blob: a696b6cc3c130bbbfb78f91e98080a38b704dc12 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this
* work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF
* licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import static org.apache.hugegraph.config.OptionChecker.allowValues;
import static org.apache.hugegraph.config.OptionChecker.disallowEmpty;
import static org.apache.hugegraph.config.OptionChecker.inValues;
import static org.apache.hugegraph.config.OptionChecker.rangeDouble;
import static org.apache.hugegraph.config.OptionChecker.rangeInt;
import org.rocksdb.CompactionStyle;
import org.rocksdb.CompressionType;
import org.rocksdb.DataBlockIndexType;
import org.rocksdb.IndexType;
import org.apache.hugegraph.config.ConfigConvOption;
import org.apache.hugegraph.config.ConfigListConvOption;
import org.apache.hugegraph.config.ConfigListOption;
import org.apache.hugegraph.config.ConfigOption;
import org.apache.hugegraph.config.OptionHolder;
import org.apache.hugegraph.util.Bytes;
public class RocksDBOptions extends OptionHolder {
private RocksDBOptions() {
private static volatile RocksDBOptions instance;
public static synchronized RocksDBOptions instance() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new RocksDBOptions();
return instance;
public static final ConfigOption<String> DATA_PATH =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The path for storing data of RocksDB.",
public static final ConfigListOption<String> DATA_DISKS =
new ConfigListOption<>(
"The optimized disks for storing data of RocksDB. " +
"The format of each element: `STORE/TABLE: /path/disk`." +
"Allowed keys are [g/vertex, g/edge_out, g/edge_in, " +
"g/vertex_label_index, g/edge_label_index, " +
"g/range_int_index, g/range_float_index, " +
"g/range_long_index, g/range_double_index, " +
"g/secondary_index, g/search_index, g/shard_index, " +
"g/unique_index, g/olap]",
public static final ConfigOption<String> WAL_PATH =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The path for storing WAL of RocksDB.",
public static final ConfigOption<String> SST_PATH =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The path for ingesting SST file into RocksDB.",
// TODO: support ConfigOption<InfoLogLevel>
public static final ConfigOption<String> LOG_LEVEL =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The info log level of RocksDB.",
allowValues("DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "FATAL", "HEADER"),
public static final ConfigOption<Integer> NUM_LEVELS =
new ConfigOption<>(
"Set the number of levels for this database.",
rangeInt(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE),
public static final ConfigConvOption<String, CompactionStyle> COMPACTION_STYLE =
new ConfigConvOption<>(
"Set compaction style for RocksDB: LEVEL/UNIVERSAL/FIFO.",
allowValues("LEVEL", "UNIVERSAL", "FIFO"),
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> OPTIMIZE_MODE =
new ConfigOption<>(
"Optimize for heavy workloads and big datasets.",
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> BULKLOAD_MODE =
new ConfigOption<>(
"Switch to the mode to bulk load data into RocksDB.",
public static final ConfigListConvOption<String, CompressionType> LEVELS_COMPRESSIONS =
new ConfigListConvOption<>(
"The compression algorithms for different levels of RocksDB, " +
"allowed values are none/snappy/z/bzip2/lz4/lz4hc/xpress/zstd.",
inValues("none", "snappy", "z", "bzip2", "lz4", "lz4hc", "xpress", "zstd"),
"none", "none", "snappy", "snappy", "snappy", "snappy", "snappy"
public static final ConfigConvOption<String, CompressionType> BOTTOMMOST_COMPRESSION =
new ConfigConvOption<>(
"The compression algorithm for the bottommost level of RocksDB, " +
"allowed values are none/snappy/z/bzip2/lz4/lz4hc/xpress/zstd.",
allowValues("none", "snappy", "z", "bzip2", "lz4", "lz4hc", "xpress", "zstd"),
public static final ConfigConvOption<String, CompressionType> COMPRESSION =
new ConfigConvOption<>(
"The compression algorithm for compressing blocks of RocksDB, " +
"allowed values are none/snappy/z/bzip2/lz4/lz4hc/xpress/zstd.",
allowValues("none", "snappy", "z", "bzip2", "lz4", "lz4hc", "xpress", "zstd"),
public static final ConfigOption<Integer> MAX_BG_JOBS =
new ConfigOption<>(
"Maximum number of concurrent background jobs, " +
"including flushes and compactions.",
rangeInt(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE),
public static final ConfigOption<Integer> MAX_SUB_COMPACTIONS =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The value represents the maximum number of threads per compaction job.",
rangeInt(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE),
