|thunderstorm}",
-        "{weather {condition|temp|temperature|data|_}|condition|temp|temperature}"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "wt:hist",
-      "description": "History (past) indicator.",
-      "groups": [
-        "indicator"
-      ],
-      "synonyms": [
-        "{history|past|previous}"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "wt:curr",
-      "description": "Current indicator.",
-      "groups": [
-        "indicator"
-      ],
-      "synonyms": [
-        "{current|today|now|right now}"
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "id": "wt:fcast",
-      "description": "Forecast (future) indicator.",
-      "groups": [
-        "indicator"
-      ],
-      "synonyms": [
-        "{future|forecast|prognosis|prediction}"
-      ]
-    }
-  ]
-        </pre>
-        <p>There are number of important points here:</p>
-        <ul>
-            <li>
-                <code>Line 10</code> defines an element <code>wt:phen</code> for various weather phenomenon.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                <code>Line 18</code> defines an element <code>wt:hist</code> whose presence will indicate the
-                request for the past (history) weather information.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                <code>Line 28</code> defines an element <code>wt:curr</code> whose presence will indicate the
-                request for the current (local) weather information.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                <code>Line 38</code> defines an element <code>wt:fcast</code> whose presence will indicate the
-                request for the future (forecast) weather information.
-            </li>
-        </ul>
-        <p>
-            Now that our model is ready let's create a Java class that would load this model and define the intent
-            that uses the model elements we have just defined.
-        </p>
-        <h2 class="section-title">Model Class <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Below is a full source code for our implementation. Note that this code uses several
-            external tools for IP-based geo-location and the weather information
-            provider (<a target=_ href="https://openweathermap.org/api">OpenWeather</a>). Note also that despite its apparent simplicity the model logic implementation is non-trivial.
-            Significant portion of the code deals with a complex <b>temporal and geographical ambiguity</b>, i.e. the sentences like the these:
-        </p>
-        <dl>
-            <dt>
-                <code>'show my local weather'</code> vs <code>'show local Boston weather'</code>
-            </dt>
-            <dd>
-                In the first sentence the word <code>local</code> indicates that the user is asking about her local weather
-                (i.e. the weather for the location based on the IP address of the user's REST agent). However, in the
-                second sentence the same word <code>local</code> is effectively ignored as user clearly indicated the city
-                for the weather request (Boston).
-            </dd>
-            <dt>
-                <code>'show weather forecast'</code> vs <code>'show weather forecast for today'</code> vs <code>'show last week weather forecast'</code>
-            </dt>
-            <dd>
-                In these three sentences the word <code>forecast</code> defines future, current and past timeframe for the
-                weather request. It acts as a future indicator in the first sentence and is effectively ignored in the second
-                and third sentences.
-            </dd>
-        </dl>
-        <div class="bq info">
-            <p><b>Temporal <i class="amp">&amp;</i> Geographical Ambiguity</b></p>
-            <p>
-                Despite seeming triviality of these ambiguities for the human comprehension, these represent a significant problem
-                for the most deep learning neural networks unless specifically trained to resolve these particular cases. Procedural
-                (deterministic) approach - as shown below - often yields a dramatically simpler and more robust solution, albeit the
-                one that works only in a specific context.
-            </p>
-        </div>
-        <p>
-            Open <code>src/main/java/demo/<b>Weather.java</b></code> file and replace its content with the
-            following code:
-        </p>
-        <pre class="brush: java, highlight: [30, 43, 130, 90, 132, 133, 134, 177]">
-package demo;
-import com.google.gson.Gson;
-import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
-import org.apache.nlpcraft.examples.weather.openweathermap.OpenWeatherMapException;
-import org.apache.nlpcraft.examples.weather.openweathermap.OpenWeatherMapService;
-import org.apache.nlpcraft.utils.keycdn.GeoManager;
-import org.apache.nlpcraft.utils.keycdn.beans.GeoDataBean;
-import org.apache.nlpcraft.model.NCIntent;
-import org.apache.nlpcraft.model.NCIntentMatch;
-import org.apache.nlpcraft.model.NCIntentSample;
-import org.apache.nlpcraft.model.NCIntentTerm;
-import org.apache.nlpcraft.model.NCModelFileAdapter;
-import org.apache.nlpcraft.model.NCRejection;
-import org.apache.nlpcraft.model.NCResult;
-import org.apache.nlpcraft.model.NCToken;
-import java.time.Instant;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Optional;
-import java.util.Set;
-import static java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.DAYS;
-public class WeatherModel extends NCModelFileAdapter {
-    // System property for OpenWeatherMap API key.
-    public final String OWM_API_KEY = "OWM_API_KEY";
-    // Please register your own account at https://openweathermap.org/api and
-    // replace this demo token with your own.
-    // We are using the One Call API (https://openweathermap.org/api/one-call-api) in this example
-    private final OpenWeatherMapService openWeather;
-    private final GeoManager geoMrg = new GeoManager();
-    private static final int DAYS_SHIFT_BACK = 5;
-    private static final int DAYS_SHIFT_FORWARD = 7;
-    private static final Gson GSON = new Gson();
-    private static final Set&lt;String&gt; LOCAL_WORDS = new HashSet&lt;&gt;(Arrays.asList("my", "local", "hometown"));
-    private Pair&lt;Double, Double&gt; prepGeo(NCIntentMatch ctx, Optional&lt;NCToken&gt; geoTokOpt) throws NCRejection {
-        if (geoTokOpt.isPresent()) {
-            NCToken geoTok = geoTokOpt.get();
-            Map&lt;String, Object&gt; cityMeta = geoTok.meta("nlpcraft:city:citymeta");
-            Double lat = (Double)cityMeta.get("latitude");
-            Double lon = (Double)cityMeta.get("longitude");
-            if (lat == null || lon == null) {
-                String city = geoTok.meta("nlpcraft:city:city");
-                throw new NCRejection(String.format("Latitude and longitude not found for: %s", city));
-            }
-            return Pair.of(lat, lon);
-        }
-        Optional&lt;GeoDataBean&gt; geoOpt = geoMrg.get(ctx.getContext().getRequest());
-        if (geoOpt.isEmpty())
-            throw new NCRejection("City cannot be determined.");
-        // Manually process request for local weather. We need to separate between 'local Moscow weather'
-        // and 'local weather' which are different. Basically, if there is word 'local/my/hometown' in the user
-        // input and there is no city in the current sentence - this is a request for the weather at user's
-        // current location, i.e. we should implicitly assume user's location and clear conversion context.
-        // In all other cases - we take location from either current sentence or conversation STM.
-        // NOTE: we don't do this separation on intent level as it is easier to do it here instead of
-        // creating more intents with almost identical callbacks.
-        @SuppressWarnings("SuspiciousMethodCalls")
-        boolean hasLocalWord =
-            ctx.getVariant().stream().anyMatch(t -&gt; LOCAL_WORDS.contains(t.meta("nlpcraft:nlp:origtext")));
-        if (hasLocalWord)
-            // Because we implicitly assume user's current city at this point we need to clear
-            // 'nlpcraft:city' tokens from conversation since they would no longer be valid.
-            ctx.getContext().getConversation().clearStm(t -&gt; t.getId().equals("nlpcraft:city"));
-        // Try current user location.
-        GeoDataBean geo = geoOpt.get();
-        return Pair.of(geo.getLatitude(), geo.getLongitude());
-    }
-    @NCIntent(
-        "intent=req " +
-        "term~{tok_id() == 'wt:phen'}* " + // Zero or more weather phenomenon.
-        "term(ind)~{" +
-            "@isIndicator = has(tok_groups(), 'indicator') " + // Just to demo term variable usage.
-            "@isIndicator" +
-        "}* " + // Optional indicator words (zero or more).
-        "term(city)~{tok_id() == 'nlpcraft:city'}? " + // Optional city.
-        "term(date)~{tok_id() == 'nlpcraft:date'}?" // Optional date (overrides indicator words).
-    )
-    // NOTE: each samples group will reset conversation STM during auto-testing.
-    @NCIntentSample({
-        "Current forecast?",
-        "Chance of rain in Berlin now?"
-    })
-    // NOTE: each samples group will reset conversation STM during auto-testing.
-    @NCIntentSample({
-        "Moscow forecast?",
-        "Chicago history"
-    })
-    // NOTE: each samples group will reset conversation STM during auto-testing.
-    @NCIntentSample({
-        "What's the local weather forecast?",
-        "What's the weather in Moscow?",
-        "What's the current forecast for LA?",
-        "What is the weather like outside?",
-        "How's the weather?",
-        "What's the weather forecast for the rest of the week?",
-        "What's the weather forecast this week?",
-        "What's the weather out there?",
-        "Is it cold outside?",
-        "Is it hot outside?",
-        "Will it rain today?",
-        "When it will rain in Delhi?",
-        "Is there any possibility of rain in Delhi?",
-        "Is it raining now?",
-        "Is there any chance of rain today?",
-        "Was it raining in Beirut three days ago?",
-        "How about yesterday?"
-    })
-    public NCResult onMatch(
-        NCIntentMatch ctx,
-        @NCIntentTerm("ind") List&lt;NCToken&gt; indToksOpt,
-        @NCIntentTerm("city") Optional&lt;NCToken&gt; cityTokOpt,
-        @NCIntentTerm("date") Optional&lt;NCToken&gt; dateTokOpt
-    ) {
-        try {
-            Instant now = Instant.now();
-            Instant from = now;
-            Instant to = now;
-            if (indToksOpt.stream().anyMatch(tok -&gt; tok.getId().equals("wt:hist")))
-                from = from.minus(DAYS_SHIFT_BACK, DAYS);
-            else if (indToksOpt.stream().anyMatch(tok -&gt; tok.getId().equals("wt:fcast")))
-                to = from.plus(DAYS_SHIFT_FORWARD, DAYS);
-            if (dateTokOpt.isPresent()) { // Date token overrides any indicators.
-                NCToken dateTok = dateTokOpt.get();
-                from = Instant.ofEpochMilli(dateTok.meta("nlpcraft:date:from"));
-                to = Instant.ofEpochMilli(dateTok.meta("nlpcraft:date:to"));
-            }
-            Pair&lt;Double, Double&gt; latLon = prepGeo(ctx, cityTokOpt); // Handles optional city too.
-            double lat = latLon.getLeft();
-            double lon = latLon.getRight();
-            return NCResult.json(GSON.toJson(from == to ? openWeather.getCurrent(lat, lon) : openWeather.getTimeMachine(lat, lon, from, to)));
-        }
-        catch (OpenWeatherMapException e) {
-            throw new NCRejection(e.getLocalizedMessage());
-        }
-        catch (NCRejection e) {
-            throw e;
-        }
-        catch (Exception e) {
-            throw new NCRejection("Weather provider error.", e);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Loads the model.
-     */
-    public WeatherModel() {
-        // Load model from external JSON file on classpath.
-        super("weather_model.json");
-        // Try system variable first.
-        String apiKey = System.getProperty(OWM_API_KEY);
-        if (apiKey == null)
-            // Try environment variable next.
-            apiKey = System.getenv(OWM_API_KEY);
-        if (apiKey == null)
-            throw new OpenWeatherMapException(String.format("Provide OpenWeatherMap API key using '-D%s=&lt;your-key-here&gt;' system property.", OWM_API_KEY));
-        openWeather = new OpenWeatherMapService(apiKey, 5, 7);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void onDiscard() {
-        openWeather.stop();
-    }
-        </pre>
-        <ul>
-            <li>
-                <code>Line 177</code> loads the model configuration from the external <code>weather_model.json</code>
-                file.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                Method <code>preGeo(...)</code> on the <code>line 43</code> handles the geolocation processing including
-                IP-based geo-location and resolution of the geographical ambiguity.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                <code>Line 130</code> defines a callback for the intent defined on the <code>line 90</code>. Note that
-                callback implementation also deals with the temporal ambiguity.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                <code>Lines 132-134</code> define formal callback method parameters that correspond
-                to the intent's terms (see <code>line 90</code>).
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                <code>Lines 101-129</code> define input sentence samples that are used for both documentation and
-                auto-validation purposed (see <a href="#testing">testing</a> second for details).
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                Make sure to provide you <a target="new" href="https://openweathermap.org/api/one-call-api">OpenWeather API</a>
-                key on the <code>line 30</code>.
-            </li>
-        </ul>
-    </section>
-    <section id="build_project">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Build Project <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Once we have our model ready let's go to <code>~/Weather</code> directory and run the Maven build:
-        </p>
-        <pre class="brush: bash">
-            $ cd ~/Weather
-            $ mvn clean package
-        </pre>
-        <p>
-            At this stage we have our project built and we are ready to start testing.
-        </p>
-    </section>
-    <section id="start_server">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Start Server <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Run the following command to start local REST server, if it hasn't been started already, from the NLPCraft installation directory:
-        </p>
-        <nav>
-            <div class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
-                <a class="nav-item nav-link active" data-toggle="tab" href="#nav-srv-cmd" role="tab">Command</a>
-                <a class="nav-item nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#nav-srv-out" role="tab">Output <i class="fa fa-desktop output"></i></a>
-            </div>
-        </nav>
-        <div class="tab-content">
-            <div class="tab-pane fade show active" id="nav-srv-cmd" role="tabpanel">
-                <pre class="brush: bash">
-                    $ bin/nlpcraft.sh start-server
-                </pre>
-            </div>
-            <div class="tab-pane fade show" id="nav-srv-out" role="tabpanel">
-                <p></p>
-                <p>
-                    <img class="img-fluid" alt="" src="/images/server-fig1.png">
-                </p>
-            </div>
-        </div>
-        <p>
-            <b>NOTES:</b>
-        </p>
-        <ul>
-            <li>
-                <i style="color: #F39C12" class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i> REST server is a "fire-and-forget" component that you generally need to start it only once.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                Run <code class="script">bin/nlpcraft.sh help --cmd=start-server</code> to get a full help on this command.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                <a href="/tools/script.html">NLPCraft CLI</a> is available as <code>nlpcraft.sh</code> for
-                <i class="fab fa-fw fa-linux"></i> and <code>nlpcraft.cmd</code>
-                for <i class="fab fa-fw fa-windows"></i>.
