blob: 0cf43bb4440d2d9777587f95325bcf7f3bf2afcf [file] [log] [blame]
Namespaces are used to separate different curves.
So for example to support both ED25519 and the NIST P256 curves, one
could import into a particular module both "amcl/ED25519" and "amcl/NIST256"
Separate ROM files provide the constants required for each curve. Some
files (BIG.go, FP.go, ECP.go) also specify certain constants
that must be set for the particular curve.
Make sure that the GOPATH environmental variable is set.
Then clone the AMCL repository by executing
go get
Ignore the warning message about "no Go files"
This assumes that Git is installed on your machine - see
Next navigate to $GOPATH/src/
NOTE: If the repository address changes, then change the above, and also
change import statements at the start of some files.
To build the library and see it in action, execute the python3
script or (depending om whether you want a
32 or 64-bit build), and select the curves that you wish to support.
As a quick example execute
Then select options 1, 3, 7, 18, 20, 25, 26 and 27 (these are fixed for the example
program provided). Select 0 to exit.
Run the test program by executing
go run TestALL.go
The correct PIN is 1234
Run another test program by executing
go run TestBLS.go
Next run the Benchmark program by executing
go run BenchtestALL.go
go run TestNHS.go