blob: edd8d4420a8276df7233a80c4eee13149901881f [file] [log] [blame]
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under the License.
#include "MpinClient.h"
#include "CvLogger.h"
#include "CvThread.h"
#include "CvTime.h"
#include "CvHttpRequest.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <getopt.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace CvShared;
//#define BACKEND_URL ""
typedef MPinSDK::String String;
typedef MPinSDK::StringMap StringMap;
void PrintUsage( const char* aExeName, const char* aMessage = NULL )
printf( "\n" );
if ( aMessage != NULL )
printf( "%s\n", aMessage );
printf( "Usage: %s --reg --auth -n <num-of-clients> -r <requests-per-second> [-u <user-prefix> -t <timeout-sec> -c <count>] -b <backend-url>\n", aExeName );
printf( "\n" );
struct sParams
sParams() :
bRegister(false), bAuthenticate(false), numOfClients(0), requestsPerSecond(0),
count(1), userPrefix("test"), timeout(30)
bool bRegister;
bool bAuthenticate;
uint32_t numOfClients;
uint32_t requestsPerSecond;
uint32_t count;
::String backendUrl;
::String userPrefix;
Seconds timeout;
bool doargs( int argc,char **argv, OUT sParams& aParams )
char ch;
if ( argc == 1 )
PrintUsage( argv[0] );
return false;
aParams.bRegister = false;
aParams.bAuthenticate = false;
static struct option long_options[] = {
{ "reg", no_argument, NULL, 1 },
{ "auth", no_argument, NULL, 2 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
int option_index = 0;
while ( (ch = getopt_long(argc,argv,"n:r:b:u:t:c:",long_options,&option_index) ) > 0 )
switch (ch)
case 'n': aParams.numOfClients = atoi(optarg); break;
case 'r': aParams.requestsPerSecond = atoi(optarg); break;
case 'b': aParams.backendUrl = optarg; break;
case 'u': aParams.userPrefix = optarg; break;
case 't': aParams.timeout = atoi(optarg); break;
case 'c': aParams.count = atoi(optarg); break;
case 1: aParams.bRegister = true; break;
case 2: aParams.bAuthenticate = true; break;
return true;
bool SleepRandTime( uint32_t aRequestsPerSecond )
Millisecs time2wait( Seconds(1).ToMillisecs()/aRequestsPerSecond );
int randFactor = (rand() * time2wait.Value())/RAND_MAX - time2wait.Value()/2; // -0.5*time2wait ... +0.5time2wait
Millisecs randTime2wait( time2wait.Value() + randFactor );
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Info, "Waiting [%ld msec] before next request", randTime2wait.Value() );
return SleepFor( randTime2wait );
void WaitAllDone( std::list<CMpinClient*> aListClients, const Seconds aTimeout )
CvShared::TimeValue_t i = 0;
size_t notDone = aListClients.size();
CvShared::TimeValue_t limit = aTimeout.ToMillisecs();
while ( notDone > 0 && i < limit )
notDone = 0;
Millisecs time2wait = Seconds(1);
i += time2wait.Value();
std::list<CMpinClient*>::iterator itr = aListClients.begin();
for( ; itr != aListClients.end(); ++itr )
CMpinClient* pClient = *itr;
if ( !pClient->Done() )
if ( i >= limit )
printf( "Clients #%d for [%s] is not done yet. Tired waiting...\n", pClient->GetId(), pClient->GetUserId().c_str() );
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Warning, "Clients #%d for [%s] is not done yet. Tired waiting...", pClient->GetId(), pClient->GetUserId().c_str() );
if ( notDone > 0 && i < limit )
printf( "Waiting for clients to finish (%ld/%ld). %ld out of %ld not done yet...\n", Millisecs(i).ToSeconds(), Millisecs(limit).ToSeconds(),
notDone, aListClients.size() );
SleepFor( time2wait );
int main(int argc, char** argv)
InitLogger( argv[0], enLogLevel_Info );
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Info, "========== Starting M-Pin Client Test ==========" );
sParams params;
if ( !doargs( argc, argv, params ) )
return 102;
if ( params.numOfClients == 0 )
PrintUsage( argv[0], "Missing parameter: -n <num-of-clients>" );
return -1;
if ( params.requestsPerSecond == 0 )
PrintUsage( argv[0], "Missing parameter: -r <requests-per-second>" );
return -1;
if ( params.backendUrl.empty() )
PrintUsage( argv[0], "Missing parameter: -b <backend-url>" );
return -1;
CvHttpRequest::COpenSslMt sslMtLock;
std::list<CMpinClient*> listClients;
for ( int i = 0; i < params.numOfClients; ++i )
::String userId;
userId.Format("", params.userPrefix.c_str(), i+1);
CMpinClient* pClient = NULL;
if (params.bRegister)
::String pinGood; pinGood.Format("%04d", rand()%10000 );
::String pinBad; pinBad.Format("%04d", rand()%10000 );
while( pinBad == pinGood )
pinBad.Format("%04d", rand()%10000 );
pClient = new CMpinClient( i+1, params.backendUrl, userId, pinGood, pinBad );
pClient = new CMpinClient( i+1, params.backendUrl, userId );
listClients.push_back( pClient );
std::list<CMpinClient*>::iterator itr;
for ( int j = 0; j < params.count; ++j )
if (params.bRegister)
for( itr = listClients.begin(); itr != listClients.end(); ++itr )
CMpinClient* pClient = *itr;
if ( itr != listClients.begin() )
SleepRandTime( params.requestsPerSecond );
// SleepFor( Seconds(5) );
// printf( "Hit any key to continue with authentication..." );
// getchar();
if (params.bAuthenticate)
//First Authentication will retrieve Time Permits, while the second will work with cached ones.
