diff --git a/_data/idl-fns.yml b/_data/idl-fns.yml
index 1f1aa6f..8cbd4bd 100644
--- a/_data/idl-fns.yml
+++ b/_data/idl-fns.yml
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@
   - name: ent_id
     sig: |
       <b>ent_id</b>(t: Entity<em><sub>opt</sub></em>) ⇒ String, # ⇒ String
-    synopsis: Returns {% scaladoc NCEntity.html#getId-0 entity ID() %}
+    synopsis: Returns <a href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/NCEntity.html#getId-0">entity ID</a>
     desc: |
-      Returns <a class="not-code" target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCEntity.html#getId()">entity ID</a>
+      Returns <a href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/NCEntity.html#getId-0">entity ID</a>
       for the current entity (default) or the provided one by the optional parameter <code><b>t</b></code>. Note that this
       functions has a special shorthand <code><b>#</b></code>.
     usage: |
@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@
   - name: ent_groups
     sig: |
       <b>ent_groups</b>(t: Entity<em><sub>opt</sub></em>) ⇒ List[String]
-    synopsis: Gets the list of <a class="not-code" target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCEntity.html#getGroups()">groups</a> this entity belongs to
+    synopsis: Gets the list of <a class="not-code" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/NCEntity.html#getGroups-0">groups</a> this entity belongs to
     desc: |
-      Gets the list of <a class="not-code" target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCEntity.html#getGroups()">groups</a>
+      Gets the list of <a class="not-code" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/NCEntity.html#getGroups-0">groups</a>
       the current entity (default) or the provided one by the optional parameter <code><b>t</b></code> belongs to. Note that,
       by default, if not specified explicitly, entity always belongs to one group with ID equal to entity ID.
       May return an empty list but never a <code>null</code>.
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
       <b>ent_text</b>(t: Entity<em><sub>opt</sub></em>) ⇒ String
     synopsis: Returns entity's original text
     desc: |
-      Returns <a class="not-code" target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCEntity.html#getOriginalText()">entity's original text</a>.
+      Returns <a class="not-code" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/NCEntity.html#mkText-0">entity's original text</a>.
       If <code>t</code> is not provided the current entity is assumed.
     usage: |
       // Result: entity original input text.
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
       <b>ent_index</b>(t: Entity<em><sub>opt</sub></em>) ⇒ Long
     synopsis: Returns entity's index in the original input
     desc: |
-      Returns <a class="not-code" target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCEntity.html#getIndex()">entity's index</a> in the original input. Note that this is an index of the entity and not of the character.
+      Returns entity's index in the original input. Note that this is an index of the entity and not of the character.
       If <code>t</code> is not provided the current entity is assumed.
     usage: |
       // Result: 'true' if index of this entity in the original input is equal to 1.
@@ -151,11 +151,11 @@
       <b>ent_is_before_group</b>(grp: String) ⇒ Boolean
     synopsis: |
       Returns <code>true</code> if there is a entity that belongs to the
-      <a class="not-code" target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCEntity.html#getGroups()">group</a>
+      <a class="not-code" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/NCEntity.html#getGroups-0">group</a>
       <code>grp</code> after this entity
     desc: |
       Returns <code>true</code> if there is a entity that belongs to the
-      <a class="not-code" target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCEntity.html#getGroups()">group</a>
+      <a class="not-code" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/NCEntity.html#getGroups-0">group</a>
       <code>grp</code> after this entity.
     usage: |
       // Result: 'true' if there is a entity that belongs to the group 'grp' after this entity.
@@ -166,11 +166,11 @@
       <b>ent_is_after_group</b>(grp: String) ⇒ Boolean
     synopsis: |
       Returns <code>true</code> if there is a entity that belongs to the
-      <a class="not-code" target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCEntity.html#getGroups()">group</a>
+      <a class="not-code" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/NCEntity.html#getGroups-0">group</a>
       <code>grp</code> before this entity
     desc: |
       Returns <code>true</code> if there is a entity that belongs to the
-      <a class="not-code" target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCEntity.html#getGroups()">group</a>
+      <a class="not-code" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/NCEntity.html#getGroups-0">group</a>
       <code>grp</code> before this entity.
     usage: |
       // Result: 'true' if there is a entity that belongs to the group 'grp' before this entity.
@@ -357,19 +357,19 @@
   - name: req_id
     sig: |
       <b>req_id</b> ⇒ String
-    synopsis: Returns <a class="not-code" target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCRequest.html#getServerRequestId()">server request ID</a>
+    synopsis: Returns <a class="not-code" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/NCRequest.html#getRequestId-0">request ID</a>
     desc: |
-      Returns <a class="not-code" target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCRequest.html#getServerRequestId()">server request ID</a>.
