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active_crumb: Server <span class="amp">&amp;</span> Probe
layout: documentation
id: server_and_probe
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<div id="server-and-probes" class="col-md-8 second-column">
<h2 class="section-title">Overview</h2>
REST server and data probe are the two runtime components that you need to run when using NLPCraft.
Data probes are used to deploy and host data model, while REST server (or a cluster of servers) is used
to accept client REST call and route them to the data models via data probes.
<h3 class="section-sub-title">REST Server vs. Data Probe</h3>
It's important to remember why REST server is a separate component from a data probe. While a
typical deployment would have only one REST server (or a cluster of REST servers behind a single
load balancer), there are maybe multiple data probes hosting different data models deployed in
different physical locations, managed through different life cycles and requiring different
security and network configurations.
Moreover, REST server is a heavy and resource consuming component that is built around Apache
Ignite distributing in-memory computing capabilities - while the data probe is a lightweight
data model container. During the development and testing of data models, the developers need to
frequently redeploy data models by restarting the data probe. If the REST server and the data probe
would be one component - this process would be very inefficient.
<h3 class="section-sub-title">All-Inclusive JAR</h3>
<a href="/download.html#zip">Binary</a> NLPCraft ZIP download comes with a single executable JAR file that includes all
necessary dependencies: <code>build/<b>apache-nlpcraft-incubating-{{site.latest_version}}-all-deps.jar</b></code>.
This single all-inclusive JAR file can be used to start any NLPCraft runtime components as standard
Java applications and includes binary classes for:
<li><a href="#server">REST Server</a></li>
<li><a href="#probe">Data Probe</a></li>
<li><a href="/tools/script.html">NLPCraft CLI</a></li>
<li><a href="/data-model.html">Model API</a></li>
Note that if you downloaded the <a href="/download.html#src">source</a> ZIP you need to run <code>mvn clean package</code> to
get the <code>apache-nlpcraft-incubating-{{site.latest_version}}-all-deps.jar</code>
file. It will be located in <code>nlpcraft/target</code> sub-folder.
<section id="server">
<h2 class="section-title">REST Server</h2>
REST server accepts client REST calls and routes them to the data model hosted by data probes.
REST server can be started in different ways:
<div class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
<a class="nav-item nav-link active" data-toggle="tab" href="#nav-srv-script" role="tab" aria-controls="nav-home" aria-selected="true">NLPCraft CLI</a>
<a class="nav-item nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#nav-srv-class" role="tab" aria-controls="nav-home" aria-selected="true">Java Class</a>
<a class="nav-item nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#nav-srv-docker" role="tab" aria-controls="nav-home" aria-selected="true"><i class="fab fa-docker"></i> Docker</a>
<div class="tab-content">
<div class="tab-pane fade show active" id="nav-srv-script" role="tabpanel">
<pre class="brush: bash">
$ bin/ start-server
<a href="/tools/script.html">NLPCraft CLI</a> is available as <code></code> for Unix/Linux/MacOS and <code>nlpcraft.cmd</code> for Windows.
Run <code>bin/ help --cmd=start-server</code> to get a full help on this command.
<div class="tab-pane fade show" id="nav-srv-class" role="tabpanel">
If using just executable JAR:
<pre class="brush: bash">
$ java -Xms1024m -jar apache-nlpcraft-incubating-{{site.latest_version}}-all-deps.jar -server
If specifying additional classpath components and need <code>-cp</code> parameter:
<pre class="brush: bash">
$ java -Xms1024m -cp apache-nlpcraft-incubating-{{site.latest_version}}-all-deps.jar org.apache.nlpcraft.NCStart -server
Make sure to provide correct path to <code>apache-nlpcraft-incubating-{{site.latest_version}}-all-deps.jar</code> file.
Class <code>org.apache.nlpcraft.NCStart</code> is a common entry point for all NLPCraft runtime components.
Class <code>org.apache.nlpcraft.NCStart</code> should be used to star REST server from IDE.
<em>Mandatory</em> parameter to indicate that you are starting the REST server.
<em>Optional</em> parameter to provide configuration file path.
