blob: 533521167e79f835dad2cfdd8d2f9d97da3b74c8 [file] [log] [blame]
Feature: Serverless Workflow devmode images
Scenario: Verify if container starts in devmode by default
When container is started with env
| variable | value |
| SCRIPT_DEBUG | true |
Then check that page is served
| property | value |
| port | 8080 |
| path | /q/health/ready |
| wait | 480 |
| request_method | GET |
| expected_status_code | 200 |
And container log should contain --no-transfer-progress
And container log should contain -Duser.home=/home/kogito -o
And container log should contain -Dquarkus.test.continuous-testing=disabled
And container log should match regex Installed features:.*kubernetes
And container log should match regex Installed features:.*kogito-serverless-workflow
And container log should match regex Installed features:.*kogito-addon-knative-eventing-extension
And container log should match regex Installed features:.*smallrye-health
And container log should match regex Installed features:.*kogito-serverless-workflow-devui
And container log should match regex Installed features:.*kogito-addon-source-files-extension
And container log should match regex Installed features:.*kogito-addons-quarkus-jobs-service-embedded
And container log should match regex Installed features:.*kogito-addons-quarkus-data-index-inmemory
Scenario: Verify if container starts correctly when continuous testing is enabled
When container is started with env
| variable | value |
| SCRIPT_DEBUG | true |
Then check that page is served
| property | value |
| port | 8080 |
| path | /q/health/ready |
| wait | 480 |
| request_method | GET |
| expected_status_code | 200 |
And container log should contain -Duser.home=/home/kogito
And container log should not contain /bin/mvn -B -X --batch-mode -o
And container log should contain -Dquarkus.test.continuous-testing=enabled
Scenario: Verify if container starts correctly when QUARKUS_EXTENSIONS env is used
When container is started with env
| variable | value |
| SCRIPT_DEBUG | true |
| QUARKUS_EXTENSIONS | io.quarkus:quarkus-elytron-security-jdbc |
Then check that page is served
| property | value |
| port | 8080 |
| path | /q/health/ready |
| wait | 480 |
| request_method | GET |
| expected_status_code | 200 |
And container log should contain -Duser.home=/home/kogito
And container log should not contain /bin/mvn -B -X --batch-mode -o
And container log should contain Extension io.quarkus:quarkus-elytron-security-jdbc has been installed
And container log should match regex Installed features:.*kubernetes
And container log should match regex Installed features:.*kogito-serverless-workflow
And container log should match regex Installed features:.*kogito-addon-knative-eventing-extension
And container log should match regex Installed features:.*smallrye-health
And container log should match regex Installed features:.*kogito-serverless-workflow-devui
And container log should match regex Installed features:.*kogito-addon-source-files-extension
And container log should match regex Installed features:.*kogito-addons-quarkus-jobs-service-embedded
And container log should match regex Installed features:.*kogito-addons-quarkus-data-index-inmemory
And container log should match regex Installed features:.*security-jdbc
Scenario: verify that the embedded jobs-service is running
When container is started with env
| variable | value |
Then check that page is served
| property | value |
| port | 8080 |
| path | /q/health/ready |
| wait | 480 |
| request_method | GET |
| expected_status_code | 200 |
And container log should contain Embedded Postgres started at port
And container log should contain SET Leader
And check that page is served
| property | value |
| port | 8080 |
| path | /v2/jobs/1234 |
| wait | 480 |
| request_method | GET |
| expected_status_code | 404 |
| expected_phrase | Job not found |
Scenario: verify that the embedded data-index service is running
When container is started with env
| variable | value |
Then check that page is served
| property | value |
| port | 8080 |
| path | /q/health/ready |
| request_method | GET |
| wait | 480 |
| expected_status_code | 200 |
And container log should contain Embedded Postgres started at port
And check that page is served
| property | value |
| port | 8080 |
| path | /graphql |
| request_method | POST |
| request_body | { "query": "{ProcessInstances{ id } }" } |
| wait | 480 |
| expected_status_code | 200 |
| expected_phrase | {"data":{"ProcessInstances":[]}} |
Scenario: verify that the serverless workflow devui is running
When container is started with env
| variable | value |
Then check that page is served
| property | value |
| port | 8080 |
| path | /q/dev-v1/org.kie.kogito.kogito-quarkus-serverless-workflow/dataindex |
| request_method | GET |
| wait | 480 |
| expected_status_code | 200 |
And check that page is served
| property | value |
| port | 8080 |
| path | /q/dev-v1/org.kie.kogito.kogito-quarkus-serverless-workflow-devui/workflowInstances |
| request_method | GET |
| wait | 480 |
| expected_status_code | 200 |
Scenario: Verify if container starts in devmode with service discovery enabled
When container is started with env
| variable | value |
Then check that page is served
| property | value |
| port | 8080 |
| path | /q/health/ready |
| wait | 480 |
| request_method | GET |
| expected_status_code | 200 |
And container log should contain kogito-addon-microprofile-config-service-catalog-extension
Scenario: Verify if container have the KOGITO_CODEGEN_PROCESS_FAILONERROR env set to false
When container is started with command bash
Then run sh -c 'echo $KOGITO_CODEGEN_PROCESS_FAILONERROR' in container and immediately check its output for false