public static final ConfigOption<Long> DELAYED_WRITE_RATE =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The rate limit in bytes/s of user write requests " +
"when need to slow down if the compaction gets behind.",
rangeInt(1L, Long.MAX_VALUE),
16L * Bytes.MB
public static final ConfigOption<Integer> MAX_OPEN_FILES =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The maximum number of open files that can be cached by RocksDB, " +
"-1 means no limit.",
rangeInt(-1, Integer.MAX_VALUE),
public static final ConfigOption<Long> MAX_MANIFEST_FILE_SIZE =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The max size of manifest file in bytes.",
rangeInt(1L, Long.MAX_VALUE),
100L * Bytes.MB
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> SKIP_STATS_UPDATE_ON_DB_OPEN =
new ConfigOption<>(
"Whether to skip statistics update when opening the database, " +
"setting this flag true allows us to not update statistics.",
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> SKIP_CHECK_SIZE_ON_DB_OPEN =
new ConfigOption<>(
"Whether to skip checking sizes of all sst files when " +
"opening the database.",
public static final ConfigOption<Integer> MAX_FILE_OPENING_THREADS =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The max number of threads used to open files.",
rangeInt(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE),
public static final ConfigOption<Long> MAX_TOTAL_WAL_SIZE =
new ConfigOption<>(
"Total size of WAL files in bytes. Once WALs exceed this size, " +
"we will start forcing the flush of column families related, " +
"0 means no limit.",
rangeInt(0L, Long.MAX_VALUE),
public static final ConfigOption<Long> BYTES_PER_SYNC =
new ConfigOption<>(
"Allows OS to incrementally sync SST files to disk while " +
"they are being written, asynchronously in the background. " +
"Issue one request for every bytes_per_sync written. " +
"0 turns it off.",
rangeInt(0L, Long.MAX_VALUE),
public static final ConfigOption<Long> WAL_BYTES_PER_SYNC =
new ConfigOption<>(
"Allows OS to incrementally sync WAL files to disk while " +
"they are being written, asynchronously in the background. " +
"Issue one request for every bytes_per_sync written. " +
"0 turns it off.",
rangeInt(0L, Long.MAX_VALUE),
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> STRICT_BYTES_PER_SYNC =
new ConfigOption<>(
"When true, guarantees SST/WAL files have at most " +
"bytes_per_sync/wal_bytes_per_sync bytes submitted for " +
"writeback at any given time. This can be used to handle " +
"cases where processing speed exceeds I/O speed.",
public static final ConfigOption<Long> DB_MEMTABLE_SIZE =
new ConfigOption<>(
"Total size of write buffers in bytes across all column families, " +
"0 means no limit.",
rangeInt(0L, Long.MAX_VALUE),
public static final ConfigOption<Long> LOG_READAHEAD_SIZE =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The number of bytes to prefetch when reading the log. " +
"0 means the prefetching is disabled.",
rangeInt(0L, Long.MAX_VALUE),
public static final ConfigOption<Long> COMPACTION_READAHEAD_SIZE =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The number of bytes to perform bigger reads when doing " +
"compaction. If running RocksDB on spinning disks, " +
"you should set this to at least 2MB. " +
"0 means the prefetching is disabled.",
rangeInt(0L, Long.MAX_VALUE),
public static final ConfigOption<Long> ROW_CACHE_CAPACITY =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The capacity in bytes of global cache for table-level rows. " +
"0 means the row_cache is disabled.",
rangeInt(0L, Long.MAX_VALUE),
public static final ConfigOption<Long> DELETE_OBSOLETE_FILE_PERIOD =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The periodicity in seconds when obsolete files get deleted, " +
"0 means always do full purge.",
rangeInt(0L, Long.MAX_VALUE),
6L * 60 * 60
public static final ConfigOption<Long> MEMTABLE_SIZE =
new ConfigOption<>(
"Amount of data in bytes to build up in memory.",
rangeInt(Bytes.MB, Long.MAX_VALUE),
128L * Bytes.MB
public static final ConfigOption<Integer> MAX_MEMTABLES =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The maximum number of write buffers that are built up in memory.",
rangeInt(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE),
public static final ConfigOption<Integer> MIN_MEMTABLES_TO_MERGE =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The minimum number of write buffers that will be merged together.",
rangeInt(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE),
public static final ConfigOption<Integer> MAX_MEMTABLES_TO_MAINTAIN =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The total maximum number of write buffers to maintain in memory " +
