blob: e0a1f80a36f6f177a1c539969c6d53a3f0b4a56f [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef FP48_YYY_H
#define FP48_YYY_H
#include "fp16_YYY.h"
@brief FP12 Structure - towered over three FP16
typedef struct
FP16_YYY a; /**< first part of FP12 */
FP16_YYY b; /**< second part of FP12 */
FP16_YYY c; /**< third part of FP12 */
int type;
} FP48_YYY;
extern const BIG_XXX Fra_YYY; /**< real part of BN curve Frobenius Constant */
extern const BIG_XXX Frb_YYY; /**< imaginary part of BN curve Frobenius Constant */
/* FP48 prototypes */
/** @brief Tests for FP48 equal to zero
@param x FP48 number to be tested
@return 1 if zero, else returns 0
extern int FP48_YYY_iszilch(FP48_YYY *x);
/** @brief Tests for FP48 equal to unity
@param x FP48 number to be tested
@return 1 if unity, else returns 0
extern int FP48_YYY_isunity(FP48_YYY *x);
/** @brief Copy FP48 to another FP48
@param x FP48 instance, on exit = y
@param y FP48 instance to be copied
extern void FP48_YYY_copy(FP48_YYY *x,FP48_YYY *y);
/** @brief Set FP48 to unity
@param x FP48 instance to be set to one
extern void FP48_YYY_one(FP48_YYY *x);
/** @brief Tests for equality of two FP48s
@param x FP48 instance to be compared
@param y FP48 instance to be compared
@return 1 if x=y, else returns 0
extern int FP48_YYY_equals(FP48_YYY *x,FP48_YYY *y);
/** @brief Conjugation of FP48
If y=(a,b,c) (where a,b,c are its three FP16 components) on exit x=(conj(a),-conj(b),conj(c))
@param x FP48 instance, on exit = conj(y)
@param y FP48 instance
extern void FP48_YYY_conj(FP48_YYY *x,FP48_YYY *y);
/** @brief Initialise FP48 from single FP16
Sets first FP16 component of an FP48, other components set to zero
@param x FP48 instance to be initialised
@param a FP16 to form first part of FP48
extern void FP48_YYY_from_FP16(FP48_YYY *x,FP16_YYY *a);
/** @brief Initialise FP48 from three FP16s
@param x FP48 instance to be initialised
@param a FP16 to form first part of FP48
@param b FP16 to form second part of FP48
@param c FP16 to form third part of FP48
extern void FP48_YYY_from_FP16s(FP48_YYY *x,FP16_YYY *a,FP16_YYY* b,FP16_YYY *c);
/** @brief Fast Squaring of an FP48 in "unitary" form
@param x FP48 instance, on exit = y^2
@param y FP16 instance, must be unitary
extern void FP48_YYY_usqr(FP48_YYY *x,FP48_YYY *y);
/** @brief Squaring an FP48
@param x FP48 instance, on exit = y^2
@param y FP48 instance
extern void FP48_YYY_sqr(FP48_YYY *x,FP48_YYY *y);
/** @brief Fast multiplication of two sparse FP24s that arises from ATE pairing line functions
@param x FP48 instance, on exit = x*y
@param y FP48 instance, of special form
extern void FP48_YYY_smul(FP48_YYY *x,FP48_YYY *y);
/** @brief Fast multiplication of what may be sparse multiplicands
@param x FP48 instance, on exit = x*y
@param y FP48 instance, of special form
extern void FP48_YYY_ssmul(FP48_YYY *x,FP48_YYY *y);
/** @brief Full unconditional Multiplication of two FP24s
@param x FP48 instance, on exit = x*y
@param y FP48 instance, the multiplier
extern void FP48_YYY_mul(FP48_YYY *x,FP48_YYY *y);
/** @brief Inverting an FP48
@param x FP48 instance, on exit = 1/y
@param y FP48 instance
extern void FP48_YYY_inv(FP48_YYY *x,FP48_YYY *y);
/** @brief Raises an FP48 to the power of a BIG
@param r FP48 instance, on exit = y^b
@param x FP48 instance
@param b BIG number
extern void FP48_YYY_pow(FP48_YYY *r,FP48_YYY *x,BIG_XXX b);
//extern void FP48_ppow(FP48 *r,FP48 *x,BIG b);
/** @brief Raises an FP48 instance x to a small integer power, side-channel resistant
@param x FP48 instance, on exit = x^i
@param i small integer exponent
@param b maximum number of bits in exponent
extern void FP48_YYY_pinpow(FP48_YYY *x,int i,int b);
/** @brief Raises an FP48 instance x to a BIG_XXX power, compressed to FP16
@param c FP16 instance, on exit = x^(e mod r) as FP16
@param x FP48 input
@param e BIG exponent
@param r BIG group order
extern void FP48_YYY_compow(FP16_YYY *c,FP48_YYY *x,BIG_XXX e,BIG_XXX r);
/** @brief Calculate Pi x[i]^b[i] for i=0 to 15, side-channel resistant
@param r FP48 instance, on exit = Pi x[i]^b[i] for i=0 to 15
@param x FP48 array with 16 FP48s
@param b BIG array of 16 exponents
extern void FP48_YYY_pow16(FP48_YYY *r,FP48_YYY *x,BIG_XXX *b);
/** @brief Raises an FP48 to the power of the internal modulus p, using the Frobenius
@param x FP48 instance, on exit = x^p^n
@param f FP2 precalculated Frobenius constant
@param n power of p
extern void FP48_YYY_frob(FP48_YYY *x,FP2_YYY *f,int n);
/** @brief Reduces all components of possibly unreduced FP48 mod Modulus
@param x FP48 instance, on exit reduced mod Modulus
extern void FP48_YYY_reduce(FP48_YYY *x);
/** @brief Normalises the components of an FP48
@param x FP48 instance to be normalised
extern void FP48_YYY_norm(FP48_YYY *x);
/** @brief Formats and outputs an FP48 to the console
@param x FP48 instance to be printed
extern void FP48_YYY_output(FP48_YYY *x);
/** @brief Formats and outputs an FP48 instance to an octet string
Serializes the components of an FP48 to big-endian base 256 form.
@param S output octet string
@param x FP48 instance to be converted to an octet string
extern void FP48_YYY_toOctet(octet *S,FP48_YYY *x);
/** @brief Creates an FP48 instance from an octet string
De-serializes the components of an FP48 to create an FP48 from big-endian base 256 components.
@param x FP48 instance to be created from an octet string
@param S input octet string
extern void FP48_YYY_fromOctet(FP48_YYY *x,octet *S);
/** @brief Calculate the trace of an FP48
@param t FP16 trace of x, on exit = tr(x)
@param x FP48 instance
extern void FP48_YYY_trace(FP16_YYY *t,FP48_YYY *x);
/** @brief Conditional copy of FP48 number
Conditionally copies second parameter to the first (without branching)
@param x FP48 instance, set to y if s!=0
@param y another FP48 instance
@param s copy only takes place if not equal to 0
extern void FP48_YYY_cmove(FP48_YYY *x,FP48_YYY *y,int s);