blob: f7754824ece91b141c240e1ce4925d4e6efad015 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package pdpb;
import "metapb.proto";
import "metaTask.proto";
option java_package = "org.apache.hugegraph.pd.grpc";
service PD {
// Register store, the first registration will generate a new store_id, store_id is the unique identifier of the store
rpc RegisterStore(RegisterStoreRequest) returns (RegisterStoreResponse) {}
rpc GetStore(GetStoreRequest) returns (GetStoreResponse) {}
// Modify Store status and other information.
rpc SetStore(SetStoreRequest) returns (SetStoreResponse) {}
// Look up the partition based on the key
rpc DelStore(DetStoreRequest) returns (DetStoreResponse) {}
rpc GetAllStores(GetAllStoresRequest) returns (GetAllStoresResponse) {}
rpc StoreHeartbeat(StoreHeartbeatRequest) returns (StoreHeartbeatResponse) {}
// Look up the partition based on the key
rpc GetPartition(GetPartitionRequest) returns (GetPartitionResponse) {}
// Look up the partition based on HashCode
rpc GetPartitionByCode(GetPartitionByCodeRequest) returns (GetPartitionResponse) {}
// Return partition by PartitionID
rpc GetPartitionByID(GetPartitionByIDRequest) returns (GetPartitionResponse) {}
rpc ScanPartitions(ScanPartitionsRequest) returns (ScanPartitionsResponse) {}
// Update partition information, mainly used to update partition key range, call this interface carefully, otherwise data loss will occur.
rpc UpdatePartition(UpdatePartitionRequest) returns (UpdatePartitionResponse) {}
// Look up the partition based on the key
rpc DelPartition(DelPartitionRequest) returns (DelPartitionResponse) {}
// Query partition information based on conditions, including Store, Graph and other conditions
rpc QueryPartitions(QueryPartitionsRequest) returns (QueryPartitionsResponse){}
// Read graph information
rpc GetGraph(GetGraphRequest) returns (GetGraphResponse){}
// Modify graph information
rpc SetGraph(SetGraphRequest) returns (SetGraphResponse){}
rpc DelGraph(DelGraphRequest) returns (DelGraphResponse){}
// Global unique incremental ID
rpc GetId(GetIdRequest) returns (GetIdResponse){}
rpc ResetId(ResetIdRequest) returns (ResetIdResponse){}
// PD cluster list
rpc GetMembers(GetMembersRequest) returns (GetMembersResponse) {}
rpc GetStoreStatus(GetAllStoresRequest) returns (GetAllStoresResponse) {}
rpc GetPDConfig(GetPDConfigRequest) returns (GetPDConfigResponse){}
rpc SetPDConfig(SetPDConfigRequest) returns (SetPDConfigResponse){}
rpc GetGraphSpace(GetGraphSpaceRequest) returns (GetGraphSpaceResponse){}
rpc SetGraphSpace(SetGraphSpaceRequest) returns (SetGraphSpaceResponse){}
// Get cluster health status
rpc GetClusterStats(GetClusterStatsRequest) returns (GetClusterStatsResponse){}
// Replace PD cluster nodes
rpc ChangePeerList(ChangePeerListRequest) returns (getChangePeerListResponse) {}
// Data splitting
rpc SplitData(SplitDataRequest) returns (SplitDataResponse){}
rpc SplitGraphData(SplitGraphDataRequest) returns (SplitDataResponse) {}
// Data migration
rpc MovePartition(MovePartitionRequest) returns (MovePartitionResponse){}
// Report partition splitting and other task execution results
rpc ReportTask(ReportTaskRequest) returns (ReportTaskResponse){}
rpc GetPartitionStats(GetPartitionStatsRequest) returns (GetPartitionStatsResponse){}
// Balance the number of partition leaders in the store
rpc BalanceLeaders(BalanceLeadersRequest) returns (BalanceLeadersResponse){}
// Replace license file
rpc PutLicense(PutLicenseRequest) returns (PutLicenseResponse){}
// Notify rocksdb to perform compaction
rpc DbCompaction(DbCompactionRequest) returns (DbCompactionResponse){}
// Merge partitions
rpc CombineCluster(CombineClusterRequest) returns (CombineClusterResponse){}
// Shrink a single graph
rpc CombineGraph(CombineGraphRequest) returns (CombineGraphResponse) {}
// shard group
rpc GetShardGroup(GetShardGroupRequest) returns (GetShardGroupResponse){}
rpc UpdateShardGroup(UpdateShardGroupRequest) returns (UpdateShardGroupResponse){}
// Delete shard group
rpc DeleteShardGroup(DeleteShardGroupRequest) returns (DeleteShardGroupResponse) {}
// shard group operation related to operation
rpc UpdateShardGroupOp(ChangeShardRequest) returns (ChangeShardResponse){}
// Change shard
rpc ChangeShard(ChangeShardRequest) returns (ChangeShardResponse) {}
// Update pd raft
rpc updatePdRaft(UpdatePdRaftRequest) returns (UpdatePdRaftResponse) {}
rpc getCache(GetGraphRequest) returns (CacheResponse) {}
rpc getPartitions(GetGraphRequest) returns (CachePartitionResponse) {}
message RequestHeader {
uint64 cluster_id = 1;
uint64 sender_id = 2;
message ResponseHeader {
// cluster_id is the ID of the cluster which sent the response.
