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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.livy.server
import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers}
import org.apache.livy.{LivyBaseUnitTestSuite, LivyConf}
class AccessManagerSuite extends FunSuite with Matchers with LivyBaseUnitTestSuite {
import LivyConf._
private val viewUsers = Seq("user1", "user2", "user3")
private val modifyUsers = Seq("user4", "user5")
private val superUsers = Seq("user6", "user7")
private val allowedUsers = Seq("user8", "user9")
test("access permission") {
val conf = new LivyConf()
.set(ACCESS_CONTROL_VIEW_USERS, viewUsers.mkString(","))
.set(ACCESS_CONTROL_MODIFY_USERS, modifyUsers.mkString(","))
.set(SUPERUSERS, superUsers.mkString(","))
val accessManager = new AccessManager(conf)
accessManager.isAccessControlOn should be (true)
// check view access
viewUsers.foreach { u => accessManager.checkViewPermissions(u) should be (true) }
modifyUsers.foreach { u => accessManager.checkViewPermissions(u) should be (true) }
superUsers.foreach { u => accessManager.checkViewPermissions(u) should be (true) }
allowedUsers.foreach { u => accessManager.checkViewPermissions(u) should be (false) }
accessManager.checkViewPermissions(null) should be (true)
accessManager.checkViewPermissions("user8") should be (false)
// check modify access
viewUsers.foreach { u => accessManager.checkModifyPermissions(u) should be (false) }
modifyUsers.foreach { u => accessManager.checkModifyPermissions(u) should be (true) }
superUsers.foreach { u => accessManager.checkModifyPermissions(u) should be (true) }
allowedUsers.foreach { u => accessManager.checkModifyPermissions(u) should be (false) }
accessManager.checkModifyPermissions(null) should be (true)
accessManager.checkModifyPermissions("user8") should be (false)
// check super access
viewUsers.foreach { u => accessManager.checkSuperUser(u) should be (false) }
modifyUsers.foreach { u => accessManager.checkSuperUser(u) should be (false) }
superUsers.foreach { u => accessManager.checkSuperUser(u) should be (true) }
allowedUsers.foreach { u => accessManager.checkSuperUser(u) should be (false) }
accessManager.checkSuperUser(null) should be (true)
accessManager.checkSuperUser("user8") should be (false)
test("wildcard access permission") {
val conf = new LivyConf()
.set(SUPERUSERS, "*")
val accessManager = new AccessManager(conf)
accessManager.isAccessControlOn should be (true)
accessManager.checkViewPermissions("anyUser") should be (true)
accessManager.checkModifyPermissions("anyUser") should be (true)
accessManager.checkSuperUser("anyUser") should be (true)
test("default allowed users") {
val conf = new LivyConf()
.set(ACCESS_CONTROL_VIEW_USERS, viewUsers.mkString(","))
.set(ACCESS_CONTROL_MODIFY_USERS, modifyUsers.mkString(","))
.set(SUPERUSERS, superUsers.mkString(","))
val accessManager = new AccessManager(conf)
// check if configured users are allowed
viewUsers.foreach { u => accessManager.isUserAllowed(u) should be (true) }
modifyUsers.foreach { u => accessManager.isUserAllowed(u) should be (true) }
superUsers.foreach { u => accessManager.isUserAllowed(u) should be (true) }
accessManager.isUserAllowed("anyUser") should be (true)
accessManager.isUserAllowed(null) should be (true)
test("configured users are not in the allowed list") {
val conf = new LivyConf()
.set(ACCESS_CONTROL_VIEW_USERS, viewUsers.mkString(","))
.set(ACCESS_CONTROL_MODIFY_USERS, modifyUsers.mkString(","))
.set(SUPERUSERS, superUsers.mkString(","))
.set(ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOWED_USERS, allowedUsers.mkString(","))
val accessManager = new AccessManager(conf)
viewUsers.foreach { u => accessManager.isUserAllowed(u) should be (true) }
modifyUsers.foreach { u => accessManager.isUserAllowed(u) should be (true) }
superUsers.foreach { u => accessManager.isUserAllowed(u) should be (true) }
allowedUsers.foreach { u => accessManager.isUserAllowed(u) should be (true) }
accessManager.isUserAllowed("anyUser") should be (false)