blob: 05c231ba53db1308957760ef5a8e993b506c9f33 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
node('rhel8') {
stage('Install requirements') {
def nodeHome = tool 'nodejs-lts'
env.PATH = "${env.PATH}:${nodeHome}/bin"
sh 'node -v'
sh 'npm -v'
stage('Download VSIX files') {
sh 'wget "$VERSION/vscode_extension_bpmn_editor_$VERSION.vsix"'
sh 'wget "$VERSION/vscode_extension_dmn_editor_$VERSION.vsix"'
sh 'wget "$VERSION/vscode_extension_pmml_editor_$VERSION.vsix"'
sh 'wget "$VERSION/vscode_extension_red_hat_business_automation_bundle_$VERSION.vsix"'
sh 'wget "$VERSION/vscode_extension_kogito_bundle_$VERSION.vsix"'
sh 'md5sum *.vsix'
stage('Archive VSIX files') {
def vsix = findFiles(glob: '**.vsix')
archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**.vsix'
if (publishToMarketPlace.equals('true') || publishToOVSX.equals('true')) {
timeout(time:1, unit:'DAYS') {
input message:'Approve deployment?', submitter: 'eignatow,gcaponet,tfernand'
def vsix_editors = findFiles(glob: '**editor*.vsix')
def vsix_redhat_bundle = findFiles(glob: '**red_hat*.vsix')
def vsix_kogito_bundle = findFiles(glob: '**kogito*.vsix')
if (publishToMarketPlace.equals('true')) {
stage('Publish to VS Code Marketplace') {
sh 'npm install -g vsce'
withCredentials([[$class: 'StringBinding', credentialsId: 'vscode_java_marketplace', variable: 'TOKEN']]) {
sh 'vsce publish -p ${TOKEN} --packagePath' + " ${vsix_editors[0].path}"
sh 'vsce publish -p ${TOKEN} --packagePath' + " ${vsix_editors[1].path}"
sh 'vsce publish -p ${TOKEN} --packagePath' + " ${vsix_editors[2].path}"
sh 'vsce publish -p ${TOKEN} --packagePath' + " ${vsix_redhat_bundle[0].path}"
withCredentials([[$class: 'StringBinding', credentialsId: 'kie-vscode-token', variable: 'KIE_TOKEN']]) {
sh 'vsce publish -p ${KIE_TOKEN} --packagePath' + " ${vsix_kogito_bundle[0].path}"
if (publishToOVSX.equals('true')) {
stage('Publish to Open-vsx Marketplace') {
sh "npm install -g ovsx"
withCredentials([[$class: 'StringBinding', credentialsId: 'open-vsx-access-token', variable: 'OVSX_TOKEN']]) {
sh 'ovsx publish -p ${OVSX_TOKEN}' + " ${vsix_editors[0].path}"
sh 'ovsx publish -p ${OVSX_TOKEN}' + " ${vsix_editors[1].path}"
sh 'ovsx publish -p ${OVSX_TOKEN}' + " ${vsix_editors[2].path}"
sh 'ovsx publish -p ${OVSX_TOKEN}' + " ${vsix_redhat_bundle[0].path}"
withCredentials([[$class: 'StringBinding', credentialsId: 'kie-openvsx-token', variable: 'KIE_OVSX_TOKEN']]) {
sh 'ovsx publish -p ${KIE_OVSX_TOKEN}' + " ${vsix_kogito_bundle[0].path}"