Server will automatically look for <code>nlpcraft.conf</code> configuration file in the same directory
as <code>apache-nlpcraft-incubating-{{site.latest_version}}-all-deps.jar</code> file. If the configuration
file has different name or in different location use <code>-config=path</code> parameter
where <code>path</code> is an absolute path to the configuration file. Note that the server and the data
probe can use the same file for their configuration (just like the
default <code>nlpcraft.conf</code> contains configuration for both the server and the data probe).
<em>Optional</em> parameter to provide <a target=_ href="">Apache Ignite</a> configuration file path.
Note that Apache Ignite is used as a cluster computing plane and a default distributed storage.
Server will automatically look for <code>ignite.xml</code>
configuration file in the same directory as <code>apache-nlpcraft-incubating-{{site.latest_version}}-all-deps.jar</code> file.
If the configuration file has different name or in different location use <code>-igniteConfig=path</code> parameter
where <code>path</code> is an absolute path to the Ignite configuration file.
<div class="tab-pane fade show" id="nav-srv-docker" role="tabpanel">
If Docker image is available for given version you can start REST server as follows:
<pre class="brush: bash">
$ docker run -m 8G -p 8081:8081 -p 8201:8201 -p 8202:8202 nlpcraftserver/server:{{site.latest_version}}
<h3 class="section-sub-title">JVM Memory</h3>
Make sure to allocate enough memory for server JVM using <code>-Xms</code> JVM option, i.e. <code>-Xms1024m</code>.
Many 3rd party NLP engines like Stanford CoreNLP are very memory intensive and may require several GBs
of JVM heap allocated depending on the models used. Note that when server JVM has insufficient heap
memory the Apache Ignite may throw the following warning logs:
<pre class="brush: text">
Jul-22 13:27:56 [INFO ] ...
Jul-22 13:28:08 [WARN ] Possible too long JVM pause: 11364 milliseconds.
Jul-22 13:28:11 [INFO ] ...
<code>nlpcraft.{sh|cmd}</code> script automatically uses <code>-Xms1024m</code> for <code>start-server</code> command.
The abnormally long GC pauses (over 5s) can be caused by the excessive memory swapping performed by OS due to
insufficient JVM heap memory.
<h3 class="section-sub-title">Apache Ignite 2.x and JDK 11</h3>
NLPCraft REST server uses Apache Ignite 2.x as its distributed in-memory computing plane. Apache Ignite
<a target=_new href="">recommends</a>
the following additional JVM options to be used when running Apache Ignite 2.x on JDK 11:
<pre class="brush: text">
<code>nlpcraft.{sh|cmd}</code> script automatically uses these options for <code>start-server</code> command.
<section id="probe">
<h2 class="section-title">Data Probe</h2>
Data probes are used to deploy and host data mode, and can also be started in several ways:
<div class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
<a class="nav-item nav-link active" data-toggle="tab" href="#nav-probe-script" role="tab" aria-controls="nav-home" aria-selected="true">NLPCraft CLI</a>
<a class="nav-item nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#nav-probe-class" role="tab" aria-controls="nav-home" aria-selected="true">Java Class</a>
<div class="tab-content">
<div class="tab-pane fade show active" id="nav-probe-script" role="tabpanel">
<pre class="brush: bash">
$ bin/ start-probe
<a href="/tools/script.html">NLPCraft CLI</a> is available as <code></code> for Unix/Linux/MacOS and <code>nlpcraft.cmd</code> for Windows.
Run <code>bin/ help --cmd=start-probe</code> to get a full help on this command.
<div class="tab-pane fade show" id="nav-probe-class" role="tabpanel">
If using just executable JAR:
<pre class="brush: bash">
$ java -jar apache-nlpcraft-incubating-{{site.latest_version}}-all-deps.jar -probe
If specifying additional classpath components and need <code>-cp</code> parameter:
<pre class="brush: bash">
java -cp apache-nlpcraft-incubating-{{site.latest_version}}-all-deps.jar:/my/project/classes org.apache.nlpcraft.NCStart -probe -config=/my/project/probe.conf
<code>/my/project</code> directory contains user-defined model implementation
Make sure to provide correct path to <code>apache-nlpcraft-incubating-{{site.latest_version}}-all-deps.jar</code> file.
