blob: 4ccf9e9eb4c17217f859a9eb5389b7cae56491a5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017 HugeGraph Authors
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this
* work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF
* licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
public class HugeSecurityManager extends SecurityManager {
private static final String USER_DIR = System.getProperty("user.dir");
private static final String USER_DIR_IDE =
USER_DIR.endsWith("hugegraph-dist") ?
USER_DIR.substring(0, USER_DIR.length() - 15) :
private static final String GREMLIN_SERVER_WORKER = "gremlin-server-exec";
private static final String TASK_WORKER = "task-worker";
private static final Set<String> GREMLIN_EXECUTOR_CLASS = ImmutableSet.of(
private static final Set<String> DENIED_PERMISSIONS = ImmutableSet.of(
private static final Set<String> ACCEPT_CLASS_LOADERS = ImmutableSet.of(
private static final Set<String> CAFFEINE_CLASSES = ImmutableSet.of(
private static final Set<String> WHITE_SYSTEM_PROPERTYS = ImmutableSet.of(
"socksProxyHost", // MySQL
"file.encoding" // PostgreSQL
private static final Map<String, Set<String>> ASYNC_TASKS = ImmutableMap.of(
// Fixed
ImmutableSet.of("removeVertexLabel", "removeEdgeLabel",
"removeIndexLabel", "rebuildIndex"),
private static final Map<String, Set<String>> BACKEND_SOCKET = ImmutableMap.of(
// Fixed #758
ImmutableSet.of("open", "init", "clear", "opened", "initialized")
private static final Map<String, Set<String>> BACKEND_THREAD = ImmutableMap.of(
// Fixed #758
ImmutableSet.of("open", "opened", "init"),
// Fixed
private static final Set<String> HBASE_CLASSES = ImmutableSet.of(
// Fixed #758
private static final Set<String> RAFT_CLASSES = ImmutableSet.of(
public void checkPermission(Permission permission) {
if (DENIED_PERMISSIONS.contains(permission.getName()) &&
callFromGremlin()) {
throw newSecurityException(
"Not allowed to access denied permission via Gremlin");
public void checkPermission(Permission permission, Object context) {
if (DENIED_PERMISSIONS.contains(permission.getName()) &&
callFromGremlin()) {
throw newSecurityException(
"Not allowed to access denied permission via Gremlin");
public void checkCreateClassLoader() {
if (!callFromAcceptClassLoaders() && callFromGremlin()) {
throw newSecurityException(
"Not allowed to create class loader via Gremlin");
public void checkLink(String lib) {
if (callFromGremlin()) {
throw newSecurityException(
"Not allowed to link library via Gremlin");
public void checkAccess(Thread thread) {
if (callFromGremlin() && !callFromCaffeine() &&
!callFromAsyncTasks() && !callFromEventHubNotify() &&
!callFromBackendThread() && !callFromBackendHbase() &&
!callFromRaft()) {
throw newSecurityException(
"Not allowed to access thread via Gremlin");
public void checkAccess(ThreadGroup threadGroup) {
if (callFromGremlin() && !callFromCaffeine() &&
!callFromAsyncTasks() && !callFromEventHubNotify() &&
!callFromBackendThread() && !callFromBackendHbase() &&
!callFromRaft()) {
throw newSecurityException(
"Not allowed to access thread group via Gremlin");
public void checkExit(int status) {
if (callFromGremlin()) {
throw newSecurityException(
"Not allowed to call System.exit() via Gremlin");
public void checkExec(String cmd) {
if (callFromGremlin()) {
throw newSecurityException(
"Not allowed to execute command via Gremlin");
public void checkRead(FileDescriptor fd) {
if (callFromGremlin() && !callFromBackendSocket() &&
!callFromRaft()) {
throw newSecurityException("Not allowed to read fd via Gremlin");
public void checkRead(String file) {
if (callFromGremlin() && !callFromCaffeine() &&
!readGroovyInCurrentDir(file) && !callFromBackendHbase() &&
!callFromRaft()) {
throw newSecurityException(
"Not allowed to read file via Gremlin: %s", file);
public void checkRead(String file, Object context) {
if (callFromGremlin() && !callFromRaft()) {
throw newSecurityException(
"Not allowed to read file via Gremlin: %s", file);
super.checkRead(file, context);
public void checkWrite(FileDescriptor fd) {
if (callFromGremlin() && !callFromBackendSocket() &&
!callFromRaft()) {
throw newSecurityException("Not allowed to write fd via Gremlin");
public void checkWrite(String file) {
if (callFromGremlin() && !callFromRaft()) {
throw newSecurityException("Not allowed to write file via Gremlin");
public void checkDelete(String file) {
if (callFromGremlin()) {
throw newSecurityException(
"Not allowed to delete file via Gremlin");
public void checkListen(int port) {
if (callFromGremlin()) {
throw newSecurityException(
"Not allowed to listen socket via Gremlin");
public void checkAccept(String host, int port) {
if (callFromGremlin()) {
throw newSecurityException(
"Not allowed to accept socket via Gremlin");
super.checkAccept(host, port);
public void checkConnect(String host, int port) {
if (callFromGremlin() && !callFromBackendSocket() &&
!callFromBackendHbase() && !callFromRaft()) {
throw newSecurityException(
"Not allowed to connect socket via Gremlin");
super.checkConnect(host, port);
public void checkConnect(String host, int port, Object context) {
if (callFromGremlin()) {
throw newSecurityException(
"Not allowed to connect socket via Gremlin");
super.checkConnect(host, port, context);
public void checkMulticast(InetAddress maddr) {
if (callFromGremlin()) {
throw newSecurityException("Not allowed to multicast via Gremlin");
public void checkMulticast(InetAddress maddr, byte ttl) {
if (callFromGremlin()) {
throw newSecurityException("Not allowed to multicast via Gremlin");
super.checkMulticast(maddr, ttl);
public void checkSetFactory() {
if (callFromGremlin()) {
throw newSecurityException(
"Not allowed to set socket factory via Gremlin");
public void checkPropertiesAccess() {
if (callFromGremlin()) {
throw newSecurityException(
"Not allowed to access system properties via Gremlin");
public void checkPropertyAccess(String key) {
if (!callFromAcceptClassLoaders() && callFromGremlin() &&
!WHITE_SYSTEM_PROPERTYS.contains(key) && !callFromBackendHbase() &&
!callFromRaft()) {
throw newSecurityException(
"Not allowed to access system property(%s) via Gremlin", key);
public void checkPrintJobAccess() {
if (callFromGremlin()) {
throw newSecurityException("Not allowed to print job via Gremlin");
public void checkSystemClipboardAccess() {
if (callFromGremlin()) {
throw newSecurityException(
"Not allowed to access system clipboard via Gremlin");
public void checkPackageAccess(String pkg) {
public void checkPackageDefinition(String pkg) {
public void checkSecurityAccess(String target) {
public void checkMemberAccess(Class<?> clazz, int which) {
super.checkMemberAccess(clazz, which);
public boolean checkTopLevelWindow(Object window) {
return super.checkTopLevelWindow(window);
public void checkAwtEventQueueAccess() {
private static SecurityException newSecurityException(String message,
Object... args) {
if (args.length > 0) {
message = String.format(message, args);
* use dynamic logger here because "static final logger" can't be
* initialized: the logger is not initialized when HugeSecurityManager
* class is loaded
Logger log = Log.logger(HugeSecurityManager.class);
log.warn("SecurityException: {}", message);
return new SecurityException(message);
private static boolean readGroovyInCurrentDir(String file) {
if (file != null && (USER_DIR != null && file.startsWith(USER_DIR) ||
USER_DIR_IDE != null && file.startsWith(USER_DIR_IDE)) &&
(file.endsWith(".class") || file.endsWith(".groovy"))) {
return true;
return false;
private static boolean callFromGremlin() {
return callFromWorkerWithClass(GREMLIN_EXECUTOR_CLASS);
private static boolean callFromAcceptClassLoaders() {
return callFromWorkerWithClass(ACCEPT_CLASS_LOADERS);
private static boolean callFromCaffeine() {
return callFromWorkerWithClass(CAFFEINE_CLASSES);
private static boolean callFromBackendSocket() {
// Fixed issue #758
return callFromMethods(BACKEND_SOCKET);
private static boolean callFromBackendThread() {
// Fixed issue #758
return callFromMethods(BACKEND_THREAD);
private static boolean callFromEventHubNotify() {
// Fixed issue #758
// notify() will create thread when submit task to executor
return callFromMethod("", "notify");
private static boolean callFromAsyncTasks() {
// Async tasks will create thread when submitted to executor
return callFromMethods(ASYNC_TASKS);
private static boolean callFromBackendHbase() {
// TODO: remove this unsafe entrance
return callFromWorkerWithClass(HBASE_CLASSES);
private static boolean callFromRaft() {
return callFromWorkerWithClass(RAFT_CLASSES);
private static boolean callFromWorkerWithClass(Set<String> classes) {
Thread curThread = Thread.currentThread();
if (curThread.getName().startsWith(GREMLIN_SERVER_WORKER) ||
curThread.getName().startsWith(TASK_WORKER)) {
StackTraceElement[] elements = curThread.getStackTrace();
for (StackTraceElement element : elements) {
String className = element.getClassName();
if (classes.contains(className)) {
return true;
return false;
private static boolean callFromMethods(Map<String, Set<String>> methods) {
Thread curThread = Thread.currentThread();
StackTraceElement[] elements = curThread.getStackTrace();
for (StackTraceElement element : elements) {
Set<String> clazzMethods = methods.get(element.getClassName());
if (clazzMethods != null &&
clazzMethods.contains(element.getMethodName())) {
return true;
return false;
private static boolean callFromMethod(String clazz, String method) {
Thread curThread = Thread.currentThread();
StackTraceElement[] elements = curThread.getStackTrace();
for (StackTraceElement element : elements) {
if (clazz.equals(element.getClassName()) &&
method.equals(element.getMethodName())) {
return true;
return false;