blob: 2d361de6621a11c8435989c889951de21a4a3ea9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package metapb;
option java_package = "org.apache.hugegraph.pd.grpc";
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
enum ClusterState{
// Cluster health
Cluster_OK = 0;
// Partition warning: There are some faulty nodes, which do not affect read/write for a short time
Cluster_Warn = 2;
// The partition is offline, which can be read but cannot be written
Cluster_Offline = 10;
// If the partition is faulty and cannot be read or written, you need to repair the faulty node as soon as possible.
Cluster_Fault = 11;
Cluster_Not_Ready = -1;
// Cluster status
message ClusterStats{
ClusterState state = 1;
string message = 2;
uint64 timestamp = 16;
enum StoreState {
Unknown = 0;
// Not activated
Pending = 4;
// online
Up = 1;
// Offline
Offline = 2;
Exiting = 5;
Tombstone = 3;
// Store label for Storage grouping.
message StoreLabel {
string key = 1;
string value = 2;
message Store {
uint64 id = 1;
// Address to handle client requests
string address = 2;
string raft_address = 3;
repeated StoreLabel labels = 4;
// Store Software version number
string version = 5;
StoreState state = 6;
// The start timestamp of the current store
int64 start_timestamp = 7;
string deploy_path = 8;
// The last heartbeat timestamp of the store.
int64 last_heartbeat = 9;
StoreStats stats = 10;
// The version number of the data format
int32 data_version = 11;
int32 cores = 12;
string data_path = 13;
enum ShardRole {
None = 0;
Leader = 1;
Follower = 2;
// Learner/None -> Learner
Learner = 3;
message Shard {
uint64 store_id = 2;
ShardRole role = 3;
message ShardGroup{
uint32 id = 1;
uint64 version = 2;
uint64 conf_ver = 3;
repeated Shard shards = 6;
PartitionState state = 10;
string message = 11;
message Graph {
string graph_name = 2;
// The number of partitions, 0 indicates invalid and cannot be greater than the total number of raft packets
int32 partition_count = 3;
PartitionState state = 10;
string message = 11;
GraphState graph_state = 12;
// Partition working status
enum PartitionState{
PState_None = 0;
PState_Normal = 1;
// Partition warning: There are some faulty nodes, which do not affect read/write for a short time
PState_Warn = 2;
// The partition is offline, which can be read but cannot be written
PState_Offline = 10;
// If the partition is faulty and cannot be read or written, you need to repair the faulty node as soon as possible.
PState_Fault = 11;
message PartitionV36 {
uint32 id = 1;
string graph_name = 3;
// Partition range [start_key, end_key].
uint64 start_key = 4;
uint64 end_key = 5;
repeated Shard shards = 6;
// Leader term, leader increment after switching
uint64 version = 7;
// shards The version number, which is incremented with each change
uint64 conf_ver = 8;
// Current working status
PartitionState state = 10;
string message = 11;
message Partition {
uint32 id = 1;
string graph_name = 3;
// Partition range [start_key, end_key].
uint64 start_key = 4;
uint64 end_key = 5;
// The partition object no longer stores the shard list (which is queried according to the corresponding shard group), and the version and conf version are no longer meaningful
// repeated Shard shards = 6;
// key range increment after each change
uint64 version = 7;
// shards The version number, which is incremented with each change
// uint64 conf_ver = 8;
// Current working status
PartitionState state = 10;
string message = 11;
message PartitionShard {
metapb.Partition partition = 1;
metapb.Shard leader = 2;
// Offline Shard
repeated metapb.Shard offline_shards = 3;
// The storage location where the record partition is located
message PartitionStore {
uint32 partition_id = 1;
string graph_name = 3;
// Storage location
string store_location = 4;
message PartitionRaft {
uint32 partition_id = 1;
string graph_name = 3;
// Storage location
string raft_location = 4;
message ShardStats{
uint64 store_id = 2;
ShardRole role = 3;
ShardState state = 4;
// The progress of the installation of the snapshot
uint32 progress = 5;
message PartitionStats{
uint32 id = 1;
// raft Term of office of the group.
