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<img src="img/livy-logo.png"><p>
<p class="lead">An Open Source REST Service for Apache Spark (Apache License)<br>
<a href="quickstart.html" type="button" class="btn btn-success">Get Started</a>
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<h3>Submit Jobs from Anywhere</h3>
<p>Livy (alpha) enables programmatic, fault-tolerant, multi-tenant submission of Spark jobs from web/mobile apps (no Spark client needed). So, multiple users can interact with your Spark cluster concurrently and reliably.</p>
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<h3>Use Interactive Scala or Python</h3>
<p>Livy speaks either Scala or Python, so clients can communicate with your Spark cluster via either language remotely. Also, batch job submissions can be done in Scala, Java, or Python.</p>
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<h3>No Code Changes Needed</h3>
<p>Don't worry, no changes to existing programs are needed to use Livy. Just build Livy with Maven, deploy the configuration file to your Spark cluster, and you're off! See the <a href="quickstart.html">Quick Start</a> to get going.</p>
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