blob: e358c702dad277e81010791ff45d6d726f490f8e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this
* work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF
* licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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* under the License.
package org.apache.hugegraph.define;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.hugegraph.util.E;
import org.apache.hugegraph.util.NumericUtil;
public enum UpdateStrategy {
// Only number support sum
Object updatePropertyValue(Object oldProperty, Object newProperty) {
// TODO: Improve performance? (like write a method in common module)
BigDecimal oldNumber = new BigDecimal(oldProperty.toString());
BigDecimal newNumber = new BigDecimal(newProperty.toString());
return oldNumber.add(newNumber);
void checkPropertyType(Object oldProperty, Object newProperty) {
E.checkArgument(oldProperty instanceof Number &&
newProperty instanceof Number,
this.formatError(oldProperty, newProperty,
// Only Date & Number support compare
Object updatePropertyValue(Object oldProperty, Object newProperty) {
return compareNumber(oldProperty, newProperty, BIGGER);
void checkPropertyType(Object oldProperty, Object newProperty) {
E.checkArgument((oldProperty instanceof Date ||
oldProperty instanceof Number) &&
(newProperty instanceof Date ||
newProperty instanceof Number),
this.formatError(oldProperty, newProperty,
"Date or Number"));
Object updatePropertyValue(Object oldProperty, Object newProperty) {
return compareNumber(oldProperty, newProperty, SMALLER);
void checkPropertyType(Object oldProperty, Object newProperty) {
E.checkArgument((oldProperty instanceof Date ||
oldProperty instanceof Number) &&
(newProperty instanceof Date ||
newProperty instanceof Number),
this.formatError(oldProperty, newProperty,
"Date or Number"));
// Only Set support union & intersection
Object updatePropertyValue(Object oldProperty, Object newProperty) {
return combineSet(oldProperty, newProperty, UNION);
void checkPropertyType(Object oldProperty, Object newProperty) {
// JsonElements are always List-type, so allows two type now.
this.checkCollectionType(oldProperty, newProperty);
Object updatePropertyValue(Object oldProperty, Object newProperty) {
return combineSet(oldProperty, newProperty, INTERSECTION);
void checkPropertyType(Object oldProperty, Object newProperty) {
this.checkCollectionType(oldProperty, newProperty);
// Batch update Set should use union because of higher efficiency
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
Object updatePropertyValue(Object oldProperty, Object newProperty) {
((Collection) oldProperty).addAll((Collection) newProperty);
return oldProperty;
void checkPropertyType(Object oldProperty, Object newProperty) {
this.checkCollectionType(oldProperty, newProperty);
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
Object updatePropertyValue(Object oldProperty, Object newProperty) {
((Collection) oldProperty).removeAll((Collection) newProperty);
return oldProperty;
void checkPropertyType(Object oldProperty, Object newProperty) {
this.checkCollectionType(oldProperty, newProperty);
Object updatePropertyValue(Object oldProperty, Object newProperty) {
return newProperty;
void checkPropertyType(Object oldProperty, Object newProperty) {
// Allow any type
abstract Object updatePropertyValue(Object oldProperty, Object newProperty);
abstract void checkPropertyType(Object oldProperty, Object newProperty);
public Object checkAndUpdateProperty(Object oldProperty,
Object newProperty) {
this.checkPropertyType(oldProperty, newProperty);
return this.updatePropertyValue(oldProperty, newProperty);
protected String formatError(Object oldProperty, Object newProperty,
String className) {
return String.format("Property type must be %s for strategy %s, " +
"but got type %s, %s", className, this,
protected void checkCollectionType(Object oldProperty,
Object newProperty) {
E.checkArgument((oldProperty instanceof Set ||
oldProperty instanceof List) &&
(newProperty instanceof Set ||
newProperty instanceof List),
this.formatError(oldProperty, newProperty,
"Set or List"));
protected static Object compareNumber(Object oldProperty,
Object newProperty,
UpdateStrategy strategy) {
Number oldNum = NumericUtil.convertToNumber(oldProperty);
Number newNum = NumericUtil.convertToNumber(newProperty);
int result = NumericUtil.compareNumber(oldNum, newNum);
return strategy == BIGGER ? (result > 0 ? oldProperty : newProperty) :
(result < 0 ? oldProperty : newProperty);
protected static Set<?> combineSet(Object oldProperty, Object newProperty,
UpdateStrategy strategy) {
Set<?> oldSet = oldProperty instanceof Set ?
(Set<?>) oldProperty :
new HashSet<>((List<?>) oldProperty);
Set<?> newSet = newProperty instanceof Set ?
(Set<?>) newProperty :
new HashSet<>((List<?>) newProperty);
return strategy == UNION ? Sets.union(oldSet, newSet) :
Sets.intersection(oldSet, newSet);