blob: e0dd0e3981419765dc83ed6944b86f95f8ea7d03 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import org.apache.nemo.common.Util;
import org.apache.nemo.common.dag.DAG;
import org.apache.nemo.common.dag.DAGBuilder;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.IntPredicate;
* IRVertex that contains a partial DAG that is iterative.
public final class LoopVertex extends IRVertex {
private static int duplicateEdgeGroupId = 0;
// Contains DAG information
private final DAGBuilder<IRVertex, IREdge> builder = new DAGBuilder<>();
private final String compositeTransformFullName;
// for the initial iteration
private final Map<IRVertex, Set<IREdge>> dagIncomingEdges = new HashMap<>();
// Edges from previous iterations connected internal.
private final Map<IRVertex, Set<IREdge>> iterativeIncomingEdges = new HashMap<>();
// Edges from outside previous iterations.
private final Map<IRVertex, Set<IREdge>> nonIterativeIncomingEdges = new HashMap<>();
// for the final iteration
private final Map<IRVertex, Set<IREdge>> dagOutgoingEdges = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<IREdge, IREdge> edgeWithLoopToEdgeWithInternalVertex = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<IREdge, IREdge> edgeWithInternalVertexToEdgeWithLoop = new HashMap<>();
private Integer maxNumberOfIterations;
private transient IntPredicate terminationCondition;
* The LoopVertex constructor.
* @param compositeTransformFullName full name of the composite transform.
public LoopVertex(final String compositeTransformFullName) {
this.compositeTransformFullName = compositeTransformFullName;
this.maxNumberOfIterations = 1; // 1 is the default number of iterations.
this.terminationCondition = (IntPredicate & Serializable) (integer -> false); // nothing much yet.
* Copy Constructor for LoopVertex.
* @param that the source object for copying
private LoopVertex(final LoopVertex that) {
this.compositeTransformFullName = new String(that.compositeTransformFullName);
// Copy all elements to the clone
final DAG<IRVertex, IREdge> dagToCopy = that.getDAG();
dagToCopy.topologicalDo(v -> {
this.getBuilder().addVertex(v, dagToCopy);
that.dagIncomingEdges.forEach(((v, es) -> es.forEach(this::addDagIncomingEdge)));
that.iterativeIncomingEdges.forEach((v, es) -> es.forEach(this::addIterativeIncomingEdge));
that.nonIterativeIncomingEdges.forEach((v, es) -> es.forEach(this::addNonIterativeIncomingEdge));
that.dagOutgoingEdges.forEach(((v, es) -> es.forEach(this::addDagOutgoingEdge)));
this.maxNumberOfIterations = that.maxNumberOfIterations;
this.terminationCondition = that.terminationCondition;
public LoopVertex getClone() {
return new LoopVertex(this);
* @return DAGBuilder of the LoopVertex.
public DAGBuilder<IRVertex, IREdge> getBuilder() {
return builder;
* @return the DAG of the LoopVertex
public DAG<IRVertex, IREdge> getDAG() {
return builder.buildWithoutSourceSinkCheck();
* @return the full name of the composite transform.
public String getName() {
return compositeTransformFullName;
* Maps an edge from/to loop with the corresponding edge from/to internal vertex.
* @param edgeWithLoop an edge from/to loop
* @param edgeWithInternalVertex the corresponding edge from/to internal vertex
public void mapEdgeWithLoop(final IREdge edgeWithLoop, final IREdge edgeWithInternalVertex) {
this.edgeWithLoopToEdgeWithInternalVertex.put(edgeWithLoop, edgeWithInternalVertex);
this.edgeWithInternalVertexToEdgeWithLoop.put(edgeWithInternalVertex, edgeWithLoop);
* @param edgeWithInternalVertex an edge with internal vertex
* @return the corresponding edge with loop for the specified edge with internal vertex
public IREdge getEdgeWithLoop(final IREdge edgeWithInternalVertex) {
return this.edgeWithInternalVertexToEdgeWithLoop.get(edgeWithInternalVertex);
* Adds the incoming edge of the contained DAG.
* @param edge edge to add.
public void addDagIncomingEdge(final IREdge edge) {
this.dagIncomingEdges.putIfAbsent(edge.getDst(), new HashSet<>());
* @return incoming edges of the contained DAG.
public Map<IRVertex, Set<IREdge>> getDagIncomingEdges() {
return this.dagIncomingEdges;
* Adds an iterative incoming edge, from the previous iteration, but connection internally.
* @param edge edge to add.
public void addIterativeIncomingEdge(final IREdge edge) {
this.iterativeIncomingEdges.putIfAbsent(edge.getDst(), new HashSet<>());
* @return the iterative incoming edges inside the DAG.
public Map<IRVertex, Set<IREdge>> getIterativeIncomingEdges() {
return this.iterativeIncomingEdges;
* Adds a non-iterative incoming edge, from outside the previous iteration.
* @param edge edge to add.
public void addNonIterativeIncomingEdge(final IREdge edge) {
this.nonIterativeIncomingEdges.putIfAbsent(edge.getDst(), new HashSet<>());
* @return the non-iterative incoming edges of the LoopVertex.
public Map<IRVertex, Set<IREdge>> getNonIterativeIncomingEdges() {
return this.nonIterativeIncomingEdges;
* Adds and outgoing edge of the contained DAG.