"for conflict checking when transactions are used.",
rangeInt(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE),
public static final ConfigOption<Double> MEMTABLE_BLOOM_SIZE_RATIO =
new ConfigOption<>(
"If prefix-extractor is set and memtable_bloom_size_ratio " +
"is not 0, or if memtable_whole_key_filtering is set true, " +
"create bloom filter for memtable with the size of " +
"write_buffer_size * memtable_bloom_size_ratio. " +
"If it is larger than 0.25, it is santinized to 0.25.",
rangeDouble(0.0, 1.0),
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> MEMTABLE_BLOOM_WHOLE_KEY_FILTERING =
new ConfigOption<>(
"Enable whole key bloom filter in memtable, it can " +
"potentially reduce CPU usage for point-look-ups. Note " +
"this will only take effect if memtable_bloom_size_ratio > 0.",
public static final ConfigOption<Long> MEMTABL_BLOOM_HUGE_PAGE_SIZE =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The page size for huge page TLB for bloom in memtable. " +
"If <= 0, not allocate from huge page TLB but from malloc.",
rangeInt(0L, Long.MAX_VALUE),
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> MEMTABLE_INPLACE_UPDATE_SUPPORT =
new ConfigOption<>(
"Allows thread-safe inplace updates if a put key exists " +
"in current memtable and sizeof new value is smaller.",
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> DYNAMIC_LEVEL_BYTES =
new ConfigOption<>(
"Whether to enable level_compaction_dynamic_level_bytes, " +
"if it's enabled we give max_bytes_for_level_multiplier a " +
"priority against max_bytes_for_level_base, the bytes of " +
"base level is dynamic for a more predictable LSM tree, " +
"it is useful to limit worse case space amplification. " +
"Turning this feature on/off for an existing DB can cause " +
"unexpected LSM tree structure so it's not recommended.",
public static final ConfigOption<Long> MAX_LEVEL1_BYTES =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The upper-bound of the total size of level-1 files in bytes.",
rangeInt(Bytes.MB, Long.MAX_VALUE),
512L * Bytes.MB
public static final ConfigOption<Double> MAX_LEVEL_BYTES_MULTIPLIER =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The ratio between the total size of level (L+1) files and " +
"the total size of level L files for all L.",
rangeDouble(1.0, Double.MAX_VALUE),
public static final ConfigOption<Long> TARGET_FILE_SIZE_BASE =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The target file size for compaction in bytes.",
rangeInt(Bytes.MB, Long.MAX_VALUE),
64L * Bytes.MB
public static final ConfigOption<Integer> TARGET_FILE_SIZE_MULTIPLIER =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The size ratio between a level L file and a level (L+1) file.",
rangeInt(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE),
public static final ConfigOption<Integer> LEVEL0_COMPACTION_TRIGGER =
new ConfigOption<>(
"Number of files to trigger level-0 compaction.",
rangeInt(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE),
public static final ConfigOption<Integer> LEVEL0_SLOWDOWN_WRITES_TRIGGER =
new ConfigOption<>(
"Soft limit on number of level-0 files for slowing down writes.",
rangeInt(-1, Integer.MAX_VALUE),
public static final ConfigOption<Integer> LEVEL0_STOP_WRITES_TRIGGER =
new ConfigOption<>(
"Hard limit on number of level-0 files for stopping writes.",
rangeInt(-1, Integer.MAX_VALUE),
public static final ConfigOption<Long> SOFT_PENDING_COMPACTION_LIMIT =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The soft limit to impose on pending compaction in bytes.",
rangeInt(Bytes.GB, Long.MAX_VALUE),
64L * Bytes.GB
public static final ConfigOption<Long> HARD_PENDING_COMPACTION_LIMIT =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The hard limit to impose on pending compaction in bytes.",
rangeInt(Bytes.GB, Long.MAX_VALUE),
256L * Bytes.GB
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> ALLOW_MMAP_WRITES =
new ConfigOption<>(
"Allow the OS to mmap file for writing.",
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> ALLOW_MMAP_READS =
new ConfigOption<>(
"Allow the OS to mmap file for reading sst tables.",
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> USE_DIRECT_READS =
new ConfigOption<>(
"Enable the OS to use direct I/O for reading sst tables.",
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> USE_DIRECT_READS_WRITES_FC =
new ConfigOption<>(
"Enable the OS to use direct read/writes in flush and compaction.",
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> USE_FSYNC =
new ConfigOption<>(
"If true, then every store to stable storage will issue a fsync.",
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> ATOMIC_FLUSH =