-            </li>
-        </ul>
-    </section>
-    <section id="testing">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Testing <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Remember the <a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCIntentSample.html">@NCIntentSample</a>
-            annotation we have used in our model code next to intent definition?
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            Part of the <a href="/tools/test_framework.html">test framework</a>, the auto-validator class <a
-                target="javadoc"
-                href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/tools/test/NCTestAutoModelValidator.html">NCTestAutoModelValidator</a> takes one or more model IDs
-            (or class names) and performs validation. Validation consists of starting an  <a href="/tools/embedded_probe.html">embedded probe</a> with a given model,
-            scanning for <a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCIntentSample.html">@NCIntentSample</a> and
-            <a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCIntentSampleRef.html">@NCIntentSampleRef</a> annotations
-            and their corresponding callback methods, submitting each sample input
-            sentences from these annotations and checking that resulting intent matches the intent the sample was attached to.
-            Note that auto-testing does not require any additional code to be written - the class gathers all required information from the model
-            itself.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            As always, you can launch model auto-validator as any other Java class but we'll use NLPCraft CLI
-            to do it more conveniently:
-        </p>
-        <pre class="brush: bash">
-            $ bin/nlpcraft.sh test-model --cp=~/Weather/target/classes --mdls=demo.Weather
-        </pre>
-        <p>
-            <b>NOTES:</b>
-        </p>
-        <ul>
-            <li>
-                Run <code class="script">bin/nlpcraft.sh help --cmd=test-model</code> to get a full help on this command.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                Note that you can use <code>retest-model</code> command in REPL mode to re-run the last model test
-                avoiding the retyping of all required parameters.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                <a href="/tools/script.html">NLPCraft CLI</a> is available as <code>nlpcraft.sh</code> for
-                <i class="fab fa-fw fa-linux"></i> and <code>nlpcraft.cmd</code>
-                for <i class="fab fa-fw fa-windows"></i>.
-            </li>
-        </ul>
-        <p>
-            Look at the output of this command and you will see the test results for all our sample utterances:
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            <img style="max-width: 871px !important;" class="img-fluid" alt="" src="/images/weather-bot-test.png">
-        </p>
-    </section>
-    <section id="rinse">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Rinse <span class="amp">&amp;</span> Repeat <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Typical development cycle consists of:
-        </p>
-        <ul>
-            <li>
-                <a href="#model">Modifying the model</a>
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                <a href="#build_project">Re-building the project</a>
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                <a href="#testing">Re-running the test</a>
-            </li>
-        </ul>
-        <p>
-            All of these operations can be performed from <a href="/tools/script.html">NLPCraft CLI</a> in REPL mode or from any IDE.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            NOTE: you don't need to restart REST server every time - it only needs to be started once.
-        </p>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-        <h2 class="section-title">Done! 👌 <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            You've created weather bot data model, started the REST server and tested this model using the built-in test framework.
-        </p>
-    </section>
-<div class="col-md-2 third-column">
-    <ul class="side-nav">
-        <li class="side-nav-title">On This Page</li>
-        <li><a href="#overview">Overview</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#new_project">New Project</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#model">Data Model</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#build_project">Build Project</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#start_server">Start Server</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#testing">Testing</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#rinse">Rinse <span class="amp">&amp;</span> Repeat</a></li>
-        {% include quick-links.html %}
-    </ul>
diff --git a/getting-started.html b/getting-started.html
index c4c6d8c..e88aa3b 100644
--- a/getting-started.html
+++ b/getting-started.html
@@ -48,12 +48,6 @@
-        <h2 class="section-title">Weather Forecast <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            We'll be testing <a href="/examples/weather_bot.html">Weather Example</a>
-            to ask questions about weather forecast using REST APIs. This example returns a JSON weather
-            data for variety of different inquiries about the past, present or future weather conditions.
-        </p>
         <h2 id="probe-server" class="section-sub-title">Data Probe <span class="amp">&amp;</span> REST Server <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
             <a href="/server-and-probe.html">Data probes</a> are used to deploy and host data model, while <a href="/server-and-probe.html">REST server</a> (or a
diff --git a/metrics-and-tracing.html b/metrics-and-tracing.html
deleted file mode 100644
index d8cc82a..0000000
--- a/metrics-and-tracing.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
-active_crumb: Metrics <span class="amp">&amp;</span> Tracing
-layout: documentation
-id: metrics
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<div id="metrics-and-tracing" class="col-md-8 second-column">
-    <section id="overview">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Overview <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Both REST server and data probe come with <a target=_ href="https://opencensus.io">OpenCensus</a>
-            instrumentation. NLPCraft bundles several built-in exporters for various OpenCensus trace and stats
-            backends:
-        </p>
-        <table class="gradient-table checks">
-            <thead>
-            <tr>
-                <th>Backend</th>
-                <th>Built-In Exporters</th>
-                <th>Stats or Trace?</th>
-            </tr>
-            </thead>
-            <tbody>
-            <tr>
-                <td>
-                    <a target=_ href="https://www.jaegertracing.io/">
-                        <img alt="" style="width: 48px" src="/images/jaeger-logo-x.png">
-                        <div class="exporter-name">Jaeger</div>
-                    </a>
-                </td>
-                <td>
-                    Server: <code>NCJaegerExporter</code><br>
-                    Probe:
-                    <a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/opencensus/NCJaegerExporter.html">NCJaegerExporter</a>
-                </td>
-                <td style="text-align: center;">Trace</td>
-            </tr>
-            <tr>
-                <td>
-                    <a target=_ href="https://zipkin.io/">
-                        <img alt="" style="width: 48px" src="/images/zipkin-logo.jpg">
-                        <div class="exporter-name">Zipkin</div>
-                    </a>
-                </td>
-                <td>
-                    Server: <code>NCZipkinExporter</code><br>
-                    Probe: <a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/opencensus/NCZipkinExporter.html">NCZipkinExporter</a>
-                </td>
-                <td style="text-align: center;">Trace</td>
-            </tr>
-            <tr>
-                <td>
-                    <a target=_ href="https://prometheus.io/">
-                        <img alt="" style="width: 48px" src="/images/prometheus-logo-x.png">
-                        <div class="exporter-name">Prometheus</div>
-                    </a>
-                </td>
-                <td>
-                    Server: <code>NCPrometheusExporter</code><br>
-                    Probe: <a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/opencensus/NCPrometheusExporter.html">NCPrometheusExporter</a>
-                </td>
-                <td style="text-align: center;">Stats</td>
-            </tr>
-            <tr>
-                <td>
-                    <a target=_ href="https://grafana.com/">
-                        <img alt="" style="width: 48px" src="/images/grafana-logo-x.png">
-                        <div class="exporter-name">Grafana<sup>*</sup></div>
-                    </a>
-                </td>
-                <td>
-                    Server: <code>NCPrometheusExporter</code><br>
-                    Probe: <a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/opencensus/NCPrometheusExporter.html">NCPrometheusExporter</a>
-                </td>
-                <td style="text-align: center;">Stats</td>
-            </tr>
-            <tr>
-                <td>
-                    <a target=_ href="https://cloud.google.com/stackdriver/">
-                        <img alt="" style="width: 48px" src="/images/stackdriver-stats-x.png">
-                        <div class="exporter-name">Stackdriver</div>
-                    </a>
-                </td>
-                <td>
-                    Server: <code>NCStackdriverStatsExporter</code><br>
-                    Probe: <a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/opencensus/NCStackdriverStatsExporter.html">NCStackdriverStatsExporter</a>
-                </td>
-                <td style="text-align: center;">Stats</td>
-            </tr>
-            <tr>
-                <td>
-                    <a target=_ href="https://cloud.google.com/stackdriver/">
-                        <img alt="" style="width: 48px" src="/images/stackdriver-trace-x.png">
-                        <div class="exporter-name">Stackdriver</div>
-                    </a>
-                </td>
-                <td>
-                    Server: <code>NCStackdriverTraceExporter</code><br>
-                    Probe: <a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/opencensus/NCStackdriverTraceExporter.html">NCStackdriverTraceExporter</a>
-                </td>
-                <td style="text-align: center;">Trace</td>
-            </tr>
-            </tbody>
-        </table>
-        <p>
-        <sup><b>NOTE:</b> (*) Grafana works through Prometheus integration.</sup>
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            All built-in exporters are a simple adaptation of the standard OpenCensus <a target=_ href="https://opencensus.io/exporters/supported-exporters/java/">exporters</a>
-            to life cycle components for the
-            REST server or the data probe. Each exporter has a few lines of code and you can create your own
-            exporters for other backends. 
-        </p>
-    </section>
-    <section id="server">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Configuring Server <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            OpenCensus exporters for the REST server are lifecycle components. Server lifecycle components are the implementations
-            of <code>NCServerLifecycle</code> trait. Lifecycle components get callbacks for various stages of the server
-            lifecycle and thus can register and unregister "primordial" components such as OpenCensus exporters.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            REST server lifecycle components are specified in <code>nlpcraft.server.lifecycle</code>
-            <a href="server-and-probe.html">configuration</a> property. For example, for file based configuration:
-        </p>
-        <pre class="brush: js, highlight: [17, 18]">
-nlpcraft {
-    server {
-        ...
-        lifecycle = [
-            "org.apache.nlpcraft.server.lifecycle.opencensus.NCPrometheusExporter",
-            "org.apache.nlpcraft.server.lifecycle.opencensus.NCJaegerExporter"
-        ]
-        ...
-    }
-        </pre>
-        <p>
-            Note that each server exporter has default configuration that can be overridden via
-            <a href="server-and-probe.html">configuration</a> properties or environment variables. Note also that all
-            built-in <b>trace exporters</b> use "always" sampling by default that is suitable
-            only for demo or development purposes. For production usage you will need to modify the exporter
-            to provide more effective <a target=_ href="https://opencensus.io/tracing/sampling/">sampling strategy</a>.
-        </p>
-    </section>
-    <section id="probe">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Configuring Probe <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Just like on the REST server OpenCensus exporters for the data probe are lifecycle components. Probe lifecycle
-            components are the implementations
-            of <a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCLifecycle.html">org.apache.nlpcraft.model.NCLifecycle</a>
-            interface. Lifecycle components get callbacks for various stages of the data probe
-            lifecycle and thus can register and unregister "primordial" components such as OpenCensus exporters. For example, using
-            file based configuration:
-        </p>
-        <pre class="brush: js, highlight: [14, 15]">
-nlpcraft {
-    probe {
-        ...
-        lifecycle = [
-            "org.apache.nlpcraft.model.opencensus.NCPrometheusExporter",
-            "org.apache.nlpcraft.model.opencensus.NCJaegerExporter"
-        ]
-        ...
-    }
-        </pre>
-        <p>
-            Just like with server exporters, each probe exporter has default configuration that can be overridden via
-            <a href="server-and-probe.html">configuration</a> properties or environment variables. Note also that all
-            built-in <b>trace exporters</b> use "always" sampling by default that is suitable
-            only for demo or development purposes. For production usage you will need to modify the exporter
-            to provide more effective <a target=_ href="https://opencensus.io/tracing/sampling/">sampling strategy</a>.
-            Please consult individual exporter classes:
-        </p>
-        <ul>
-            <li><a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/opencensus/NCJaegerExporter.html">NCJaegerExporter</a></li>
-            <li><a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/opencensus/NCZipkinExporter.html">NCZipkinExporter</a></li>
-            <li><a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/opencensus/NCPrometheusExporter.html">NCPrometheusExporter</a></li>
-            <li><a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/opencensus/NCStackdriverStatsExporter.html">NCStackdriverStatsExporter</a></li>
-            <li><a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/opencensus/NCStackdriverTraceExporter.html">NCStackdriverTraceExporter</a></li>
-        </ul>
-    </section>
-    <section id="traces">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Traces <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            When traces are exporter, there are two service names used for NLPCraft traces that will appear on UI backends:
-        </p>
-        <ul>
-            <li><code>nlpcraft-server</code> for traces from REST server.</li>
-            <li><code>nlpcraft-probe</code> for traces from data probes.</li>
-        </ul>
-        <p>
-            All traces are extensively tagged with various information. Specifically, watch out for <code>srvReqId</code>,
-            <code>modelId</code> and <code>userId</code> tags that will help you navigate across traces pertaining to specific
-            request, models or users.
-        </p>
-    </section>
-    <section id="metrics">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Metrics <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            When it comes to metrics each exporter has different set of configuration for either a namespace or
-            name prefix on how these metrics will be available on the UI backends:
-        </p>
-        <ul>
-            <li>
-                <a target=_ href="https://prometheus.io/">Prometheus</a> and <a target=_ href="https://grafana.com">Grafana</a>
-                stats exporters by default use <code>nlpcraft-server</code> and <code>nlpcraft-probe</code> namespaces.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                <a target=_ href="https://cloud.google.com/stackdriver/">Stackdriver</a> stats exporters use default
-                <code>custom.googleapis.com/nlpcraft/server</code> and <code>custom.googleapis.com/nlpcraft/probe</code> metric
-                name prefixes.
