blob: 08c50e3b7ca5f038d51d9e7a262a0b2807a04b8a [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef BIG_XXX_H
#define BIG_XXX_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "arch.h"
#include "amcl.h"
#include "config_big_XXX.h"
using namespace amcl;
//#define UNWOUND
#define BMASK_XXX (((chunk)1<<BASEBITS_XXX)-1) /**< Mask = 2^BASEBITS-1 */
#define NEXCESS_XXX (1<<(CHUNK-BASEBITS_XXX-1)) /**< 2^(CHUNK-BASEBITS-1) - digit cannot be multiplied by more than this before normalisation */
#define HBITS_XXX (BASEBITS_XXX/2) /**< Number of bits in number base divided by 2 */
#define HMASK_XXX (((chunk)1<<HBITS_XXX)-1) /**< Mask = 2^HBITS-1 */
//#define DEBUG_NORM
#ifdef DEBUG_NORM /* Add an extra location to track chunk extension */
#define MNV_XXX (NLEN_XXX+1)
#define DMNV_XXX (DNLEN_XXX+1)
namespace XXX {
typedef chunk BIG[NLEN_XXX+2]; /**< Define type BIG as array of chunks */
typedef chunk DBIG[DNLEN_XXX+2]; /**< Define type DBIG as array of chunks */
typedef chunk BIG[NLEN_XXX]; /**< Define type BIG as array of chunks */
typedef chunk DBIG[DNLEN_XXX]; /**< Define type DBIG as array of chunks */
/* BIG number prototypes */
/** @brief Tests for BIG equal to zero
@param x a BIG number
@return 1 if zero, else returns 0
extern int BIG_iszilch(BIG x);
/** @brief Tests for BIG equal to one
@param x a BIG number
@return 1 if one, else returns 0
extern int BIG_isunity(BIG x);
/** @brief Tests for DBIG equal to zero
@param x a DBIG number
@return 1 if zero, else returns 0
extern int BIG_diszilch(DBIG x);
/** @brief Outputs a BIG number to the console
@param x a BIG number
extern void BIG_output(BIG x);
/** @brief Outputs a BIG number to the console in raw form (for debugging)
@param x a BIG number
extern void BIG_rawoutput(BIG x);
/** @brief Conditional constant time swap of two BIG numbers
Conditionally swaps parameters in constant time (without branching)
@param x a BIG number
@param y another BIG number
@param s swap takes place if not equal to 0
extern void BIG_cswap(BIG x,BIG y,int s);
/** @brief Conditional copy of BIG number
Conditionally copies second parameter to the first (without branching)
@param x a BIG number
@param y another BIG number
@param s copy takes place if not equal to 0
extern void BIG_cmove(BIG x,BIG y,int s);
/** @brief Conditional copy of DBIG number
Conditionally copies second parameter to the first (without branching)
@param x a DBIG number
@param y another DBIG number
@param s copy takes place if not equal to 0
extern void BIG_dcmove(BIG x,BIG y,int s);
/** @brief Convert from BIG number to byte array
@param a byte array
@param x BIG number
extern void BIG_toBytes(char *a,BIG x);
/** @brief Convert to BIG number from byte array
@param x BIG number
@param a byte array
extern void BIG_fromBytes(BIG x,char *a);
/** @brief Convert to BIG number from byte array of given length
@param x BIG number
@param a byte array
@param s byte array length
extern void BIG_fromBytesLen(BIG x,char *a,int s);
/**@brief Convert to DBIG number from byte array of given length
@param x DBIG number
@param a byte array
@param s byte array length
extern void BIG_dfromBytesLen(DBIG x,char *a,int s);
/** @brief Outputs a DBIG number to the console
@param x a DBIG number
extern void BIG_doutput(DBIG x);
/** @brief Outputs a DBIG number to the console
@param x a DBIG number
extern void BIG_drawoutput(DBIG x);
/** @brief Copy BIG from Read-Only Memory to a BIG
@param x BIG number
@param y BIG number in ROM
extern void BIG_rcopy(BIG x,const BIG y);
/** @brief Copy BIG to another BIG
@param x BIG number
@param y BIG number to be copied
extern void BIG_copy(BIG x,BIG y);
/** @brief Copy DBIG to another DBIG
@param x DBIG number
@param y DBIG number to be copied
extern void BIG_dcopy(DBIG x,DBIG y);
/** @brief Copy BIG to upper half of DBIG
@param x DBIG number
@param y BIG number to be copied
extern void BIG_dsucopy(DBIG x,BIG y);
/** @brief Copy BIG to lower half of DBIG
@param x DBIG number
@param y BIG number to be copied
extern void BIG_dscopy(DBIG x,BIG y);
/** @brief Copy lower half of DBIG to a BIG
@param x BIG number
@param y DBIG number to be copied
extern void BIG_sdcopy(BIG x,DBIG y);
/** @brief Copy upper half of DBIG to a BIG
@param x BIG number
@param y DBIG number to be copied
extern void BIG_sducopy(BIG x,DBIG y);
/** @brief Set BIG to zero
@param x BIG number to be set to zero
extern void BIG_zero(BIG x);
/** @brief Set DBIG to zero
@param x DBIG number to be set to zero
extern void BIG_dzero(DBIG x);
/** @brief Set BIG to one (unity)
@param x BIG number to be set to one.
