blob: 661c205a82595d1a9dcc617a963a18f8a1aaf4d6 [file] [log] [blame]
import Modem = require('docker-modem');
* Class representing a service
export declare class Service {
modem: Modem;
id: string;
data: Object;
* Create a service
* @param {Modem} modem Modem to connect to the remote service
* @param {string} id Id of the service (optional)
constructor(modem: Modem, id: string);
* Update a service
* @param {Object} opts Query params in the request (optional)
* @param {Object} auth Authentication (optional)
* @return {Promise} Promise return the new service
update(opts?: Object, auth?: Object): Promise<Service>;
* Get low-level information on a service
* The reason why this module isn't called inspect is because that interferes with the inspect utility of service.
* @param {Object} opts Query params in the request (optional)
* @return {Promise} Promise return the service
status(opts?: Object): Promise<Service>;
* Remove a service
* @param {Object} opts Query params in the request (optional)
* @return {Promise} Promise return the result
remove(opts?: Object): Promise<String>;
* Logs of a service
* @param {Object} opts Query params in the request (optional)
* @return {Promise} Promise return the result
logs(opts?: Object): Promise<String>;
export default class {
modem: Modem;
* Create a service
* @param {Modem} modem Modem to connect to the remote service
constructor(modem: Modem);
* Get a Service Object
* @param {id} string ID of the secret
* @return {Network}
get(id: string): Service;
* Create a service
* @param {Object} opts Query params in the request (optional)
* @param {Object} auth Authentication (optional)
* @return {Promise} Promise return the new service
create(opts?: Object, auth?: Object): Promise<Service>;
* Get the list of services
* @param {Object} opts Query params in the request (optional)
* @return {Promise} Promise returning the result as a list of services
list(opts?: Object): Promise<Array<Service>>;