-            </li>
-        </ul>
-        <p>
-            <b>NOTE:</b> default namespaces and service prefixes can be changed via <a href="server-and-probe.html">configuration</a>
-            properties or environment variables
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            The following metrics are generated by the REST server:
-        </p>
-        <table class="gradient-table checks">
-            <thead>
-            <tr>
-                <th>Name <sub>without prefix or namespace</sub></th>
-                <th>Description</th>
-            </tr>
-            </thead>
-            <tbody>
-            {% for api in site.data.metrics.server %}
-            <tr>
-                <td>
-                    <code>{{api.name}}_latdist_bucket</code><br>
-                    <code>{{api.name}}_latdist_count</code><br>
-                    <code>{{api.name}}_latdist_sum</code>
-                </td>
-                <td>Histogram, count and sum of values for the <b>{{api.description}}</b> latencies.</td>
-            </tr>
-            {% endfor %}
-            <tr>
-                <td>
-                    <code>roundtrip_latdist_bucket</code><br>
-                    <code>roundtrip_latdist_count</code><br>
-                    <code>roundtrip_latdist_sum</code>
-                </td>
-                <td>Histogram, count and sum of values for the full server-probe-server round trip latencies.</td>
-            </tr>
-            </tbody>
-        </table>
-        <p>
-            The following metrics are generated by the data probe:
-        </p>
-        <table class="gradient-table checks">
-            <thead>
-            <tr>
-                <th>Name <sub>without prefix or namespace</sub></th>
-                <th>Description</th>
-            </tr>
-            </thead>
-            <tbody>
-            {% for api in site.data.metrics.probe %}
-            <tr>
-                <td>
-                    <code>{{api.name}}_latdist_bucket</code><br>
-                    <code>{{api.name}}_latdist_count</code><br>
-                    <code>{{api.name}}_latdist_sum</code>
-                </td>
-                <td>Histogram, count and sum of values for the <b>{{api.description}}</b> latencies.</td>
-            </tr>
-            {% endfor %}
-            </tbody>
-        </table>
-    </section>
-<div class="col-md-2 third-column">
-    <ul class="side-nav">
-        <li class="side-nav-title">On This Page</li>
-        <li><a href="#overview">Overview</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#server">Configuring Server</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#probe">Configuring Probe</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#traces">Traces</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#metrics">Metrics</a></li>
-        {% include quick-links.html %}
-    </ul>
diff --git a/server-and-probe.html b/server-and-probe.html
deleted file mode 100644
index d2e611c..0000000
--- a/server-and-probe.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,618 +0,0 @@
-active_crumb: Server <span class="amp">&amp;</span> Probe
-layout: documentation
-id: server_and_probe
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<div id="server-and-probes" class="col-md-8 second-column">
-    <section>
-        <h2 class="section-title">Overview <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            REST server and data probe are the two runtime components that you need to run when using NLPCraft.
-            Data probes are used to deploy and host data model, while REST server (or a cluster of servers) is used
-            to accept client REST call and route them to the data models via data probes.
-        </p>
-        <h2 class="section-sub-title">REST Server vs. Data Probe <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            It's important to remember why REST server is a separate component from a data probe. While a
-            typical deployment would have only one REST server (or a cluster of REST servers behind a single
-            load balancer), there are maybe multiple data probes hosting different data models deployed in
-            different physical locations, managed through different life cycles and requiring different
-            security and network configurations.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            Moreover, REST server is a heavy and resource consuming component that is built around Apache
-            Ignite distributing in-memory computing capabilities - while the data probe is a lightweight
-            data model container. During the development and testing of data models, the developers need to
-            frequently redeploy data models by restarting the data probe. If the REST server and the data probe
-            would be one component - this process would be very inefficient.
-        </p>
-        <div class="bq success">
-            <div class="bq-idea-container">
-                <div><div>💡</div></div>
-                <div>
-                    <p><b>Configuration</b></p>
-                    <p>
-                        Both REST server and the data probe can share their configuration file or be configured
-                        individually. Read more about this in <a href="#config">configuration</a>
-                        section.
-                    </p>
-                </div>
-            </div>
-        </div>
-        <h2 class="section-sub-title">All-Inclusive JAR <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            <a href="/download.html#zip">Binary</a> NLPCraft ZIP download comes with a single executable JAR file that includes all
-            necessary dependencies (except for examples): <code>build/<b>apache-nlpcraft-incubating-{{site.latest_version}}-all-deps.jar</b></code>.
-            This single all-inclusive JAR file can be used to start any NLPCraft runtime components as standard
-            Java applications:
-        </p>
-        <ul>
-            <li><a href="#server">REST Server</a></li>
-            <li><a href="#probe">Data Probe</a></li>
-            <li><a href="/tools/script.html">NLPCraft CLI</a></li>
-            <li><a href="/data-model.html">Model API</a></li>
-        </ul>
-        <p>
-            Note that if you downloaded the <a href="/download.html#src">source</a> ZIP you need to run <code class="script">mvn clean package -P examples</code> to
-            get the <code>apache-nlpcraft-incubating-<b>{{site.latest_version}}</b>-all-deps.jar</code>
-            file. It will be located in <code>nlpcraft/target</code> sub-folder.
-        </p>
-        <h2 class="section-sub-title">Examples JARs <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            If you downloaded binary release the examples JARs are pre-built and shipped within it. They are located in <code>build/nlpcraft-examples/xxx</code> folder
-            for each <code>xxx</code> example. If you downloaded a source release you will need to run <code class="script">mvn clean package -P examples</code>
-            and examples JARs will be located in each individual module under its <code>target</code> sub-folder.
-        </p>
-    </section>
-    <section id="server">
-        <h2 class="section-title">REST Server <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            REST server accepts client REST calls and routes them to the data model hosted by data probes.
-            REST server can be started in different ways:
-        </p>
-        <nav>
-            <div class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
-                <a class="nav-item nav-link active" data-toggle="tab" href="#nav-srv-script" role="tab">NLPCraft CLI</a>
-                <a class="nav-item nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#nav-srv-class" role="tab">Java Class <img src="/images/java2-h20.png" alt=""></a>
-                <a class="nav-item nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#nav-srv-docker" role="tab"><i class="fab fa-docker"></i> Docker</a>
-            </div>
-        </nav>
-        <div class="tab-content">
-            <div class="tab-pane fade show active" id="nav-srv-script" role="tabpanel">
-                <pre class="brush: bash">
-                    $ bin/nlpcraft.sh start-server
-                </pre>
-                <p>
-                    <b>NOTES:</b>
-                </p>
-                <ul>
-                    <li>
-                        <a href="/tools/script.html">NLPCraft CLI</a> is available as <code>nlpcraft.sh</code> for
-                        <i class="fab fa-fw fa-linux"></i> and <code>nlpcraft.cmd</code>
-                        for <i class="fab fa-fw fa-windows"></i>.
-                    </li>
-                    <li>
-                        Run <code class="script">bin/nlpcraft.sh help --cmd=start-server</code> to get a full help on this command.
-                    </li>
-                </ul>
-            </div>
-            <div class="tab-pane fade show" id="nav-srv-class" role="tabpanel">
-                <p></p>
-                <p>
-                    If using executable JAR:
-                </p>
-                <pre class="brush: bash">
-                    $ java -Xms1024m -jar apache-nlpcraft-incubating-{{site.latest_version}}-all-deps.jar -server
-                </pre>
-                <p>
-                    If specifying additional classpath components and need <code>-cp</code> parameter:
-                </p>
-                <pre class="brush: bash">
-                    $ java -Xms1024m -cp apache-nlpcraft-incubating-{{site.latest_version}}-all-deps.jar org.apache.nlpcraft.NCStart -server
-                </pre>
-                <p>
-                    <b>NOTES:</b>
-                </p>
-                <ul>
-                    <li>
-                        Make sure to provide correct path to <code>apache-nlpcraft-incubating-<b>{{site.latest_version}}</b>-all-deps.jar</code> file.
-                    </li>
-                    <li>
-                        Class <code>org.apache.nlpcraft.NCStart</code> is a common entry point for all NLPCraft runtime components and
-                        can be used to start REST server from IDE.
-                    </li>
-                </ul>
-                <p>
-                    <b>Parameters</b>:
-                </p>
-                <dl>
-                    <dt>
-                        <code>-server</code>
-                    </dt>
-                    <dd>
-                        <em>Mandatory</em> parameter to indicate that you are starting the REST server.
-                    </dd>
-                    <dt><code>-config=path</code></dt>
-                    <dd>
-                        <em>Optional</em> parameter to provide configuration file path.
-                        Server will automatically look for <code>nlpcraft.conf</code> configuration file in the same directory
-                        as <code>apache-nlpcraft-incubating-<b>{{site.latest_version}}</b>-all-deps.jar</code> file. If the configuration
-                        file has different name or in different location use <code>-config=path</code> parameter
-                        where <code>path</code> is an absolute path to the configuration file. Note that the server and the data
-                        probe can use the same file for their configuration (like the
-                        default <code>nlpcraft.conf</code> contains configuration for both the server and the data probe).
-                    </dd>
-                    <dt><code>-igniteConfig=path</code></dt>
-                    <dd>
-                        <em>Optional</em> parameter to provide <a target=_ href="https://ignite.apache.org/">Apache Ignite</a> configuration file path.
-                        Note that Apache Ignite is used as a cluster computing plane and a default distributed storage.
-                        Server will automatically look for <code>ignite.xml</code>
-                        configuration file in the same directory as <code>apache-nlpcraft-incubating-<b>{{site.latest_version}}</b>-all-deps.jar</code> file.
-                        If the configuration file has different name or in different location use <code>-igniteConfig=path</code> parameter
-                        where <code>path</code> is an absolute path to the Ignite configuration file.
-                    </dd>
-                </dl>
-                <p>
-                    <b>VM Options</b>:
-                </p>
-                <p>
-                    NLPCraft REST  server uses Apache Ignite 2.x as its distributed in-memory computing plane. Apache Ignite
-                    <a target=_new href="https://apacheignite.readme.io/docs/getting-started#running-ignite-with-java-11-and-later-versions">requires</a>
-                    the following additional JVM options to be used when running Apache Ignite 2.x on JDK 11:
-                </p>
-                <pre class="brush: text">
-                    --add-opens=java.base/jdk.internal.misc=ALL-UNNAMED
-                    --add-opens=java.base/sun.nio.ch=ALL-UNNAMED
-                    --add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED
-                    --add-opens=java.base/java.io=ALL-UNNAMED
-                    --add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED
-                    --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED
-                    --add-opens=java.management/com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver=ALL-UNNAMED
-                    --add-opens=jdk.internal.jvmstat/sun.jvmstat.monitor=ALL-UNNAMED
-                    --add-opens=java.base/sun.reflect.generics.reflectiveObjects=ALL-UNNAMED
-                    --add-opens=jdk.management/com.sun.management.internal=ALL-UNNAMED
-                    --illegal-access=permit
-                </pre>
-                <p>
-                    <b>NOTES:</b>
-                </p>
-                <ul>
-                    <li>
-                        <a href="/tools/script.html"><code>nlpcraft.{sh|cmd}</code></a> script automatically uses
-                        these options for <code>start-server</code> command.
-                    </li>
-                </ul>
-                <div class="bq success">
-                    Since this list of required VM options is long it is rather impractical and inconvenient to use it from the
-                    command line. It is <b>highly recommended</b> to either use IDE or <a href="/tools/script.html"><code>nlpcraft.{sh|cmd}</code></a> script
-                    to manage REST server lifecycle.
-                </div>
-            </div>
-            <div class="tab-pane fade show" id="nav-srv-docker" role="tabpanel">
-                <p></p>
-                <p>
-                    If Docker image is available for given version you can start REST server as follows:
-                </p>
-                <pre class="brush: bash">
-                    $ docker run -m 8G -p 8081:8081 -p 8201:8201 -p 8202:8202 nlpcraftserver/server:{{site.latest_version}}
-                </pre>
-            </div>
-        </div>
-        <h2 class="section-sub-title">JVM Memory <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Make sure to allocate enough memory for server JVM using <code>-Xms</code> JVM option, i.e. <code>-Xms1024m</code>.
-            Many 3rd party NLP engines like Stanford CoreNLP are very memory intensive and may require several GBs
-            of JVM heap allocated depending on the models used. Note that when server JVM has insufficient heap
-            memory the Apache Ignite may throw the following warning logs:
-        </p>
-        <pre class="brush: text">
-            Jul-22 13:27:56 [INFO ] ...
-            Jul-22 13:28:08 [WARN ] Possible too long JVM pause: 11364 milliseconds.
-            Jul-22 13:28:11 [INFO ] ...
-        </pre>
-        <p>
-            <b>NOTES:</b>
-        </p>
-        <ul>
-            <li>
-                <a href="/tools/script.html"><code>nlpcraft.{sh|cmd}</code></a> script automatically uses
-                <code>-Xms1024m</code> for <code>start-server</code> command.
-            </li>
-        </ul>
-        <p>
-            The abnormally long GC pauses (over 5s) can be caused by the excessive memory swapping performed by OS due to
-            insufficient JVM heap memory.
-        </p>
-    </section>
-    <section id="probe">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Data Probe <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Data probes are used to deploy and host data mode, and can also be started in several ways:
-        </p>
-        <nav>
-            <div class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
-                <a class="nav-item nav-link active" data-toggle="tab" href="#nav-probe-script" role="tab" >NLPCraft CLI</a>
-                <a class="nav-item nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#nav-probe-class" role="tab" >Java Class <img src="/images/java2-h20.png" alt=""></a>
-            </div>
-        </nav>
-        <div class="tab-content">
-            <div class="tab-pane fade show active" id="nav-probe-script" role="tabpanel">
-                <pre class="brush: bash">
-                    $ bin/nlpcraft.sh start-probe --cp=/path/to/model/classes # Use default configuration.
-                    $ bin/nlpcraft.sh start-probe --cp=/path/to/model/classes --mdls=com.package.MyModel
-                    > restart-probe # Restart the probe with the last set of parameters in REPL mode.
-                </pre>
-                <p>
-                    <b>NOTES:</b>
-                </p>
-                <ul>
-                    <li>
-                        <a href="/tools/script.html">NLPCraft CLI</a> is available as <code>nlpcraft.sh</code> for
-                        <i class="fab fa-fw fa-linux"></i> and <code>nlpcraft.cmd</code>
-                        for <i class="fab fa-fw fa-windows"></i>.
-                    </li>
-                    <li>
-                        <code>--cp</code> parameter must provide additional JVM classpath for models to deploy in this probe.
-                    </li>
-                    <li>
-                        Optional <code>--mdls</code> parameter can be used to specify a one or more specific models to deploy if more than
-                        one model is available.
-                    </li>
-                    <li>
-                        Run <code class="script">bin/nlpcraft.sh help --cmd=start-probe</code> to get a full help on this command.
-                    </li>
-                </ul>
-            </div>
-            <div class="tab-pane fade show" id="nav-probe-class" role="tabpanel">
-                <p></p>
-                <p>
-                    If using executable JAR:
-                </p>
-                <pre class="brush: bash">
-                    $ java -jar apache-nlpcraft-incubating-{{site.latest_version}}-all-deps.jar -probe
-                </pre>
-                <p>
-                    If specifying additional classpath components and need <code>-cp</code> parameter:
-                </p>
-                <pre class="brush: bash">
-                    java -cp apache-nlpcraft-incubating-{{site.latest_version}}-all-deps.jar:/my/project/classes org.apache.nlpcraft.NCStart -probe -config=/my/project/probe.conf
-                </pre>
-                <p>
-                    <b>NOTES:</b>
-                </p>
-                <ul>
-                    <li>
-                        <code>/my/project</code> directory contains user-defined model implementation
-                    </li>
-                    <li>
-                        Make sure to provide correct path to <code>apache-nlpcraft-incubating-<b>{{site.latest_version}}</b>-all-deps.jar</code> file.
-                    </li>
-                    <li>
-                        Class <code>org.apache.nlpcraft.NCStart</code> is a common entry point for all NLPCraft runtime components.
-                    </li>
-                    <li>
-                        Class <code>org.apache.nlpcraft.NCStart</code> should be used to star data probe from IDE.
-                    </li>
-                </ul>
-                <p>
-                    <b>Parameters:</b>
-                </p>
-                <dl>
-                    <dt>
-                        <code>-probe</code>
-                    </dt>
-                    <dd>
-                        <em>Mandatory</em> parameter to indicate that you are starting a data probe.
-                    </dd>
-                    <dt><code>-config=path</code></dt>
-                    <dd>
-                        <p>
-                            <em>Optional</em> parameter to provide probe configuration file path.
-                            Data probe will automatically look for <code>nlpcraft.conf</code> configuration file in the same directory
-                            as <code>apache-nlpcraft-incubating-<b>{{site.latest_version}}</b>-all-deps.jar</code> file. If the configuration
-                            file has different name or in different location use <code>-config=path</code> parameter
-                            where <code>path</code> is an absolute path to the data probe configuration file. Note that the server and the data
-                            probe can use the same file for their configuration (like the
-                            default <code>nlpcraft.conf</code> contains configuration for both the server and the data probe).
-                        </p>
-                    </dd>
-                </dl>
-            </div>
-        </div>
-    </section>
-    <section id="config">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Configuration <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Both REST server and the data probe use <a target=_ href="https://github.com/lightbend/config/">Typesafe Config</a> for their configuration:
-        </p>
-        <ul>
-            <li>Both the server and the data probe come with default configuration available in <code>build/<b>nlpcraft.conf</b></code> file.</li>
-            <li>
-                By default, REST server is looking for <code>server.conf</code> and then <code>nlpcraft.conf</code> configuration file.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                By default, data probe is looking for <code>probe.conf</code> and then <code>nlpcraft.conf</code> configuration file.
-            </li>
-            <li>Custom configuration or default overrides can be placed into a file or provided via environment variables.</li>
-            <li>Configuration files use <a target=_ href="https://github.com/lightbend/config/blob/master/HOCON.md">HOCON</a> file format.</li>
-            <li>
-                When server and probe use different configuration files - each file would have either <code>nlpcraft.server</code>
-                or <code>nlpcraft.probe</code> sub-section.
-            </li>
-        </ul>
-        <p>
-            By default, when REST server or data probe start they look for <code>nlpcraft.conf</code> configuration file in the same directory
-            as <code>apache-nlpcraft-incubating-<b>{{site.latest_version}}</b>-all-deps.jar</code> file and the on their classpath. You can change this behavior with
-            <code>-config=path</code> parameter.
-        </p>
-        <div class="bq success">
-            <div class="bq-idea-container">
-                <div><div>💡</div></div>
-                <div>
-                    <p><b>Configuration Example</b></p>
-                    <p>
-                        Default configuration is available in <code>build/<b>nlpcraft.conf</b></code> file and it is extensively
-                        documented including all optional parameters and default values.
-                    </p>
-                </div>
-            </div>
-        </div>
-        <h2 class="section-sub-title">Server <span class="amp">&</span> Probe Configurations <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Default configuration is available in <code>build/<b>nlpcraft.conf</b></code> file and it is extensively documented. It has subsections
-            for the server and probe configuration. You can also separate server and probe configurations into their own
-            separate files. While server and probe can use any file name for their configuration files, the server
-            looks for <code>server.conf</code> file by default, and the probe looks for <code>probe.conf</code>
-            file before searching for <code>nlpcraft.conf</code> file.
-            Each such file would have a subsection of configuration for either server or data probe.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            Server configuration file (e.g. <code>server.conf</code>):
-        </p>
-        <pre class="brush: js">
-nlpcraft {
-    server {
-        ...
-    }
-            </pre>
-        <p>
-            Probe configuration file (e.g. <code>probe.conf</code>):
-        </p>
-        <pre class="brush: js">
-nlpcraft {
-    probe {
-        ...
-    }
-            </pre>
-    </section>
-    <section id="override">
-        <h2 class="section-sub-title">Custom Configuration <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            While you can change configuration file or files for your own needs (and use <code>-config=...</code>
-            parameter described above to provide path to that file) it is often more convenient to use the default configuration file and
-            change one or two properties in it. You can accomplish this by using standard
-            <a target=_ href="https://github.com/lightbend/config#optional-system-or-env-variable-overrides">HOCON overriding</a>
-            via environment variables:
-        </p>
-        <ol>
-            <li>
-                Set probe or server JVM system property <code>-Dconfig.override_with_env_vars=true</code> which will instruct
-                configuration framework to look for external overrides.
-            </li>
-            <li>For each configuration property <code>x.y.z</code> set the overriding environment variable <code>CONFIG_FORCE_x_y_z=some_value</code></li>
-            <li>See more details on <a target=_ href="https://github.com/lightbend/config#optional-system-or-env-variable-overrides">HOCON documentation</a>.</li>
-        </ol>
-        <p>
-            Consider the following snippet of NLPCraft configuration:
-        </p>
-        <pre class="brush: js">
-nlpcraft {
-    probe {
-        models = "com.nlp.MyModel"
-    }
-    server {
-        lifecycle = "org.apache.nlpcraft.server.lifecycle.opencensus.NCJaegerExporter"
-        rest {
-            host = ""
-            port = 8081
-            apiImpl = "org.apache.nlpcraft.server.rest.NCBasicRestApi"
-        }
-    }
-        </pre>
-        <p>
-            You can override these properties with the following environment variables:
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            <code>CONFIG_FORCE_<b>nlpcraft_server_rest_host</b>=</code><br>
-            <code>CONFIG_FORCE_<b>nlpcraft_server_lifecycle</b>="org.nlp.Lifecycle1, org.nlp.Lifecycle1"</code><br>
-            <code>CONFIG_FORCE_<b>nlpcraft_probe_models</b>="com.nlp.MyModel, com.nlp.AnotherModel"</code>
-        </p>
-        <div class="bq info">
-            <b>Examples</b>
-            <p>
-                Note that all examples that come with NLPCraft have instructions that use environment variable overriding
-                for running their data probes. They use default <code>nlpcraft.conf</code> file and override
-                one <code>nlpcraft.probe.models</code> property (see above) to specify what model the data probe
-                needs to deploy.
-            </p>
-        </div>
-    </section>
-    <section id="ansi">
-        <h2 class="section-sub-title">ANSI Colors <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Both NLPCraft server and probe use ANSI coloring via
-            <a target=_ href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code">ANSI escape sequences</a> for their log
-            output by default. ANSI coloring provides easer console log comprehension and modern esthetics:
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            <img class="non-fluid-img" src="/images/ansi_colors.png" alt="">
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            However, there are
-            cases when either specific console does not support ANSI escape sequences, or specific color schema
-            isn't suitable or log being redirected to a file or piped to downstream system. In these cases you need to
-            disable ANSI coloring to avoid polluting log with unprocessed ANSI escape codes.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            You can disable ANSI coloring in either server, probe or both by supplying the following system
-            property to JVM process: <code>-D<b>NLPCRAFT_ANSI_COLOR_DISABLED</b>=true</code>
-        </p>
-    </section>
-    <section id="testing">
-        <h2 class="section-title">CI Testing <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            It is a good practice to run units tests during routine builds using Maven (or others CI toolchains). To
-            test data models you need to have a running server and then start one or more data probes with
-            models you want to test. While doing this from IDE can be trivial enough, doing this from Maven
-            can be tricky.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            The challenge is that from the Maven build you need to start the server, wait til its fully started and
-            initialized, and only then start issuing REST calls, start data probes or run tests that use <a href="/tools/embedded_probe.html">embedded probes</a>.
-            When done manually (e.g. from IDE) you can visually observe when the server finished its startup and then manually
-            launch the tests. In Maven, however, you need to use a special plugin to accomplish the same in
-            automated fashion.
-        </p>
-        <div class="bq info">
-            <b>Probe Waits For Server</b>
-            <p>
-                Technically, when a data probe starts up it will initialize, load the models, and will automatically wait for the server to get online
-                if it isn't yet (as well as periodically check for it). Once server is online the data probe will automatically connect to it. However,
-                if the unit tests don't use data probe and only issue REST calls then these tests have to somehow wait for the
-                server to get online.
-            </p>
-            <p>
-                To overcome this challenge you can use
-                <a target="github" href="https://github.com/bazaarvoice/maven-process-plugin"><code>process-exec-maven-plugin</code></a>
-                Maven plugin.
-            </p>
-        </div>
-        <p>
-            To get around this problem NLPCraft uses <a target="github" href="https://github.com/bazaarvoice/maven-process-plugin"><code>process-exec-maven-plugin</code></a>
-            Maven plugin in its own build. This plugin allows to start the external process and use configured URL
-            endpoint to check whether or not the external process has fully started. This works perfect with NLPCraft server
-            <a href="/using-rest.html">health check REST call</a>. The plugin can be configured in the following way for your own project
-            (taken directly from NLPCraft <a target="github" href="https://github.com/apache/incubator-nlpcraft/blob/master/nlpcraft/pom.xml"><code>pom.xml</code></a>):
-        </p>
-        <pre class="brush: xml, highlight: [14, 16, 32]">
-    &lt;groupId&gt;com.bazaarvoice.maven.plugins&lt;/groupId&gt;
-    &lt;artifactId&gt;process-exec-maven-plugin&lt;/artifactId&gt;
-    &lt;version&gt;0.9&lt;/version&gt;
-    &lt;executions&gt;
-        &lt;execution&gt;
-            &lt;id&gt;pre-integration-test&lt;/id&gt;
-            &lt;phase&gt;pre-integration-test&lt;/phase&gt;
-            &lt;goals&gt;
-                &lt;goal&gt;start&lt;/goal&gt;
-            &lt;/goals&gt;
-            &lt;configuration&gt;
-                &lt;name&gt;server&lt;/name&gt;
-                &lt;healthcheckUrl&gt;http://localhost:8081/api/v1/health&lt;/healthcheckUrl&gt;
-                &lt;waitAfterLaunch&gt;180&lt;/waitAfterLaunch&gt;
-                &lt;processLogFile&gt;${project.build.directory}/server.log&lt;/processLogFile&gt;
-                &lt;arguments&gt;
-                    &lt;argument&gt;java&lt;/argument&gt;
-                    &lt;argument&gt;-Xmx4G&lt;/argument&gt;
-                    &lt;argument&gt;-Xms4G&lt;/argument&gt;
-                    &lt;argument&gt;--add-opens=java.base/jdk.internal.misc=ALL-UNNAMED&lt;/argument&gt;
-                    &lt;argument&gt;--add-opens=java.base/sun.nio.ch=ALL-UNNAMED&lt;/argument&gt;
-                    &lt;argument&gt;--add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED&lt;/argument&gt;
-                    &lt;argument&gt;--add-opens=java.base/java.io=ALL-UNNAMED&lt;/argument&gt;
-                    &lt;argument&gt;--add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED&lt;/argument&gt;
-                    &lt;argument&gt;--add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED&lt;/argument&gt;
-                    &lt;argument&gt;--add-opens=java.management/com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver=ALL-UNNAMED&lt;/argument&gt;
-                    &lt;argument&gt;--add-opens=jdk.internal.jvmstat/sun.jvmstat.monitor=ALL-UNNAMED&lt;/argument&gt;
-                    &lt;argument&gt;--add-opens=java.base/sun.reflect.generics.reflectiveObjects=ALL-UNNAMED&lt;/argument&gt;
-                    &lt;argument&gt;--add-opens=jdk.management/com.sun.management.internal=ALL-UNNAMED&lt;/argument&gt;
-                    &lt;argument&gt;--illegal-access=permit&lt;/argument&gt;
-                    &lt;argument&gt;-DNLPCRAFT_ANSI_COLOR_DISABLED=true&lt;/argument&gt;
-                    &lt;argument&gt;-Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2&lt;/argument&gt;
-                    &lt;argument&gt;-jar&lt;/argument&gt;
-                    &lt;argument&gt;${project.build.directory}/${nlpcraft.all.deps.jar}&lt;/argument&gt;
-                    &lt;argument&gt;-server&lt;/argument&gt;
-                &lt;/arguments&gt;
-            &lt;/configuration&gt;
-        &lt;/execution&gt;
-        &lt;execution&gt;
-            &lt;id&gt;stop-all&lt;/id&gt;
-            &lt;phase&gt;post-integration-test&lt;/phase&gt;
-            &lt;goals&gt;
-                &lt;goal&gt;stop-all&lt;/goal&gt;
-            &lt;/goals&gt;
-        &lt;/execution&gt;
-    &lt;/executions&gt;
-        </pre>
-        <p>
-            <b>NOTES</b>:
-        </p>
-        <ul>
-            <li>
-                On line 14 we specify the URL endpoint to check whether or not our server is online. We use
-                <code>/health</code> localhost REST call for that.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                On line 16 we redirect the output from server to a dedicated file to <b>avoid interleaving</b> log
-                from server and log from data probe in the same console (where we are running the Maven build from).
-                Such interleaving will make the combined log unreadable and can cause output problem for the console
-                due to mixed up ANSI escape sequences from server and data probe.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                Since the server log is piped out to a separate file we disable ANSI coloring for the server
-                on the line 32.
-            </li>
-        </ul>
-        <div class="bq info">
-            <b>Avoid Interleaving Logs</b>
-            <p>
-                When running both server and the data probe(s) from the Maven build it is important to avoid interleaving
-                logs from the server and the probe. Such interleaving will make the combined log in Maven unreadable and
-                can cause console malfunction due to mixed up ANSI escape codes. It is idiomatic in such cases to:
-            </p>
-            <ul>
-                <li>
-                    Disable ANSI coloring for the server via <code>-D<b>NLPCRAFT_ANSI_COLOR_DISABLED</b>=true</code>
-                </li>
-                <li>
-                    Pipe out the server log into a dedicated file using Maven plugins like
-                    <a target="github" href="https://github.com/bazaarvoice/maven-process-plugin"><code>process-exec-maven-plugin</code></a>.
-                </li>
-            </ul>
-        </div>
-        <br/>
-    </section>
-<div class="col-md-2 third-column">
-    <ul class="side-nav">
-        <li class="side-nav-title">On This Page</li>
-        <li><a href="#server">REST Server</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#probe">Data Probe</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#config">Configuration</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#testing">CI Testing</a></li>
-        {% include quick-links.html %}
-    </ul>
diff --git a/tools/embedded_probe.html b/tools/embedded_probe.html
deleted file mode 100644
index b1a30a9..0000000
--- a/tools/embedded_probe.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-active_crumb: Embedded Probe
-layout: documentation
-id: embedded_probe
-fa_icon: fa-tools
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<div class="col-md-8 second-column">
-    <section id="overview">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Overview <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Embedded probe allows to run data probe in the same JVM process as JVM-based client application.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            Typically, data probes are launched in their own independent JVMs. However, when a client application is
-            itself a JVM-based process, it is sometimes preferable for performance reasons to host
-            a data model - and hence the data probe - in the same "client" JVM.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            In a standard processing flow, when data probe (with its deployed data models) is hosted in its own independent JVM,
-            the request from
-            the client application takes 4 network hops to go server, then to the data probe and back to the client application (see fig 1. below):
-        </p>
-        <figure>
-            <img class="img-fluid" style="max-width: 500px !important;" src="/images/emb_probe1.png" alt="">
-            <figcaption><b>Fig 1.</b> Standard Processing Flow</figcaption>
-        </figure>
-        <p>
-            When performing model unit testing or when client "application" can be combined with the data probe in a single JVM, the
-            embedded probe mode provides significant performance advantage. Using embedded probe you can reduce number
-            of network hops to 2 in a similar scenario - in which case the <b>hop<sub>3</sub></b> and
-            <b>hop<sub>4</sub></b> (see fig. 1) are performed inside of JVM between client and embedded probe:
-        </p>
-        <figure>
-            <img class="img-fluid" style="max-width: 500px !important;" src="/images/emb_probe2.png" alt="">
-            <figcaption><b>Fig 2.</b> Embedded Processing Flow</figcaption>
-        </figure>
-    </section>
-    <section id="usage">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Usage <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Embedded probe support consists of the following types in <code>org.apache.nlpcraft.probe.embedded</code> package:
-        </p>
-        <ul>
-            <li>
-                <a
-                    target="javadoc"
-                    href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/tools/embedded/NCEmbeddedProbe.html">
-                    NCEmbeddedProbe
-                </a> - Embedded probe main class.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                <a
-                    target="javadoc"
-                    href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/tools/embedded/NCEmbeddedResult.html">
-                    NCEmbeddedResult
-                </a> - Processing result container since result is delivered as a local JVM call.
-            </li>
-        </ul>
-        <p>
-            Here's Java code snippet from <a href="/examples/alarm_clock.html">Alarm Clock</a>
-            example illustrating the usage of embedded probe together with NLPCraft test framework and JUnit 5:
-        </p>
-        <pre class="brush: java, highlight: [6, 18]">
-public class AlarmTest {
-    private NCTestClient cli;
-    &#64;BeforeEach
-    void setUp() throws NCException, IOException {
-        if (NCEmbeddedProbe.start(AlarmModel.class)) {
-            cli = new NCTestClientBuilder().newBuilder().build();
-            cli.open("nlpcraft.alarm.ex");
-        }
-    }
-    &#64;AfterEach
-    void tearDown() throws NCException, IOException {
-        if (cli != null)
-            cli.close();
-        NCEmbeddedProbe.stop();
-    }
-    &#64;Test
-    public void test() throws NCException, IOException {
-        // Should be passed.
-        assertTrue(cli.ask("Ping me in 3 minutes").isOk());
-        assertTrue(cli.ask("Buzz me in an hour and 15mins").isOk());
-        assertTrue(cli.ask("Set my alarm for 30s").isOk());
-    }
-        </pre>
-        <p>
-            <b>NOTES:</b>
-        </p>
-        <ul>
-            <li>
-                Lines 6 and 18 show the embedded data probe start and stop as it's used in the unit tests.
-            </li>
-        </ul>
-        <p>
-            It's important to note that there are number of inherent limitations associated with embedded probe:
-        </p>
-        <ul>
-            <li>
-                Embedded probe is only available for JVM-based applications (and can be used with any JVM languages).
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                There can be only one embedded probe per JVM.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                Once data probe is stopped and cannot be re-started again in the same JVM.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                Even though the caller can register local-JVM listener for the query results, these results
-                will still be asynchronously delivered to the REST server in the usual manner so that other clients
-                could fetch these results to maintain internal logging, tracing and metrics. If the client
-                application hosting data model and its probe <i>is the only client</i> for that model it needs to cancel the
-                request on the REST server after receiving a local-JVM callback to release associated
-                resources on the REST server.
-            </li>
-        </ul>
-        <p>
-            Note that embedded probe is automatically used by the <a href="/tools/test_framework.html#autotest">auto model validator</a>.
-        </p>
-    </section>
-<div class="col-md-2 third-column">
-    <ul class="side-nav">
-        <li class="side-nav-title">On This Page</li>
-        <li><a href="#overview">Overview</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#usage">Usage</a></li>
-        {% include quick-links.html %}
-    </ul>
diff --git a/tools/script.html b/tools/script.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 30e85e3..0000000
--- a/tools/script.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
-active_crumb: Command Line
-layout: documentation
-fa_icon: fa-tools
-id: script
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<div class="col-md-8 second-column">
-    <section id="tldr">
-        <h2 class="section-title">TL;DR; <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Watch this quick video (12:05) for introduction to NLPCraft CLI:
-        </p>
-        <div>
-            <iframe
-                    width="514"
-                    height="289"
-                    src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/LNfny60bmgg?modestbranding=1"
-                    title="NLPCraft - Command Line Utility"
-                    frameborder="0"
-                    allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"
-                    allowfullscreen>
-            </iframe>
-        </div>
-    </section>
-    <section id="overview">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Overview <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            NLPCraft CLI <code>bin/nlpcraft.{sh|cmd}</code> script is a <b>central management utility</b> for NLPCraft that supports
-            interactive REPL and command line modes. Most of the functions this script does can be done through running
-            Java applications or using REST API - yet using this script you can perform the same tasks much simpler and quicker.
-            From starting and managing REST server and probes, running various built-in tools, to testing models via REST API -
-            NLPCraft CLI provides a single centralized utility that makes a quick work out
-            of all these routine tasks.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            The script is only available in either official Apache <a href="/download.html#src">source ZIP</a> or in
-            <a href="/download.html#zip">binary ZIP</a> distributions. If you used Maven or similar build tools to
-            add NLPCraft to your project as a dependency, this script will not be available out-of-the-box - you will
-            need to download ZIP distribution separately.
-        </p>
-        <div class="bq warn">
-            <b>ZIP Distribution</b>
-            <p>
-                The NLPCraft CLI is only available in <a href="/download.html">ZIP distributions</a>. For Maven/Gradle/SBT
-                projects you will need to download <a href="/download.html">ZIP distribution</a> separately.
-            </p>
-        </div>
-        <p>
-            The script is located in <code>/bin</code> sub-folder of the installation root and is available as
-            <code>nlpcraft.sh</code> for <i class="fab fa-fw fa-linux"></i> and <code>nlpcraft.cmd</code>
-            for <i class="fab fa-fw fa-windows"></i> environments. Both versions provide identical functionality.
-        </p>
-    </section>
-    <section id="quick_start">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Quick Start <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            The <code>bin/nlpcraft.{sh|cmd}</code> works in two modes:
-        </p>
-        <ul>
-            <li>
-                Command line mode where it executes a single command at a time.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                Interactive REPL mode. To enter REPL mode run <code>bin/nlpcraft.{sh|cmd}</code> without arguments.
-            </li>
-        </ul>
-        <p>
-            All the functionality and command syntax remain the same regardless of whether a command is executed from a command line or
-            in REPL mode.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            To get started, run <code>bin/nlpcraft.{sh|cmd}</code>:
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            <img class="img-fluid" src="/images/cli1.png" alt="">
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            Script starts in the REPL mode by default.
-        </p>
-        <div class="bq info">
-            <b>REPL Prompt</b>
-            <p>
-                REPL prompt shows 4 pieces of information:
-            </p>
-            <ul>
-                <li>REST server status (<code>ON</code> if server is started and detected, <code>OFF</code> otherwise).</li>
-                <li>Local probe status (<code>ON</code> if probe is started and connected to the server, <code>OFF</code> otherwise).</li>
-                <li>REST access token if the user is signed in. This token is required for all REST calls.</li>
-                <li>Current user working directory.</li>
-            </ul>
-            <p>
-                Note that when using <code>start-server</code> command the <a href="/using-rest.html#users">default user account</a> is automatically signed in
-                upon the server start and the access token is obtained. You can sign in with different user account, if necessary.
-            </p>
-        </div>
-        <h2 class="section-sub-title">Get Command List <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Type <code>help</code> to list all supported commands (or run <code>bin/nlpcraft.{sh|cmd} help</code> if in command line mode):
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            <img class="img-fluid" src="/images/cli2.png" alt="">
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            You can get detailed instructions and usage examples for any command
-            <code>xxx</code> by typing <code>help --cmd=xxx</code>, for example:
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            <img style="max-width: 914px !important;" class="img-fluid" alt="" src="/images/cli7.png">
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            Use <span class="keyboard">Tab</span> key anytime for auto-completion for commands, parameters, file system paths, and model class names.
-            Use <span class="keyboard">↑</span> and <span class="keyboard">↓</span> keys to scroll through command history.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            To exit <code>bin/nlpcraft.{sh|cmd}</code> script in REPL mode use <code>quit</code> command.
-        </p>
-    </section>
-    <section id="os_commands">
-        <h2 class="section-title">OS Commands <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            You can run any external OS-specific commands from <code>bin/nlpcraft.{sh|cmd}</code> script by prepending such
-            command with a <code>$</code> symbol. For example:
-        </p>
-        <pre class="brush: bash">
-            > $git pull # Runs 'git pull' in the current directory.
-            > $vi /home/myproject/pom.xml # Edit 'pom.xml' using vi.
-            > $emacs /home/myproject/MyModel.scala # Edit 'MyModel.scala' using emacs.
-            > $ls -la # Run 'ls-la' Unix command.
-            > $cmd /c dir # Runs Windows 'dir' command in a separate shell.
-        </pre>
-        <p>
-            Note that <em>stdin</em>, <em>stderr</em> and <em>stdout</em> of the new process will inherit from running <code>bin/nlpcraft.{sh|cmd}</code> script process.
-            Running OS commands makes the most sense in REPL mode where you don't want to lose a session context while
-            executing external OS commands. Technically, however, external OS commands can be executed from command line mode
-            as well.
-        </p>
-    </section>
-    <section id="tips">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Tips <span class="amp">&amp;</span> Tricks <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            NLPCraft CLI is standard command line utility that can be used in the familiar ways both in
-            Linux/Unix/MacOS and Window environments.
-        </p>
-        <span class="section-sub-title">Typical Development Workflow <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></span>
-        <p>
-            Here's the typical workflow of working with NLPCraft using NLPCraft CLI. Note that although all of these
-            steps can be performed from IDE or a command line - NLPCraft CLI in REPL model provides the easiest
-            way to accomplish these tasks:
-        </p>
-        <ol>
-            <li>
-                <code>gen-project</code> command generates new Maven/Gradle/Sbt project for either Java, Scala, Groovy
-                or Kotlin that is ready to run.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                <code>start-server</code> command starts the local REST server. You only need to do it once as it is a
-                "fire and forget" component.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                Modify <span class="amp">&amp;</span> build the project using IDE or editor of your choice. You can
-                <a href="#os_commands">launch</a> the editor and build tooling right from NLPCraft CLI.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                <code>test-model</code> command runs auto-validator for your model automatically starting and stopping an
-                embedded data probe. Alternatively, <code>start-probe</code> and <code>ask</code> commands allow to manually
-                start the local data probe and issue REST requests.
-                <ul>
-                    <li>
-                        Note that you can use <code>retest-model</code> and <code>restart-probe</code> commands in REPL mode
-                        to rerun the latest model test or restart the probe with the last set of parameters accordingly avoiding
-                        the retyping of all required parameters.
-                    </li>
-                </ul>
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                Repeat steps 3 and 4 as you develop, test and debug your models and applications.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                Once finished - <code>stop</code> command stops both local REST server and data probe. Note that stopping
-                the server once again is an optional step as it is a "fire and forget" component and it can be reused between development
-                sessions.
-            </li>
-        </ol>
-        <div class="bq info">
-            <p>
-                Steps 3 and 4 define a typical development cycle for change, build and test. In most cases you <b>don't need</b>
-                to restart the server between multiple sessions.
-            </p>
-        </div>
-        <span class="section-sub-title">Using <code>start-server</code> Command <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></span>
-        <p>
-            REST server is a fire-and-forget component in NLPCraft. You can start it once and you only need to restart it
-            if you change the server configuration. It is customary to add <code>bin/nlpcraft.{sh|cmd} start-server</code>
-            call to the OS init script to have it started automatically on boot up.
