blob: bb96677ab5f8ad014a0fb50506b364829c4c6311 [file] [log] [blame]
In this section, we show and explain the features of Apache Marvin-AI.
Toolbox CLI
Here is shown the command line interface (CLI) of the Toolbox.
Usage: marvin [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]
--debug #Enable debug mode.
--version #Show the version and exit.
--help #Show this command line interface and exit.
engine-generate #Generate a new marvin engine project and install...
engine-generateenv #Generate a new marvin engine environment and install...
hive-dataimport #Export and import data samples from a hive databse to...
hive-generateconf #Generate default configuration file
hive-resetremote #Drop all remote tables from informed engine on host
$ marvin --help
$ marvin --version
$ marvin engine-generate
$ marvin engine-generateenv .
Engine CLI
Here is shown the command line interface (CLI) of the Engine.
Usage: marvin [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]
--debug #Enable debug mode.
--version #Show the version and exit.
--help #Show this command line interface and exit.
engine-deploy #Engine provisioning and deployment command
engine-dryrun #Marvin Dryrun Utility - Run marvin engines in a...
engine-grpcserver #Marvin gRPC engine action server starts
engine-httpserver #Marvin http api server starts
engine-httpserver-remote #Remote HTTP server control command
hive-dataimport #Export and import data samples from a hive...
hive-generateconf #Generate default configuration file
hive-resetremote #Drop all remote tables from informed engine on...
lab #Start the JupyterLab server.
notebook #Start the Jupyter notebook server.
pkg-bumpversion #Bump the package version.
pkg-createtag #Create git tag using the package version.
pkg-showchanges #Show the package changelog.
pkg-showinfo #Show information about the package.
pkg-showversion #Show the package version.
pkg-updatedeps #Update requirements.txt.
test #Run tests.
test-checkpep8 #Check python code style.
test-tdd #Watch for changes to run tests automatically.
test-tox #Run tests using a new virtualenv.
$ marvin --help
$ marvin --version
$ marvin notebook
$ marvin engine-dryrun
Setting Environmental Variables
.. raw:: html
<style> .red {color:red} </style>
.. role:: red
To set up environmental parameters or variables on Marvin its recommended to use the argument :red:`params` that is present on every engine actions.
Setting up params
You may edit the file *engine.params* that is located at the root directory of your engine. You must insert params as a dictionary::
"login" : "marvin",
"password": "123455"
Loading params
Params are loaded as an argument on your engine execution. Then, inside your code you must do :red:`params.get("login")` or :red:`params["login"]` to access those variables.
* `Example of engine.params file`_
* `Example of loading params on Acquisitor and Cleaner`_
**Notice that if you are running your actions using an API, you may alse set params at the the API body. These params will overwrite the *engine.params* file.**
.. _Example of engine.params file:
.. _Example of loading params on Acquisitor and Cleaner: