diff --git a/examples/pizzeria.html b/examples/pizzeria.html
index 0a0ecd7..52fbd0f 100644
--- a/examples/pizzeria.html
+++ b/examples/pizzeria.html
@@ -175,6 +175,100 @@
     <section id="code">
         <h2 class="section-title">Model Class <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
+        <p>
+            Open <code>src/main/scala/demo/<b>PizzeriaOrder.scala</b></code> file and replace its content with the following code:
+        </p>
+        <pre class="brush: scala, highlight: [6, 17, 20, 25]">
+            package demo
+            import scala.collection.mutable
+            import org.apache.nlpcraft.*
+            enum PizzeriaOrderState:
+            private object OrderPosition:
+                val DFLT_QTY = 1
+            private trait OrderPosition:
+                val name: String
+                var qty: Option[Int]
+                require(name != null && name.nonEmpty)
+            case class Pizza(name: String, var size: Option[String], var qty: Option[Int]) extends OrderPosition:
+                override def toString = s"$name '${size.getOrElse("undefined size")}' ${qty.getOrElse(OrderPosition.DFLT_QTY)} pcs"
+            case class Drink(name: String, var qty: Option[Int]) extends OrderPosition:
+                override def toString = s"$name ${qty.getOrElse(OrderPosition.DFLT_QTY)} pcs"
+            import PizzeriaOrderState.*
+            class PizzeriaOrder:
+                private var state = DIALOG_EMPTY
+                private val pizzas = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[Pizza]
+                private val drinks = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[Drink]
+                def isEmpty: Boolean = pizzas.isEmpty && drinks.isEmpty
+                def isValid: Boolean = !isEmpty && findPizzaWithoutSize.isEmpty
+                def add(ps: Seq[Pizza], ds: Seq[Drink]): Unit =
+                    def setByName[T <: OrderPosition](buf: mutable.ArrayBuffer[T], t: T): Unit =
+                            buf.find(_.name == t.name) match
+                            case Some(foundT) => if t.qty.nonEmpty then foundT.qty = t.qty
+                            case None => buf += t
+                    for (p <- ps)
+                        def setPizza(pred: Pizza => Boolean, notFound: => () => Unit): Unit =
+                            pizzas.find(pred) match
+                                case Some(foundPizza) =>
+                                    if p.size.nonEmpty then foundPizza.size = p.size
+                                    if p.qty.nonEmpty then foundPizza.qty = p.qty
+                                case None => notFound()
+                        if p.size.nonEmpty then setPizza(
+                            x => x.name == p.name && x.size == p.size,
+                            () => setPizza(x => x.name == p.name && x.size.isEmpty, () => pizzas += p)
+                        )
+                        else setByName(pizzas, p)
+                    for (d <- ds) setByName(drinks, d)
+                def findPizzaWithoutSize: Option[Pizza] = pizzas.find(_.size.isEmpty)
+                def fixPizzaWithoutSize(size: String): Boolean =
+                    findPizzaWithoutSize match
+                        case Some(p) =>
+                            p.size = size.?
+                            true
+                        case None => false
+                def getState: PizzeriaOrderState = state
+                def setState(state: PizzeriaOrderState): Unit = this.state = state
+                override def toString: String =
+                    if !isEmpty then
+                        val ps = if pizzas.nonEmpty then s"pizza: ${pizzas.mkString(", ")}" else ""
+                        val ds = if drinks.nonEmpty then s"drinks: ${drinks.mkString(", ")}" else ""
+                        if ds.isEmpty then ps else if ps.isEmpty then ds else s"$ps, $ds"
+                    else "nothing ordered"
+        </pre>
+        <ul>
+            <li>
+                <code>Line 6</code> defines order states enumeration.
+            </li>
+            <li>
+                <code>Lines 17 and 20</code> define order parts classes definition.
+            </li>
+            <li>
+                <code>Line 25</code> defines pizza order state representation.
+            </li>
+        </ul>
             Open <code>src/main/scala/demo/<b>PizzeriaModel.scala</b></code> file and replace its content with the following code:
@@ -290,14 +384,14 @@
                 private def askStopOrDoStop(o: Order)(using ctx: NCContext, im: NCIntentMatch): Result =
                     if o.isValid then askShouldStop() else doStop(o)
-            import org.apache.nlpcraft.examples.pizzeria.PizzeriaModel.*
+            import PizzeriaModel.*
             class PizzeriaModel extends NCModelAdapter(
                 NCModelConfig("nlpcraft.pizzeria.ex", "Pizzeria Example Model", "1.0"),
             ) with LazyLogging:
                 // This method is defined in class scope and has package access level for tests reasons.
-                private[pizzeria] def doExecute(o: Order)(using ctx: NCContext, im: NCIntentMatch): Result =
+                private[demo] def doExecute(o: Order)(using ctx: NCContext, im: NCIntentMatch): Result =
                     doResultWithClear(s"Executed: $o.")
@@ -416,7 +510,7 @@
                 In its callback current order state is changed.
                 If processed order is in valid state user receives order confirmation request like "<i>Is order ready?</i>",
                 otherwise user receives request which asks him to specify the order.
-                Both responses have <code>ASK_DIALOG</code> type.
+                Both responses have <a href="../apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/NCResultType.html#ASK_DIALOG-0">ASK_DIALOG</a> type.
@@ -477,7 +571,7 @@
             Open <code>src/main/scala/demo/components/<b>PizzeriaOrderMapper.scala</b></code> file and replace its content with the following code:
         <pre class="brush: scala, highlight: [11, 25, 30, 61]">
-            package demo
+            package demo.components
             import org.apache.nlpcraft.*
             import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
@@ -554,7 +648,9 @@
                 <code>Line 25</code> defines <code>PizzeriaOrderMapper</code> model which implements <a href="../apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/NCEntityMapper.html">NCEntityMapper</a>.
-                <code>Line 30</code> defines helper method <code>map()</code> which clones <code>destEn</code> entity,
+                <code>Line 30</code> defines helper method
+                <a href="../apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/NCEntityMapper.html#map-fffff77c">map()</a> w
+                hich clones <code>destEn</code> entity,
                 extends it by <code>extraEnt</code> tokens and <code>destProp</code> property and, as result,
                 returns new entities instances instead of passed into the method.
@@ -625,7 +721,7 @@
                 which is based on YAM model definition <code>pizzeria_model.yaml</code>.
-                <code>Lines 31 and 37</code> define entity mappers <code>PizzeriaOrderMapper</code> which
+                <code>Lines 31 and 37</code> define entity mappers <code>PizzeriaOrderMapper</code> instances which
                 map <code>ord:pizza</code> elements with theirs sizes from <code>ord:pizza:size</code> and
                 quantities from <code>stanford:number</code>.
@@ -639,7 +735,7 @@
     <section id="testing">
         <h2 class="section-title">Testing <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
-            The test defined in <code>CalculatorModelSpec</code> allows to check that all input test sentences are
+            The test defined in <code>PizzeriaModelSpec</code> allows to check that all input test sentences are
             processed correctly and trigger the expected intents:
         <pre class="brush: scala, highlight: [14, 48, 61, 96]">
@@ -853,7 +949,9 @@
                 <code>Line 61</code> defines test helper method <code>dialog()</code>.
-                It sends request to model via <code>ask()</code> method and accumulates execution results.
+                It sends request to model via client's method
+                <a href="../apis/latest/org/apache/nlpcraft/NCModelClient.html#ask-fffff9ce">ask()</a>
+                and accumulates execution results.
                 <code>Line 96</code> defines main test block.