uint64 cluster_id = 1;
Error error = 2;
enum ErrorType {
OK = 0;
NOT_FOUND = 103;
// Current cluster state prohibits splitting
Cluster_State_Forbid_Splitting = 1007;
// Currently splitting
Split_Partition_Doing = 1008;
// The number of partitions on the store exceeds the limit
Too_Many_Partitions_Per_Store = 1009;
// License error
// License authentication error
// Partition offline is in progress
Store_Tombstone_Doing = 1010;
// Invalid number of splits
Invalid_Split_Partition_Count = 1011;
message Error {
ErrorType type = 1;
string message = 2;
message GetStoreRequest {
RequestHeader header = 1;
uint64 store_id = 2;
message GetStoreResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
metapb.Store store = 2;
metapb.StoreStats stats = 3;
message DetStoreRequest {
RequestHeader header = 1;
uint64 store_id = 2;
message DetStoreResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
metapb.Store store = 2;
message RegisterStoreRequest {
RequestHeader header = 1;
metapb.Store store = 2;
message RegisterStoreResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
// Upon initial registration, returns the new store_id
uint64 store_id = 2;
message SetStoreRequest {
RequestHeader header = 1;
metapb.Store store = 2;
message SetStoreResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
// Returns the modified Store
metapb.Store store = 2;
// Returns all stores where graph_name is located. If graph_name is empty, returns all system stores.
message GetAllStoresRequest {
RequestHeader header = 1;
string graph_name = 2;
// Whether to exclude offline stores
bool exclude_offline_stores = 3;
message GetAllStoresResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
repeated metapb.Store stores = 2;
message StoreHeartbeatRequest {
RequestHeader header = 1;
metapb.StoreStats stats = 2;
message StoreHeartbeatResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
string cluster_version = 3;
metapb.ClusterStats clusterStats = 4;
message GetPartitionRequest {
RequestHeader header = 1;
string graph_name = 2;
bytes key = 3;
message GetPartitionByCodeRequest {
RequestHeader header = 1;
string graph_name = 2;
uint64 code = 3;
message GetPartitionResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
metapb.Partition partition = 2;
metapb.Shard leader = 3;
// Offline Shards
repeated metapb.Shard offline_shards = 4;
message GetPartitionByIDRequest {
RequestHeader header = 1;
string graph_name = 2;
uint32 partition_id = 3;
message DelPartitionRequest {
RequestHeader header = 1;
string graph_name = 2;
uint32 partition_id = 3;
message DelPartitionResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
metapb.Partition partition = 2;
message UpdatePartitionRequest{
RequestHeader header = 1;
repeated metapb.Partition partition = 2;
message UpdatePartitionResponse{
ResponseHeader header = 1;
repeated metapb.Partition partition = 2;
// Use GetPartitionResponse as the response of GetPartitionByIDRequest.
message ScanPartitionsRequest {
RequestHeader header = 1;
string graph_name = 2;
bytes start_key = 3;
bytes end_key = 4; // end_key is +inf when it is empty.
message ScanPartitionsResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
repeated metapb.PartitionShard partitions = 4;
message QueryPartitionsRequest{
RequestHeader header = 1;
metapb.PartitionQuery query = 2;
message QueryPartitionsResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
repeated metapb.Partition partitions = 4;
message GetGraphRequest{
RequestHeader header = 1;
string graph_name = 2;
message GetGraphResponse{
ResponseHeader header = 1;
metapb.Graph graph = 2;
message SetGraphRequest{
RequestHeader header = 1;
metapb.Graph graph = 2;
message SetGraphResponse{
ResponseHeader header = 1;
metapb.Graph graph = 2;
message DelGraphRequest{
RequestHeader header = 1;
string graph_name = 2;
message DelGraphResponse{
ResponseHeader header = 1;
metapb.Graph graph = 2;
message GetIdRequest{
RequestHeader header = 1;
string key = 2;
int32 delta = 3;
message GetIdResponse{
ResponseHeader header = 1;
int64 id = 2;
int32 delta = 3;
message ResetIdRequest{
RequestHeader header = 1;
string key = 2;
message ResetIdResponse{
ResponseHeader header = 1;
int32 result = 2;
message GetMembersRequest{
RequestHeader header = 1;
message GetMembersResponse{
ResponseHeader header = 1;
repeated metapb.Member members = 2;
metapb.Member leader = 3;
message GetPDConfigRequest{
RequestHeader header = 1;
uint64 version = 2 ;
message GetPDConfigResponse{
ResponseHeader header = 1;
metapb.PDConfig pd_config = 2;
message SetPDConfigRequest{
RequestHeader header = 1;
metapb.PDConfig pd_config = 2;
message SetPDConfigResponse{
ResponseHeader header = 1;
message GetGraphSpaceRequest{
RequestHeader header = 1;
string graph_Space_Name = 2;
message GetGraphSpaceResponse{
ResponseHeader header = 1;
repeated metapb.GraphSpace graph_space = 2;
message SetGraphSpaceRequest{
RequestHeader header = 1;
metapb.GraphSpace graph_space = 2;
message SetGraphSpaceResponse{
ResponseHeader header = 1;
message GetClusterStatsRequest{
RequestHeader header = 1;
message GetClusterStatsResponse{
ResponseHeader header = 1;
metapb.ClusterStats cluster = 2;
message ChangePeerListRequest{
RequestHeader header = 1;
string peer_List = 2;
message getChangePeerListResponse{
ResponseHeader header = 1;
enum OperationMode {
Auto = 0;
Expert = 1;
message SplitDataParam {
// ID of the source partition being split
uint32 partition_id = 1;
// Number of target partitions
uint32 count = 2;
message SplitDataRequest {
RequestHeader header = 1;
// Operation mode
// Auto: Automatic splitting, when the number of partitions on each Store reaches the maximum value
// Expert: Expert mode, requires specifying splitParams
OperationMode mode = 2;
repeated SplitDataParam param = 3;
message SplitGraphDataRequest {
RequestHeader header = 1;
// Operation mode
string graph_name = 2;
uint32 to_count = 3;
message SplitDataResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
message MovePartitionParam {
uint32 partition_id = 1;
uint64 src_store_id = 2;
uint64 dst_store_id = 3;
message MovePartitionRequest {
RequestHeader header = 1;
// Operation mode
// Auto: Automatic transfer, aiming for equal number of partitions on each Store
// Expert: Expert mode, requires specifying transferParams
OperationMode mode = 2;
repeated MovePartitionParam param = 3;
message MovePartitionResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
message ReportTaskRequest {
RequestHeader header = 1;
metaTask.Task task = 2;
message ReportTaskResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
message GetPartitionStatsRequest {
RequestHeader header = 1;
uint32 partition_id = 2;
// If empty, returns the same partition ID for all graphs
string graph_name = 4;
message GetPartitionStatsResponse{
ResponseHeader header = 1;
metapb.PartitionStats partition_stats = 2;
message BalanceLeadersRequest{
RequestHeader header = 1;
message BalanceLeadersResponse{
ResponseHeader header = 1;
message PutLicenseRequest{
RequestHeader header = 1;
bytes content = 2;
message PutLicenseResponse{
ResponseHeader header = 1;
message DbCompactionRequest{
RequestHeader header = 1;
string tableName = 2;
message DbCompactionResponse{
ResponseHeader header = 1;
message CombineClusterRequest {
RequestHeader header = 1;
uint32 toCount = 2;
message CombineClusterResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
message CombineGraphRequest {
RequestHeader header = 1;
string graphName = 2;
uint32 toCount = 3;
message CombineGraphResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
message DeleteShardGroupRequest {
RequestHeader header = 1;
uint32 groupId = 2;
message DeleteShardGroupResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
message GetShardGroupRequest{
RequestHeader header = 1;
uint32 group_id = 2 ;
message GetShardGroupResponse{
ResponseHeader header = 1;
metapb.ShardGroup shardGroup = 2;
message UpdateShardGroupRequest{
RequestHeader header = 1;
metapb.ShardGroup shardGroup = 2;
message UpdateShardGroupResponse{
ResponseHeader header = 1;
message ChangeShardRequest{
RequestHeader header = 1;
uint32 groupId = 2;
repeated metapb.Shard shards = 3;
message ChangeShardResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
message UpdatePdRaftRequest{
RequestHeader header = 1;
string config = 3;
message UpdatePdRaftResponse{
ResponseHeader header = 1;
string message = 2;
message CacheResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
// Returns the modified Store
repeated metapb.Store stores = 2;
repeated metapb.ShardGroup shards = 3;
repeated metapb.Graph graphs = 4;
message CachePartitionResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
repeated metapb.Partition partitions = 2;