Class <code>org.apache.nlpcraft.NCStart</code> is a common entry point for all NLPCraft runtime components.
Class <code>org.apache.nlpcraft.NCStart</code> should be used to star data probe from IDE.
<em>Mandatory</em> parameter to indicate that you are starting a data probe.
<em>Optional</em> parameter to provide probe configuration file path.
Data probe will automatically look for <code>nlpcraft.conf</code> configuration file in the same directory
as <code>apache-nlpcraft-incubating-{{site.latest_version}}-all-deps.jar</code> file. If the configuration
file has different name or in different location use <code>-config=path</code> parameter
where <code>path</code> is an absolute path to the data probe configuration file. Note that the server and the data
probe can use the same file for their configuration (just like the
default <code>nlpcraft.conf</code> contains configuration for both the server and the data probe).
<section id="config">
<h2 class="section-title">Configuration</h2>
Both REST server and the data probe use <a target=_ href="">Typesafe Config</a> for their configuration:
<li>Both the server and the data probe come with default configuration available in <code>build/<b>nlpcraft.conf</b></code> file.</li>
<li>Custom configuration or default overrides can be placed into a file or provided via environment variables.</li>
<li>Configuration files use <a target=_ href="">HOCON</a> file format.</li>
Server and probe configuration can be placed in the same file (as it is shipped by default in <code>build/nlpcraft.conf</code> file)
or kept in separate files. When kept in separate files each file would have either <code>nlpcraft.server</code>
or <code>nlpcraft.probe</code> sub-section.
By default, when REST server or data probe start they look for <code>nlpcraft.conf</code> configuration file in the same directory
as <code>apache-nlpcraft-incubating-{{site.latest_version}}-all-deps.jar</code> file and the on their classpath. You can change this behavior with
<code>-config=path</code> parameter.
<h3 class="section-sub-title">Separate Configurations</h3>
Default configuration is available in <code>build/<b>nlpcraft.conf</b></code> file and it is extensively documented. It has subsections
for the server and probe configuration. You can also separate server and probe configurations into their own
separate files. Each file would have just a subsection of configuration for either server or data probe.
Server configuration file (e.g. <code>server_nlpcraft.conf</code>):
<pre class="brush: js">
nlpcraft {
server {
Probe configuration file (e.g. <code>probe_nlpcraft.conf</code>):
<pre class="brush: js">
nlpcraft {
probe {
<section id="override">
<h3 class="section-sub-title">Custom Configuration</h3>
While you can change configuration file or files for your own needs (and use <code>-config=...</code>
parameter described above to provide path to that file) it is often more convenient to use the default configuration file and just
change one or two properties in it. You can accomplish this by using standard
<a target=_ href="">HOCON overriding</a>
via environment variables:
Set probe or server JVM system property <code>-Dconfig.override_with_env_vars=true</code> which will instruct
configuration framework to look for external overrides.
<li>For each configuration property <code>x.y.z</code> set the overriding environment variable <code>CONFIG_FORCE_x_y_z=some_value</code></li>
<li>See more details on <a target=_ href="">HOCON documentation</a>.</li>
Consider the following snippet of NLPCraft configuration:
<pre class="brush: js">
nlpcraft {
probe {
models = "com.nlp.MyModel"
server {
lifecycle = "org.apache.nlpcraft.server.lifecycle.opencensus.NCJaegerExporter"
rest {
host = ""
port = 8081
apiImpl = ""
You can override these properties with the following environment variables:
<code>CONFIG_FORCE_<b>nlpcraft_server_lifecycle</b>="org.nlp.Lifecycle1, org.nlp.Lifecycle1"</code><br>
<code>CONFIG_FORCE_<b>nlpcraft_probe_models</b>="com.nlp.MyModel, com.nlp.AnotherModel"</code>
<div class="bq info">
Note that all examples that come with NLPCraft have instructions that use environment variable overriding
for running their data probes. They use default <code>nlpcraft.conf</code> file and just override
one <code>nlpcraft.probe.models</code> property (see above) to specify what model the data probe
needs to deploy.