uint64 leader_term = 2;
repeated string graph_name = 3;
metapb.Shard leader = 4;
// Offline shards
repeated metapb.Shard shard = 5;
repeated metapb.Shard learner = 6;
uint64 conf_ver = 7;
// partition status
PartitionState state = 8;
repeated ShardStats shardStats = 9;
// The approximate size of the partition
uint64 approximate_size = 10;
// The approximate number of partition keys
uint64 approximate_keys = 13;
// heartbeat timestamp
int64 timestamp = 16;
message GraphStats{
// graph
string graph_name = 1;
// The approximate size of the partition
uint64 approximate_size = 2;
// The approximate number of partition keys
uint64 approximate_keys = 3;
// // committed index
// uint64 committed_index = 4;
uint32 partition_id = 5;
ShardRole role = 6;
// Current working status
PartitionState work_state = 8;
message RaftStats {
// partition id
uint32 partition_id = 1;
// committed index
uint64 committed_index = 2;
message TimeInterval {
// The unix timestamp in seconds of the start of this period.
uint64 start_timestamp = 1;
// The unix timestamp in seconds of the end of this period.
uint64 end_timestamp = 2;
message RecordPair {
string key = 1;
uint64 value = 2;
message QueryStats {
uint64 GC = 1;
uint64 Get = 2;
uint64 Scan = 3;
uint64 Coprocessor = 4;
uint64 Delete = 5;
uint64 DeleteRange = 6;
uint64 Put = 7;
enum ShardState{
SState_None = 0;
// Normal
SState_Normal = 1;
// Install snapshots
SState_Snapshot = 2;
// Offline
SState_Offline = 10;
message StoreStats {
uint64 store_id = 1;
// Capacity for the store.
uint64 capacity = 2;
// Available size for the store.
uint64 available = 3;
// Total partition count in this store.
uint32 partition_count = 4;
// Current sending snapshot count.
uint32 sending_snap_count = 5;
// Current receiving snapshot count.
uint32 receiving_snap_count = 6;
// When the store is started (unix timestamp in seconds).
uint32 start_time = 7;
// How many partition is applying snapshot.
uint32 applying_snap_count = 8;
// If the store is busy
bool is_busy = 9;
// Actually used space by db
uint64 used_size = 10;
// Bytes written for the store during this period.
uint64 bytes_written = 11;
// Keys written for the store during this period.
uint64 keys_written = 12;
// Bytes read for the store during this period.
uint64 bytes_read = 13;
// Keys read for the store during this period.
uint64 keys_read = 14;
// Actually reported time interval
TimeInterval interval = 15;
// Threads' CPU usages in the store
repeated RecordPair cpu_usages = 16;
// Threads' read disk I/O rates in the store
repeated RecordPair read_io_rates = 17;
// Threads' write disk I/O rates in the store
repeated RecordPair write_io_rates = 18;
// Operations' latencies in the store
repeated RecordPair op_latencies = 19;
// Store query stats
QueryStats query_stats = 21;
// graph stats
repeated GraphStats graph_stats = 22;
// raft stats
repeated RaftStats raft_stats = 23;
int32 cores = 24;
// system metrics
repeated RecordPair system_metrics = 25;
// Partition query criteria
message PartitionQuery{
optional uint64 store_id = 1; // 0 Indicates that the query criteria do not contain store_id
optional string graph_name = 2;
optional uint32 partition_id = 4;
// PD Node information
message Member {
uint64 cluster_id = 1;
string raft_url = 3;
string grpc_url = 4;
string rest_url = 5;
string data_path = 6;
StoreState state = 7;
ShardRole role = 8;
string replicator_state = 9;
// Graph space configuration
message GraphSpace{
string name = 1;
// Maximum occupied storage
uint64 storage_limit = 2;
// Space used
uint64 used_size = 3;
// Modify time
uint64 timestamp = 10;
// PD Config
message PDConfig{
uint64 version = 1;
// The number of partitions is dynamically calculated based on the number of stores at the initialization and modified after splitting
// The exact count needs to be determined based on the store group
int32 partition_count = 2;
// Number of replicas per partition
int32 shard_count = 3;
// pd List of clusters
string peers_list = 4;
// The minimum number of stores in the cluster
int32 min_store_count = 6;
// Maximum number of replicas per store
int32 max_Shards_Per_Store = 7;
// Modify time
uint64 timestamp = 10;
// Message persistence
message QueueItem{
string item_id = 1;
string item_class = 2;
bytes item_content = 3;
int64 timestamp = 10;
message LogRecord{
string action = 1;
int64 timestamp = 2;
map<string, string> labels = 3;
google.protobuf.Any object = 4;
string message = 5;
message GraphState{
GraphMode mode = 1;
GraphModeReason reason = 2;
enum GraphMode{
ReadWrite = 0;
ReadOnly = 1;
WriteOnly = 2;
enum GraphModeReason{
Empty = 0;
Initiative = 1; // Active status settings
Quota = 2; // The limit condition is reached