Update documentation
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 08808bb..867f62a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -83,6 +83,11 @@
 The `customHeaders` parameter is optional and allows the caller to pass additional map of custom headers, which will be added to any HTTP request that the SDK executes.
+##### `void SetClientId(String clientId)`
+This method will set a specific _Client ID_ which the SDK should use when sending requests to the backend.
+As an example, the MIRACL MFA Platform issues _Client IDs_ for registered applications, which use the platform for authenticating users.
+When the SDK is used to authenticate users specifically for this registered application, the _Client ID_ should be set by the app using this method. 
 ##### `Status TestBackend(String server)`
 ##### `Status TestBackend(String server, String rpsPrefix)`
 This method will test whether `server` is a valid back-end URL by trying to retrieve Client Settings from it.
@@ -273,6 +278,13 @@
 * `INCORRECT_PIN` - The authentication failed because of incorrect PIN. After the 3rd (configurable in the RPS) unsuccessful authentication attempt, the method will still return `INCORRECT_PIN` but the User State will be set to `BLOCKED`.
 * `INCORRECT_ACCESS_NUMBER` - The authentication failed because of incorrect Access Number. 
+##### `Status FinishAuthenticationMFA(User user, String pin, StringBuilder authzCode)`
+This method is almost identical to the standard `FinishAuthentication()`, but it returns back an _Authorization Code_, which should be used further by the app back-end to validate the authenticated user.
+This method is useful when authenticating users against the MIRACL MFA Platform.
+For this flow to work, the app should also set a _Client ID_ through the `SetClientId()` method.
+The Platform will provide the _Authorization Code_ as a result from the authentication.
+This code should be then passed by the app to the back-end, where it should be verified using one of the MFA Paltform SDK flavors.
 ##### `bool CanLogout(User user)`
 This method is used after authentication with an Access Number/Code through `FinishAuthenticationAN()`.
 After such an authentication, the Mobile Device can log out the end-user from the Browser session, if the RPA supports that functionality.