<section id="ansi">
<h2 class="section-title">ANSI Colors</h2>
Both NLPCraft server and probe use ANSI coloring via
<a target=_ href="">ANSI escape sequences</a> for their log
output by default. ANSI coloring provides easer console log comprehension and modern esthetics:
<img class="non-fluid-img" src="/images/ansi_colors.png" alt="">
However, there are
cases when either specific console does not support ANSI escape sequences, or specific color schema
isn't suitable or log being redirected to a file or piped to downstream system. In these cases you need to
disable ANSI coloring to avoid polluting log with unprocessed ANSI escape codes.
You can disable ANSI coloring in either server, probe or both by supplying the following system
property to JVM process: <code>-D<b>NLPCRAFT_ANSI_COLOR_DISABLED</b>=true</code>
<section id="testing">
<h2 class="section-title">CI Testing</h2>
It is a good practice to run units tests during routine builds using Maven (or others CI toolchains). To
test data models you need to have a running server and then start one or more data probes with
models you want to test. While doing this from IDE can be trivial enough, doing this from Maven
can be tricky.
The challenge is that from the Maven build you need to start the server, wait til its fully started and
initialized, and only then start issuing REST calls, start data probes or run tests that use <a href="/tools/embedded_probe.html">embedded probes</a>.
When done manually (e.g. from IDE) you can visually observe when the server finished its startup and then manually
launch the tests. In Maven, however, you need to use a special plugin to accomplish the same in
automated fashion.
<div class="bq info">
<b>Probe Waits For Server</b>
Technically, when a data probe starts up it will initialize, load the models, and will automatically wait for the server to get online
if it isn't yet (as well as periodically check for it). Once server is online the data probe will automatically connect to it. However,
if the unit tests don't use data probe and just issue REST calls then these tests have to somehow wait for the
server to get online.
To overcome this challenge you can use
<a target="github" href=""><code>process-exec-maven-plugin</code></a>
Maven plugin.
To get around this problem NLPCraft uses <a target="github" href=""><code>process-exec-maven-plugin</code></a>
Maven plugin in its own build. This plugin allows to start the external process and use configured URL
endpoint to check whether or not the external process has fully started. This works perfect with NLPCraft server
<a href="/using-rest.html#tools">health check REST call</a>. The plugin can be configured in the following way for your own project
(taken directly from NLPCraft <a target="github" href=""><code>pom.xml</code></a>):
<pre class="brush: xml, highlight: [14, 16, 28]">
On line 14 we specify the URL endpoint to check whether or not our server is online. We use
<code>/health</code> localhost REST call for that.
On line 16 we redirect the output from server to a dedicated file to <b>avoid interleaving</b> log
from server and log from data probe in the same console (where we are running the Maven build from).
Such interleaving will make the combined log unreadable and can cause output problem for the console
due to mixed up ANSI escape sequences from server and data probe.
Since the server log is piped out to a separate file we disable ANSI coloring for the server
on the line 28.
<div class="bq info">
<b>Avoid Interleaving Logs</b>
When running both server and the data probe(s) from the Maven build it is important to avoid interleaving
logs from the server and the probe. Such interleaving will make the combined log in Maven unreadable and
can cause console malfunction due to mixed up ANSI escape codes. It is idiomatic in such cases to:
Disable ANSI coloring for the server via <code>-D<b>NLPCRAFT_ANSI_COLOR_DISABLED</b>=true</code>
Pipe out the server log into a dedicated file using Maven plugins like
<a target="github" href=""><code>process-exec-maven-plugin</code></a>.
<div class="col-md-2 third-column">
<ul class="side-nav">
<li class="side-nav-title">On This Page</li>
<li><a href="#server">REST Server</a></li>
<li><a href="#probe">Data Probe</a></li>
<li><a href="#config">Configuration</a></li>
<li><a href="#ansi">ANSI Colors</a></li>
<li><a href="#testing">CI Testing</a></li>
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