blob: be00c82d7b6fc413638936524e9793c2e5e43f0a [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2013 CertiVox UK Ltd. *
This file is part of CertiVox SkyKey SDK. *
The CertiVox SkyKey SDK provides developers with an *
extensive and efficient set of cryptographic functions. *
For further information about its features and functionalities please *
refer to *
* The CertiVox SkyKey SDK is free software: you can *
redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the *
GNU Affero General Public License as published by the *
Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, *
or (at your option) any later version. *
* The CertiVox SkyKey SDK is distributed in the hope *
that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the *
See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public *
License along with CertiVox SkyKey SDK. *
If not, see <>. *
You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing *
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develop commercial activities involving the CertiVox SkyKey SDK *
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the CertiVox SkyKey SDK with a closed source product. *
/*! \file CvFileSystem.cpp
\brief C++ classes providing portable File System operations.
*- Project : SkyKey SDK
*- Authors : Mony Aladjem
*- Company : Certivox
*- Created : April 2, 2013
*- Last update : April 3, 2013
*- Platform : Linux / MacOS
*- Dependency :
#include "CvFileSystem.h"
#include "CvString.h"
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <errno.h>
namespace CvShared
while( !empty() )
CvFileAbs* pFile = back();
delete pFile;
CvFileAbs::CvFileAbs( const String& aPath ) :
m_path( aPath )
CvFileAbs::CvFileAbs( const Wstring& aPath ) :
m_path( WstringToString(aPath) )
void CvFileAbs::FixPath()
size_t pos = m_path.find_last_not_of( "/" );
if ( pos != PATH_TYPE::npos && pos < m_path.length()-1 )
m_path.resize( pos+1 );
String CvFileAbs::GetPath() const
return m_path;
Wstring CvFileAbs::GetPathW() const
return StringToWstring( m_path );
String CvFileAbs::GetName() const
size_t pos = m_path.find_last_of( "/" );
if ( pos == Wstring::npos )
return "";
return String( m_path, pos+1 );
Wstring CvFileAbs::GetNameW() const
return StringToWstring( GetName() );
bool CvFile::Exists() const
struct stat st;
if ( stat( m_path.c_str(), &st ) != 0 )
return false;
return !S_ISDIR(st.st_mode);
bool CvFile::Create( bool abCreateParents )
if ( Exists() )
return true;
if ( abCreateParents )
//Check if the parent directory exists
size_t pos = m_path.find_last_of( "/" );
if ( pos != PATH_TYPE::npos )
if ( !CvDirectory( m_path.substr(0,pos) ).Create(true) )
return false;
FILE* fd = fopen( m_path.c_str(), "a+" );
if( fd == NULL )
return false;
fclose( fd );
return true;
bool CvFile::Delete()
return ( remove( m_path.c_str() ) == 0 );
long long CvFile::GetSize() const
struct stat st;
if ( stat( m_path.c_str(), &st ) != 0 )
return 0;
return st.st_size;
bool CvDirectory::Exists() const
struct stat st;
if ( stat( m_path.c_str(), &st ) != 0 )
return false;
return S_ISDIR(st.st_mode);
bool CvDirectory::Create( bool abCreateParents )
if ( Exists() )
return true;
if ( abCreateParents )
//Check if the parent directory exists
size_t pos = m_path.find_last_of( "/" );
if ( pos != PATH_TYPE::npos )
if ( !CvDirectory( m_path.substr(0,pos) ).Create(true) )
return false;
return ( mkdir( m_path.c_str(), S_IRWXU|S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH ) == 0 );
bool CvDirectory::Delete( bool abRecursive )
if ( remove( m_path.c_str() ) != 0 )
if ( !abRecursive || errno != ENOTEMPTY )
return false;
CvList list;
if ( !List( list ) )
return false;
for ( CvList::iterator itr = list.begin(); itr != list.end(); ++itr )
if ( !(*itr)->Delete() )
return false;
return ( remove( m_path.c_str() ) == 0 );
return true;
bool CvDirectory::List( OUT CvList& aListFiles, enType_t aFilter )
DIR* dir = opendir( m_path.c_str() );
if( NULL == dir )
return false;
struct dirent entry;
struct dirent* result = &entry;
int rc = readdir_r( dir, &entry, &result );
while( rc == 0 && result != NULL )
bool bDirectory = ( entry.d_type == DT_DIR );
if ( ( bDirectory && aFilter != enType_File ) || ( !bDirectory && aFilter != enType_Directory ) )
String fileName = entry.d_name;
if( fileName != "." && fileName != ".." )
String fullPath = m_path;
fullPath += '/';
fullPath += fileName;
if ( bDirectory )
aListFiles.push_back( new CvDirectory(fullPath) );
aListFiles.push_back( new CvFile(fullPath) );
rc = readdir_r( dir, &entry, &result );
closedir( dir );
return ( rc == 0 );
} // namespace CvShared