-        </p>
-        <span class="section-sub-title">Using Default <code>nlpcraft.conf</code> <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></span>
-        <p>
-            It is recommended to modify the standard <code>nlpcraft.conf</code> configuration file, i.e. <em>in a standard
-            installation location</em>. Commands like <code>start-server</code>, <code>start-probe</code> and
-            <code>test-model</code> use this location by default and you will not have to specify alternative
-            location or provide other overrides every time you run these commands.
-            If you keep all your configuration modifications in the standard <code>nlpcraft.conf</code> file you can simply
-            run these commands without any additional arguments - significantly simplifying their usage.
-        </p>
-        <span class="section-sub-title">Using NLPCraft CLI In Scripts <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></span>
-        <p>
-            NLPCraft CLI can be used in your own scripts to automate your own specific workflow and tasks.
-            All of the commands that utilize REST API produce JSON responses, for a example:
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            <img class="img-fluid" src="/images/cli9.png" alt="">
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            You can parse these JSON responses for your own needs in your scripts. For example, here's the
-            code snippet to get the access token from the <code>signin</code> command (on Linux):
-        </p>
-        <pre class="brush: bash">
-            $ bin/nlpcraft.sh no-ansi no-logo signin --email=admin@admin.com --passwd=admin | tail -n +2 | jq -M '.acsTok' | tr -d '"'
-        </pre>
-        <p>
-        ...and the access token is:
-        </p>
-        <pre class="brush: bash">
-            bjok7yraypseyk86KgGae
-        </pre>
-        <p>
-            <b>NOTES:</b>
-        </p>
-        <ul>
-            <li>
-                We use <code>no-ansi</code> and <code>no-logo</code> commands that clean up and simplify the
-                output so that it would be easier to parse the resulting JSON.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                We use <code>tail -n +2</code> Unix command to skip the 1st line of the output that contains HTTP return code.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                We use <a target=_blank href="https://stedolan.github.io/jq/">jq</a> utility to parse JSON inline and extract
-                <code>acsTok</code> field.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                We use <code>tr -d '"'</code> to remove surrounding double quotes to get our final result.
-            </li>
-        </ul>
-    </section>
-<div class="col-md-2 third-column">
-    <ul class="side-nav">
-        <li class="side-nav-title">On This Page</li>
-        <li><a href="#overview">Overview</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#quick_start">Quick Start</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#os_commands">OS Commands</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#tips">Tips <span class="amp">&amp;</span> Tricks</a></li>
-        {% include quick-links.html %}
-    </ul>
diff --git a/tools/sql_model_gen.html b/tools/sql_model_gen.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fa3bc8..0000000
--- a/tools/sql_model_gen.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-active_crumb: SQL Model Generator
-layout: documentation
-id: sql_model_gen
-fa_icon: fa-tools
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<div class="col-md-8 second-column">
-    <section id="overview">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Overview <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            When using NLPCraft to develop natural language interface to the existing SQL RDBMS one of the
-            routine tasks is to develop a data model that mirrors the SQL schema for the given
-            database. Doing it manually can be time consuming and error prone.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            SQL model generator automates this task. This is a Java-based utility that takes JDBC configuration,
-            reads database schema using it and creates initial JSON or YAML stub for the data model. This stub then
-            can be further extended and modified.
-        </p>
-    </section>
-    <section id="usage">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Usage <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            This utility can be run in several ways:
-        </p>
-        <nav>
-            <div class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
-                <a class="nav-item nav-link active" data-toggle="tab" href="#nav-script" role="tab">NLPCraft CLI</a>
-                <a class="nav-item nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#nav-class" role="tab">Java Class <img src="/images/java2-h20.png" alt=""></a>
-            </div>
-        </nav>
-        <div class="tab-content">
-            <div class="tab-pane fade show active" id="nav-script" role="tabpanel">
-                <pre class="brush: bash">
-                    $ bin/nlpcraft.sh gen-sql --url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/mydb --driver=org.postgresql.Driver --schema=public --out=model.json
-                </pre>
-                <p>
-                    <b>NOTES:</b>
-                </p>
-                <ul>
-                    <li>
-                        <a href="/tools/script.html">NLPCraft CLI</a> is available as <code>nlpcraft.sh</code> for
-                        <i class="fab fa-fw fa-linux"></i> and <code>nlpcraft.cmd</code>
-                        for <i class="fab fa-fw fa-windows"></i>.
-                    </li>
-                    <li>
-                        Run <code class="script">bin/nlpcraft.sh help --cmd=gen-sql</code> to get a full help on this command.
-                    </li>
-                </ul>
-            </div>
-            <div class="tab-pane fade show" id="nav-class" role="tabpanel">
-                <pre class="brush: bash">
-                    $ java -cp apache-nlpcraft-incubating-{{site.latest_version}}-all-deps.jar org.apache.nlpcraft.model.tools.sqlgen.NCSqlModelGenerator
-                </pre>
-                <p>
-                    <b>NOTES:</b>
-                </p>
-                <ul>
-                    <li>
-                        Run this class without arguments to get a full help.
-                    </li>
-                    <li>
-                        Use <code>org.apache.nlpcraft.model.tools.sqlgen.NCSqlModelGenerator</code> class directly to execute
-                        it from IDE or programmatically.
-                    </li>
-                </ul>
-            </div>
-        </div>
-        <h2 class="section-sub-title">Parameters <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            If you run this tool with <code>--help</code> parameter you'll get the full help information for each
-            parameter:
-        </p>
-        <pre class="brush: text">
-    NCSqlModelGenerator -- NLPCraft model generator from SQL databases.
-    java -cp apache-nlpcraft-incubating-{{site.latest_version}}-all-deps.jar org.apache.nlpcraft.model.tools.sqlgen.NCSqlModelGenerator [PARAMETERS]
-    This utility generates NLPCraft model stub from a given SQL database schema. You
-    can choose database schema, set of tables and columns for which you
-    want to generate NLPCraft model. After the model is generated you can
-    further configure and customize it for your specific needs.
-    This Java class can be run from the command line or from an IDE like any other
-    Java application. Note that required JDBC driver class must be available on the
-    classpath and therefore its JAR should be added to the classpath when running
-    this application.
-    --url|-r=url
-        Mandatory database JDBC URL.
-    --driver|-d=class
-        Mandatory JDBC driver class. Note that 'class' must be a
-        fully qualified class name. It should also be available on
-        the classpath.
-    --schema|-s=schema
-        Mandatory database schema to scan.
-    --out|-o=filename
-        Mandatory name of the output JSON or YAML model file. It should
-        have one of the following extensions: .js, .json, .yml, or .yaml
-        File extension determines the output file format.
-    --user|-u=username
-        Optional database user name.
-    --password|-w=password
-        Optional database user password.
-    --mdlId|-m=id
-        Optional generated model ID. By default, the model ID will be 'sql.model.id'.
-    --mdlVer|-v=version
-        Optional generated model version. By default, the model version will be '1.0.0-timestamp'.
-    --mdlName|-n=name
-        Optional generated model name. By default, the model name will be 'SQL-based model'.
-    --exclude|-e=list
-        Optional semicolon-separate list of tables and/or columns to exclude. By
-        default, none of the tables and columns in the schema are excluded. See below
-        for more information.
-    --prefix|-f=list
-        Optional comma-separate list of table or column name prefixes to remove.
-        These prefixes will be removed when name is used for model elements
-        synonyms. By default, no prefixes will be removed.
-    --suffix|-q=list
-        Optional comma-separate list of table or column name suffixes to remove.
-        These suffixes will be removed when name is used for model elements
-        synonyms. By default, no suffixes will be removed.
-    --include|-i=list
-        Optional semicolon-separate list of tables and/or columns to include. By
-        default, all tables and columns in the schema are included. See below
-        for more information.
-    --synonyms|-y=true|false
-        Optional flag on whether to generated auto synonyms for the model elements.
-        Default is true.
-    --override|-z=true|false
-        Optional flag to determine whether to override output file if it already exist.
-        If override is disabled (default) and output file exists - a unique file name will
-        be used instead.
-        Default is false.
-    --parent|-p=true|false
-        Optional flag on whether to use element's parent relationship for
-        defining SQL columns and their containing (i.e. parent) tables.
-        Default is false.
-    --help|-h|-?
-        Prints this usage information.
-    -r, -d, -s, and -o are mandatory parameters, everything else is optional.
-    Parameter values can be placed in double (") or single (') quotes which will be
-    automatically discarded. Use it to pass strings containing spaces in the command line.
-    Each -i or -e parameter is a semicolon (;) separated  list of table or columns names.
-    Each table or column name can be one of following forms:
-      - table         -- to filter on table names only.
-      - table#column  -- to filter on both table and column names.
-      - #column       -- to filter on columns only (regardless of the table).
-    Table and column names are treated as standard Java regular expressions. Note that
-    both '#' and ';' cannot be used inside of the regular expression:
-    -e="#_.+"             -- excludes any columns starting with '_'.
-    -e="tmp.+"            -- excludes all tables starting with 'tmp'.
-    -i="Order.*;#[^_].+"  -- includes only tables starting with 'Order' and columns that
-                             do not start with '_'.
-    java -cp apache-nlpcraft-incubating-{{site.latest_version}}-all-deps.jar org.apache.nlpcraft.model.tools.sqlgen.NCSqlModelGenerator
-        -r=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/mydb
-        -d=org.postgresql.Driver
-        -f="tbl_, col_"
-        -q="_tmp, _old, _unused"
-        -s=public
-        -e="#_.+"
-        -o=model.json
-        </pre>
-        <p>
-            After the data model stub is generated:
-        </p>
-        <ul>
-            <li>
-                Load generated YAML/JSON-based model using <a target="javadoc" href="https://javadoc.io/static/org.apache.nlpcraft/nlpcraft/0.5.0/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCModelFileAdapter.html">NCModelFileAdapter</a>
-                class to instantiate model from this file.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                Modify and extend generated model stub to your own needs. In most cases, you'll need
-                to add, remove or modify auto-generated synonyms, add intents, etc. Note, however, that generated model
-                is valid and minimally complete and can be used as is.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                Use <a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/tools/sqlgen/NCSqlExtractorBuilder.html">NCSqlSchemaBuilder</a> class to get an object representation of the
-                SQL data schema for the model. You can use this object representation along with many utility
-                methods in <a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/tools/sqlgen/NCSqlExtractor.html">NCSqlExtractor</a>
-                class to efficiently auto-generate SQL queries against the source RDBMS.
-            </li>
-        </ul>
-        <p>
-            SQL model generator comes with a several utility classes that can be used to programmatically explore
-            generated data model, its elements and their metadata. You should start with the following builders to learn more
-            about these utility classes:
-        </p>
-        <ul>
-            <li>
-                <a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/tools/sqlgen/NCSqlExtractorBuilder.html">NCSqlExtractorBuilder</a>
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                <a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/tools/sqlgen/NCSqlSchemaBuilder.html">NCSqlSchemaBuilder</a>
-            </li>
-        </ul>
-    </section>
-    <section id="examples">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Examples <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            SQL model generator is used by <a target="github" href="https://github.com/apache/incubator-nlpcraft/tree/master/nlpcraft-examples/sql">SQL Model</a> example. This example comes with two YAML models:
-        </p>
-        <ul>
-            <li><code>sql_model_init.yaml</code> - original generated model straight out of the SQL model generator.</li>
-            <li><code>sql_model.yaml</code> - modified and updated model ultimately used by the example.</li>
-        </ul>
-        <p>
-            It is recommended to run a diff between these two files to see what was actually changed and how.
-        </p>
-    </section>
-<div class="col-md-2 third-column">
-    <ul class="side-nav">
-        <li class="side-nav-title">On This Page</li>
-        <li><a href="#overview">Overview</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#usage">Usage</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#examples">Examples</a></li>
-        {% include quick-links.html %}
-    </ul>
diff --git a/tools/syn_tool.html b/tools/syn_tool.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 2be6fea..0000000
--- a/tools/syn_tool.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-active_crumb: Synonyms Tool
-layout: documentation
-id: syn_tool
-fa_icon: fa-tools
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<div class="col-md-8 second-column">
-    <section id="overview">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Overview <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Synonym suggester tool takes an existing model, analyses its synonyms and intents and comes up with
-            a list of synonyms that are currently missing that you might want to add to your model.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            This tool is accessed via REST call. It is based on Google's BERT and Facebook fasttext
-            models. It requires <a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCIntentSample.html">@NCIntentSample</a> or
-            <a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCIntentSampleRef.html">@NCIntentSampleRef</a> annotations present on intent
-            callbacks. When invoked, the tool scans the given data model for intents and these annotations, and based on these samples tries to determine
-            which synonyms are missing in the model.
-        </p>
-        <div class="bq info">
-            <p>
-                <b>Single Word Synonyms</b>
-            </p>
-            <p>
-                Synonym suggester tool analyses only single word synonyms ignoring any multi-word synonyms. You
-                can often convert a named element with multi-word synonyms into a combination of multiple named
-                elements each with a single word synonyms using <a href="/data-model.html#dsl">Composable NERs</a>
-                technique.
-            </p>
-        </div>
-    </section>
-    <section id="usage">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Usage <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            In order to use this tool the <code>ctxword</code> server and NLPCraft server should be started as well as
-            the server's configuration should potentially be updated.
-        </p>
-        <h2 class="section-sub-title"><code>ctxword</code> Server <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <div class="bq warn">
-            <b>Python 3.6-3.8</b>
-            <p>
-                As of this writing (Dec 2020) the <code>ctxword</code> server and its dependencies work only with Python 3.6-3.8 version.
-            </p>
-        </div>
-        <p>
-            'ctxword' server is a Python-based module that provides BERT and fasttext based implementation
-            for finding a contextually related words for a given word from the input sentence. NLPCraft server interacts
-            with 'ctxword' server via internal REST interface. To configure NLPCraft server and start 'ctxword' Python-based
-            server follow these steps:
-        </p>
-        <ol>
-            <li>
-                <p>
-                    Install necessary dependencies by running the following commands from the NLPCraft installation
-                    directory:<br/>
-                    <b>NOTE:</b> this step should only be performed once.