extern void BIG_one(BIG x);
/** @brief Set BIG to inverse mod 2^256
@param x BIG number to be inverted
extern void BIG_invmod2m(BIG x);
/** @brief Set BIG to sum of two BIGs - output not normalised
@param x BIG number, sum of other two
@param y BIG number
@param z BIG number
extern void BIG_add(BIG x,BIG y,BIG z);
/** @brief Set BIG to logical or of two BIGs - output normalised
@param x BIG number, or of other two
@param y BIG number
@param z BIG number
extern void BIG_or(BIG x,BIG y,BIG z);
/** @brief Increment BIG by a small integer - output not normalised
@param x BIG number to be incremented
@param i integer
extern void BIG_inc(BIG x,int i);
/** @brief Set BIG to difference of two BIGs
@param x BIG number, difference of other two - output not normalised
@param y BIG number
@param z BIG number
extern void BIG_sub(BIG x,BIG y,BIG z);
/** @brief Decrement BIG by a small integer - output not normalised
@param x BIG number to be decremented
@param i integer
extern void BIG_dec(BIG x,int i);
/** @brief Set DBIG to sum of two DBIGs
@param x DBIG number, sum of other two - output not normalised
@param y DBIG number
@param z DBIG number
extern void BIG_dadd(DBIG x,DBIG y,DBIG z);
/** @brief Set DBIG to difference of two DBIGs
@param x DBIG number, difference of other two - output not normalised
@param y DBIG number
@param z DBIG number
extern void BIG_dsub(DBIG x,DBIG y,DBIG z);
/** @brief Multiply BIG by a small integer - output not normalised
@param x BIG number, product of other two
@param y BIG number
@param i small integer
extern void BIG_imul(BIG x,BIG y,int i);
/** @brief Multiply BIG by not-so-small small integer - output normalised
@param x BIG number, product of other two
@param y BIG number
@param i small integer
@return Overflowing bits
extern chunk BIG_pmul(BIG x,BIG y,int i);
/** @brief Divide BIG by 3 - output normalised
@param x BIG number
@return Remainder
extern int BIG_div3(BIG x);
/** @brief Multiply BIG by even bigger small integer resulting in a DBIG - output normalised
@param x DBIG number, product of other two
@param y BIG number
@param i small integer
extern void BIG_pxmul(DBIG x,BIG y,int i);
/** @brief Multiply BIG by another BIG resulting in DBIG - inputs normalised and output normalised
@param x DBIG number, product of other two
@param y BIG number
@param z BIG number
extern void BIG_mul(DBIG x,BIG y,BIG z);
/** @brief Multiply BIG by another BIG resulting in another BIG - inputs normalised and output normalised
Note that the product must fit into a BIG, and x must be distinct from y and z
@param x BIG number, product of other two
@param y BIG number
@param z BIG number
extern void BIG_smul(BIG x,BIG y,BIG z);
/** @brief Square BIG resulting in a DBIG - input normalised and output normalised
@param x DBIG number, square of a BIG
@param y BIG number to be squared
extern void BIG_sqr(DBIG x,BIG y);
/** @brief Montgomery reduction of a DBIG to a BIG - input normalised and output normalised
@param a BIG number, reduction of a BIG
@param md BIG number, the modulus
@param MC the Montgomery Constant
@param d DBIG number to be reduced
extern void BIG_monty(BIG a,BIG md,chunk MC,DBIG d);
/** @brief Shifts a BIG left by any number of bits - input must be normalised, output normalised
@param x BIG number to be shifted
@param s Number of bits to shift
extern void BIG_shl(BIG x,int s);
/** @brief Fast shifts a BIG left by a small number of bits - input must be normalised, output will be normalised
