blob: 298828547aaf55e1bfd3ea921e5e520d0bf86375 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this
* work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF
* licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.hugegraph.config;
import static org.apache.hugegraph.config.OptionChecker.disallowEmpty;
import static org.apache.hugegraph.config.OptionChecker.rangeDouble;
import static org.apache.hugegraph.config.OptionChecker.rangeInt;
public class AuthOptions extends OptionHolder {
private AuthOptions() {
private static volatile AuthOptions instance;
public static synchronized AuthOptions instance() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new AuthOptions();
return instance;
public static final ConfigOption<String> AUTHENTICATOR =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The class path of authenticator implementation. " +
"e.g., org.apache.hugegraph.auth.StandardAuthenticator, " +
"or org.apache.hugegraph.auth.ConfigAuthenticator.",
public static final ConfigOption<String> AUTH_GRAPH_STORE =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The name of graph used to store authentication information, " +
"like users, only for org.apache.hugegraph.auth.StandardAuthenticator.",
public static final ConfigOption<String> AUTH_ADMIN_TOKEN =
new ConfigOption<>(
"Token for administrator operations, " +
"only for org.apache.hugegraph.auth.ConfigAuthenticator.",
public static final ConfigListOption<String> AUTH_USER_TOKENS =
new ConfigListOption<>(
"The map of user tokens with name and password, " +
"only for org.apache.hugegraph.auth.ConfigAuthenticator.",
public static final ConfigOption<String> AUTH_REMOTE_URL =
new ConfigOption<>(
"If the address is empty, it provide auth service, " +
"otherwise it is auth client and also provide auth service " +
"through rpc forwarding. The remote url can be set to " +
"multiple addresses, which are concat by ','.",
public static final ConfigOption<String> AUTH_TOKEN_SECRET =
new ConfigOption<>(
"Secret key of HS256 algorithm.",
public static final ConfigOption<Double> AUTH_AUDIT_LOG_RATE =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The max rate of audit log output per user, " +
"default value is 1000 records per second.",
rangeDouble(0.0, Double.MAX_VALUE),
public static final ConfigOption<Long> AUTH_CACHE_EXPIRE =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The expiration time in seconds of auth cache in " +
"auth client and auth server.",
rangeInt(0L, Long.MAX_VALUE),
(60 * 10L)
public static final ConfigOption<Long> AUTH_CACHE_CAPACITY =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The max cache capacity of each auth cache item.",
rangeInt(0L, Long.MAX_VALUE),
(1024 * 10L)
public static final ConfigOption<Long> AUTH_TOKEN_EXPIRE =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The expiration time in seconds after token created",
rangeInt(0L, Long.MAX_VALUE),
(3600 * 24L)