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id: built-in-builder
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<div class="col-md-8 second-column">
<section id="overview">
<h2 class="section-title">Pipeline builder<a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
{% scaladoc NCPipelineBuilder NCPipelineBuilder %} class
is designed for simplifying preparing {% scaladoc NCPipeline NCPipeline %} instance.
It allows to construct {% scaladoc NCPipeline NCPipeline %} instance
adding nested components via its methods.
It also contains a number of methods {% scaladoc NCPipelineBuilder#withSemantic-fffff4b0 withSemantic() %}
which allow to prepare pipeline instance based on
{% scaladoc nlp/parsers/NCSemanticEntityParser NCSemanticEntityParser %} and configured language.
Currently only <b>English</b> language is supported with broad set of built-in components:
{% scaladoc nlp/parsers/NCOpenNLPTokenParser NCOpenNLPTokenParser %},
{% scaladoc nlp/enrichers/NCOpenNLPLemmaPosTokenEnricher NCOpenNLPLemmaPosTokenEnricher %},
{% scaladoc nlp/enrichers/NCEnStopWordsTokenEnricher NCEnStopWordsTokenEnricher %},
{% scaladoc nlp/enrichers/NCEnSwearWordsTokenEnricher NCEnSwearWordsTokenEnricher %},
{% scaladoc nlp/enrichers/NCEnQuotesTokenEnricher NCEnQuotesTokenEnricher %},
{% scaladoc nlp/enrichers/NCEnDictionaryTokenEnricher NCEnDictionaryTokenEnricher %},
{% scaladoc nlp/enrichers/NCEnBracketsTokenEnricher NCEnBracketsTokenEnricher %}.
<section id="examples">
<h2 class="section-title">Examples <a href="#"><i class="top-link fas fa-fw fa-angle-double-up"></i></a></h2>
<p><b>Simple example</b>:</p>
<pre class="brush: scala, highlight: []">
val pipeline = new NCPipelineBuilder().withSemantic("en", "lightswitch_model.yaml").build
It defines pipeline with all built-in English language components and one semantic entity parser with
model defined in <code>lightswitch_model.yaml</code>.
<p><b>Pipeline creation example constructed from built-in components:</b></p>
<pre class="brush: scala, highlight: [2, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]">
val pipeline =
val stanford =
val props = new Properties()
props.setProperty("annotators", "tokenize, ssplit, pos, lemma, ner")
new StanfordCoreNLP(props)
val tokParser = new NCStanfordNLPTokenParser(stanford)
val stemmer = new NCSemanticStemmer():
private val ps = new PorterStemmer
override def stem(txt: String): String = ps.synchronized { ps.stem(txt) }
new NCPipelineBuilder().
withTokenEnricher(new NCEnStopWordsTokenEnricher()).
withEntityParser(NCSemanticEntityParser(stemmer, tokParser, "pizzeria_model.yaml")).
withEntityParser(new NCStanfordNLPEntityParser(stanford, Set("number"))).
<code>Line 2</code> defines configured <code>StanfordCoreNLP</code> class instance.
Look at <a href="">Stanford NLP</a> documentation for more details.
<code>Line 6</code> defines token parser <code>NCStanfordNLPTokenParser</code>, pipeline mandatory component.
Note that this one instance is used for two places: in pipeline definition on <code>line 12</code> and
in {% scaladoc nlp/parsers/NCSemanticEntityParser NCSemanticEntityParser %} definition on <code>line 14</code>.
<code>Line 13</code> defines configured
{% scaladoc nlp/enrichers/NCEnStopWordsTokenEnricher NCEnStopWordsTokenEnricher %}
token enricher.
<code>Line 14</code> defines {% scaladoc nlp/parsers/NCSemanticEntityParser NCSemanticEntityParser %}
configured in YAML file <code>pizzeria_model.yaml</code>.
It uses also simple implementation of {% scaladoc nlp/parsers/NCSemanticStemmer NCSemanticStemmer %}
created on <code>line 7</code> and token parser prepared on <code>line 6</code>.
<code>Line 15</code> defines <code>NCStanfordNLPEntityParser</code> based on Stanford NER
configured for number values detection.
<code>Line 16</code> defines pipeline building.
<p><b>Example with pipeline configured by custom components:</b></p>
<pre class="brush: scala, highlight: []">
val pipeline =
new NCPipelineBuilder().
withTokenParser(new NCFrTokenParser()).
withTokenEnricher(new NCFrLemmaPosTokenEnricher()).
withTokenEnricher(new NCFrStopWordsTokenEnricher()).
withEntityParser(new NCFrSemanticEntityParser("lightswitch_model_fr.yaml")).
There is the pipeline created for work with French Language. All components of this pipeline are custom components.
You can get fore information at examples description chapters:
<a href="examples/light_switch_fr.html">Light Switch FR</a> and
<a href="examples/light_switch_ru.html">Light Switch RU</a>.
Note that these custom components are mostly wrappers on existing open source on NLPCraft built-in solutions and
should be prepared just once when you start work with new language.
<div class="col-md-2 third-column">
<ul class="side-nav">
<li class="side-nav-title">On This Page</li>
<li><a href="#overview">Overview</a></li>
<li><a href="#examples">Examples</a></li>
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