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* @file bls192_ZZZ.h
* @author Mike Scott
* @date 28th Novemebr 2018
* @brief BLS Header file
* Allows some user configuration
* defines structures
* declares functions
#ifndef BLS_ZZZ_H
#define BLS_ZZZ_H
#include "pair192_ZZZ.h"
/* Field size is assumed to be greater than or equal to group size */
#define BGS_ZZZ MODBYTES_XXX /**< BLS Group Size */
#define BFS_ZZZ MODBYTES_XXX /**< BLS Field Size */
#define BLS_OK 0 /**< Function completed without error */
#define BLS_FAIL 41 /**< Invalid signature */
#define BLS_INVALID_G1 42 /**< Not a valid G1 point on the curve */
#define BLS_INVALID_G2 43 /**< Not a valid G2 point on the curve */
/* BLS API functions */
/** @brief Generate Key Pair
@param RNG Pointer to a cryptographically secure random number generator
@param S Private key. Generated externally if RNG set to NULL
@param W Public Key. W = S*G, where G is fixed generator
@return Zero for success or else an error code
int BLS_ZZZ_KEY_PAIR_GENERATE(csprng *RNG,octet* S,octet *W);
/** @brief Calculate a signature
@param SIG signature
@param M message to be signed
@param S Private key
@return Zero for success or else an error code
int BLS_ZZZ_SIGN(octet *SIG,octet *M,octet *S);
/** @brief Verify a signature
@param SIG signature
@param M message whose signature is to be verified.
@param W Public key
@return Zero for success or else an error code
int BLS_ZZZ_VERIFY(octet *SIG,octet *M,octet *W);
/** @brief Add two members from the group G1
@param R1 member of G1
@param R2 member of G1
@param R member of G1. R = R1+R2
@return Zero for success or else an error code
int BLS_ZZZ_ADD_G1(octet *R1,octet *R2,octet *R);
/** @brief Add two members from the group G2
@param W1 member of G2
@param W2 member of G2
@param W member of G2. W = W1+W2
@return Zero for success or else an error code
int BLS_ZZZ_ADD_G2(octet *W1,octet *W2,octet *W);
/** @brief Use Shamir's secret sharing to distribute BLS secret keys
@param k Threshold
@param n Number of shares
@param RNG Pointer to a cryptographically secure random number generator
@param X X values
@param Y Y values. Valid BLS secret keys
@param SKI Input secret key to be shared. Ignored if set to NULL
@param SKO Secret key that is shared
@return Zero for success or else an error code
int BLS_ZZZ_MAKE_SHARES(int k, int n, csprng *RNG, octet* X, octet* Y, octet* SKI, octet* SKO);
/** @brief Use Shamir's secret sharing to recover a BLS secret key
@param k Threshold
@param X X values
@param Y Y values. Valid BLS secret keys
@param SK Secret key that is recovered
@return Zero for success or else an error code
int BLS_ZZZ_RECOVER_SECRET(int k, octet* X, octet* Y, octet* SK);
/** @brief Use Shamir's secret sharing to recover a BLS signature
@param k Threshold
@param X X values
@param Y Y values. Valid BLS signatures
@param SIG Signature that is recovered
@return Zero for success or else an error code
int BLS_ZZZ_RECOVER_SIGNATURE(int k, octet* X, octet* Y, octet* SIG);