[LIVY-409] Livy shell UX improvements

I'm not sure how large of an audience the livy-shell has, but I've come to use it quite a bit in my testing/use of Livy and added a few small improvements that have made it a bit easier to use for me (and may help others):

* Replaced the use of httplib with requests to fix dropped connection issues (and a few other robustness issues).
* Added some context to the REPL prompt, by including the session `kind` and ID.
* Ignore `SIGINT` signal so that users can type `CTRL-C` to cancel out a command.

I know the use of `requests` is pretty ubiquitous but I included `livy-shell-requirements.txt` just in case 1) someone doesn't have it installed or 2) more dependencies are added down the road.

Author: Eric Perry <eric@ericjperry.com>

Closes #55 from ericjperry/feature/livy-shell-improvements.
diff --git a/dev/livy-shell b/dev/livy-shell
index 0e00cf8..06c631c 100755
--- a/dev/livy-shell
+++ b/dev/livy-shell
@@ -30,13 +30,18 @@
 # By default, a Spark (Scala) session is created.
-import httplib
 import json
 import readline
+import signal
 import sys
 import time
 import urlparse
+class ControlCInterrupt(Exception):
+  pass
 def check(condition, msg, *args):
   if not condition:
     if args:
@@ -48,7 +53,14 @@
 def message(msg, *args):
   if args:
     msg = msg % args
-  print msg
+  print(msg)
+  import requests
+except ImportError:
+  message("Unable to import 'requests' module, which is required by livy-shell.")
+  sys.exit(1)
 class LiteralDict(dict):
@@ -56,33 +68,30 @@
     return name
-def request(conn, method, uri, body):
-  body = json.dumps(body) if body else None
-  headers = { 'Content-Type' : 'application/json' }
-  conn.request(method, uri, body=body, headers=headers)
-  resp = conn.getresponse()
-  data = resp.read()
-  if resp.status < 200 or resp.status >= 400:
-    raise httplib.HTTPException, (resp.status, resp.reason, data)
-  if resp.status < 300 and resp.status != httplib.NO_CONTENT:
-    return json.loads(data)
+def request(method, uri, body):
+  kwargs = { 'headers': { 'Content-Type' : 'application/json', 'X-Requested-By': 'livy' } }
+  if body:
+    kwargs['json'] = body
+  resp = requests.request(method.upper(), urlparse.urljoin(url.geturl(), uri), **kwargs)
+  resp.raise_for_status()
+  if resp.status_code < requests.codes.multiple_choices and resp.status_code != requests.codes.no_content:
+    return resp.json()
   return None
-def get(conn, uri):
-  return request(conn, 'GET', uri, None)
+def get(uri):
+  return request('GET', uri, None)
-def post(conn, uri, body):
-  return request(conn, 'POST', uri, body)
+def post(uri, body):
+  return request('POST', uri, body)
-def delete(conn, uri):
-  return request(conn, 'DELETE', uri, None)
+def delete(uri):
+  return request('DELETE', uri, None)
-def create_session(conn):
+def create_session():
   request = {
     "kind" : "spark"
@@ -91,21 +100,21 @@
     key, value = opt.split('=', 1)
     request[key] = eval(value, LiteralDict())
-  return post(conn, "/sessions", request)
+  return post("/sessions", request)
 def wait_for_idle(sid):
-  session = get(conn, "/sessions/%d" % (sid, ))
+  session = get("/sessions/%d" % (sid, ))
   while session['state'] == 'starting':
     message("Session not ready yet (%s)", session['state'])
-    session = get(conn, "/sessions/%d" % (sid, ))
+    session = get("/sessions/%d" % (sid, ))
   if session['state'] != 'idle':
     raise Exception, "Session failed to start."
-def monitor_statement(conn, sid, s):
+def monitor_statement(sid, s):
   cnt = 0
   while True:
     state = s['state']
@@ -139,23 +148,27 @@
         cnt += 1
-      s = get(conn, "/sessions/%d/statements/%s" % (sid, s['id']))
+      s = get("/sessions/%d/statements/%s" % (sid, s['id']))
-def run_shell(conn, sid):
+def run_shell(sid, session_kind):
+  prompt = "{} ({}) > ".format(session_kind, sid)
+  def ctrl_c_handler(signal, frame):
+    message("\nPlease type quit() to exit the livy shell.")
+    raise ControlCInterrupt()
+  signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, ctrl_c_handler)
   while True:
-    cmd = raw_input('> ')
-    if cmd == "quit()":
-      break
+    try:
+      cmd = raw_input(prompt)
+      if cmd == "quit()":
+        break
+    except ControlCInterrupt:
+      continue
-    statement = post(conn, "/sessions/%d/statements" % (sid, ), { 'code' : cmd })
-    monitor_statement(conn, sid, statement)
+    statement = post("/sessions/%d/statements" % (sid, ), { 'code' : cmd })
+    monitor_statement(sid, statement)
-def open_connection(url):
-  if url.scheme == "https":
-    return httplib.HTTPSConnection(url.netloc)
-  else:
-    return httplib.HTTPConnection(url.netloc)
 # main()
@@ -164,24 +177,18 @@
 check(len(sys.argv) > 1, "Missing arguments.")
 url = urlparse.urlparse(sys.argv[1])
-conn = open_connection(url)
 sid = -1
   message("Creating new session...")
-  session = create_session(conn)
+  session = create_session()
   sid = int(session['id'])
   message("New session (id = %d, kind = %s), waiting for idle state...", sid, session['kind'])
   message("Session ready.")
-  run_shell(conn,sid)
+  run_shell(sid, session.get('kind', 'spark'))
 except EOFError:
-  conn.close()
   if sid != -1:
-    conn = open_connection(url)
-    try:
-      delete(conn, "/sessions/%d" % (sid, ))
-    finally:
-      conn.close()
+    delete("/sessions/%d" % (sid, ))