new ConfigOption<>(
"If true, flushing multiple column families and committing " +
"their results atomically to MANIFEST. Note that it's not " +
"necessary to set atomic_flush=true if WAL is always enabled.",
public static final ConfigOption<Integer> TABLE_FORMAT_VERSION =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The format version of BlockBasedTable, allowed values are 0~5.",
rangeInt(0, 5),
public static final ConfigConvOption<String, IndexType> INDEX_TYPE =
new ConfigConvOption<>(
"The index type used to lookup between data blocks " +
"with the sst table, allowed values are [kBinarySearch," +
allowValues("kBinarySearch", "kHashSearch",
"kTwoLevelIndexSearch", "kBinarySearchWithFirstKey"),
public static final ConfigConvOption<String, DataBlockIndexType> DATA_BLOCK_SEARCH_TYPE =
new ConfigConvOption<>(
"The search type used to point lookup in data block with " +
"the sst table, allowed values are [kDataBlockBinarySearch," +
allowValues("kDataBlockBinarySearch", "kDataBlockBinaryAndHash"),
public static final ConfigOption<Double> DATA_BLOCK_HASH_TABLE_RATIO =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The hash table utilization ratio value of entries/buckets. " +
"It is valid only when data_block_index_type=kDataBlockBinaryAndHash.",
rangeDouble(0.0, 1.0),
public static final ConfigOption<Long> BLOCK_SIZE =
new ConfigOption<>(
"Approximate size of user data packed per block, Note that " +
"it corresponds to uncompressed data.",
rangeInt(0L, Long.MAX_VALUE),
4L * Bytes.KB
public static final ConfigOption<Integer> BLOCK_SIZE_DEVIATION =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The percentage of free space used to close a block.",
rangeInt(0, 100),
public static final ConfigOption<Integer> BLOCK_RESTART_INTERVAL =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The block restart interval for delta encoding in blocks.",
rangeInt(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE),
public static final ConfigOption<Long> BLOCK_CACHE_CAPACITY =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The amount of block cache in bytes that will be used by RocksDB, " +
"0 means no block cache.",
rangeInt(0L, Long.MAX_VALUE),
8L * Bytes.MB
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> CACHE_FILTER_AND_INDEX =
new ConfigOption<>(
"Set this option true if we'd put index/filter blocks to " +
"the block cache.",
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> PIN_L0_INDEX_AND_FILTER =
new ConfigOption<>(
"Set this option true if we'd pin L0 index/filter blocks to " +
"the block cache.",
public static final ConfigOption<Integer> BLOOM_FILTER_BITS_PER_KEY =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The bits per key in bloom filter, a good value is 10, " +
"which yields a filter with ~ 1% false positive rate. " +
"Set bloom_filter_bits_per_key > 0 to enable bloom filter, " +
"-1 means no bloom filter (0~0.5 round down to no filter).",
rangeInt(-1, Integer.MAX_VALUE),
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> BLOOM_FILTER_MODE =
new ConfigOption<>(
"If bloom filter is enabled, set this option true to " +
"use block based filter rather than full filter.",
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> BLOOM_FILTER_WHOLE_KEY =
new ConfigOption<>(
"If bloom filter is enabled, set this option true to " +
"place whole keys in the bloom filter, else place the " +
"prefix of keys when prefix-extractor is set.",
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> BLOOM_FILTERS_SKIP_LAST_LEVEL =
new ConfigOption<>(
"If bloom filter is enabled, this flag allows us to not " +
"store filters for the last level. set this option true to " +
"optimize the filters mainly for cases where keys are found " +
"rather than also optimize for keys missed.",
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> PARTITION_FILTERS_INDEXES =
new ConfigOption<>(
"If bloom filter is enabled, set this option true to use " +
"partitioned full filters and indexes for each sst file. " +
"This option is incompatible with block-based filters.",
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> PIN_TOP_INDEX_AND_FILTER =
new ConfigOption<>(
"If partition_filters_and_indexes is set true, set this " +
"option true if we'd pin top-level index of partitioned " +
"filter and index blocks to the block cache.",
public static final ConfigOption<Integer> PREFIX_EXTRACTOR_CAPPED =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The prefix-extractor uses the first N bytes of a key as its prefix, " +
"it will use the full key when a key is shorter than the N. " +
"0 means unset prefix-extractor.",
rangeInt(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE),