blob: dfe8bab6fb6eb8d2a91177f4c1f706a3b5db5932 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package steps
import (
infinispan ""
DataTable for Infinispan:
| username | developer |
| password | mypass |
const (
externalInfinispanSecret = "external-infinispan-secret"
var performanceInfinispanContainerSpec = infinispan.InfinispanContainerSpec{
ExtraJvmOpts: "-Xmx2G",
Memory: "3Gi",
CPU: "1",
func registerInfinispanSteps(ctx *godog.ScenarioContext, data *Data) {
ctx.Step(`^Infinispan Operator is deployed$`, data.infinispanOperatorIsDeployed)
ctx.Step(`^Infinispan instance "([^"]*)" has (\d+) (?:pod|pods) running within (\d+) (?:minute|minutes)$`, data.infinispanInstanceHasPodsRunningWithinMinutes)
ctx.Step(`^Infinispan instance "([^"]*)" is deployed with configuration:$`, data.infinispanInstanceIsDeployedWithConfiguration)
ctx.Step(`^Infinispan instance "([^"]*)" is deployed for performance within (\d+) minute\(s\) with configuration:$`, data.infinispanInstanceIsDeployedForPerformanceWithinMinutesWithConfiguration)
ctx.Step(`^Scale Infinispan instance "([^"]*)" to (\d+) pods within (\d+) minutes$`, data.scaleInfinispanInstanceToPodsWithinMinutes)
func (data *Data) infinispanOperatorIsDeployed() error {
installer, err := installers.GetInfinispanInstaller()
if err != nil {
return err
return installer.Install(data.Namespace)
func (data *Data) infinispanInstanceHasPodsRunningWithinMinutes(name string, numberOfPods, timeOutInMin int) error {
return framework.WaitForPodsWithLabels(data.Namespace, framework.GetRunningInfinispanPodLabels(name), numberOfPods, timeOutInMin)
func (data *Data) infinispanInstanceIsDeployedWithConfiguration(name string, table *godog.Table) error {
if err := createInfinispanSecret(data.Namespace, externalInfinispanSecret, table); err != nil {
return err
infinispan := framework.GetInfinispanStub(data.Namespace, name, externalInfinispanSecret)
if err := framework.DeployInfinispanInstance(data.Namespace, infinispan); err != nil {
return err
return framework.WaitForPodsWithLabels(data.Namespace, framework.GetRunningInfinispanPodLabels(name), 1, 3)
func (data *Data) infinispanInstanceIsDeployedForPerformanceWithinMinutesWithConfiguration(name string, timeOutInMin int, table *godog.Table) error {
if err := createInfinispanSecret(data.Namespace, externalInfinispanSecret, table); err != nil {
return err
infinispan := framework.GetInfinispanStub(data.Namespace, name, externalInfinispanSecret)
// Add performance-specific container spec
infinispan.Spec.Container = performanceInfinispanContainerSpec
if err := framework.DeployInfinispanInstance(data.Namespace, infinispan); err != nil {
return err
return framework.WaitForInfinispanPodsToBeRunningWithConfig(data.Namespace, performanceInfinispanContainerSpec, 1, timeOutInMin)
func (data *Data) scaleInfinispanInstanceToPodsWithinMinutes(name string, nbPods, timeoutInMin int) error {
err := framework.SetInfinispanReplicas(data.Namespace, name, nbPods)
if err != nil {
return err
return framework.WaitForPodsWithLabels(data.Namespace, framework.GetRunningInfinispanPodLabels(name), nbPods, timeoutInMin)
// Misc methods
func createInfinispanSecret(namespace, secretName string, table *godog.Table) error {
credentials := make(map[string]string)
credentials["operator"] = "supersecretoperatorpassword" // Credentials required by Infinispan operator
if username, password, err := mappers.MapInfinispanCredentialsFromTable(table); err != nil {
return err
} else if len(username) > 0 {
// User defined credentials
credentials[username] = password
return framework.CreateInfinispanSecret(namespace, secretName, credentials)