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-# Marvin Toolbox v0.0.4
-# Quick Start
-## Review
-**Marvin** is an open-source Artificial Intelligence platform that focuses on helping data scientists deliver meaningful solutions to complex problems. Supported by a standardized large-scale, language-agnostic architecture, Marvin simplifies the process of exploration and modeling.
-## Getting Started
-* [Installing Marvin (Ubuntu)](
-* [Installing Marvin (MacOS)](
-* [Installing Marvin (Other OS) Vagrant](
-* [Creating a new engine](#creating-a-new-engine)
-* [Working in an existing engine](#working-in-an-existing-engine)
-* [Command line interface](#command-line-interface)
-* [Running an example engine](#running-a-example-engine)
-### Creating a new engine
-1. To create a new engine
-workon python-toolbox-env
-marvin engine-generate
-Respond to the prompt and wait for the engine environment preparation to complete. Don't forget to start dev box before if you are using vagrant.
-2. Test the new engine
-workon <new_engine_name>-env
-marvin test
-3. For more information
-marvin --help
-### Working in an existing engine
-1. Set VirtualEnv and get to the engine's path
-workon <engine_name>-env
-2. Test your engine
-marvin test
-3. Bring up the notebook and access it from your browser
-marvin notebook
-### Command line interface
-Usage: marvin [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]
-  --debug       #Enable debug mode.
-  --version     #Show the version and exit.
-  --help        #Show this command line interface and exit.
-  engine-generate     #Generate a new marvin engine project.
-  engine-generateenv  #Generate a new marvin engine environment.
-  engine-grpcserver   #Marvin gRPC engine action server starts.
-  engine-httpserver   #Marvin http api server starts.
-  hive-dataimport     #Import data samples from a hive databse to the hive running in this toolbox.
-  hive-generateconf   #Generate default configuration file.
-  hive-resetremote    #Drop all remote tables from informed engine on host.
-  notebook            #Start the Jupyter notebook server.
-  pkg-bumpversion     #Bump the package version.
-  pkg-createtag       #Create git tag using the package version.
-  pkg-showchanges     #Show the package changelog.
-  pkg-showinfo        #Show information about the package.
-  pkg-showversion     #Show the package version.
-  pkg-updatedeps      #Update requirements.txt.
-  test                #Run tests.
-  test-checkpep8      #Check python code style.
-  test-tdd            #Watch for changes to run tests automatically.
-  test-tox            #Run tests using a new virtualenv.
-### Running a example engine 
-1. Clone the example engine from the repository
-git clone
-2. Generate a new Marvin engine environment for the Iris species engine
-workon python-toolbox-env
-marvin engine-generateenv ../engines/iris-species-engine/
-3. Run the Iris species engine
-workon iris-species-engine-env
-marvin engine-dryrun 
-> Marvin is a project started at B2W Digital offices and released open source on September 2017.
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-# Apache Marvin AI Platform
-# Quick Start
-## Review
-**Marvin** is an open-source Artificial Intelligence platform that focuses on helping data scientists deliver meaningful solutions to complex problems. Supported by a standardized large-scale, language-agnostic architecture, Marvin simplifies the process of exploration and modeling.
-> Marvin is a project started at B2W Digital offices and released open source on September 2017.