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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
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// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package documents
import (
mrand "math/rand"
//Test to check that data is being encrypted in Order & not encrypted in ID
func Test_EnvelopeEncryption(t *testing.T) {
s1, id1, _, _, _, blsSK := BuildTestIDDoc()
order, _ := BuildTestOrderDoc()
recipients := map[string]IDDoc{
id1: s1,
testText := "SEARCH_FOR_THIS123"
testTextBytes := []byte(testText)
order.Reference = testText
raw, _ := EncodeOrderDocument(id1, order, blsSK, "", recipients)
contains := bytes.Contains(raw, testTextBytes)
assert.False(t, contains, "Testtext should not be found inside the Envelope - its inside the ciphertext")
iddoc, _, _, _, _, blsSK := BuildTestIDDoc()
iddoc.AuthenticationReference = testText
raw2, _ := EncodeIDDocument(iddoc, blsSK)
contains2 := bytes.Contains(raw2, testTextBytes)
assert.True(t, contains2, "Testtext should be found inside the Envelope -its inside the plaintext")
func Test_EncodeDecodeOrderDoc(t *testing.T) {
s1, id1, _, sikeSK, blsPK, blsSK := BuildTestIDDoc()
order, _ := BuildTestOrderDoc()
recipients := map[string]IDDoc{
id1: s1,
raw, _ := EncodeOrderDocument(id1, order, blsSK, "PREVIOUSCID", recipients)
reconstitutedOrder := OrderDoc{}
_ = DecodeOrderDocument(raw, "NEW IPFS ID", &reconstitutedOrder, sikeSK, id1, blsPK)
order.Header.Recipients[0].CipherText = reconstitutedOrder.Header.Recipients[0].CipherText
differences := deep.Equal(reconstitutedOrder, order)
var failed = false
for _, diff := range differences {
//ignore differences with XXX_ in the names, as these are protobuffer additional fields
if strings.Contains(diff, "XXX_") == false {
failed = true
assert.False(t, failed, "Reconstituted Fields don't match")
assert.NotNil(t, reconstitutedOrder.OrderPart4.Secret, "Reconstituted Fields dont match")
func Test_EncodeDecodeID(t *testing.T) {
iddoc, tag, _, _, _, blsSK := BuildTestIDDoc()
raw, _ := EncodeIDDocument(iddoc, blsSK)
reconstitutedIDDoc := NewIDDoc()
_ = DecodeIDDocument(raw, tag, &reconstitutedIDDoc)
differences := deep.Equal(reconstitutedIDDoc, iddoc)
var failed = false
for _, diff := range differences {
if strings.Contains(diff, "XXX_") == false {
failed = true
assert.False(t, failed, "Reconstituted Fields dont match")
assert.NotNil(t, reconstitutedIDDoc.DateTime, "Reconstituted Fields dont match")
func Test_AESPadding(t *testing.T) {
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
randCount := mrand.Intn(100)
plainText, _ := cryptowallet.RandomBytes(randCount)
cipherText, aesKey, iv, _ := aesEncrypt(plainText)
decryptedPlaintext, _ := aesDecrypt(cipherText, iv, aesKey)
assert.Equal(t, decryptedPlaintext, plainText, "AES round trip fails")
func Test_EncodeDecode(t *testing.T) {
//These are some DocID for local user
s1, id1, _, sikeSK1, _, _ := BuildTestIDDoc()
recipients := map[string]IDDoc{
id1: s1,
seed, _ := cryptowallet.RandomBytes(16)
//Now generate a test Document & use some temp keys, as once made, we needs the TestID above to decode
_, blsPK, blsSK := crypto.BLSKeys(seed, nil)
secretBody := &SimpleString{Content: "B"}
plainText := &SimpleString{Content: "A"}
header := &Header{}
previousIDCode := "previous_id_code"
header.PreviousCID = previousIDCode
rawDoc, err := Encode(id1, plainText, secretBody, header, blsSK, recipients)
assert.Nil(t, err, "Failed to Encode")
//Now test Decode,
sigEnv := &SignedEnvelope{}
_ = proto.Unmarshal(rawDoc, sigEnv)
err = Verify(*sigEnv, blsPK)
assert.Nil(t, err, "Verify fails")
reconPlainText := &SimpleString{}
reconSecretBody := &SimpleString{}
tag := "this is the ipfs id tag"
reconHeader, err := Decode(rawDoc, tag, sikeSK1, id1, reconPlainText, reconSecretBody, blsPK)
assert.Nil(t, err, "Verify fails")
assert.Equal(t, plainText.Content, reconPlainText.Content, "Verify fails")
assert.Equal(t, secretBody.Content, reconSecretBody.Content, "Verify fails")
assert.NotNil(t, reconHeader.DateTime, "Header not populated")
assert.Equal(t, header.PreviousCID, previousIDCode, "Verify fails")
assert.Equal(t, reconHeader.IPFSID, tag, "tag not loaded into header")
func BuildTestOrderDoc() (OrderDoc, error) {
reference, err := uuid.NewUUID()
if err != nil {
return OrderDoc{}, err
order := NewOrderDoc()
//oder.Type will be used to extend the things that an order can do.
order.Type = "Safeguard_Secret"
order.Reference = reference.String()
order.Coin = 0
order.BeneficiaryCID = "TESTBeneficiaryIDDocumentCID"
order.Timestamp = time.Now().Unix()
o2 := &OrderPart2{}
o2.CommitmentPublicKey = "2CommitmentPublicKey"
o2.PreviousOrderCID = "2PreviousOrderCID"
o2.Timestamp = time.Now().Unix()
o3 := &OrderPart3{}
o3.Redemption = "3Redemption"
o3.PreviousOrderCID = "3PreviousOrderCID"
o3.BeneficiaryEncryptedData = []byte("3BeneficiaryEncryptedData")
o3.Timestamp = time.Now().Unix()
o4 := &OrderPart4{}
o4.Secret = "4Secret"
o4.PreviousOrderCID = "4PreviousOrderCID"
o4.Timestamp = time.Now().Unix()
order.OrderPart2 = o2
order.OrderPart3 = o3
order.OrderPart4 = o4
return order, nil
func BuildTestIDDoc() (IDDoc, string, []byte, []byte, []byte, []byte) {
//make some test ID docs
seed, _ := cryptowallet.RandomBytes(16)
_, sikePK, sikeSK := crypto.SIKEKeys(seed)
_, blsPK, blsSK := crypto.BLSKeys(seed, nil)
//id := []byte("TestID1")
envelope := Envelope{}
header := Header{}
idDocument := IDDocument{}
idDocument.SikePublicKey = sikePK
idDocument.BLSPublicKey = blsPK
envelope.Header = &header
envelope.Body, _ = proto.Marshal(&idDocument)
envelope.EncryptedBody = nil
header.EncryptedBodyIV = nil
signedEnvelope, _ := sign(envelope, blsSK, "TESTID")
ipfsID, _ := createIDForSignedEnvelope(signedEnvelope)
iddoc := &IDDoc{}
rawDocI, _ := proto.Marshal(&signedEnvelope)
_ = DecodeIDDocument(rawDocI, ipfsID, iddoc)
return *iddoc, ipfsID, sikePK, sikeSK, blsPK, blsSK
//createIDForSignedEnvelope - create a hash for the document to be used as an ID
func createIDForSignedEnvelope(signedEnvelope SignedEnvelope) (string, []byte) {
dat, _ := proto.Marshal(&signedEnvelope)
return sha256Hash(string(dat)), dat
func sha256Hash(data string) string {
hasher := sha256.New()
_, _ = hasher.Write([]byte(data))
return hex.EncodeToString(hasher.Sum(nil))
//Use - helper to remove warnings
func Use(vals ...interface{}) {
for _, val := range vals {
_ = val