-                </p>
-                <nav>
-                    <div class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
-                        <a class="nav-item nav-link active" data-toggle="tab" href="#nav-nix" role="tab">Linux/Unix/MacOS</a>
-                        <a class="nav-item nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#nav-win" role="tab">Windows</a>
-                    </div>
-                </nav>
-                <div class="tab-content">
-                    <div class="tab-pane fade show active" id="nav-nix" role="tabpanel">
-                        <pre class="brush: bash">
-                            $ cd nlpcraft/src/main/python/ctxword
-                            $ bin/install_dependencies.sh
-                        </pre>
-                    </div>
-                    <div class="tab-pane fade show" id="nav-win" role="tabpanel">
-                        <p></p>
-                        <p>
-                            Read <code>src\main\python\ctxword\bin\WINDOWS_SETUP.md</code> file for manual installation instructions.
-                        </p>
-                    </div>
-                </div>
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                <em>Optional.</em>
-                <br/>
-                Configure <code>nlpcraft.server.ctxword.url</code> property in <code>nlpcraft.conf</code> file (or your own configuration file).
-                This property comes with a default endpoint and you only need to change it if you change the
-                'ctxword' module implementation.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                Start the 'ctxword' server by running the following commands from NLPCraft installation directory:
-                <pre class="brush: bash">
-                    $ cd nlpcraft/src/main/python/ctxword
-                    $ bin/start_server.{sh|cmd}
-                </pre>
-                <div class="bq info">
-                    <p>
-                        <b>1st Start</b>
-                    </p>
-                    Note that on the first start the server will try to load compressed BERT model which is not yet
-                    available. It will then download this library and compress it which will take a several minutes
-                    and may require 10 GB+ of available memory. Subsequent starts will skip this step, and the
-                    server will start much faster.
-                </div>
-            </li>
-        </ol>
-        <h2 class="section-sub-title">REST Server <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            REST server should be <a href="/server-and-probe.html#server">started</a>.
-        </p>
-        <h2 class="section-sub-title">Running <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Synonyms tool can be run in two different ways:
-        </p>
-        <nav>
-            <div class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
-                <a class="nav-item nav-link active" data-toggle="tab" href="#nav-script" role="tab">NLPCraft CLI</a>
-                <a class="nav-item nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#nav-rest" role="tab">REST Call</a>
-            </div>
-        </nav>
-        <div class="tab-content">
-            <div class="tab-pane fade show active" id="nav-script" role="tabpanel">
-                <pre class="brush: bash">
-                    $ bin/nlpcraft.sh help --cmd=model-sugsyn
-                    $ bin/nlpcraft.sh model-sugsyn --mdlId=nlpcraft.alarm.ex --minScore=0.5
-                </pre>
-                <p>
-                    <b>NOTES:</b>
-                </p>
-                <ul>
-                    <li>
-                        <code>mldId</code> parameter is only required if there is more than one model
-                        deployed in the connected data probe. If the data probe has only one model you can
-                        ommit this parameter.
-                    </li>
-                    <li>
-                        <code>minScore</code> - Optional minimum confidence score to include into the result, ranging from 0 to 1, default is 0.
-                        <code>minScore</code> of 0 will include all results, and <code>minScore</code> of 1 will include only results
-                        with the absolutely highest confidence score. Values between 0.5 and 0.7 is generally suggested.
-                    </li>
-                    <li>
-                        <a href="/tools/script.html">NLPCraft CLI</a> is available as <code>nlpcraft.sh</code> for
-                        <i class="fab fa-fw fa-linux"></i> and <code>nlpcraft.cmd</code>
-                        for <i class="fab fa-fw fa-windows"></i>.
-                    </li>
-                    <li>
-                        Run <code class="script">bin/nlpcraft.sh help --cmd=model-sugsyn</code> to get a full help on this command.
-                    </li>
-                </ul>
-            </div>
-            <div class="tab-pane fade show" id="nav-rest" role="tabpanel">
-                <p></p>
-                <p>
-                    <a href="/using-rest.html">REST API</a> accepts only <code>POST</code> HTTP calls and <code>application/json</code> content type
-                    for JSON payload and responses. When issuing a REST call for this tool you will be using the following URL:
-                </p>
-                <pre class="brush: plain">
-                    https://localhost:8081/api/v1/model/sugsyn
-                </pre>
-                <p>
-                    where:
-                <dl>
-                    <dt><code>http</code></dt>
-                    <dd>Either <code>http</code> or <code>https</code> protocol.</dd>
-                    <dt><code>localhost:8081</code></dt>
-                    <dd>Host and port on which REST server is started. <code>localhost:8081</code> is the default configuration and can be <a href="/server-and-probe.html">changed</a>.</dd>
-                    <dt><code>/api/v1</code></dt>
-                    <dd>Mandatory prefix indicating API version.</dd>
-                    <dt><code>model/sugsyn</code></dt>
-                    <dd>Synonym suggester REST call.</dd>
-                </dl>
-                <p>
-                    The parameters should be passed in as JSON:
-                </p>
-                <pre class="brush: js">
-        {
-            "acsTok": "qweqw9123uqwe",
-            "mdlId": "nlpcraft.alarm.ex",
-            "minScore": 0.5
-        }
-                </pre>
-                <p>
-                    where:
-                </p>
-                <ul>
-                    <li>
-                        <code>acsTok</code> - access token obtain via previous <code>'/signin'</code> call.
-                    </li>
-                    <li>
-                        <code>mdlId</code> - ID of the model to run synonym suggester on.
-                    </li>
-                    <li>
-                        <code>minScore</code> - Optional minimum confidence score to include into the result, ranging from 0 to 1, default is 0.
-                        <code>minScore</code> of 0 will include all results, and <code>minScore</code> of 1 will include only results
-                        with the absolutely highest confidence score. Values between 0.5 and 0.7 is generally suggested.
-                    </li>
-                </ul>
-            </div>
-        </div>
-        <p>
-            Either way the synonym suggester returns the following JSON result (<code>nlpcraft.alarm.ex</code>
-            model from <a href="/examples/alarm_clock.html">Alarm</a> example):
-        </p>
-        <pre class="brush: js">
-"status": "API_OK",
-"result": {
-  "modelId": "nlpcraft.alarm.ex",
-  "minScore": 0.5,
-  "durationMs": 424.0,
-  "timestamp": 1.60091239852E12,
-  "suggestions": [
-    {
-      "x:alarm": [
-        {
-          "score": 1.0,
-          "synonym": "ask"
-        },
-        {
-          "score": 0.9477103542042674,
-          "synonym": "join"
-        },
-        {
-          "score": 0.8882341083867801,
-          "synonym": "get"
-        },
-        {
-          "score": 0.7330826349218547,
-          "synonym": "remember"
-        },
-        {
-          "score": 0.6902880910527778,
-          "synonym": "contact"
-        },
-        {
-          "score": 0.6014764219771813,
-          "synonym": "time"
-        },
-        {
-          "score": 0.5816398376889104,
-          "synonym": "follow"
-        },
-        {
-          "score": 0.5640882890681899,
-          "synonym": "watch"
-        },
-        {
-          "score": 0.5139855649326083,
-          "synonym": "stop"
-        },
-        {
-          "score": 0.5136895804732818,
-          "synonym": "kill"
-        },
-        {
-          "score": 0.5001167992233122,
-          "synonym": "send"
-        }
-      ]
-    }
-  ],
-  "warnings": [
-    "Model has too few (3) intents samples. It will negatively affect the quality of suggestions. Try to increase overall sample count to at least 20."
-  ]
-        </pre>
-        <p>
-            The result is structured as a list of proposed synonyms with their corresponding scores for each model's
-            element.
-            You should analyse the results for their fitness for your model and its existing synonyms. The tool cannot guarantee
-            that every suggested synonym is appropriate or valid - but it gives a good "courtesy" check for potentially
-            missing synonyms.
-        </p>
-        <div class="bq info">
-            <p>
-                <b>Run Periodically</b>
-            </p>
-            <p>
-                It is a good idea to run this tool periodically if you are actively changing the model. With dozens or hundreds
-                of model elements it is very hard to manually maintain quality set of synonyms. With a good list of
-                user input samples for each intent this tool can be indispensable for easy maintenance of the synonyms.
-            </p>
-        </div>
-    </section>
-<div class="col-md-2 third-column">
-    <ul class="side-nav">
-        <li class="side-nav-title">On This Page</li>
-        <li><a href="#overview">Overview</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#usage">Usage</a></li>
-        {% include quick-links.html %}
-    </ul>
diff --git a/tools/test_framework.html b/tools/test_framework.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 72d0d4f..0000000
--- a/tools/test_framework.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
-active_crumb: Test Framework
-layout: documentation
-id: test_framework
-fa_icon: fa-tools
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<div class="col-md-8 second-column" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/html">
-    <section id="overview">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Overview <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            NLPCraft comes built-in with a simple-to-use testing framework that can be used with any
-            popular unit testing JVM frameworks such as <a href="https://testng.org">TestNG</a> or
-            <a href="https://junit.org">JUnit</a>. Test framework is essentially a simplified implementation
-            of the REST client tailor-made for model unit testing.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            Test framework consists of the following types in <code>org.apache.nlpcraft.model.tools.test</code> package:
-        </p>
-        <ul>
-            <li>
-                Auto-testing:
-                <ul>
-                    <li>
-                        <a
-                            target="javadoc"
-                            href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/tools/test/NCTestAutoModelValidator.html">
-                            NCTestAutoModelValidator
-                        </a> - auto-runner for model tests based on <a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCIntentSample.html">@NCIntentSample</a>
-                        and <a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCIntentSampleRef.html">@NCIntentSampleRef</a> annotations.
-                    </li>
-                </ul>
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                Using test client directly:
-                <ul>
-                    <li>
-                        <a
-                            target="javadoc"
-                            href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/tools/test/NCTestClient.html">
-                            NCTestClient
-                        </a> - main model test client interface.
-                    </li>
-                    <li>
-                        <a
-                            target="javadoc"
-                            href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/tools/test/NCTestClientBuilder.html">
-                            NCTestClientBuilder
-                        </a> - builder for <code>NCTestClient</code> instances.
-                    </li>
-                    <li>
-                        <a
-                            target="javadoc"
-                            href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/tools/test/NCTestResult.html">
-                            NCTestResult
-                        </a> - result holder of the test sentence processing.
-                    </li>
-                    <li>
-                        <a
-                            target="javadoc"
-                            href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/tools/test/NCTestClientException.html">
-                            NCTestClientException
-                        </a> - exception used by the test framework.
-                    </li>
-                </ul>
-        </ul>
-    </section>
-    <section id="usage">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Test client <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Here's a code for unit test using test client for the model from <a href="/examples/alarm_clock.html">Alarm Clock</a>
-            example illustrating the usage of test framework together with JUnit 5:
-        </p>
-            <pre class="brush: java, highlight: [8, 10, 16, 24, 25, 26]">
-public class AlarmTest {
-    private NCTestClient cli;
-    &#64;BeforeEach
-    void setUp() throws NCException, IOException {
-        NCEmbeddedProbe.start(AlarmModel.class);
-        cli = new NCTestClientBuilder().newBuilder().build();
-        cli.open("nlpcraft.alarm.ex");
-    }
-    &#64;AfterEach
-    void tearDown() throws NCException, IOException {
-        if (cli != null)
-            cli.close();
-        NCEmbeddedProbe.stop();
-    }
-    &#64;Test
-    public void test() throws NCException, IOException {
-        // Should be passed.
-        assertTrue(cli.ask("Ping me in 3 minutes").isOk());
-        assertTrue(cli.ask("Buzz me in an hour and 15mins").isOk());
-        assertTrue(cli.ask("Set my alarm for 30s").isOk());
-    }
-        </pre>
-        <p>
-            <b>NOTES:</b>
-        </p>
-        <ul>
-            <li>
-                Before each unit test execution on line 8 we create new instance of <code>NCTestClient</code> using
-                client builder with default configuration. On line 10 we open test client connection for model
-                with ID <code>nlpcraft.alarm.ex</code>.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                After each test execution we close test client connection on line 16.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                On lines 24-26 we submit ("ask") test sentences to our model and check for succesfull processing.
-            </li>
-        </ul>
-        <div class="bq info">
-            <p>
-                <b>Embedded Probe</b>
-            </p>
-            <p>
-                Note that this example (lines 6 and 18), as all other examples shipped with NLPCraft, uses
-                <a href="embedded_probe.html">Embedded Probe</a>.
-            </p>
-            <p>
-                Typically, data probes are launched in their own independent JVMs. However, in some
-                cases - e.g. during unit testing - it is more convenient for model implementation or preferable
-                for performance reasons to host a data model (and hence the data probe) in the same JVM.
-            </p>
-        </div>
-    </section>
-    <section id="autotest">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Auto Model Validation <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            The same model from <a href="/examples/alarm_clock.html">Alarm Clock</a> example can be auto validated using
-            <a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/tools/test/NCTestAutoModelValidator.html">NCTestAutoModelValidator</a>
-            class and user defined <a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCIntentSample.html">@NCIntentSample</a> and
-            <a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCIntentSampleRef.html">@NCIntentSampleRef</a> annotations from the model's callback method:
-        </p>
-        <pre class="brush: java, highlight: [4, 5, 6]">
-public class AlarmModel extends NCModelFileAdapter {
-    @NCIntentRef("alarm")
-    @NCIntentSample({
-        "Ping me in 3 minutes",
-        "Buzz me in an hour and 15mins",
-        "Set my alarm for 30s"
-    })
-    NCResult onMatch(
-        NCIntentMatch ctx,
-        @NCIntentTerm("nums") List&lt;NCToken&gt; numToks
-    ) {
-      // ...
