blob: fcb2b8aba86958219278e4e4c8010c1f9e02d4b1 [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// Build with (note the location of protobuf & gohome
// Also you cant use ~ to refer to home dir
protoc \
--proto_path=$HOME/go/src \
--proto_path=$HOME/go/src/ \
--proto_path=. \
--go_out=. \
--govalidators_out=. \
Validation performed using
To Create an extensible document structure that
1) Entire document is signed by the author, this signature can be verified.
2) It contains a Plaintext Message - which anyone can read
3) It contains multiple Encrypted Messages
a) Each encrypted message can be decrytpted by different recipients.
b) The recipients of each encrypted message are detail as Recipients in the header
package documents;
import "";
import "";
//The Encrypted Envelope
message SignedEnvelope {
bytes Signature = 1 [(validator.field) = { length_gt: 20}];
string SignerCID = 2 [(validator.field) = {regex: "^Q[[:alnum:]]{45}$|^$"}];
bytes Message = 3;
message Envelope {
Header Header = 1;
bytes Body = 2;
bytes EncryptedBody = 3;
message Header {
string IPFSID = 1; //this is always blank in a live document, the ID of the IPFS file is insert after decoding
float Version = 2;
int64 DateTime = 3 [(validator.field) = {int_gt:1564050341,int_lt:32521429541}];
string PreviousCID = 4;
float BodyTypeCode = 5;
float BodyVersion = 6;
float EncryptedBodyTypeCode = 7;
float EncryptedBodyVersion = 8;
bytes EncryptedBodyIV = 9;
repeated Recipient Recipients = 10 [(validator.field) = { repeated_count_max: 20}];
message Recipient {
float Version = 1;
string CID = 2 [(validator.field) = {regex: "^Q[[:alnum:]]{45}$|^$"}];
bytes EncapsulatedKey = 3;
bytes CipherText = 4;
bytes IV = 5;
message IDDocument {
string AuthenticationReference = 1;
bytes BeneficiaryECPublicKey = 2;
bytes SikePublicKey = 3;
bytes BLSPublicKey = 4;
int64 Timestamp = 5 [(validator.field) = {int_gt:1564050341,int_lt:32521429541}];
message OrderDocument {
enum OrderBeneficiaryType {
Unspecified = 0;
Beneficiary_Known_at_start = 1;
Beneficiary_Unknown_at_Start = 2;
string Type = 1; //This can be used to extend the types of things that an order can do.
OrderBeneficiaryType BeneficiaryType = 2;
int64 Coin = 3 [(validator.field) = {int_gt: -1, int_lt: 999}];
string PrincipalCID = 4 [(validator.field) = {regex: "^Q[[:alnum:]]{45}$|^$"}]; //empty if ok
string BeneficiaryCID = 5 [(validator.field) = {regex: "^Q[[:alnum:]]{45}$|^$"}]; //empty if ok
string Reference = 6 [(validator.field) = {string_not_empty:true}]; //an id for this order e.g. walletID
bytes ReferenceSignature = 7;
int64 Timestamp = 8 [(validator.field) = {int_gt:1564050341,int_lt:32521429541}];
OrderPart2 OrderPart2 = 9;
OrderPart3 OrderPart3 = 10;
OrderPart4 OrderPart4 = 11;
map<string, string> OrderReqExtension = 12;
map<string, string> OrderSecretReqExtension = 13;
message OrderPart2 {
string CommitmentPublicKey = 1;
string PreviousOrderCID = 2 [(validator.field) = {regex: "^Q[[:alnum:]]{45}$|^$"}];
int64 Timestamp = 3 [(validator.field) = {int_gt:1564050341,int_lt:32521429541}];
map<string, string> Extension = 4;
message OrderPart3 {
string Redemption = 1;
string PreviousOrderCID = 2 [(validator.field) = {regex: "^Q[[:alnum:]]{45}$|^$"}];
bytes BeneficiaryEncryptedData = 3;
int64 Timestamp = 4 [(validator.field) = {int_gt:1564050341,int_lt:32521429541}];
map<string, string> Extension = 5;
message OrderPart4 {
string Secret = 1;
string PreviousOrderCID = 2 [(validator.field) = {regex: "^Q[[:alnum:]]{45}$|^$"}];
int64 Timestamp = 3 [(validator.field) = {int_gt:1564050341,int_lt:32521429541}];
map<string, string> Extension = 4;
message Policy{
float Version = 1;
string Name = 2;
message PlainTestMessage1 {
string Nametest1 = 1;
message EncryptTestMessage1 {
string Nametest2 = 1;
message SimpleString {
string Content = 1;
//Version everything!!!!
//Mark SIKE keys with a version
// rtn = makeEnv(char* message, char* SIKEpk[], char* encMessage, char* encapsulatedKey[], char* encapsulationVersion
// rtn = decodeEnv(char* encapsulationVersion, char* encapsulatedKey, char* SIKEprivKey)
// rtn = sign( char* BLSsk, char* signature) 
// rtn = verify(char* signature, char* message)