blob: e7d651f89161ef0d66d7af133f21f3d67c537f28 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.livy.server.interactive
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.language.postfixOps
import org.apache.spark.launcher.SparkLauncher
import org.json4s.{DefaultFormats, Extraction, JValue}
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods.parse
import org.mockito.{Matchers => MockitoMatchers}
import org.mockito.Matchers._
import org.mockito.Mockito.{atLeastOnce, verify, when}
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, FunSpec, Matchers}
import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually._
import org.scalatestplus.mockito.MockitoSugar.mock
import org.apache.livy.{ExecuteRequest, JobHandle, LivyBaseUnitTestSuite, LivyConf}
import org.apache.livy.rsc.{PingJob, RSCClient, RSCConf}
import org.apache.livy.rsc.driver.StatementState
import org.apache.livy.server.AccessManager
import org.apache.livy.server.recovery.SessionStore
import org.apache.livy.sessions.{PySpark, SessionState, Spark}
import org.apache.livy.utils.{AppInfo, SparkApp}
class InteractiveSessionSpec extends FunSpec
with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll with LivyBaseUnitTestSuite {
private val livyConf = new LivyConf()
livyConf.set(LivyConf.REPL_JARS, "dummy.jar")
implicit val formats = DefaultFormats
private var session: InteractiveSession = null
private val accessManager = new AccessManager(livyConf)
private def createSession(
sessionStore: SessionStore = mock[SessionStore],
mockApp: Option[SparkApp] = None): InteractiveSession = {
assume(sys.env.get("SPARK_HOME").isDefined, "SPARK_HOME is not set.")
val req = new CreateInteractiveRequest()
req.kind = PySpark
req.driverMemory = Some("512m")
req.driverCores = Some(1)
req.executorMemory = Some("512m")
req.executorCores = Some(1) = Some("InteractiveSessionSpec")
req.conf = Map(
SparkLauncher.DRIVER_EXTRA_CLASSPATH -> sys.props("java.class.path"),
RSCConf.Entry.LIVY_JARS.key() -> ""
InteractiveSession.create(0, None, null, None, livyConf, accessManager, req,
sessionStore, None, None, mockApp)
private def executeStatement(code: String, codeType: Option[String] = None): JValue = {
val id = session.executeStatement(ExecuteRequest(code, codeType)).id
eventually(timeout(30 seconds), interval(100 millis)) {
val s = session.getStatement(id).get
s.state.get() shouldBe StatementState.Available
override def afterAll(): Unit = {
if (session != null) {
Await.ready(session.stop(), 30 seconds)
session = null
private def withSession(desc: String)(fn: (InteractiveSession) => Unit): Unit = {
it(desc) {
assume(session != null, "No active session.")
eventually(timeout(60 seconds), interval(100 millis)) {
session.state shouldBe (SessionState.Idle)
describe("A spark session") {
it("should get scala version matched jars with livy.repl.jars") {
val testedJars = Seq(
val livyConf = new LivyConf(false)
.set(LivyConf.REPL_JARS, testedJars.mkString(","))
.set(LivyConf.LIVY_SPARK_SCALA_VERSION, "2.10")
val properties = InteractiveSession.prepareBuilderProp(Map.empty, Spark, livyConf)
assert(properties(LivyConf.SPARK_JARS).split(",").toSet === Set("test_2.10-0.1.jar",
livyConf.set(LivyConf.LIVY_SPARK_SCALA_VERSION, "2.11")
val properties1 = InteractiveSession.prepareBuilderProp(Map.empty, Spark, livyConf)
assert(properties1(LivyConf.SPARK_JARS).split(",").toSet === Set(
it("should set rsc jars through livy conf") {
val rscJars = Set(
val livyConf = new LivyConf(false)
.set(LivyConf.REPL_JARS, "dummy.jar")
.set(LivyConf.RSC_JARS, rscJars.mkString(","))
.set(LivyConf.LIVY_SPARK_SCALA_VERSION, "2.10")
val properties = InteractiveSession.prepareBuilderProp(Map.empty, Spark, livyConf)
// if livy.rsc.jars is configured in LivyConf, it should be passed to RSCConf.
properties(RSCConf.Entry.LIVY_JARS.key()).split(",").toSet === rscJars
val rscJars1 = Set(
val properties1 = InteractiveSession.prepareBuilderProp(
Map(RSCConf.Entry.LIVY_JARS.key() -> rscJars1.mkString(",")), Spark, livyConf)
// if rsc jars are configured both in LivyConf and RSCConf, RSCConf should take precedence.