// for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
// {
for( itr = listClients.begin(); itr != listClients.end(); ++itr )
CMpinClient* pClient = *itr;
// pClient->EnableStats(i>0);
if ( itr != listClients.begin() )
SleepRandTime( params.requestsPerSecond );
bool bAuthBad = ( (rand()%10) == 0 );
if ( bAuthBad )
// if ( i == 0 )
// {
// WaitAllDone( listClients );
// printf( "Hit any key to continue with authentication..." );
// getchar();
// }
// }
SleepFor( Seconds(5) );
WaitAllDone( listClients, 30 + params.count*10 );
printf( "==============================================================================================\n" );
printf( "Client ID | User ID | # Errors | # Regs | Min.Reg.Time | Max.Reg.Time | Avg.Reg.Time | # Auths | Min.Auth.Time | Max.Auth.Time | Avg.Auth.Time (all times in are in msec)\n" );
printf( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" );
CMpinClient::sStats_t total;
for( itr = listClients.begin(); itr != listClients.end(); ++itr )
CMpinClient* pClient = *itr;
const CMpinClient::sStats_t& stats = pClient->GetStats();
printf( " #%d | %s | %d | %d | %d | %d | %d | %d | %d | %d | %d\n",
pClient->GetId(), pClient->GetUserId().c_str(), stats.m_numOfErrors,
stats.m_numOfReg, stats.m_minRegMsec, stats.m_maxRegMsec, stats.m_avgRegMsec,
stats.m_numOfAuth, stats.m_minAuthMsec, stats.m_maxAuthMsec, stats.m_avgAuthMsec );
total.m_numOfErrors += stats.m_numOfErrors;
if ( stats.m_numOfErrors == 0 )
if ( stats.m_numOfReg > 0 )
total.m_avgRegMsec = ( total.m_avgRegMsec*total.m_numOfReg + stats.m_avgRegMsec*stats.m_numOfReg ) / ( total.m_numOfReg + stats.m_numOfReg );
total.m_numOfReg += stats.m_numOfReg;
if ( stats.m_numOfAuth > 0 )
total.m_avgAuthMsec = ( total.m_avgAuthMsec*total.m_numOfAuth + stats.m_avgAuthMsec*stats.m_numOfAuth ) / ( total.m_numOfAuth + stats.m_numOfAuth );
total.m_numOfAuth += stats.m_numOfAuth;
if ( stats.m_minRegMsec < total.m_minRegMsec || total.m_minRegMsec == 0 )
total.m_minRegMsec = stats.m_minRegMsec;
if ( stats.m_maxRegMsec > total.m_maxRegMsec )
total.m_maxRegMsec = stats.m_maxRegMsec;
if ( stats.m_minAuthMsec < total.m_minAuthMsec || total.m_minAuthMsec == 0 )
total.m_minAuthMsec = stats.m_minAuthMsec;
if ( stats.m_maxAuthMsec > total.m_maxAuthMsec )
total.m_maxAuthMsec = stats.m_maxAuthMsec;
printf( " TOTAL: ======================================================================================\n" );
printf( " # Errors | # Regs | Min.Reg.Time | Max.Reg.Time | Avg.Reg.Time | # Auths | Min.Auth.Time | Max.Auth.Time | Avg.Auth.Time (all times in are in msec)\n" );
printf( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" );
printf( " %d | %d | %d | %d | %d | %d | %d | %d | %d\n", total.m_numOfErrors,
total.m_numOfReg, total.m_minRegMsec, total.m_maxRegMsec, total.m_avgRegMsec,
total.m_numOfAuth, total.m_minAuthMsec, total.m_maxAuthMsec, total.m_avgAuthMsec );
printf( "==============================================================================================\n" );
printf( "Terminating clients...\n" );
for( itr = listClients.begin(); itr != listClients.end(); ++itr )
CMpinClient* pClient = *itr;
delete pClient;
if ( total.m_numOfErrors > 0 )
printf( "Exiting with %d errors :(\n", total.m_numOfErrors );
printf( "Exiting without errors :)\n" );
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Info, "========== M-Pin Test Client Done ==========" );
return ( total.m_numOfErrors > 0 ) ? -1 : 0;