blob: 04bb5fd12a24c877458b9909500fbbdedc13382e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.gateway.markbook;
import org.apache.commons.cli.BasicParser;
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser;
import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Option;
import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils;
import org.pegdown.Extensions;
import org.pegdown.PegDownProcessor;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class MarkBook {
public static void main( String[] args ) throws IOException, ParseException {
// Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile( "<<(.+?)>>" );
// Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher( "before <<first>> <<second>> after" );
// matcher.find();
// System.out.println( 1 ) );
// System.out.println( matcher.replaceFirst( "__" + 1 ) + "__" ) );
// matcher = pattern.matcher( matcher.replaceFirst( "__" + 1 ) + "__" ) );
// matcher.find();
// System.out.println( 1 ) );
// System.out.println( matcher.replaceFirst( "__" + 1 ) + "__" ) );
// Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile( "<\\!---\\s*.*\\s*--->" );
// String text = "before <!---\nincluded\n---> after";
// Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher( text );
// matcher.find();
// System.out.println( replace( matcher, text, "X" ) );
// System.out.println( replaceHeadings( "#text#" ) );
// System.out.println( replaceHeadings( "# text #" ) );
// System.out.println( replaceHeadings( "## text ##" ) );
// System.out.println( removeComments( "line\r\n<!--- \r\n comment \r\n comment \r\n---> \r\nline" ) );
// System.out.println( replaceReferences( "#[ text ]" ) );
// System.out.println( replaceReferences( "* #[ some text ]after" ) );
// System.out.println( replaceReferences( "\n#[ text ]" ) );
CommandLine command = parseCommandLine( args );
String markdown = loadMarkdown( command );
// System.out.println( markdown );
storeHtml( command, markdown );
private static void storeHtml( CommandLine command, String markdown ) throws IOException {
PegDownProcessor processor = new PegDownProcessor(
Extensions.AUTOLINKS | Extensions.FENCED_CODE_BLOCKS | Extensions.QUOTES +
Extensions.SMARTS | Extensions.TABLES | Extensions.DEFINITIONS );
log( "Converting markdown (" + markdown.length() + " bytes) to HTML" );
String html = processor.markdownToHtml( markdown.toString() );
File outputFile = new File( command.getOptionValue( "o" ) );
log( "Storing HTML to " + outputFile.getAbsolutePath() );
FileUtils.write( outputFile, html );
private static String loadMarkdown( CommandLine command ) throws IOException {
StringBuilder markdown = new StringBuilder();
for( String inputFileName : command.getOptionValues( "i" ) ) {
File inputFile = new File( inputFileName );
log( "Loading markdown from " + inputFile.getAbsolutePath() );
markdown.append( loadMarkdown( inputFile ) );
markdown.append( SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR );
return markdown.toString();
private static String loadMarkdown( File file ) throws IOException {
String text = FileUtils.readFileToString( file );
text = removeComments( text );
text = replaceHeadings( text );
text = replaceReferences( text );
text = replaceIncludes( file, text );
return text;
private static String replaceIncludes( File file, String text ) throws IOException {
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile( "<<\\s*(.+?)\\s*>>" );
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher( text );
while( matcher.find() ) {
String includeFileName = 1 );
File includeFile = new File( file.getParent(), includeFileName );
if( includeFile.exists() && includeFile.canRead() ) {
String includeString = loadMarkdown( includeFile );
text = replace( matcher, text, includeString );
} else {
throw new FileNotFoundException( includeFile.getAbsolutePath() );
//text = replace( matcher, text, includeFileName );
matcher = pattern.matcher( text );
return text;
private static String replaceHeadings( String text ) throws IOException {
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile( "^(#+)(.+?)#*$", Pattern.MULTILINE );
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher( text );
while( matcher.find() ) {
String tag = 1 );
String name = 2 ).trim();
String id = id( name );
if( !name.startsWith( "<a id=" ) ) {
text = replace( matcher, text, String.format( "%s <a id=\"%s\"></a>%s %s", tag, id, name, tag ) );
matcher = pattern.matcher( text );
return text;
private static String replaceReferences( String text ) throws IOException {
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile( "(\\s)#\\[(.+?)\\]" );
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher( text );
while( matcher.find() ) {
String space = 1 );
String name = 2 ).trim();
String id = id( name );
text = replace( matcher, text, String.format( "%s[%s](#%s)", space, name, id ) );
matcher = pattern.matcher( text );
return text;
private static String removeComments( String text ) {
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile( "<!---.*--->", Pattern.DOTALL );
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher( text );
while( matcher.find() ) {
text = replace( matcher, text, "" );
matcher = pattern.matcher( text );
return text;
private static String replace( Matcher matcher, String original, String replace ) {
return original.substring( 0, matcher.start() ) + replace + original.substring( matcher.end(), matcher.regionEnd() );
private static String id( String name ) {
String id = name.replaceAll( "\\s", "+" );
return id;
private static Options createOptions() {
Options options = new Options();
Option help = OptionBuilder
.withArgName( "help" )
.withLongOpt( "help" )
.withDescription( "Prints this help." )
.create( "h" );
Option input = OptionBuilder
.withArgName( "input" )
.withLongOpt( "input" )
.withDescription( "Repeat for each Markdown input file name." )
.create( "i" );
Option output = OptionBuilder
.withArgName( "output" )
.withLongOpt( "output" )
.hasArgs( 1 )
.withDescription( "A single output HTML file name." )
.create( "o" );
options.addOption( input );
options.addOption( output );
options.addOption( help );
return options;
private static CommandLine parseCommandLine( String[] args ) throws ParseException {
Options options = createOptions();
CommandLineParser parser = new BasicParser();
CommandLine command = parser.parse( options, args );
if( command.hasOption( "help" ) ) {
printHelp( options );
if( !command.hasOption( "input" ) || command.getOptionValues( "input" ).length == 0 ) {
printHelp( options );
if( !command.hasOption( "output" ) || command.getOptionValues( "output" ).length != 1 ) {
printHelp( options );
return command;
private static void printHelp( Options options ) {
HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
formatter.printHelp( "java -jar pegdown.jar", options );
System.exit( -1 );
private static void log( String message ) {
System.out.println( message );