properties1(RSCConf.Entry.LIVY_JARS.key()).split(",").toSet === rscJars1
it("should update appId and appInfo and session store") {
val mockApp = mock[SparkApp]
val sessionStore = mock[SessionStore]
session = createSession(sessionStore, Some(mockApp))
val expectedAppId = "APPID"
session.appId shouldEqual Some(expectedAppId)
val expectedAppInfo = AppInfo(Some("DRIVER LOG URL"), Some("SPARK UI URL"))
session.appInfo shouldEqual expectedAppInfo
verify(sessionStore, atLeastOnce()).save(
MockitoMatchers.eq(InteractiveSession.RECOVERY_SESSION_TYPE), anyObject())
session.state should (be(SessionState.Starting) or be(SessionState.Idle))
it("should propagate RSC configuration properties") {
val livyConf = new LivyConf(false)
.set(LivyConf.REPL_JARS, "dummy.jar")
.set(RSCConf.Entry.SASL_QOP.key(), "foo")
.set(RSCConf.Entry.RPC_CHANNEL_LOG_LEVEL.key(), "TRACE")
.set(LivyConf.LIVY_SPARK_SCALA_VERSION, "2.10")
val properties = InteractiveSession.prepareBuilderProp(Map.empty, Spark, livyConf)
assert(properties(RSCConf.Entry.SASL_QOP.key()) === "foo")
assert(properties(RSCConf.Entry.RPC_CHANNEL_LOG_LEVEL.key()) === "TRACE")
withSession("should execute `1 + 2` == 3") { session =>
val pyResult = executeStatement("1 + 2", Some("pyspark"))
pyResult should equal (Extraction.decompose(Map(
"status" -> "ok",
"execution_count" -> 0,
"data" -> Map("text/plain" -> "3")))
val scalaResult = executeStatement("1 + 2", Some("spark"))
scalaResult should equal (Extraction.decompose(Map(
"status" -> "ok",
"execution_count" -> 1,
"data" -> Map("text/plain" -> "res0: Int = 3\n")))
val rResult = executeStatement("1 + 2", Some("sparkr"))
rResult should equal (Extraction.decompose(Map(
"status" -> "ok",
"execution_count" -> 2,
"data" -> Map("text/plain" -> "[1] 3")))
withSession("should report an error if accessing an unknown variable") { session =>
val result = executeStatement("x")
val expectedResult = Extraction.decompose(Map(
"status" -> "error",
"execution_count" -> 3,
"ename" -> "NameError",
"evalue" -> "name 'x' is not defined",
"traceback" -> List(
"Traceback (most recent call last):\n",
"NameError: name 'x' is not defined\n"
result should equal (expectedResult)
eventually(timeout(10 seconds), interval(30 millis)) {
session.state shouldBe (SessionState.Idle)
withSession("should get statement progress along with statement result") { session =>
val code =
|from time import sleep
val statement = session.executeStatement(ExecuteRequest(code, None))
statement.progress should be (0.0)
eventually(timeout(10 seconds), interval(100 millis)) {
val s = session.getStatement(
s.state.get() shouldBe StatementState.Available
s.progress should be (1.0)
withSession("should refresh last activity time when statement finished") { session =>
val code =
|from time import sleep
session.executeStatement(ExecuteRequest(code, None))
val executionBeginTime = session.lastActivity
eventually(timeout(10 seconds), interval(100 millis)) {
session.state should be(SessionState.Idle)
session.lastActivity should be > executionBeginTime
withSession("should error out the session if the interpreter dies") { session =>
session.executeStatement(ExecuteRequest("import os; os._exit(666)", None))
eventually(timeout(30 seconds), interval(100 millis)) {
session.state shouldBe a[SessionState.Error]
describe("recovery") {
it("should recover named sessions") {
val conf = new LivyConf()
val sessionStore = mock[SessionStore]
val mockClient = mock[RSCClient]
val m = InteractiveRecoveryMetadata(
78, Some("Test session"), None, "appTag", Spark, 0, null, None, None, None,
None, None, None, Map.empty[String, String], List.empty[String], List.empty[String],
List.empty[String], None, List.empty[String], None, None, Some(URI.create("")))
val s = InteractiveSession.recover(m, conf, sessionStore, None, Some(mockClient))
s.state shouldBe (SessionState.Recovering)
verify(sessionStore, atLeastOnce()).save(
MockitoMatchers.eq(InteractiveSession.RECOVERY_SESSION_TYPE), anyObject())
it("should recover sessions with no name") {
val conf = new LivyConf()
val sessionStore = mock[SessionStore]
val mockClient = mock[RSCClient]
val m = InteractiveRecoveryMetadata(
78, None, None, "appTag", Spark, 0, null, None, None, None,
None, None, None, Map.empty[String, String], List.empty[String], List.empty[String],
List.empty[String], None, List.empty[String], None, None, Some(URI.create("")))
val s = InteractiveSession.recover(m, conf, sessionStore, None, Some(mockClient))
s.state shouldBe (SessionState.Recovering)
verify(sessionStore, atLeastOnce()).save(
MockitoMatchers.eq(InteractiveSession.RECOVERY_SESSION_TYPE), anyObject())
it("should recover session to dead state if rscDriverUri is unknown") {
val conf = new LivyConf()
val sessionStore = mock[SessionStore]
val m = InteractiveRecoveryMetadata(
78, None, Some("appId"), "appTag", Spark, 0, null, None, None, None,
None, None, None, Map.empty[String, String], List.empty[String], List.empty[String],
List.empty[String], None, List.empty[String], None, None, None)
val s = InteractiveSession.recover(m, conf, sessionStore, None)
s.state shouldBe a[SessionState.Dead]
s.logLines().mkString should include("RSCDriver URI is unknown")