blob: 1e69a4f460ae6a440d96b8d79b29494c3f305561 [file] [log] [blame]
* File: CvXml.h
* Author: mony
* Created on September 27, 2011, 5:35 PM
/// \file XmlParser.h
/// @brief This is a wrapper for the RapidXML library.
/// It is provided for convenience purposes and also can serve in the future
/// as an abstraction layer for a XML library.
#ifndef CVXML_H
#define CVXML_H
#include "xml/rapidxml.hpp"
#include "xml/rapidxml_print.hpp"
typedef rapidxml::xml_document<> CvXmlDoc;
typedef rapidxml::xml_node<> CvXmlNode;
typedef rapidxml::xml_attribute<> CvXmlAttr;
typedef rapidxml::parse_error CvXmlParseException;
#endif /* CVXML_H */