-    }
-        </pre>
-        <p>
-            Auto model validator takes one or more model IDs (or class names) and performs validation. Validation consists
-            of starting an <a href="/tools/embedded_probe.html">embedded probe</a> with a given model, scanning for
-            <a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCIntentSample.html">@NCIntentSample</a> and
-            <a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCIntentSampleRef.html">@NCIntentSampleRef</a> annotations and their corresponding callback methods, submitting each
-            sample input sentences from these annotations and checking that resulting intent matches the intent the sample was attached to.
-        </p>
-        <h2 class="section-sub-title">Running <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Auto mode validator can be executed in two different ways:
-        </p>
-        <nav>
-            <div class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
-                <a class="nav-item nav-link active" data-toggle="tab" href="#nav-script" role="tab">NLPCraft CLI</a>
-                <a class="nav-item nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#nav-class" role="tab">Java Class <img src="/images/java2-h20.png" alt=""></a>
-            </div>
-        </nav>
-        <div class="tab-content">
-            <div class="tab-pane fade show active" id="nav-script" role="tabpanel">
-                <pre class="brush: bash">
-                    $ bin/nlpcraft.sh help --cmd=test-model
-                    $ bin/nlpcraft.sh test-model --cp=/path/to/my/model/classes
-                </pre>
-                <p>
-                    <b>NOTES:</b>
-                </p>
-                <ul>
-                    <li>
-                        <a href="/tools/script.html">NLPCraft CLI</a> is available as <code>nlpcraft.sh</code> for
-                        <i class="fab fa-fw fa-linux"></i> and <code>nlpcraft.cmd</code>
-                        for <i class="fab fa-fw fa-windows"></i>.
-                    </li>
-                    <li>
-                        Run <code class="script">bin/nlpcraft.sh help --cmd=test-model</code> to get a full help on this command.
-                    </li>
-                    <li>
-                        In REPL mode you can use <code>retest-model</code> command to re-run the last mode test with the
-                        same parameters avoiding the need to retype all the parameters again.
-                    </li>
-                </ul>
-            </div>
-            <div class="tab-pane fade show" id="nav-class" role="tabpanel">
-                <pre class="brush: bash">
-                    java -cp apache-nlpcraft-incubating-{{site.latest_version}}-all-deps.jar:/path/to/my/model/classes -DNLPCRAFT_TEST_MODELS=org.apache.nlpcraft.examples.alarm.AlarmModel org.apache.nlpcraft.model.tools.test.NCTestAutoModelValidator
-                </pre>
-                <p>
-                    <b>NOTES:</b>
-                </p>
-                <ul>
-                    <li>
-                        Make sure to add necessary classpath components for the model(s) you want to auto-validate.
-                    </li>
-                    <li>
-                        Specify the following three system property (all optional):
-                        <table class="gradient-table">
-                            <thead>
-                            <tr>
-                                <th>System Property</th>
-                                <th>Description</th>
-                            </tr>
-                            </thead>
-                            <tbody>
-                                <tr>
-                                    <td><code>NLPCRAFT_TEST_MODELS</code></td>
-                                    <td>
-                                        <p>
-                                            Optional system property that should contain comma separate
-                                            list of the data model classes to test. If not provided, the models from the probe
-                                            configuration will be used.
-                                        </p>
-                                        <p>
-                                            <b>Example:</b><br/>
-                                            <code>-DNLPCRAFT_TEST_MODELS=org.apache.nlpcraft.examples.alarm.AlarmModel</code>
-                                        </p>
-                                    </td>
-                                </tr>
-                                <tr>
-                                    <td><code>NLPCRAFT_PROBE_CONFIG</code></td>
-                                    <td>
-                                        <p>
-                                            Optional system property that should contain the path to probe configuration file.
-                                            If not provided, the default probe configuration file will be used.
-                                        </p>
-                                        <p>
-                                            <b>Example:</b><br/>
-                                            <code>-NLPCRAFT_PROBE_CONFIG=/opt/my_probe/probe.conf</code>
-                                        </p>
-                                    </td>
-                                </tr>
-                                <tr>
-                                    <td><code>NLPCRAFT_TEST_INTENT_IDS</code></td>
-                                    <td>
-                                        <p>
-                                            Optional system property that should contain the comma separated list of
-                                            intent IDs to test. If not provided, all detected intents will be tested.
-                                        </p>
-                                        <p>
-                                            <b>Example:</b><br/>
-                                            <code>-NLPCRAFT_TEST_INTENT_IDS=int1,int2</code>
-                                        </p>
-                                    </td>
-                                </tr>
-                            </tbody>
-                        </table>
-                    </li>
-                    <li>
-                        You can also use <a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/tools/test/NCTestAutoModelValidator.html">NCTestAutoModelValidator</a> class
-                        directly to call it programmatically from the code or from IDE.
-                    </li>
-                </ul>
-            </div>
-        </div>
-        <p>
-            In the log output you should see the following validation results:
-        </p>
-        <figure>
-            <img class="img-fluid-no-border" src="/images/auto_validation.png" alt="">
-            <figcaption><b>Fig 1.</b> Model auto-validation result.</figcaption>
-        </figure>
-        <p>
-            See <a target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/tools/test/NCTestAutoModelValidator.html">NCTestAutoModelValidator</a>
-            class for more details.
-        </p>
-    </section>
-    <section id="examples">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Examples <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            All <a target="github" href="https://github.com/apache/incubator-nlpcraft/tree/master/nlpcraft-examples">examples</a>
-            shipped with NLPCraft come with instructions on how to auto-validate their models.
-        </p>
-    </section>
-<div class="col-md-2 third-column">
-    <ul class="side-nav">
-        <li class="side-nav-title">On This Page</li>
-        <li><a href="#overview">Overview</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#usage">Test client</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#autotest">Auto model validation</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#examples">Examples</a></li>
-        {% include quick-links.html %}
-    </ul>
diff --git a/using-rest.html b/using-rest.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 78890a2..0000000
--- a/using-rest.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-active_crumb: REST API
-layout: documentation
-id: rest
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<!--suppress HtmlDeprecatedTag -->
-<div class="col-md-8 second-column">
-    <section>
-        <h2 class="section-title">TL;DR; <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            View <a target="swaggerhub" href="https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis-docs/Apache-NLPCraft/apache-nlpcraft/{{site.latest_version}}">Open API Specification</a> in a separate window. 👌
-        </p>
-    </section>
-    <section id="overview">
-        <h2 class="section-title">...bit more details <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            REST API provides a universal integration path for any type of user application to connect to and use NLPCraft.
-            By using REST API these applications can ask natural language questions, get results and perform
-            many supporting operations such as user management.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            REST server accepts the REST call,
-            interprets and routes it to the appropriate data probe which in turn invokes one of its deployed
-            data models. The result of data model processing travels all the way through the same chain of components
-            back to the user application that made the original call.
-        </p>
-        <div class="bq info">
-            <p>
-                If you downloaded ZIP archive the <a target="swaggerhub" href="https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis-docs/Apache-NLPCraft/apache-nlpcraft/{{site.latest_version}}">REST API specification</a> is also available in
-                <code>openapi/nlpcraft_swagger.yml</code> file
-                or on <a target="github" href="https://github.com/apache/incubator-nlpcraft/blob/master/openapi/nlpcraft_swagger.yml">GitHub</a>.
-            </p>
-        </div>
-    </section>
-    <section id="java-client">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Java Client <i class="fab fa-java"></i> <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            NLPCraft provide native Java client that enables easy-to-use Java-based API wrapping standard
-            NLPCraft REST APIs. It can be used by any JVM language that provides Java interop such as Scala, Groovy, or Kotlin:
-        </p>
-        <ul>
-            <li>Maven/Grape/Gradle/SBT <a href="download.html#java-client">instructions</a></li>
-            <li>Latest <a target=_ href="/apis/java-client/latest/index.html">Javadoc</a></li>
-            <li>Watch, star or fork <a target="github" href="https://github.com/apache/incubator-nlpcraft-java-client">GitHub Project</a></li>
-        </ul>
-    </section>
-    <section id="format">
-        <h2 class="section-title">REST URL <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            REST API accepts only <code>POST</code> HTTP calls and <code>application/json</code> content type
-            for JSON payload and responses. When issuing a REST call you will be using the following URL:
-        </p>
-        <pre class="brush: plain">
-            https://localhost:8081/api/v1/signin
-        </pre>
-        <p>
-        where:
-        <dl>
-            <dt><code>http</code></dt>
-                <dd>Either <code>http</code> or <code>https</code> protocol.</dd>
-            <dt><code>localhost:8081</code></dt>
-                <dd>Host and port on which REST server is started. <code>localhost:8081</code> is the default configuration and can be <a href="/server-and-probe.html">changed</a>.</dd>
-            <dt><code>/api/v1</code></dt>
-                <dd>Mandatory prefix indicating API version.</dd>
-            <dt><code>/signin</code></dt>
-                <dd>Specific REST path.</dd>
-        </dl>
-        <div class="bq info">
-            <p>
-                <b>Management Script</b>
-            </p>
-            <p>
-                <a href="/tools/script.html"><code>bin/nlpcraft.{sh|cmd}</code></a> script is a <b>central management utility</b> for NLPCraft. Among many
-                commands it provides, there are two commands <code>call</code> and <code>rest</code> that allows for simple and
-                effective REST API usage against local REST server.
-            </p>
-        </div>
-    </section>
-    <section id="users">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Users <span class="amp">&amp;</span> Organizations <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            In NLPCraft most of the REST calls require ID of the user. Every user belongs to a company, and each user
-            has administrative privileges flag. The notion of the user and company IDs additionally to the model ID provide
-            necessary attributes for proper probe authentication, conversation maintenance, and security.
-        </p>
-        <h2 class="section-sub-title">Default Account <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            NLPCraft comes with the default account:
-        </p>
-        <ul>
-            <li><b>Email: </b>admin@admin.com</li>
-            <li><b>Password: </b>admin</li>
-        </ul>
-        <p>
-            This account has administrative privileges and should be used as a bootstrap account to create other accounts.
-            Make sure to delete this account when you go to production.
-        </p>
-        <div class="bq warn">
-            <p><b><span style="font-size: 120%; color: #E67E22">âš </span> Default Account <span style="font-size: 120%; color: #E67E22">âš </span></b></p>
-            <p>
-                Make sure to delete the default account when you go to production or as soon as you have other secure
-                administrative account that can act as a bootstrap account.
-            </p>
-        </div>
-        <h2 class="section-sub-title">Admins <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Many operations are only available to the users with administrative privileges. Note
-            also that some operations will implicitly behave differently based on whether the currently signed in user
-            have administrative privileges or not.
-        </p>
-        <h2 class="section-sub-title">External User ID <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            Many calls on REST API accept external "on-behalf-of" user ID (<code>usrExtId</code>) additionally to the regular
-            user ID (<code>usrID</code>). In these methods zero, one or both IDs must be provided. If none are provided
-            the ID of the currently signed in user will be used. If both are provided they should point to the same user.
-            External user ID allows to use user identification from the external systems without a need to import all the
-            existing users into NLPCraft in the first place.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-            Typical usage pattern for integrating NLPCraft into existing
-            system is to create a single administrative NLPCraft user, sign in with that account and then use external
-            "on-behalf-of" user IDs in all the requests. This way you get the same functionality as if using ordinary
-            user IDs but without a need to migrate and synchronize all user accounts from the existing system to NLPCraft.
-        </p>
-    </section>
-    <section id="server_errors">
-        <h2 class="section-title">Server Errors <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            When REST server returns HTTP error the response body contains JSON object (<code>Content-Type → application/json</code>)
-            with two fields <code>code</code> and <code>msg</code>:
-        </p>
-        <pre class="brush: js">
-        {
-            "code": "NC_INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN",
-            "msg": "Unknown access token: PPdxjwXBOIMpAWNgpKq1"
-        }
-        </pre>
-        <p>
-            Following tables shows all possible <code>code</code> values for these server errors:
-        </p>
-        <table class="gradient-table">
-            <thead>
-            <tr>
-                <th>Code</th>
-                <th>Description</th>
-            </tr>
-            </thead>
-            <tbody>
-            <tr>
-                <td><code>NC_INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN</code></td>
-                <td>
-                    The access token is invalid or no longer valid. Note that previously issued existing access
-                    tokens can expire or be otherwise invalidated and have to be obtained again.
-                </td>
-            </tr>
-            <tr>
-                <td><code>NC_SIGNIN_FAILURE</code></td>
-                <td>
-                    Invalid or unknown user email and/or user password during <code>/signin</code> call. This can
-                    indicate either the attempt to signin by the user that hasn't been added yet, or the invalid
-                    password for the existing user.
-                </td>
-            </tr>
-            <tr>
-                <td><code>NC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED</code></td>
-                <td>
-                    Particular feature is not implemented yet or not available. This is reserved for API extensions and
-                    future backward compatibility.
-                </td>
-            </tr>
-            <tr>
-                <td><code>NC_INVALID_FIELD</code></td>
-                <td>
-                    This indicated a problem with a field. It's either too bit, too small, empty or otherwise invalid.
-                    See <code>msg</code> field in the error response for details.
-                </td>
-            </tr>
-            <tr>
-                <td><code>NC_ADMIN_REQUIRED</code></td>
-                <td>
-                    Calling user is required to have admin privileges to execute given call.
-                </td>
-            </tr>
-            <tr>
-                <td><code>NC_INVALID_OPERATION</code></td>
-                <td>
-                    Indicates that a given operation cannot be performed as specified. For example, this error
-                    is returned when you attempt to remove or revoke admin privileges from the
-                    last admin user.
-                </td>
-            </tr>
-            <tr>
-                <td><code>NC_ERROR</code></td>
-                <td>Indicates a general server error.</td>
-            </tr>
-            </tbody>
-        </table>
-    </section>
-<div class="col-md-2 third-column">
-    <ul class="side-nav">
-        <li class="side-nav-title">On This Page</li>
-        <li><a href="#java-client">Java Client</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#format">REST URL</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#users">Users <span class="amp">&amp;</span> Org</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#server_errors">Server Errors</a></li>
-        {% include quick-links.html %}
-    </ul>