blob: fdc2cad4c990d4b24b1ea29da755bac0c7d8310c [file] [log] [blame]
* File: CvSemaphore.cpp
* Author: mony
* Created on September 26, 2012, 4:28 PM
#include "CvSemaphore.h"
#include "CvLogger.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
namespace CvShared
CvSemaphore::CvSemaphore( const char* apName ) :
m_name(apName), m_bValid(false)
if ( m_bValid )
sem_destroy( &m_hSemaphore );
bool CvSemaphore::Create( u_int aInitialCount )
if ( sem_init( &m_hSemaphore, 0, aInitialCount ) != 0 )
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Error, "ERROR while creating semaphore [%s]: %s (%d)", m_name.c_str(), strerror(errno), errno );
return false;
m_bValid = true;
return true;
bool CvSemaphore::Pend( const Millisecs& aTimeout )
int bOk = true;
switch ( aTimeout.Value() )
case 0: // No Wait lock
if ( sem_trywait( &m_hSemaphore ) != 0 )
if ( errno != EAGAIN )
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Error, "ERROR while trying to pend on semaphore [%s]: %s (%d)", m_name.c_str(), strerror(errno), errno );
bOk = false;
int rc = 0;
rc = sem_wait( &m_hSemaphore );
if ( rc != 0 && errno != EINTR )
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Error, "ERROR while pending on semaphore [%s]: %s (%d)", m_name.c_str(), strerror(errno), errno );
bOk = false;
while( rc != 0 && errno == EINTR );
default: // Timed lock
TimeSpec ts;
GetCurrentTime( ts );
ts += aTimeout.ToTimeSpec();
int rc = 0;
rc = sem_timedwait( &m_hSemaphore, &ts );
if ( rc != 0 && errno != EINTR && errno != ETIMEDOUT )
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Error, "ERROR pending on semaphore [%s] with timeout: %s (%d)\n", m_name.c_str(), strerror(errno), errno );
bOk = false;
while( rc != 0 && errno == EINTR );
if ( rc != 0 && errno == ETIMEDOUT )
bOk = false;
return bOk;
bool CvSemaphore::Post()
if ( sem_post( &m_hSemaphore ) == 0 )
return true;
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Error, "ERROR while posting semaphore [%s]: %s (%d)\n", m_name.c_str(), strerror(errno), errno );
return false;
} // namespace CvShared