* @param edge edge to add.
public void addDagOutgoingEdge(final IREdge edge) {
this.dagOutgoingEdges.putIfAbsent(edge.getSrc(), new HashSet<>());
* @return outgoing edges of the contained DAG.
public Map<IRVertex, Set<IREdge>> getDagOutgoingEdges() {
return this.dagOutgoingEdges;
* Marks duplicate edges with DuplicateEdgeGroupProperty.
public void markDuplicateEdges() {
nonIterativeIncomingEdges.forEach(((irVertex, irEdges) -> irEdges.forEach(irEdge -> {
DuplicateEdgeGroupProperty.of(new DuplicateEdgeGroupPropertyValue(String.valueOf(duplicateEdgeGroupId))));
* Method for unrolling an iteration of the LoopVertex.
* @param dagBuilder DAGBuilder to add the unrolled iteration to.
* @return a LoopVertex with one less maximum iteration.
public LoopVertex unRollIteration(final DAGBuilder<IRVertex, IREdge> dagBuilder) {
final HashMap<IRVertex, IRVertex> originalToNewIRVertex = new HashMap<>();
final DAG<IRVertex, IREdge> dagToAdd = getDAG();
// add the DAG and internal edges to the dagBuilder.
dagToAdd.topologicalDo(irVertex -> {
final IRVertex newIrVertex = irVertex.getClone();
originalToNewIRVertex.putIfAbsent(irVertex, newIrVertex);
dagBuilder.addVertex(newIrVertex, dagToAdd);
dagToAdd.getIncomingEdgesOf(irVertex).forEach(edge -> {
final IRVertex newSrc = originalToNewIRVertex.get(edge.getSrc());
final IREdge newIrEdge =
new IREdge(edge.getPropertyValue(CommunicationPatternProperty.class).get(), newSrc, newIrVertex);
// process DAG incoming edges.
getDagIncomingEdges().forEach((dstVertex, irEdges) -> irEdges.forEach(edge -> {
final IREdge newIrEdge = new IREdge(edge.getPropertyValue(CommunicationPatternProperty.class).get(),
edge.getSrc(), originalToNewIRVertex.get(dstVertex));
if (loopTerminationConditionMet()) {
// if termination condition met, we process the DAG outgoing edge.
getDagOutgoingEdges().forEach((srcVertex, irEdges) -> irEdges.forEach(edge -> {
final IREdge newIrEdge = new IREdge(edge.getPropertyValue(CommunicationPatternProperty.class).get(),
originalToNewIRVertex.get(srcVertex), edge.getDst());
// process next iteration's DAG incoming edges
this.nonIterativeIncomingEdges.forEach((dstVertex, irEdges) -> irEdges.forEach(this::addDagIncomingEdge));
this.iterativeIncomingEdges.forEach((dstVertex, irEdges) -> irEdges.forEach(edge -> {
final IREdge newIrEdge = new IREdge(edge.getPropertyValue(CommunicationPatternProperty.class).get(),
originalToNewIRVertex.get(edge.getSrc()), dstVertex);
return this;
* @return whether or not the loop termination condition has been met.
public Boolean loopTerminationConditionMet() {
return loopTerminationConditionMet(maxNumberOfIterations);
* @param intPredicateInput input for the intPredicate of the loop termination condition.
* @return whether or not the loop termination condition has been met.
public Boolean loopTerminationConditionMet(final Integer intPredicateInput) {
return maxNumberOfIterations <= 0 || terminationCondition.test(intPredicateInput);
* Set the maximum number of iterations.
* @param maxNum maximum number of iterations.
public void setMaxNumberOfIterations(final Integer maxNum) {
this.maxNumberOfIterations = maxNum;
* @return termination condition int predicate.
public IntPredicate getTerminationCondition() {
return terminationCondition;
* @return maximum number of iterations.
public Integer getMaxNumberOfIterations() {
return this.maxNumberOfIterations;
* increase the value of maximum number of iterations by 1.
public void increaseMaxNumberOfIterations() {
* decrease the value of maximum number of iterations by 1.
private void decreaseMaxNumberOfIterations() {
* Check termination condition.
* @param that another vertex.
* @return true if equals.
public boolean terminationConditionEquals(final LoopVertex that) {
if (this.maxNumberOfIterations.equals(that.getMaxNumberOfIterations()) && Util
.checkEqualityOfIntPredicates(this.terminationCondition, that.getTerminationCondition(),
this.maxNumberOfIterations)) {
return true;
return false;
* Set the intPredicate termination condition for the LoopVertex.
* @param terminationCondition the termination condition to set.
public void setTerminationCondition(final IntPredicate terminationCondition) {
this.terminationCondition = terminationCondition;
public ObjectNode getPropertiesAsJsonNode() {
final ObjectNode node = getIRVertexPropertiesAsJsonNode();
node.put("remainingIteration", maxNumberOfIterations);
node.set("DAG", getDAG().asJsonNode());
node.set("dagIncomingEdges", crossingEdgesToJSON(dagIncomingEdges));
node.set("dagOutgoingEdges", crossingEdgesToJSON(dagOutgoingEdges));
final ObjectNode edgeMappings = node.putObject("edgeWithLoopToEdgeWithInternalVertex");
.forEach(entry -> edgeMappings.put(entry.getKey().getId(), entry.getValue().getId()));
return node;
* Convert the crossing edges to JSON.
* @param map map of the crossing edges.
* @return a string of JSON showing the crossing edges.
private static ObjectNode crossingEdgesToJSON(final Map<IRVertex, Set<IREdge>> map) {
final ObjectNode node = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();
map.forEach(((irVertex, irEdges) -> {
final ArrayNode vertexNode = node.putArray(irVertex.getId());
irEdges.forEach(e -> vertexNode.add(e.getId()));
return node;