The number of bits to be shifted must be less than BASEBITS
@param x BIG number to be shifted
@param s Number of bits to shift
@return Overflow bits
extern int BIG_fshl(BIG x,int s);
/** @brief Shifts a DBIG left by any number of bits - input must be normalised, output normalised
@param x DBIG number to be shifted
@param s Number of bits to shift
extern void BIG_dshl(DBIG x,int s);
/** @brief Shifts a BIG right by any number of bits - input must be normalised, output normalised
@param x BIG number to be shifted
@param s Number of bits to shift
extern void BIG_shr(BIG x,int s);
/** @brief Fast time-critical combined shift by 1 bit, subtract and normalise
@param r BIG number normalised output
@param a BIG number to be subtracted from
@param m BIG number to be shifted and subtracted
@return sign of r
extern int BIG_ssn(BIG r,BIG a, BIG m);
/** @brief Fast shifts a BIG right by a small number of bits - input must be normalised, output will be normalised
The number of bits to be shifted must be less than BASEBITS
@param x BIG number to be shifted
@param s Number of bits to shift
@return Shifted out bits
extern int BIG_fshr(BIG x,int s);
/** @brief Shifts a DBIG right by any number of bits - input must be normalised, output normalised
@param x DBIG number to be shifted
@param s Number of bits to shift
extern void BIG_dshr(DBIG x,int s);
/** @brief Splits a DBIG into two BIGs - input must be normalised, outputs normalised
Internal function. The value of s must be approximately in the middle of the DBIG.
Typically used to extract z mod 2^MODBITS and z/2^MODBITS
@param x BIG number, top half of z
@param y BIG number, bottom half of z
@param z DBIG number to be split in two.
@param s Bit position at which to split
@return carry-out from top half
extern chunk BIG_split(BIG x,BIG y,DBIG z,int s);
/** @brief Normalizes a BIG number - output normalised
All digits of the input BIG are reduced mod 2^BASEBITS
@param x BIG number to be normalised
extern chunk BIG_norm(BIG x);
/** @brief Normalizes a DBIG number - output normalised
All digits of the input DBIG are reduced mod 2^BASEBITS
@param x DBIG number to be normalised
extern void BIG_dnorm(DBIG x);
/** @brief Compares two BIG numbers. Inputs must be normalised externally
@param x first BIG number to be compared
@param y second BIG number to be compared
@return -1 is x<y, 0 if x=y, 1 if x>y
extern int BIG_comp(BIG x,BIG y);
/** @brief Compares two DBIG numbers. Inputs must be normalised externally
@param x first DBIG number to be compared
@param y second DBIG number to be compared
@return -1 is x<y, 0 if x=y, 1 if x>y
extern int BIG_dcomp(DBIG x,DBIG y);
/** @brief Calculate number of bits in a BIG - output normalised
@param x BIG number
@return Number of bits in x
extern int BIG_nbits(BIG x);
/** @brief Calculate number of bits in a DBIG - output normalised
@param x DBIG number
@return Number of bits in x
extern int BIG_dnbits(DBIG x);
/** @brief Reduce x mod n - input and output normalised
Slow but rarely used
@param x BIG number to be reduced mod n
@param n The modulus
extern void BIG_mod(BIG x,BIG n);
/** @brief Divide x by n - output normalised
Slow but rarely used
@param x BIG number to be divided by n
@param n The Divisor
extern void BIG_sdiv(BIG x,BIG n);
/** @brief x=y mod n - output normalised
Slow but rarely used. y is destroyed.
@param x BIG number, on exit = y mod n
@param y DBIG number
@param n Modulus
extern void BIG_dmod(BIG x,DBIG y,BIG n);
/** @brief x=y/n - output normalised
Slow but rarely used. y is destroyed.
@param x BIG number, on exit = y/n
@param y DBIG number
@param n Modulus
extern void BIG_ddiv(BIG x,DBIG y,BIG n);
/** @brief return parity of BIG, that is the least significant bit
@param x BIG number
@return 0 or 1
extern int BIG_parity(BIG x);
/** @brief return i-th of BIG
@param x BIG number
@param i the bit of x to be returned
@return 0 or 1
extern int BIG_bit(BIG x,int i);
/** @brief return least significant bits of a BIG
@param x BIG number
@param n number of bits to return. Assumed to be less than BASEBITS.
@return least significant n bits as an integer
extern int BIG_lastbits(BIG x,int n);
/** @brief Create a random BIG from a random number generator
Assumes that the random number generator has been suitably initialised
@param x BIG number, on exit a random number
@param r A pointer to a Cryptographically Secure Random Number Generator
extern void BIG_random(BIG x,csprng *r);
/** @brief Create an unbiased random BIG from a random number generator, reduced with respect to a modulus
Assumes that the random number generator has been suitably initialised
@param x BIG number, on exit a random number
@param n The modulus
@param r A pointer to a Cryptographically Secure Random Number Generator
extern void BIG_randomnum(BIG x,BIG n,csprng *r);
/** brief return NAF (Non-Adjacent-Form) value as +/- 1, 3 or 5, inputs must be normalised
Given x and 3*x extracts NAF value from given bit position, and returns number of bits processed, and number of trailing zeros detected if any
param x BIG number
param x3 BIG number, three times x
param i bit position
param nbs pointer to integer returning number of bits processed
param nzs pointer to integer returning number of trailing 0s
return + or - 1, 3 or 5
/** @brief Calculate x=y*z mod n
Slow method for modular multiplication
@param x BIG number, on exit = y*z mod n
@param y BIG number
@param z BIG number
@param n The BIG Modulus
extern void BIG_modmul(BIG x,BIG y,BIG z,BIG n);
/** @brief Calculate x=y/z mod n
Slow method for modular division
@param x BIG number, on exit = y/z mod n
@param y BIG number
@param z BIG number
@param n The BIG Modulus
extern void BIG_moddiv(BIG x,BIG y,BIG z,BIG n);
/** @brief Calculate x=y^2 mod n
Slow method for modular squaring
@param x BIG number, on exit = y^2 mod n
@param y BIG number
@param n The BIG Modulus
extern void BIG_modsqr(BIG x,BIG y,BIG n);
/** @brief Calculate x=-y mod n
Modular negation
@param x BIG number, on exit = -y mod n
@param y BIG number
@param n The BIG Modulus
extern void BIG_modneg(BIG x,BIG y,BIG n);
/** @brief Calculate jacobi Symbol (x/y)
@param x BIG number
@param y BIG number
@return Jacobi symbol, -1,0 or 1
extern int BIG_jacobi(BIG x,BIG y);
/** @brief Calculate x=1/y mod n
Modular Inversion - This is slow. Uses binary method.
@param x BIG number, on exit = 1/y mod n
@param y BIG number
@param n The BIG Modulus
extern void BIG_invmodp(BIG x,BIG y,BIG n);
/** @brief Calculate x=x mod 2^m
@param x BIG number, on reduced mod 2^m
@param m new truncated size
extern void BIG_mod2m(BIG x,int m);
/** @brief Calculate x=x mod 2^m
@param x DBIG number, on reduced mod 2^m
@param m new truncated size
extern void BIG_dmod2m(DBIG x,int m);
/** @brief Calculates a*b+c+*d
Calculate partial product of a.b, add in carry c, and add total to d
@param a multiplier
@param b multiplicand
@param c carry
@param d pointer to accumulated bottom half of result
@return top half of result
#ifdef dchunk
/* Method required to calculate x*y+c+r, bottom half in r, top half returned */
inline chunk muladd(chunk x,chunk y,chunk c,chunk *r)
dchunk prod=(dchunk)x*y+c+*r;
return (chunk)(prod>>BASEBITS_XXX);
/* No integer type available that can store double the wordlength */
/* accumulate partial products */
inline chunk muladd(chunk x,chunk y,chunk c,chunk *r)
chunk x0,x1,y0,y1;
chunk bot,top,mid,carry;
return top;