+      Returns <a class="not-code" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/NCRequest.html#getRequestId-0">request ID</a>.
     usage: |
-      // Result: server request ID.
+      // Result: request ID.
   - name: req_text
     sig: |
       <b>req_text</b> ⇒ String
-    synopsis: Returns request <a class="not-code" target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCRequest.html#getNormalizedText()">normalied text</a>
+    synopsis: Returns request <a class="not-code" target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/NCRequest.html#getText-0">text</a>
     desc: |
-      Returns request <a class="not-code" target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCRequest.html#getNormalizedText()">normalized text</a>.
+      Returns request <a class="not-code" target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/NCRequest.html#getText-0">text</a>.
     usage: |
       // Result: request text.
@@ -377,9 +377,9 @@
   - name: req_tstamp
     sig: |
       <b>req_tstamp</b> ⇒ Long
-    synopsis: Gets UTC/GMT receive <a class="not-code" target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCRequest.html#getNormalizedText()">timestamp</a>
+    synopsis: Gets UTC/GMT receive <a class="not-code" target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/NCRequest.html#getReceiveTimestamp-0">timestamp</a>
     desc: |
-      Gets UTC/GMT <a class="not-code" target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCRequest.html#getNormalizedText()">timestamp</a>
+      Gets UTC/GMT <a class="not-code" target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/NCRequest.html#getReceiveTimestamp-0">timestamp</a>
       in ms when user input was received.
     usage: |
       // Result: input receive timsstamp in ms.
@@ -388,9 +388,9 @@
   - name: user_id
     sig: |
       <b>user_id</b> ⇒ String
-    synopsis: Returns <a class="not-code" target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCUser.html#getId()">user ID</a>
+    synopsis: Returns <code>user ID</code>
     desc: |
-      Returns <a class="not-code" target="javadoc" href="/apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/model/NCUser.html#getId()">user ID</a>.
+      Returns <code>user ID</code>
     usage: |
       // Result: user ID.
@@ -897,8 +897,7 @@
       <b>meta_ent</b>(p: String) ⇒ Any
     synopsis: Gets entity metadata property <code><b>p</b></code>
     desc: |
-      Gets entity metadata property <code><b>p</b></code>. See
-      <a href="/data-model.html#meta">entity metadata</a> for more information.
+      Gets entity metadata property <code><b>p</b></code>.
     usage: |
       // Result: 'nlp:token:text' entity metadata property.
diff --git a/intent-matching.html b/intent-matching.html
index 7e5fe35..c8317cb 100644
--- a/intent-matching.html
+++ b/intent-matching.html
@@ -1144,123 +1144,62 @@
     <section id="logic">
         <h2 class="section-title">Intent Matching Logic <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-        <p>
-            In order to understand the intent matching logic lets review the overall user request processing workflow:
-        </p>
-        <figure>
-            <img class="img-fluid" style="border: none; padding: 0;" src="/images/intent_matching1.png" alt="">
-            <figcaption><b>Fig. 1</b> User Request Workflow</figcaption>
-        </figure>
-        <ul>
-            <li>
-                <b>Step: 0</b><br>
-                <p>
-                    Server receives REST call <code>/ask</code> or <code>/ask/sync</code> that contains the text
-                    of the sentence that needs to be processed.
-                </p>
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                <b>Step: 1</b><br>
-                <p>
-                    At this step the server attempts to find additional variations of the input sentence by substituting
-                    certain words in the original text with synonyms from Google's BERT dataset. Note that server will not use the synonyms that
-                    are already defined in the model itself - it only tries to compensate for the potential incompleteness
-                    of the model. The result of this step is one or more sentences that all have the same meaning as the
-                    original text.
-                </p>
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                <b>Step: 2</b><br>
-                <p>
-                    At this step the server takes one or more sentences from the previous step and tokenizes them. This
-                    process involves converting the text into a sequence of enriched entities representing named entities.
-                    This step also performs the initial server-side enrichment and detection of the
-                    <a href="/data-model.html#builtin">built-in named entities</a>.
-                </p>
-                <p>
-                    The result of this step is a sequence of converted sentences, where each element is a sequence
-                    of entities. These sequences are send down to the data probe that has requested data model deployed.
-                </p>
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                <b>Step: 3</b><br>
-                <p>
-                    This is the first step of the probe-side processing. At this point the data probe receives one or more
-                    sequences of entities. Probe then takes each sequence and performs the final enrichment by detecting user-defined
-                    elements additionally to the built-in entities that were detected on the server during step 2 above.
-                </p>
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                <b>Step: 4</b><br>
-                <p>
-                    This is an important step for understanding intent matching logic. At this step the data probe
-                    takes sequences of entities generated at the last step and comes up with one or more parsing
-                    variants. A parsing variant is a sequence of entities that is free from entity overlapping and other parsing
-                    ambiguities. Typically, a single sequence of entities can produce one (always) or more parsing variants.
-                </p>
-                <p>
-                    Let's consider the input text <code>'A B C D'</code> and the following elements defined in our model:
-                </p>
-                <pre class="brush: js">
-                "elements": [
-                    {
-                        "id": "elm1",
-                        "synonyms": ["A B"]
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "id": "elm2",
-                        "synonyms": ["B C"]
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "id": "elm3",
-                        "synonyms": ["D"]
-                    }
-                ],
-                </pre>
-                <p>
-                    All of these elements will be detected but since two of them are overlapping (<code>elm1</code> and
-                    <code>elm2</code>) there should be <b>two</b> parsing variants at the output of this step:
-                </p>
+            <p>
+                {% scaladoc NCPipeline NCPipeline %} processing result is collection of {% scaladoc NCVariant NCVariant %} instances.
+                As example let's consider the input text <code>'A B C D'</code> and the following elements defined in our model:
+            </p>
+            <pre class="brush: js">
+            "elements": [
+                {
+                    "id": "elm1",
+                    "synonyms": ["A B"]
+                },
+                {
+                    "id": "elm2",
+                    "synonyms": ["B C"]
+                },
+                {
+                    "id": "elm3",
+                    "synonyms": ["D"]
+                }
+            ],
+            </pre>
+            <p>
+                All of these elements will be detected but since two of them are overlapping (<code>elm1</code> and
+                <code>elm2</code>) there should be <b>two</b> parsing variants at the output of this step:
+            </p>
                     <li><code>elm1</code>('A', 'B') <code>freeword</code>('C') <code>elm3</code>('D')</li>
                     <li><code>freeword</code>('A') <code>elm2</code>('B', 'C') <code>elm3</code>('D')</li>
-                    Note that at this point the <em>system cannot determine which of these variants is the best one
+                    Note that initially the <em>system cannot determine which of these variants is the best one
                     for matching - there's simply not enough information at this stage</em>. It can only be determined
-                    when each variant is matched against model's intents - which happens in the next step.
-                </p>
-            </li>
-            <li>
-                <b>Step: 5</b><br>
-                <p>
-                    At this step the actual matching between intents and variants happens. Each parsing variant from the previous
-                    step is matched against each intent. Each matching pair of a variant and an intent produce a match with a
+                    when each variant is matched against model's intents.
+                    So, each parsing variant is matched against each intent. Each matching pair of a variant and an intent produce a match with a
                     <em>certain weight</em>. If there are no matches at all - an error is returned. If matches were found, the match
                     with the biggest weight is selected as a winning match. If multiple matches have the same weight, their
                     respective variants' weights will be used to further sort them out. Finally, the intent's callback from the winning match is
-                <p>
-                    Although details on exact algorithm on weight calculation are too complex, here's the general guidelines
-                    on what determines the weight of the match between a parsing variant and the intent. Note that these rules
-                    coalesce around the principle idea that the <b>more specific match always wins</b>:
-                </p>
-                <ul>
-                    <li>
-                        A match that captures more entities has more weight than a match with less entities. As a corollary, the match
-                        with less free words (i.e. unused words) has bigger weight than a match with more free words.
-                    </li>
-                    <li>
-                        Entities for user-defined elements are more important than built-in entities.
-                    </li>
-                    <li>
-                        A more specific match has bigger weight. In other words, a match that uses an entity from the conversation
-                        context (i.e short-term-memory) has less weight than a match that only uses entities from the current request. In the same
-                        way older entities from the conversation give less weight than the more recent ones.
-                    </li>
-                </ul>
+        <p>
+            Although details on exact algorithm on weight calculation are too complex, here's the general guidelines
+            on what determines the weight of the match between a parsing variant and the intent. Note that these rules
+            coalesce around the principle idea that the <b>more specific match always wins</b>:
+        </p>
+        <ul>
+            <li>
+                A match that captures more entities has more weight than a match with less entities. As a corollary, the match
+                with less free words (i.e. unused words) has bigger weight than a match with more free words.
+            </li>
+            <li>
+                Entities for user-defined elements are more important than built-in entities.
+            </li>
+            <li>
+                A more specific match has bigger weight. In other words, a match that uses an entity from the conversation
+                context (i.e short-term-memory) has less weight than a match that only uses entities from the current request. In the same
+                way older entities from the conversation give less weight than the more recent ones.